1988 10 18 CC Minutes! LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 18, 1988 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M., Mayor Hoyle presiding, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle ABSENT: None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mr. Kiedrowski, City Manager requested that Item No. 4 on the Consent Calendar be changed to Item No. 6 on the Business Session Agenda. He also asked that Item 4 on the Business Session and Items 1, 2 & 3 on the Redevelopment Agency agenda be carried over until the paper work is complete. PUBLIC COMMENT- None COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS- None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON WEED ABATEMENTS/LOT CLEANING ASSESSMENTS FOR PLACEMENT ON 1989/90 PROPERTY TAX ROLL. a. Helen Gomel APN 774-164-012 $125.00 b. La Quinta Lots 8 & 9 APN 773-078-023 $250.00 c. Wm. & Ellen Corlett APN 773-155-015 $137.50 d. Walter & Meyers Jitner APN 773-161-012 $162.50 Mr. Hirdler, Community Safety Director, presented staff report, advising that the parcels hereinabove listed, have been cleaned. He recommended that the report of costs be accepted and that they be placed on the 1989/90 tax rolls. Notice of this hearing has been sent to each property owner and no written communications have been received. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 2 October 18, 1988 In response to questions by Council, Mr. Hirdler advised that the notice sent to La Quinta" were returned unclaimed. The Mayor declared the public hearing open OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO. 88-121 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ASSESSING LIEN AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON TAX ROLLS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that Resolution No. 88-121 be adopted. Passed by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None NOTE: The costs of abatement of the Gomel" property was paid prior to recordation of the resolution and was therefore removed. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None PRESENTATIONS MARTIN BECK, Community Services Commission, reported on an anti-drug conference he and other members of the Commission attended, commenting on the tremendous workshops they had scheduled. He believed that the ultimate goal should be to get the local schools to develop a drug education curriculum. He also reported on Red Ribbon Week" activities planned advising that the students will be making a human billboard" spelling out the words L. Q. Says No to Drugs"; contracts will be sent home to students to be signed by the parents stating that they have a drug free home, in exchange for a t-shirt; a banner stating that La Quinta is a Drug-Free City" will be hung on Eisenhower; and the Senior Center will be making 2,000 red ribbons for distribution to the schools and throughout the City. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 3 October 18, 1988 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS a. City Manager Mr. Kiedrowski advised that there is a need for a Council Member and himself to travel to New York with the City's consultants to meet with bond rating agencies to get our bond issue rated, but out of state travel needs Council approval. He advised that the Mayor will be traveling with him. Prior to a motion of approval being made, it's necessary to make a motion to put this matter on the agenda for consideration noting that the need to take action arose after the agenda was posted. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Pena, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger to add consideration of out-of-state travel" to the agenda noting that the need to take action arose after the agenda was posted. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-127. Mr. Kiedrowski explained that the City/Agency Bond Counsel and Financial Advisor are setting up meetings on October 31st and November 1st with rating firms to present the best they can for La Quinta with regard to rating the bonds for the work in the upper cove, which will provide a substantial savings. Council Member Bohnenberger commented that when he was involved in a bond issue on the storm water facilities, the meetings with rating agencies meant whether or not an issue would be rated. With the issue he was involved in, it meant a savings of one percentage point on the interest. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Sniff that the City Manager and Mayor be authorized to travel out of state. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-128. b. Assistant City Manager Mr. Genovese, Assistant City Manager, advised that the Council has received the monthly financial statement and noted the increased activity in both Building & Safety and Engineering. Staff will be coming to the Council at the next meeting with some proposals on how to handle these activities during the interim stage. Council Member Pena asked if there has been any unauthorized use of credit cards and Mr. Genovese advised not. Council Member Pena asked Mr. Genovese to review the check authorization process which he did, advising that the Council approves all demands before they are mailed out except for pre-writes, which are demands that become necessary prior to the next demand register. