1987 03 03 CC Minutes" 301
An adjourned regular meeting of the
City Council held at City Hall, 78-105
Calle Estado, La Quinta, California
March 3, 1987 7:30 p.m.
A. Mayor Hoyle called the adjourned regular meeting of the City
Council to order at 7:30 p.m.
B. The Mayor then invited Councilmember Pena to lead the Flag
Present: Councilmembers Cox, Pena, Sniff, and Mayor Hoyle.
Moved by Councilmember Pena, seconded by Councilmember Cox, to
excuse Councilmember Bohnenberger due to illness. Unanimously
Also Present: City Manager Kiedrowski, Finance Director Harvey,
Planning Director Crump, Community safety Director
Hirdler, and Admin. Svcs. Dir. Jennings.
City Manager Kiedrowski requested that City Attorney Longtin be
excused having had minor surgery this date, to be home the next
day for recuperation, and that if a legal issue were to be
raised, it would be continued to the next regularly scheduled
Council meeting. He added that Judith Nazzaro, was also excused
due to illness, and that Ann Jennings would very aptly fill in as
Minutes City Council
March 3, 1987
Page Two
A. Discussion 1986 Young American Medals for Bravery.
Mayor Hoyle read correspondence from the Governor, State of
California, inviting the City to participate in the
selection of candidates for the 1986 Young American Medal
for Bravery and Service, which he explained are awarded
annually to youth aged 19 and below who have performed acts
of courage or service during the previous calendar year.
The Mayor solicited from those present the names of young
people of La Quinta who would be deserving of this honor.
He further advised that nomination, with complete
documentation should be received at City Hall by March 30,
It wa discussed and unanimously agreed by Council that
contract personnel sheriff and fire departments) and
schools should be solicited for their input as to young
people who would qualify
B. Councilmember Pena thanked the City crew on the landscaping
work performed at the new administrative office at City
Hall, commending them for a 9job well done
A. Public Hearing: Weed/Public Nuisance Abatement
APPLICANT: City Initiated
PROJECT: Public Nuisance Abatement/Lot
Clearing Assessment
Community Safety Director Hirdler explained that notices
were sent to each property owner advising them of the
hearing date, with no written communications received, and
recommended Council to approve and adopt Resolution No.
87-11 to place the cost of cleaning said lots on the 1987/88
property tax rolls, and in addition to authorize the
cleaning of two lots owned by Mr. Carl Glasgow of Route 1,
Box 100, Coleville, CA 96107.
Moved by Councilmember Sniff, seconded by Councilmember
Pena, to approve and adopt Resolution No. 87-11 and to
authorize the cleaning of the two lots owned by Mr. Carl
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Minutes City Council
March 3, 1987
Page Three
It was further discussed by Council and explained by Comm.
Safety Dir. Hirdler that Mr. Glasgow's notice was
undeliverable due to the expiration of their forwarding
address, and requested further that another such owner's lot
included for the same reason that their forwarding order at
the post office had also expired, and named Rampart General,
17992 Cowar, Irvine, CA 92741.
Motion to approve and adopt Resolution No. 67-11 and in
Cr) addition to authorize the cleaning of two lots owned by Mr.
Carl Glasgow was amended to include leaning of the property
owned by Mr. Rampart General. Unanimously adopted.
B. Public Hearing: Community Development Block
Grant Program
APPLICANT: City Initiated
LOCATION: City-wide
PROJECT: Proposals for 13th Year
CDBG Entitlement Program
Planning Director Crump explained that this would be the
first of two public hearings for the purpose of soliciting
and selecting project proposals to be funded by available
Community Development Block Grant funds, for which beginning
July 1, 1987 13th year) said funds would amount to
approximately $39,753 for expenditure on eligible projects.
In addition to reviewing, he advised that the City had the
opportunity to amend its previously approved applications
for which in this case the Senior Center land acquisition
project and/or the home improvement program could be
expanded or reduced upon Council direction.
Planning Director Crump further advised that the first
hearing should be structured as review only for discussion
and input of ideas, recommending to Council that they review
and discuss these projects and study any new proposals
introduced at this hearing, and also that Council leave the
public hearing open until the next regularly scheduled City
Council meeting of March 17, 1987.
