1987 04 07 CC Minutes"$ 2?3 MINUTES A re?ular meetin3 of the City Council at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California April 7, 1987 7:30 p?rn CALL TO ORDER CD A Mayor Hoyle called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:30 p?rn Cr) The Mayor then ii?vited Storifly Fairweather to lead the flag. salute 2 ROLL CALL resent Councilrne?bers Bohnenberger Pena Sniff, and Mayor Hoyle Absent: Councilfriernber Cox Moved by Councilmeiviber Bohnenberger.er seconded by Councilmember Pena, to excuse Councilmember Cox Unanimously adopted Also Present: City Manager K kiedrowski i, inance Director Harvey, Planning Director Crump Community Safety Director Hirdler Admin. Sycs Dir Jennings, and Secretary Na Nazzaro 3, CONFIRMATION OF A&ENDA Confirmed 4. PUBLIC COMMENT A Mr Jacques Abels, P,O Box 1416, La Quinta, spoke in support of the new sports complex, however, he cited from his experience with the Parks & Recreation District Pawley Pool Jackson Street) the tremendous costs involved in operating a co?munity swimming pool At the request of Council, Mr Ables to provide revenues and aintenance cost statistics froiy? the District B. Ms. Linda Lewis, P.O. Box 262, La Quinta, on behalf of the La Quinta Sports & Youth Association, expressed appreciation to the Council for their support in obtaining necessary sponsors for the youth ball teams. She invited the Mayor and City Council, and the City Manager, to attend the April 11 parade and activities and to serve as judges. Councilmember Bohnenberger requested that thank you letters be sent to each sponsor Ms. Lewis to provide a list of the sponsors to the City. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:49:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 "$274 Minutes City Council april 7, 1967 Page Two 5. COMMENT BY COUNCILMEMBERS Council l?ernber Bohnenberger inquired as to whose responsib ii ity it was to maintain the ball fields at venue 52. It was determined that the grounds are maintained by Landmark land Co. and the stands, fence, etc. by the City, and a?reed that the gopher holes be located/filled and the stands be checked and anchored 6 HE?RIN?S Public Hearin3 eed/Public Nuisance baterr,ent F,PLIC4NT. City Initiated LOC?TION: City?wide PROJECT. Public Nuisance baternent/ Lot Clearing ssessrnent. Community Safety Director Hirdler reported that notices of the public hearing were sent to each property owner advising them of the hearing date and that no written corigmunications had been received regarding the matter, save one payffient Sylvester L. Cross) He recommended that Council adopt proposed Resolution No. 67-16, as amended. Moved by Councilmember Pena seconded by Councilmember Sniff, to approve Resolution No. 87-16, subject to the elimination of one Sylvester L. Cross. Unanimously adopted. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 106. AMENDIN? TITLE 3 REVENUE AND FINANCE) OF THE LA UINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATIVE TO PURCHASES. City Manager Kiedrowski read the title of Ordinance No. 106, and recommended adoption second reading) Moved by Council?embe# Sniff, seconded by Councilmember Pena, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 106. Unanimously adopted. Councilmember Bohnenberger requested a brief explanation of Ordinance No. 106. City Manager Kiedrowski explained the City Revenue & Finance Code section regarding formal sealed bid procedures on projects and that the proposed ordinance would BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:49:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 "$ 271 Minutes City Council april 7, 1987 Pa3e Three increase the ability of the City Manager?er to award bids on City projects up to a limit,it of $10,000,ooo?oe from $5,000) for items which have been previously been approved and a part of the City budget PROPOSED ORDIN?NCE NO. 107 AMENDING THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO REGULATION OF DOGS. Cr) City Attorney Longtin suifRarized that in February the Council had considered the City Attorney's report regarding the regulation of Cr) pit bull dogs, after consideration of this report, the Council had directed the City Attorney to prepare a more stringent ordinance relative to the regulation of vicious or dangerous animals He walked the Council through Ordinance 107 which specifically defined vicious/dangerous animals and the control and ir!poundrnent of these ani?als, citing those definitions. He added that at the request of the CORmunity Safety Director, a section was enclosed for the Council to provide the maxiffum number of dogs to be allowed in one household It was discussed and agreed by Council to amend Section 10-20.090, paragraph a?, line 3-, of Ordinance No. 107 to read Such pen or dog run area must also have secure sides and a secure top. Further, the aximuff' number of four dogs to a household was determined at Section 10.24.040, line 4- The City Attorney read the title of Ordinance No. 107. Moved by Councilmember Bohnenberger seconded by Councilmember Pena, to waive further reading, and adopt Ordinance No. 107, as amended. UnaniRously adopted. Mayor Hoyle commended Mr and Mrs. Marshman for bringing this atter to the attention of the City Council, C- RESOLUTION NO. 87-17. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 86-64 RELATIVE TO THE COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES AND TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT. City Manager Kiedrowski explained that the purpose and intent of Resolution No. 67-17 was to change several job categories and bring the titles in line with the adopted reorganization of the City which was approved last fall, which will include the new Public Works Director/City Engineer position. Moved by Councilmember Pena, seconded by Councilmembers Sniff, to adopt Resolution No. 87-17. It was noted that the salary of the Mayor was inadvertently not included. The resolution would be amended to include the position and salary of the Mayor. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:49:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 "$272 Minutes City Council April 7, 1987 a?e Four Motion passed as amended by the follo?ing roll call yote: AYES; Councilmembers ohnenber?er Pena, Sniff, and Mayor Hoyle. NOES; No?e. A?SENT:Councilmember Cox D. Discussion Support for CV?