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 4 October 18, 1988 Council Member Pena questioned the status of the Council's travel budget and Mr. Genovese advised that it is right on line, adding that 87/88, it was 94% expended. Council Member Pena asked if any travel expense forms are outstanding and Mr. Genovese advised that there are two of Mayor Hoyle's that are outstanding. C. Administrative Services Director Council received monthly activity report of the Senior Center. d. Community Safety Director Mr. Hirdler reported on the Fall Clean-Up Day advising that there was a total 360 tons of trash and debris hauled by Palm Desert Disposal, which is 160 tons more than the previous clean-up day. Council Member Pena referred to an article in the current issue of Western Cities Magazine regarding an ordinance adopted by the City of San Leandro, which he has requested a copy of for Council's review. Mr. Hirdler advised that the right of way cleaning is progressing well the contractor has started on the perimeter of the cove. e. Planning Director Council received monthly activity report. In response to Council Member Pena, Mr. Crump advised that with regard to Item No. 3 on the Consent Calendar, there will be practice facilities, but will not be open to the public. GARRY HOPKINS, applicant, advised that they plan to sell memberships for the golf school. The driving range is 310 yards long and 120 yards wide. Mr. Kiedrowski added to the Planning Director's report noting that our year-to-date is at 469 singles, which is creating pressure in the Department for Building Inspector time. Staff will be back to the Council at the next meeting for additional building inspection services. f. Public Works Director Council received monthly activity report. In response to questions by Council, Mr. Reynolds hoped that the work on the pump station will begin as soon as the contractor has all the materials and supplies delivered. Also, regarding Fred Waring and Washington, the intersection improvements have been completed and the County hopes to have the signal in operation by the end of November. Regarding street sweeping in the Cove, all the sweeping that can be done has been done to do any further sweeping would require a sweeper with a main broom and a gutter broom, which our contractor does not have. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 5 October 18, 1988 Mr. Kiedrowski referred to the monthly activity report from Public Works and noted the amount of activity going on in plan-checking. We have already received almost twice as much revenue as we budgeted for the whole year. Therefore, a report will be forthcoming to the Council regarding how to handle the increased work load. Council Member Sniff complimented staff on their monthly activity reports. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CANCELLATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE COACHELLA VALLEY AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE #72) REQUEST BY LANDMARK LAND CO. Mayor Hoyle abstained from this issue as his family receives more than $250 per year from Landmark Land Co. Mr. Bob Herrick, Deputy City Attorney, advised that the City Attorney's office has looked at the issues presented by the request of Landmark for an extension of time on their application for cancellation of Agricultural Preserve #72 which is in Oak Tree West). There's a determination on the part of County Counsel that their request to have the acre that was set aside for dedication not included in the calculation of the fee would not be appropriate; however, it has been discussed with them, a method for resolving the matter which would be of benefit to the City by acquiring right of way dedications in the current time frame rather than in the future and would be favorable to both parties. The other issue is the re-assessment of the land which is called for in the resolution, which has not been completed. Mr. Herrick recommended that this matter be continued to the next meeting. Council requested a written report at the next meeting. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that this matter be carried over to the next meeting. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-129. 2. CONSIDERATION OF LOT GRADING/PAD HEIGHTS IN THE COVE AND CONSIDERATION OF LETTER FROM RESIDENTS FOR AN EVEN BETTER LA QUINTA" REGARDING SAME. Mr. Crump, Planning Director, presented staff report advising that staff was directed by Council to prepare two specific amendments to the zoning ordinance, concerning building pads and BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 6 October 18, 1988 provision of rain gutters. He presented a draft of both sections which require an amendment to the Zoning Code, requiring a public hearing before the Planning Commission. Council Member Bohnenberger noted that there was a third concern which related to the height of the FEMA required pads in order to bring it up above the flood plain. Mr. Crump responded that the concern was padding beyond what was necessary for the drainage. FEMA regulations would be satisfied in the course of development but, then to provide for a pad that went beyond what was necessary to drain the lot would be the real issue. He said he would make sure that appropriate language regarding FEMA requirements would be included. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that staff be directed to develop specific text language in zoning and grading regulations to limit the height of pad elevations to the minimum necessary to achieve positive drainage and approved drainage-way and where deemed necessary and appropriate, to require rain gutters to direct water to approved drainage-ways and to take into consideration FEMA mandated pad heights. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-130. 3. CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-021 SCOPING REVIEW APPLICANT A. G. SPANOS CONST., INC., INTRODUCTION OF COMMERCIAL LAND USE, MODIFICATION OF HIGH DENSITY AND MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LAND USE CONFIGURATION ON PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN WASHINGTON STREET; MILES AVENUE; ADAMS STREET AND WHITEWATER CHANNEL. Mr. Crump, Planning Director, advised that the application submitted by A. G. Spanos Construction, Inc. requests an amendment to the present General Plan in land use designations from Medium Density Residential on the northern portion of the site which is approximately 84 acres and high density residential occupying the southern portion of the property consisting of approximately 40 acres. The proposal would introduce 7 acres of tourist-commercial land use on the southwest corner of Miles Avenue and Washington Street and a high density residential area 49.75 acres in the central portion of the property and a medium density residential area of 67.25 acres on the eastern side. Mr. Crump then explained the purpose of a review at this stage; to consider whether or not a larger area of land should be considered for a change in land use designation; whether or not there is adequate information to assess environmental affects; and whether or not there are any policies that may need to be reviewed. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 7 October 18, 1988 The Planning Commission initially decided that the change in location and size of the high density area is affected by the high density study presently under consideration by the City Council. This application should be coordinated with Council's action on that study. Application should be further evaluated in terms of the viability and appropriateness of introducing additional commercial lands and that vehicular generation access should be considered in relation to the Transportation/ Circulation Element; and noted that there is evidence of an archaeological site that needs further study. The Planning Commission found that the application is in conflict with the evolving discussion of the Highway 111 Specific Plan policies related to the allocation of commercial land. In response to Council Member Pena regarding tourist commercial versus general commercial, Mr. Crump advised that the first question related to quantity of commercial now designated in the General Plan and secondary to that was the type of commercial to occur. From a land use perspective, both should be explored further. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger, that the Council approve and adopt the recommendation of the Planning commission with regard to the content of additional information and studies to be prepared to accompany the formal hearing of this General Plan amendment. Council Member Bohnenberger asked how this dovetails with the City's initiated General Plan study of medium and high density residential. Mr. Crump advised that the Commission believes that this application should be considered in light of that study. If this application was to be approved, then there may be need for an adjustment in the balance of activities that would occur with the high density studies. Council Member Pena questioned the reason for tourist commercial instead of a general commercial and Mr. Allen stated that it is the most compatible for their needs. In response to further questions, Mr. Allen presented a map showing the proposed land uses for their property pointing out that the lay of the land", in the area where the tourist commercial is planned is not appropriate for residential because of the shape of the parcel and the fact that it is on a major arterial. Mr. Kiedrowskj noted that this submittal has not been without staff discussion, he has talked to Mr. Allen on several occasions and he is aware of the discussion of the Highway 111 Specific Plan; the study of medium and high densities; and the fact that Washington Street is an image corridor". BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 8 October 18, 1988 Council Member Pena felt that since Washington Street is getting more and more attention, it would behoove us to look at that corridor again and review our policies and make sure that what we want and what is happening is coinciding. Mr. Kiedrowski stated that the Planning Department, in the General Plan review would bring forth any discussions from the Washington Street Specific Plan that is pertinent to this parcel. Mayor Hoyle stated that is not the indication Council gave to the Planning Department yesterday in Study Session and asked Mr. Crump for clarification. Mr. Crump advised that there was not a consensus into looking at Washington Street for commercial purposes. Discussion ensued regarding a study of Washington Street from Highway 111 to Fred Waring Drive) land uses in which Mr.. Crump advised that the length of time a study would take, would depend on the extent of investigation. Mayor Hoyle asked if the applicant has fees into the City at this time and Mr. Crump replied that he does, in General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan Change of Zone Application fees. Council Member Pena felt that we have to look at some things, i.e. access, vehicle generation and circulation. JOHN WALLING, Chairman of Planning Commission stated that the Commission 5 concerns were the density; the Highway 111 Specific Plan and amount of commercial that will be allowed; access and archeological determinations. Mr. Kiedrowski noted that in Study Session, during the discussion of the medium/high density study, the Council centered on the third scenario. This request would not fit in with that scenario. He asked if the Council wishes for the Planning Commission to consider this as a fourth scenario. RON ROUSE, 4250 Executive Square, San Diego, representing A. G. Spanos Const. Inc., addressed the Council advising that they recognize that their proposal represents a modification of Scenario III. The overall density of their proposal is at the break-point. As a whole, he felt there proposal fits in with the medium density range. Council Member Bohnenberger felt that this application should be considered on its own merit and should be considered an alternate or adjunct to Scenario III. Council Members Bohnenberger and Sniff withdrew their motion. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 9 October 18, 1988 MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger to adopt the recommendation of the Planning Commission with regard to the content of additional information and studies including Scenario III recommendations to be prepared to accompany the formal hearing of this General Plan amendment. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-131. 4. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT TAX ALLOCATION BONDS, SERIES 1988. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Pena that this matter be continued. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-132. 5. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 130. ORDINANCE NO. 130 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 8.01, SECTION 8.01-070 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. It was moved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger that full reading of Ordinance No. 130 be waived and same adopted on second reading. Passed by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None CONSENT ITEMS 4. ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON PLOT PLAN 88-397 APPLICANT, LANDMARK LAND CO. FOR RENOVATION AND ENCLOSURE OF LA CASA & CARRIAGE HOUSE FACILITIES AT LA QUINTA HOTEL WEST OF VISTA BONITA, EAST OF AVENIDA OBREGON: NORTH OF MAZATLAN AND SOUTHWEST OF LOS ARBOLES. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Cox that Item No. 4 be approved as recommended. Motion carried with Mayor Hoyle abstaining due to a conflict of interest as his family receives more than $250 annually from Landmark. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-133. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 10 October 18, 1988 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 26, & OCTOBER 4, 1988. 3. ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON PLOT PLAN 88-398 APPLICANT, GARRY HOPKINS FOR A GOLF SCHOOL AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF DUNE PALMS AND WESTWARD HO DRIVE. 5. AWARD OF BID FOR PUMP STATION WASHINGTON AND HIGHWAY 111 TO LOW BIDDER J & S PAVING IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,159. 6. AWARD OF BID FOR EISENHOWER & COACHELLA TRAFFIC SIGNAL TO LOW BIDDER SIGNAL MAINTENANCE INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $69,950.00. 7. ADOPTION OF MINUTE ORDER ACTION IN SUPPORT OF PROPOSITION 85 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION BOND ACT. 8. APPROVAL OF WAIVER OF FEES FOR VILLAGE FAIRE AND LA QUINTA ARTS FESTIVAL AND APPROVAL OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE FOR VILLAGE FAIRE. MOTION It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Cox that Consent Items 1 through 3 and 5 through 8 be approved as recommended with Item No. 1 being approved by RESOLUTION NO. 88-122. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-. 134. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS a. C. V. Recreation & Park District No Report b. Community Service Commission Minutes of September 26, 1988. Noted and filed. C. Palmer CableVision Advisory Committee Council Member Pena abstained from this matter as his family receives more than $250 annually from Palmer CableVision. Mr. Pete Zelles reminded the Council of the meeting of the Advisory Committee on October 26th at Palmer CableVision. He also referred to a newspaper article in which it was stated that the City of Palm Desert has a telephone line into City Hall to take cable complaints rather than going direct to Palmer Cablevision in order to monitor the extent of the problems. He stated that he will get more details on it. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02 !City Council Minutes Page 11 October 18, 1988 STUDY SESSION AGENDA: The following matters were discussed in Study Session on October 17th: 1. & 2. No further discussion. 3. CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF STUDY OF GENERAL PLAN MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY CITY-WIDE. Mr. Crump advised that the purpose of the study was for review of the General Plan with the potential for any amendments that might come out of the research. There were three scenarios discussed 1) which represented a low density city, removing all of the high density and limiting the amount of medium or medium/high density; 2) a market-driven scenario and 3) a market-guided scenario. The Council seemed to favor Scenario III with some modifications. A fourth scenario has now been added as a result of Item No. 3 on this agenda. Staff now intends to submit the material to the Planning Commission with Council's comments. Council Member Sniff commented that there was a suggestion that a Specific Plan Amendment be initiated for that area north of the park to designate it commercial. Mr. Crump advised that there are several issues that have been discussed that will be taken into consideration there's the Highway 111 Specific Plan; the village Zoning; and the Medium/High Density Study and an application that are all intertwined. All of these studies are proceeding. At 9:30 P.M., the meeting was adjourned upon motion by Council Member Pena, seconded by Council Member Cox and carried. Re?pectfully submitted, SAUNDRA L. JUHO?A, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 02-23-96-U01 04:27:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1988-U02