Mr. Len Henderson, 80-020 Vista Grande, La Quinta, and
Chairman of the Desert Advisory Group of the Riverside
County Coalition for Alternatives to Domestic Violence
RCCADV), thanked the Council and City for their previous
support of this group and stated they were asking for
$4,710.00 based on a fare share commitment from the City
fifty percent of the cost using the fare share per capita
formula with the remaining 50 percent to be raised through
private contributions see item B.C. 3.c.). He urged
the City to continue support.
Minutes City Council
March 3, 1987
page Four
City Manager Kiedrowski made note for Council clarification
of the agenda that there were two applications by the
RCCADV; item 6.B. under the Community Development Block
Grant program CDBG), and item 8.C.(3.c.)
Mr. Steve Brummel, 50026 Calle Rosarita, La Quinta, and
President, Elvirita Lewis Foundation, also an applicant for
the CDBG funds, addressed Council on their eligibility of
these funds and presented a case for the Community Services
for the senior portion exclusively) which would be
conducted through this program, stating he would be unable
to attend the hearing of March 17.
Mr Andreas Soto, Development Manager, Department of
Economic & Community Development explained the process of
the CDBG funds adding that the funds would not be available
until July 1, 1987) as: Cities hold public hearings for
input from their citizens to find out what improvements,
activities/projects they would like to see implemented in
their community. When the city has reached a concensus as
to how to spend the entitlement allocation, the city would
then submit an application Entitlement Activity Proposal)
to the Economic & Community Development for review. After
review, the city would be informed as to eligibility, and
later included in a package presented at a public hearing
before the County Board of Supervisors for approval. The
final statement would be mailed to the U.S. Department of
Housing and Development HUD) for review and acceptance.
City Manager Kiedrowski cautioned that only projects that
are discussed at these public hearings will be eligible for
inclusion for this year), recommending that the hearing be
continued for two weeks March 17, 1987) for any other ideas
by individuals or citizen groups which could be added to the
present list.
Moved by Councilmember Cox, seconded by Councilmember Sniff,
to continue the public hearing regarding Community
Development Block Grant program.
Public Hearing: Municipal Code Text Amendment
APPLICANT: City Initiated
Ordinance No. 348, Section
18.12, Off-Street Vehicle
Parking, adding provisions for
City-Wide compact car parking
" 29?
Minutes City Council
March 3, 1987
Page Five
Planning Director Crump explained that on January 27, 1987
the Planning Commission reviewed a proposal to amend the
zoning ordinance text to insert provisions for compact car
parking spaces where they previously did not exist. He
further explained the text amendment provided that in
parking lots of 15 spaces that 20% of those spaces may be
designed/designated for compact cars, citing the measurement
standards thereto.
Cr) Planning Director Crump then recommended that Council 1)
confirm the conclusion of Environmental Assessment No.
m 87-065, in that the approval of this zoning text amendment
will not result in a significant adverse impact on the
environment and that a Negative Declaration is appropriate
for filing; and, 2) approve and adopt Ordinance No. 105
amending the zoning ordinance. contained in Exhibit A.)
Councilmember Sniff asked what was the motivating factor for
this amendment. The Planning Director answered the City had
been approached by Plaza Tampico questioning whether they
could include compact car parking spaces and it was
determined at that time that this provision was not
available, adding that the present trend is toward the
smaller, compact cars and the concept of altering standards
to accommodate this trend is becoming more popular as
witnessed by two neighboring townships: Palm Springs and
Riverside County).
Moved by Councilmember Cox, seconded by Councilmember Pena,
to waive further reading and introduce Ordinance No. 105
amending the City zoning ordinance by adding certain
regulations therein relating to minimum sizes of compact car
stalls/compact car parking layout. Unanimously adopted.
Mayor Hoyle adjourned the meeting to a ten minute break at 8:45 p.m.
The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
A. Communication from Jim Montgomery regarding fee policy to
encourage lot mergers in the Cove area.
Planning Director Crump explained that the subject of lot
consolidation has been an ongoing topic of discussion and
policy posturing by the City and stated that there is a
General Plan policy 6.2.3) encouraging that situation to
occur. He added that an administrative procedure had been
Minutes City Council
March 3, 1987
Page Six
utilized by the City Community Development Department to endorse the
merging of lots, but unfortunately this process was found to not have
a foundation in the adopted ordinance; therefore, the only mechanism
the City would have would be to formally approve lot mergers" is
the Parcel Map process.
