1988 05 17 CC Minutes! LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 17, 1988 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M., Mayor Hoyle presiding, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON CHANGE OF ZONE 87-026 FROM R-1 TO R-3-5445 ON 32.27 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHwEST CORNER OF DUNE PALMS ROAD AND WESTWARD HO DRIVE APPLICANT, ANNA HASSELL. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Pena that the Council adjourn to Closed Session to discuss litigation La Quinta Dunes vs. City of La Quinta Indio Case No. 52783. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-72. Council adjourned to Closed Session at 7:34 P.M. reconvened to regular session at 7:53 P.M. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 11:04:08AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 2 May 17, 1988 Mr. Brandt, City Attorney presented the Council with a brief history of this issue and concluded by advising that a written decision by the Court has not yet been received. In view of the fact that the Court still has this matter under consideration, the thinking behind staff's presentation of the proposed ordinance which would grant zoning allowing 8 units per acre is no longer pertinent. The only reason it is before the Council at this time is a result of what the Court was indicating it was expecting us to do and there was an indication of some haste as to what was to be done by the City. That haste is no longer evident, as the Court is obviously spending some considerable time in contemplation of its decision. Therefore, he recommended that the matter be continued to a specific date. In recap, Council Member Bohnenberger stated that the reason a public hearing was scheduled at this time is because we were anticipating a Court decision by this time. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Sniff that this matter be carried over to the second meeting in June to allow time for that decision to come down and give the City more time to evaluate what our next course of action should be. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-73. DAVID J. ERWIN, 39-700 Bob Hob Drive, Rancho Mirage, addressed the Council on behalf of the landowner/developer, stating that he had hoped to comment regarding the continuance he felt that it would have been more appropriate to have continued the matter to the next regularly scheduled meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS a. City Manager No Report b. Administrative Services Director No Report BIB] 02-23-96-U01 11:04:08AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 3 May 17, 1988 C. Community Safety Director Mr. Hirdler advised that a Rabies Clinic will be held at the Community Center on Saturday, May 21st from Noon to 2:30 P.M. The last Earthquake Preparedness Class of the season will be held Wednesday, May 20th at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. A weed abatement project is beginning from Guatemala, eastward approximately 70 parcels will abated in conjunction with the Fire Department. The week of May 23rd is Traffic Safety Week" and enforcement will be stepped up. d. Economic Development Director Mr. Bradshaw advised that the script for the video has been re-written and will be sent in tomorrow. If anyone wishes to attend the Business Outlook Conference, he advised that he has passes available. e. Finance Director Mr. Harvey presented the Council with a revised schedule of revenue. He noted that two-thirds of the increase represents infrastructure fees. f. Planning Director Mr. Crump presented a status report on the Highway 111 Specific Plan advising that a detailed outlined of the full Specific Plan has been prepared in draft and will be presented to the Planning Commission on May 23rd. The outline contains a list of nearly two dozen issues and the topics for the Goals and Major Policies which together make up the Policy Framework which will serve as the first volume base document. He then outlined future work tasks advising that the Commission should be ready to report to the Council in September with further refinements being made between October and May. Mr. Crump also advised that the BIA directory signs are now being installed. Council Member Bohnenberger asked if the Hotel has taken out the second batch of building permits and Mr. Crump responded that they have. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 11:04:08AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 4 May 17, 1988 In response to Mayor Hoyle regarding permits at PGA West, Mr. Crump advised that he would have a report prepared for the Council as to the status of PGA West. Council concurred. g. Public Works Director Mr. Reynolds advised that most of the cove monument signs have been painted and are flow being stenciled with davida bold" lettering. He then reported on Washington Street improvements advising that striping will be completed this week. The signal at Washington and Avenue 50 should be operational by the first of the week. In response to Council Member Bohnenberger, Mr. Reynolds advised that the area along Montero Estates will have reflectorized lane delineators put in and the pavement will be gore striped. BUSINESS SESSION 1. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION APPOINTING A PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE AND APPROVING BYLAWS. Mr. Harvey, Finance Director presented the Council with a draft resolution and bylaws for adoption establishing a project area committee regarding Redevelopment Plan Project No. 2. Following a brief discussion, Council concurred on appointing the following individuals to this committee. It was pointed out by the City Manager that each individuals potential conflict of interest will be discussed with legal counsel so it is possible that one or more may be unable to serve and will need to be replaced, but that will be determined at a later date. Howard Coleman Marion Ellson Joe Hammer Len Henderson Lester Larson Betty Myll wally Reynolds BIB] 02-23-96-U01 11:04:08AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 5 May 17, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 68-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA APPROVING A PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE AND APPROVING COMMITTEE BYLAWS IN CONNECTION WITH PROCEEDINGS TO CONSIDER THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT NO. 2. It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that Resolution No. 88-37 be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Cox that the seven individuals hereinabove listed, be appointed to the Project Area Committee. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-74. 2. APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY FOR FRED WARING DRIVE/WASHINGTON STREET INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Reynolds advised that several months ago, the City and Riverside County entered into an agreement for installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive. Prior to that installation, it is necessary to regrade the intersection. The City has been requested to share in the cost on the same basis as the installation of the signal, which is 25%. It is estimated that the City's share will be $12,000. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Pena that approval be given to entering into an agreement with Riverside County for intersection improvements at Washington and Fred Waring Drive. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-75. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 3, 1988. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER. 3. APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP 21846-1 PHASE I WEST SIDE OF PGA BLVD., APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE SOUTH OF AVENUE 54 APPLICANT SUNRISE CORPORATION. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 11:04:08AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 6 May 17, 1988 4. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE A COMPUTER DISK DRIVE IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,500. Mayor Hoyle asked if Item No. 4 is budgeted and Mr. Harvey advised that it is not, but there are funds in the contingency account to cover it. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Pena, seconded by Council Member Cox that Consent Items 1 4 be approved as recommended with Item No. 2 being approved by RESOLUTION NO. 88-38. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-76 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Planning Commission Minutes of April 26, 1988. Noted and filed. b. Community Services Commission Minutes of April 25? 1988. Noted and filed. c. C. V. Recreation and Park District. No report. STUDY SESSION ITEMS 1. Presentation by Eddie Webster of the Palm Springs Visitors and Convention Bureau. Mr. Webster's appearance was 2. RepOrt and Review of Fiscal Year 1988/89 Budget. a. Capital Improvements Budget. b. Other Discussion. Discussed in study session. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 11:04:08AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 7 May 17, 1988 3. Discussion of Lot Pads in the Cove. Mr. Crump advised that this matter was discussed in study session and there was discussion regarding establishment of penalties for violation of grading standards; development of an ordinance that provide for that penalty; other techniques that might help the drainage situation; inclusion of a concrete lining for swails that carry the run-off; use of rain gutters on houses; discussion of the possibility of an increase in the price of new homes if all drainage considerations and certification of pad heights were prepared by a licensed engineer and some discussion of examples of other dwelling configurations such as a step unit. Council Member Bohnenberger stated that the most serious offenders at this time are the two lots that back on Colima and Madrid where there is a retaining wall on one lot that is six feet above the adjoining lot. He would like to see staff proceed with a fair amount of haste in order to prevent this from happening again. 4. Discussion Regarding For Sale" signs in automobiles. Discussed in study session. 5. Discussion Regarding request by Palm Springs Performing Arts Center for a $1,000 Contribution Towards the Fiesta Mexicana" to be Held June 5th at 6:00 P.M. at O'Donnell Golf Course. Discussed in study session. At 8:40 P.M., it was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Cox that Council adjourn to Closed Session to discuss litigation and personnel matters. Motion carried unanimously. Council reconvened to regular session with no action being taken. Meeting was adjourned. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 11:04:08AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 17-U02 1988-U02