1988 10 04 CC Minutes! LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 4, 1988 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M., Mayor Hoyle presiding, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle ABSENT: Council Member Cox Council excused Council Member Cox. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Council Member Bohnenberger asked that Item No. 5 on the Business Session Agenda be moved to Item No.1 and Mr. Kiedrowski advised that No. 4 on the Business Session will be continued to the next meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT RICHARD TORRES, P.O. Box 772, Coachella, addressed the Council advising that the sewerage plant operated by Coachella Valley Water District is not up to CEQA and advised that he will be filing a claim for damages against the City. Mayor Hoyle asked Mr. Torres to meet with the City Manager tomorrow and Mr. Kiedrowski advised that Mr. Torres' letter was referred to the Coachella Valley Water District and they have responded. That response has been transmitted to the City Council. He suggested that if Mr. Torres has a problem, that he should refer it to the Coachella Valley Water District. LOIS AGNEW, La Quinta Arts Foundation, P.O. Box 777, La Quinta, addressed the Council and complimented them on their foresight on the Village Plan she could see something special happening here. Regarding the Village Faire formerly known as Faire a la Quinta), she advised that they have sent out over 500 applications. They had an attendance of 3,500 last year and expect more this year. They are cutting down to about 80 artistS. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 2 October 4, 1966 Regarding the La Quinta Arts Festival, over 1,500 applications have been sent out and they expect 600 to be returned. She added that they have signed a contract with Palm Springs Life to do their program which will be inserted in the magazine. She expressed appreciation for the Council's support. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBER PENA congratulated the new businesses that have located in La Quinta, especially Hogan's Art Gallery and Robis. He also noted that the Community Services Commission has been working on an anti-drug program and commended them and encouraged them to continue on with their efforts. COUNCIL MEMBER BOHNENBERGER noted that there will be several opportunities for the citizens to meet the candidates, as there will be candidate's forums the next three Thursdays at 7:30 P.M. in the Community Center. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON WEED ABATEMENTS/LOT CLEANING ASSESSMENTS FOR PLACEMENT ON 1989/90 PROPERTY TAX ROLL. a. Victor & Noma Hoichak APN 773-215-020 $125.00 b. Hannon Realty Corp. APN 774-132-014 $290.50 c. Joseph Corral APN 773-265-006 $125.00 d. Daniel & Yuonne Radice APN 773-314-026 $321.75 e. Paul & Nancy Sharp APN 773-241-008 $368.63 f. Joseph Corral APN 773-334-020 $125.00 g. San Fernando Airport, APN 773-203-009 $125.00 Swap Meet h. Alcon Enterprises APN 774-223-002 $125.00 Mr. Hirdler, Community Safety Director, presented staff report, advising that the parcels hereinabove listed, have been cleaned. He recommended that the report of costs be accepted and that they be placed on the 1989/90 tax rolls. He noted that the costs of cleaning the properties owned by Joseph Corral have been paid. The Mayor declared the public hearing open OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 3 October 4, 1988 RESOLUTION NO. 88-117 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ASSESSING LIEN AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON TAX ROLLS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that Resolution No. 88-117 be adopted. Passed by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Council Member Cox WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS a. City Manager No Report b. Assistant City Manager No Report c. Administrative Services Director Mrs. Juhola advised that the joint study session with the Planning Commission to review the Village Zoning has been scheduled for 3:00 P.M. on October 10th. Mrs. Juhola advised that the Community Services Commission has undertaken an anti-drug program and has formed a Task Force that will meet on October 24th at 7:00 P.M. in the Senior Center to determine the Commission? S role in assisting the schools to implement their programs. d. Community Safety Director Mr Hirdler thanked the Arts Foundation for their assistance, noting that they will be putting electrical power out to the ramada shaded area and upgrade the electrical to the gazebo. e. Planning Director. Mr. Crump advised that according to Riverside County Planning Department, Building Permit Activity Report, dated June 30, 1988, the La Quinta population estimate is 9,957, which means that today, we're a City over 10,000. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 4 October 4, 1988 f. Public Works Director. Mr. Reynolds advised that the Washington and Fred Waring Street improvements have been completed and the work on the signals should begin this week. Regarding the mini-park, he advised that the contractor has been authorized to proceed with clearing and grubbing and fill operations. It should take about 15 days. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Reynolds advised that hopefully the park will be completed by Christmas. BUSINESS SESSION 5. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE SHERRY'S PLACE. Council Member Pena abstained from this matter, as he received more than $250 annually from Sherry's Place. Mr. Crump advised that the City Code provides a permit to be issued by the City Council for special advertising devices" other than the usual and customary permanent business identification signs; and includes such items as banners. A request has been received from the owners of Sherry's Place for a canvas banner indicating their hours of operation. The request is for one year. In answer to questions by Council, Mrs. Pena, applicant, advised that the banner would be posted for thirty days at a time possibly four times a year. The message would change when the hours of operation change and indicating that a salad bar is being served. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Sniff that the application be approved as requested. Mayor Hoyle preferred to see the motion read any four months during the year" rather than for one year. Council Members Bohnenberger and Sniff amended their motion to read any four months during the next 12 months." Motion carried with Council Member Pena abstaining. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-124. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 5 October 4, 1988 1. PRESENTATION BY THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY REGARDING THE GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT AND THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH INITIATIVE. Mr. Alan Seman, a volunteer with the American Cancer Society addressed the Council asking for support of the Great American Smokeout" which is a national event to be staged on November 17th. On this date, all smokers will be asked to give up smoking for the day. He also asked for Council's support of the California Health Initiative, which will add a 25 cent tax to each pack of cigarettes. RESOLUTION NO. 88-118 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT" SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Pena that Resolution No. 88-118 be adopted. Passed unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 88-119 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH INITIATIVE PROPOSITION 99) It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Sniff that Resolution No. 88-119 be adopted. Motion carried with Mayor Hoyle abstaining. 2. REPORT ON STUDY OF GENERAL PLAN MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY CITY-WIDE. Mr. Ted Bower, Principal Planner, presented staff report giving an analysis of the General Plan study of medium and high density land uses. The presented a summary of the consultants analysis and recommendations on traffic impact and the effect of high density at each of the locations on the planned road system and a second analysis presuming a medium density designation). Also, market absorption analysis for high and medium density residential units over time to determine whether the General Plan designated land inventory is sufficient, deficient, or excessive for high and medium densities. Basically, the seven designated high density areas are located on Washington and Tampico; On Eisenhower at Tampico and north of Tampico; north of the Desert Club property on Avenida Bermudas; and on Westward Ho drive at Adams and Dune Palms Road. Mr. Bower then presented an analysis of each area and outlined the three following scenarios and the profiles for each: BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 6 October 4, 1988 Scenario I is based on the assumption that all the present high density areas would be medium density and that the remainder of the community should be low density and as a result we would have a very low density community. Scenario II bears more relation to the market as reflected in the market study. It also recognizes that the Village Pointe Apartments of the Duna La Quinta Plan may at some later date be the subject of a reapplication to establish some capture of the remaining units from the Duna La Quinta Plan so that if that were attempted and was within the City's policy, that may wind up being a high density unit even though the General Plan doesn't specify it as such. Scenario III is the recommended scenario which is a middle-ground" alternative leaning toward the provision of some limited higher densities, but placing them mostly in the Highway 111 corridor, and downscaling most of the other high density areas elsewhere in the community. He then presented a comparison with the densities in other cities in the Coachella Valley which showed a low of 2.06 in Coachella and a high of 4.69 in Cathedral City, with La Quinta's currently at 4.10 and under the Scenario III would be 3.82. Regarding Highway ill Specific Plan, he advised that staff is currently working with the Planning Commission on this document. He evolving position in the Planning Commission is that for the immediate frontage along Highway 111, that land is too valuable for commercial purposes to be used prematurely or at less than it's full potential for residential purposes. Therefore, it has been suggested that the Highway 111 corridor should have a zone wherein residential is not a permitted use. Specifically, in the areas between Highway 111 and the Whitewater Storm Channel, and south of Highway 111 at least 660 feet down to about Avenue 47). Regarding the restrictions of residential area along Highway 111, Council Member Sniff questioned one of the conditions regarding employee housing, to which Mr. Bower advised that there is a shopping center in La Jolla that has apartment units over the commercial and behind that are used by managers and/or employees which helps increase the jobs/housing balance that each City is obliged to attempt to address in their housing elements. Mr. Bower noted that the final analysis