The Planning Director then stated that Planning staff could
prepare a simplified merger procedure and bring it back
through proper adoption process and that at that point the
fee structure could be discussed in more detail, and
recommended that Council provide further direction to staff
on this matter.
City Manager Kiedrowskj reported that when advised by
Councilmember Bohnenberger of his absence to the Council
meeting, the councilmember had requested input to this
matter and that if there was no urgency that it be continued
to the next regularly scheduled Council meeting so that he
could participate in the conversations.
Moved by Councilmember Sniff, seconded by Councilmember
Pena, to direct the Planning Department staff to prepare an
amendment to the subdivision regulations establishing a lot
merger procedure and further report on other inducement
techniques with a presentation of calculated benefits to be
derived therefrom.
Councilmember Cox advised that this item had been requested
of the Community Development Department the previous year
and recommended that their data, if any, be reviewed to
possibly save some time.
Motion was amended to include that research be made into any
previous activity by the Community Development Department
relative to an amendment to the subdivision regulations
establishing a lot merger procedure.
A. Discussion of CVAG communication regarding the Rialto Power
Plant lawsuit by cities/counties.
City Manager Kiedrowski reported that the issue of the
Rialto Power Plant lawsuit by cities and counties had been
discussed at the CVAG Executive Committee meeting held
February 23rd, and invited Council Representative,
Councilmember Cox, to comment.
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Minutes City Council
March 3, 1967
Page Seven
Councilmember Cox explained that at this point in time
cities are being asked to become involved in the legal
aspect by contributing toward the legal fees; the amount of
$2,500 being requested from La Quinta. She then informed
Council that Palm Springs had committed to $5,000 and Palm
Desert also agreed to pay $5,000 toward the fees. She
advised that while the actual operation of the tire burning
plant might seem to be of no concern to La Quinta, the smoke
generated from this plant would impact the City, adding that
Cr) a strong stand on air quality issues was being taken by
CVAG, and recommended to Council to provide the $2,500
m contribution to this endeavor.
Councilmember Sniff requested clarification as to whether La
Quinta would be joining in the legal suit against the power
plant or would they be supporting by way of a one-time
contribution only. Councilmember Cox answered that Rialto
is the current issue and she believed the cities would be
requested to participate other concerns in the future
regarding CVAG taking a strong stand on air quality issues
throughout the Valley, and would find out whether this would
actually be a class action suit or contributory only.
Councilmember Pena added his concerns regarding possible
responsibility for losses in a class action suit and legal
questions in relation thereto, and suggested that this issue
be deferred to discussion with the City Attorney.
oved by Councilmember Pena, seconded by Councilmember
Sniff, to continue discussion of participation in the Rialto
Power Plan lawsuit with full Council at the next regularly
scheduled Council meeting. Unanimously adopted.
B. Discussion Village at La Quinta Specific Plan.
Planning Director Crump informed Council that a request for
proposal to provide consultant services for the downtown
Village Commercial Core Specific Plan was forwarded to six
firms and that three proposals were received. He explained
that the firm of Smith, Peroni & Fox was determined to be
particularly attuned to the needs of the City and capable of
completing the assignment in a professional and timely
manner, and in anticipation that the process leading to
public hearing of a draft plan would be completed within
three months of the start date, he recommended that the City
Manager be authorized to execute a contract with the firm of
Smith, Peroni & Fox for preparation of the Village
Commercial Area Specific Plan in an amount not to exceed
Minutes City Council
March 3, 1987
Page Eight
Moved by Councilmember Sniff, seconded by Councilmembers
Pena/Cox, to authorize the City Manager to execute a
contract with the firm of Smith, Peroni & Fox for the
preparation of the Village Commercial Area Specific Plan in
an amount not to exceed $35,000.
Motion was passed by roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Cox, Pena, Sniff, and Mayor Hoyle.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Councilmember Bohnenberger.
C. Study Session Items. Decisions may be made on items from
yesterdays study session:
1) Southern California Water Committee membership request.
City Manager Kiedrowski advised Council that in an effort
conserve and manage water usage it was the staff's feeling
that the City should participate in the Southern California
Water Committee for a period of one year and at the end of
that year to evaluate the benefits/information received
prior to further commitment on behalf of the City.
Moved by Councilmember Pena, seconded by Councilmember Cox,
to approve City membership in the Southern California Water
Committee at an annual cost of $750.00.
Motion passed by roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Cox, Pena, Sniff, and Mayor Hoyle.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Councilmember Bohnenberger.
2) paramedic/Ambulance Update.
City Manager Kiedrowski advised Council that pursuant to
Council discussion at the Monday, March 2nd study session,
the Community Safety Director will prepare a further report
to be brought back to the March 16 study session.
3) Request for 1987-88 Budget and Community Service
Grant funding:
a) PGA West Station 70 Volunteer Fire Dept. $3025)
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Minutes City Council
March 3, 1987
Page Nine
City Manager Kiedrowski advised Council of staff
recommendation at the March 2nd study session to refer
this request to the Grant program, and that staff will
request more in depth details from the Volunteer Fire
Dept. for inclusion in the final request packet to the
Community Service Grant program.
CD Councilmember Cox suggested in the interest of
preventing mental notes/decisions being made by Council
Cr) on future grant applications before submission to the
Community Services Commission as had been previously
m discussed and agreed by Council) that Council be
apprised as information only to Council in memorandum
b) La Quinta Sports & Youth Association. $325)
Ms. Linda Lewis, Secretary/Sports & Youth Association,
P.O. Box 262, La Quinta, solicited sponsorship fees in
the amount of $325 each. In explaining that their
total proposed budget is $29,831 with 26 teams for the
childrens' little league season, she informed Council
that to date only ten sponsors had committed and that
any assistance from the City in supporting any of the
remaining teams would be sincerely appreciated.
She further disclosed that the $325 buys the uniforms,
balls, etc. and that March 7 was tryout day" and
opening day would be April 11 kicking of f the season.
Councilmember Pena's suggestion that the Council issue
a challenge to the community in matching team for team
the City Council as a group to pay half of the fees)
was unanimously agreed upon by the Council. With 26
teams having been insured, eleven sponsors committed to
date, and the remainder of approximately 15 sponsors
needed, resulting in seven or eight sponsors to be
matched. It was also unanimously agreed that a letter
would be drafted by staff on behalf of the Council,
with designees to be coordinated with Ms. Lewis, with
the results of the challenge to be disclosed by Ms.
Lewis at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting
of March 17, 1987. Ms. Lewis to order the uniforms and
whatever the results that the City would be responsible
for half of the cost.
c) Riverside County Coalition for Alternatives to
Domestic Violence. $4,710)
Minutes City Council
March 3, 1987
Page Ten
See item 8.C.(3.2.) where it was unanimously agreed for
the Council to be apprised of applications for
Community Service Grant funding as a matter of
information only in memorandum form.
4) Discussion City Park Maintenance.
City Manager Kiedrowski advised that based on the study
discussion of March 2, any further information to
report would be provided to Council at that time.
Moved by Councilmember Cox, seconded by Councilmember Pena, to
adopt the Consent Calendar. Unanimously adopted.
A. Approval of minutes City Council. March 3, 1987)
D. Approval of Joint Powers Agreement Southern California
Association of Governments SCAG), for 1987-88.
E. Approval to Record Phase 2 Final Tract Map No. 21381-2,
Sunrise Company, Applicant.
F. Approval of New Subdivision Agreement Tract No. 19903;
Pan American Land Development, Inc.
Motion was approved by roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Cox, Pena, Sniff, and Mayor Hoyle.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Counc i lmember Bohnenberger.
A. City Manager Kiedrowski requested a short Executive Session
on personnel be held at the end of the meeting.
B. Planning Director Crump provided as a matter of information
from City contract personnel that the Highway 111 Specific
Plan tentative property owners meeting would be March 16th
with the Planning Commission hearing to be held on March 24
1987. Council consideration would be scheduled to a
council meeting of a later date.
" Minutes City Council
March 3, 1987
Page Eleven
Moved by Councilmember Cox, seconded by Councurnember Pena, to
adjourn to Executive Session on Personnel. Unanimously adopted.
The adjourned regular La Quinta City Council meeting held
Tuesday, arch 3, 1987, was adjourned at 9:24 p.m. at City Rall,
cx) 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA., to Executive Session.