used median densities rather than maximum densities and for each alternative scenario. This results in more realistic figures. Council Member Sniff stated that he was troubled by the high density north of the park he failed to see the value of it. He felt that it should be commercial. Mr. Bower responded that when The Village is talked about with the Planning Commission on Monday, we'll have some ideas to drop into the issue. The pa essence of the high density study was where should those densities are is a matter of Council determination. But, staff felt that adjacent to the commercial, made more sense than displaced from the commercial and since we already have a portion BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 7 October 4, 1988 of that filled in, it made sense to complete that infill process and use that as one of the high density areas. Mr. Bower concluded his report with the comment that staff is looking for some direction from the Council they may choose to leave the General Plan as is or select one of the three scenarios or propose an additional one. CHRIS CLARKE, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles advised that she and her partner owns 1,000 acres north of Highway 111 and reflected on the process used to adopt the current General Plan. She felt that the result of that process was a very good plan for everybody to work with. She expressed that she hasn't seen any activity, particularly along Highway 111. Instead of reviewing the General Plan every two years, a review should be done project by project. She asked that the Council and Planning Commission move forward in a positive way as market demands. In response to the Mayor, she advised that they own about 130 acres between Adams and Dune Palms; 132 acres at Washington and Miles; 119 acres between Fred Waring and Miles; 222 acres on the west side of Washington which is presently in the County; almost 400 acres at the corner running from Miles to Fred Waring north and to Bermuda Dunes. They are currently in agreement with the Spanos Group on the 132 acres and they are holding the 130 acres on Highway 111 because they want to do something very nice there ultimately. She added that they are joint venturing Royal Dunes" development which is in Indio. JOE HAMMER, P.O. Box 278, Palm Desert, reiterated that they did go through months of study to adopt the current General Plan. He noted that his family owns 30 acres on the southwest corner of Dune Palms Road and Highway 111. Regarding Scenario III, he stated that he is now less concerned about it, especially if the strip along Highway 111 on the south is allowed to be developed commercially all the way to Avenue 48. He personally preferred to see the General Plan left as is, but if it is changed, he preferred Scenario III. Council Member Pena stated that he sees a couple different scenarios he likes in a couple different areas. One of the comments this Council made two years ago is that we're trying to encourage commercial development and he would hate to scare any potential developer off who is interested in developing in the Highway 111 corridor. He felt the Council should take a slow look at this report he preferred Scenario III, but wasn't sure if it would fit into all the areas that have been looked at this evening. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 8 October 4, 1988 Council Member Bohnenberger felt that the study all scenarios) indicates that we have more high density than what the market could possibly absorb in the next thirty to forty years. Within the three proposals, he wasn't prepared to say that he favors one over the other. He generally agrees with the direction staff is going with the market mix and preferred mix and to take away some of the high density designations and spread it out over to more of the other designations, as to what the market will bear in the future. He felt that what is proposed for Highway 111 will probably dovetail with the Highway ill Specific Plan and will give a better definition than what we currently have. Regarding the Village, he wasn't prepared to make a statement until the Village study is completed. He would like to see this left open until both the Village Plan and Highway 111 Specific Plan are reviewed. Council Member Sniff stated that he wasn't prepared to make a decision either. He would like to see it continued for further study and a review of Highway 111 and the Village Plan. We need to maintain some consistency so that property owners and developers can feel confident of the Council's actions. In response to Council Member Pena, Mr. Kiedrowski advised that staff intends to begin. discussions with property owners. Mayor Hoyle commented on the high density north of the park and stated that he would like to see that looked at in more detail. He liked the division of high density into medium and medium/high. On Washington Street, north of Highway 111, he felt would be an appropriate area for a nice hotel similar to the Ramada Inn rather than homes with fences backing up to Washington, since that is an image corridor. No action was taken. 3. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE REGARDING CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL PICK-UP. Mr. Hirdler, Community Safety Director, advised that staff is continuing to experience a problem with construction sites due to lack of proper trash containers. He presented the Council with a draft ordinance which would require a three cubic yard, covered dumpster at each construction site. In answer to Council Member Pena, Mr. Hirdler advised that we can insert language that the dumpster must be kept of f of public right-of-way. Council concurred that such language should be added. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 9 October 4, 1988 MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that Ordinance No. 130 be taken up by title and number only and waive full reading. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 88-130 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 8.01, SECTION 8.01.070 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Pena that Ordinance No. 130 be passed on first reading as amended. Passed by the following Vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Council Member Cox 4. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CANCELLATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE COACHELLA VALLEY AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE #72) REQUEST BY LANDMARK LAND CO. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that this matter be carried over to the next meeting. Motion carried with Mayor Hoyle abstaining due to a conflict of interest as his wife earns more than $250 annually from Landmark Land Co. 6. CONSIDERATION OF EXCHANGE OF MEETING DATES WITH PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER. Mayor Hoyle stated that since the Council's regular meeting dates in November are the 1st and 15th, we would not have the election results in time for seating the new Council at the second meeting. Therefore, he suggested that the Council exchange meeting dates with the Planning Commission and meet on the 8th and 22nd. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Pena that the City Council exchange meeting dates with the Planning Commission during November. Council Member Sniff understood the argument, but to have a meeting on election day is less than advantageous. He did not see a lame duck' Council making major decisions. He felt that the meeting dates should remain the same. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 10 October 4, 1988 Mrs. Juhola advised that if the meeting dates remain the same, then the Council could call a special meeting to seat the new Council as Soon as the canvass is available. Council concurred on leaving meeting dates as they stand with the possibility of calling a special meeting when the official canvass is available. The motion was withdrawn. 7. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 129 ORDINANCE NO. 129 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 88-031 LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC.). Mayor Hoyle advised that he would be abstaining as his family receives more than $250 annually from Landmark Land Co. It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that Ordinance No. 129 be adopted on second reading. AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Pena, Sniff NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mayor Hoyle ABSENT: Council Member Cox CONSENT ITEMS 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1988. 3. AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH CHARLES HAVER & ASSOCIATES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PHASES I AND III FOR JEFFERSON STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. 4. APPROVAL OF TITLE IIIB AGREEMENT WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE ON AGING FOR SENIOR CENTER OUTREACH PROGRAM. 5. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE LOTS ON WASHINGTON STREET FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Pena, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that Consent Items 1 through 5 be approved as recommended with Item No. 2 being approved by RESOLUTION NO. 88-120. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-125. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !city Council Minutes Page 11 October 4, 1988 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS a. C. V. Recreation & Park District No Report b. Planning Commission Minutes of September 13, 1988 Noted and filed. c. Palmer Cablevision Advisory Committee No Report STUDY SESSION ITEMS Note: The following items were discussed in study session on October 3rd further discussion ensued during Regular Session on September 20th: 1. Further Discussion of Lot Grading/Pad Heights in the Cove. No further discussion. 2. Discussion Regarding Enforcement of Political Sign Ordinance. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that a letter is being sent to all candidates regarding enforcement of the political sign ordinance per Council's discussion on October 3rd, which primarily states that the Code will not be enforced except in instances where the sign creates a traffic hazard and/or obscures the view. Prior approval from private property owners is also 3. Discussion of Payment of Dues to Desert Resort Communities Convention and Visitors Bureau. Council Member Pena advised that there was a meeting this morning that he was unable to attend so he will get the results of that meeting for the Council. 4. Discussion of Hillside Development. Council Member Bohnenberger noted that insofar as possible, the Council concluded on October 3rd, that they do not wish to see hillside development take place at all. The City Attorney and Planning Director was instructed to study the issue and report back. 5. Discussion of Volunteer Firemen's Appreciation Dinner. Council Member Bohnenberger advised that it was decided to hold the Firemen's Appreciation Dinner in November and staff is going to check to see what kind of format they desire. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 12 October 4, 1988 6. Discussion of Provision of Day Care Facility. Council Member Bohnenberger advised that he and other Council Members and the City Manager attended a session in Monterey on a day care program the City of Morro Bay has established. As a result he has gathered information on what other cities around California are doing in this area which he duplicated for the Council. Since the largest growing segment of our population is young families with children. He understood that the YMCA is operating a day care program at the school and asked that the next issue of the newsletter include a list of programs available locally. He also asked that a questionnaire be sent out for people to respond to as to what their needs are for day care and after school care. Council concurred. 7. Discussion of Code Enforcement Campaign. Mayor Hoyle responded to the staff's memorandum stating that he agreed to the Community Services Commission and/or Chamber of Commerce enacting an awards program. Regarding cleaning of public right of ways, he supported the purchase of a chipper machine. Regarding the 128 hours of over-time, the Alternative Sentencing; the part-time adult and student help; the shifts of Noon to 9:00 P.M.; and week-end shifts are bp.tt?r alternatives. He felt that a prime concern is that of commercial garages operating from homes. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Pena: 1. That Council authorize purchase of a chipper for approximately $5,200 and the transfer of necessary monies from the Contingency Fund. 2. That Council authorize the City Manager to negotiate and sign a contract for the cleaning of about 100 miles of rights of way in the Cove area for $11,500 said work to be completed in approximately 45 calendar days. Funds to be obtained from the transfer of $5,000 from the Concrete Pad Removal Fund and transferring $6,500 from Contingency Funds. 3. That Council authorize 128 hours of overtime to provide for 4 hours of enforcement every other weekend for the balance of this fiscal year in the amount of $2,241.28 funds to be transferred from Contingency Funds if necessary. 4. Refer an incentive program The Good Citizens Award" or the Pride of La Quinta Award" for development and refinement to the Community Services Commission with a report back to the City Council within 60 days. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 ! City Council Minutes Page 13 October 4, 1988 5. Have the City work through the City Newsletter, press releases and other devices to educate and inform the public as to what constitutes code violations and what actions the City is instituting to enhance, improve and beautify La Quinta. 6. That the City purchase and install anti-litter signs in strategic locations throughout the City stressing Keep La Quinta Clean Do No Litter" and that there is a $1,000 fine for littering, citing appropriate City codes. Council Member Pena favored the motion. Council Member Bohnenberger agreed with Mayor Hoyle that the Code Enforcement Officers should be put on variable shifts. He would like to see that tried for a period of time without authorizing the overtime and have someone on stand-by so that the Code Enforcement Officer will be in contact with another person during the weekend shift. We tried at one time, using student laborers, which didn't work because of the high turn-over rate. He would like to see us continue to offer some form of summer/part-time employment for students, but integrate them with our existing crews to supplement them. Mr. Hirdler, in response to the Mayor's comments on the Alternative Sentencing Program" advised that the County administers a program, in which the Probation Departments pays $40 to a private firm that places them with various agencies to do community service work. In response to Council Member Pena, Mr. Hirdler advised that the Community Services Officer is supposed to be working Saturdays and Sundays, but she has a poor attendance record, which is a problem of the Sheriff's Department. He added that staff worked a Saturday a few weeks ago with very poor results. Mayor Hoyle didn't feel that one Saturday is enough to determine the feasibility. He wanted to see variable shifts into the evenings and weekend. He couldn't support the motion, because he didn't feel that 128 hours of over-time is satisfactory. He felt that there are other alternatives that have been discussed. Council Member Bohnenberger suggested dropping the overtime from the motion and discuss some of the alternatives at a later date. He agreed with the staggered shifts in lieu of the over-time at this time. Council Member Pena felt the motion is one that we can move on immediately and in the meantime, explore other programs. He felt that this is one phase of a multi-phase program. COUNCIL MEMBER SNIFF AMENDED HIS MOTION TO INCLUDE UNDER NO. 3 THAT THE CITY IMPLEMENT A STAGGERED SHIFT FORMAT. Council Member Pena suggested a report back in 30 days to determine if the program is working. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 14 October 4, 1988 MOTION AMENDMENT WAS SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER PENA. In response to Mayor Hoyle, Council Member Sniff stated that the intent of his motion is for staggered days and hours on weekends and into the evenings. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-126. At 10:40 P.M., the meeting was adjourned upon motion by Council Member Pena, seconded by Council Member Sniff and carried. Re?pectfully submitted, SAUNDRA L. JUHdLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:25:18PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 04-U02 1988-U02