(; Resolution No. 87-1 in Opposition to Construction of the proposed Colmac Biomass Plant. Mr. Jackson arker, Colmac Ener?y, F. 0. ox 2?O, El Centro, California, referred to the presentation 3iven by Phil Reese of Colmac, and stated that Colmac ould be participating in a CVAG serlinar to be held at the Erawan Hotel on April 24, 1987 The Council questioned the status of the Environmental Impact Statement EIR), hether it had been issued, and if other cities were taking a stand. Moved by Councilmember Sniff, seconded by Councilmember Pena for further discussion, to go on record in support of the CVAG Resolution No. 87-1. Roll call vote requested by Council Member Sniff. Roll Call Vote; AYES; Council Member Sniff and Mayor Hoyle. NOES; Council Members ohnenber3er and Pena ABSENT. Council Member Cox. E. RESOLUTION NO. 87-18. AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT t?iITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY CONCERNIN? THE URBAN COUNTY CDBG PROGRAM. F.lai?ning Director Crump explained that correspondence had been received from Riverside County reg.ardin? continued cooperative agreement for participation in the Urban County CDBG Program, or the option of withdrawing' to separately seek funding through the State Small Cities CDBG Program. He recommended that Council adopt by Resolution the City's intention to continue in the Urban County CDBG Program, and authorize the Mayor to execute a three-year agreement with Riverside County. Moved by Councilmember Sniff, seconded by Councilmember bohnenberger to adopt Resolution No. 87-i B. Unanimously adopted. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:49:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 "$ 269 Minutes City Council April 7, 19G? F?age Five F. Study Session Items I Recommendation from Community Services Commission for policy statement re?ardifl3 non-profit or.aani zations. 2) Plot Plan No, 86-274, Request for Guidance in Buildin? Architecture and Design, John Feld, Applicant. 3) Discussion Ordinance No. 30. Re?ulating Use of Recreational Vehicles in Residential Zones) Councilmember Cox). 4) 1987-88 Revenue Bud?et. No further discussion presented by staff. Mayor Hoyle commented that the City?s 1987-88 Revenue Bud?et would be discussed at study sessions over the next few weeks and invited public input. 9. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS No written minutes presented Councilmember Bohnenber?er requested a report on the plans for the 5th irthday of the City of La Quinta Administrative Services Director Jennin9s summarized plans as follows; Friday, May 1st would be a reception with dancin? at the La Quinta Hotel. The Saturday, May 2nd event would perhaps be opened by the Marine Corps Band, a dedication to the new sports complex and Avenue 50 Park, Free hot do?s and drinks would be served by Fire Belles, Soroptimists, City staff, etc. The Coachella valley Parks & Recreation have planned a full day of *?ames and contests, the Cove Association having obtained door prizes, and Lois Agne. La Quinta Arts Foundation) in nar?e of sec ur in? musical entertainment, M?1or Hoyle invited one and all to tell their friends and acquaintances about the upcoming Birthday, adding that he would be in charge of the dunking booth and *gathering volunteers" 10. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes City Council Feb. 25, March 17, and March 31, 1987), as submitted. B. RESOLUTION NO. 87-19. APPROVING DEMANDS. C. Support for City of Gridley regarding passage of legislation affecting small cities. D. Award of Bid for City Street Sweeping Services, E. Acceptance of Public Street and utility Easement dedications for Desert Club Drive and Calle Tampico Plaza Tampico PP85-217) BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:49:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 "$270 Minutes City Council pril 7, 1987 Pa?e Six Moved by Counc ilmember Bohnenber?er, seconded by Councilmember Sniff, to adopt the Consent Calendar Motion passed on the following? roll call vote: Cou?,cilrnernber Bohnenber.ger Pena, Sniff and Mayor Hoyle NOES: None BSFNT: Councuriember Cox 11 REPORT OF OFFICERS A The City Mana.3er reported on various activities accomplished/ to be accomplished in the City: i The first maintenance contract work co?pleted 2) Traffic si.3nal on Washin3 ton is bein? held up due to delay of delivery of standards and poles 3) Staff workin3 with City Engineer to engage in a second maintenance contract in order to accomplish additional projects, with a oal of entering. into a cycle of two major maintenance projects per year fall and spring. The City Manager requested that Council adjourn to an Executive Session regarding personnel following the Council meeting The City Attorney reported to Council regardin9 a request at the Monday, April 6th study session as to whether Proposition 62 which now restricts adoption/increase of certain City tax revenues) would require a two-thirds oY ajority vote. He advised Council a f!iajority vote was mandatory, explaining that to increase any general revenues of the City as far as an existing aITiount or new revenues established by Council) would require a two-thirds vote by the City Council and a majority vote by the Electorate. Proposition 62 was a state-wide initiative of last November, which applies only to general law cities, of which the City of La Quinta is one. C. The Ad?in. Svcs. Dir reported on the draft application form/Request for Proposals for Provision of Community Services Grants, adding the Conmission had discussed that the foririat should be more competitively oriented based on the cap set by Council of $7O,?OO. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:49:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02 "$ 3' Minutes City Council april 7, 987 Page Seven In reviewing the draft, it was noted that wording at D?, City Priorities, page three, after *FundiL?S should be changed to read: axi?urn of $70,000 was ade dditionally, it was discussed and agreed by Council that on Tore substantial grants $?,0O0 $iO,000 or r!iore) City reserve the right to pay said grants in quarterly increments as best benefits the City and specific program The Council questioned whether or not an applicant for grant funds should be required to furnish an audited financial statement It was Council consensus to add wordage requesting app 1 icant to submit their most recent financ ja 1 Co statement, and if unavailable, to explain their inability to comply with this requirement It was Council consensus to direct Staff to implement the above changes in the application forms prior to their distribution to local community groups D The Community Safety Director presented a Paramedic Update The Nayor requested that the Paramedic Update be reproduced and available to the public for their information The cost regarding taxes was discussed and agreed by Council that should the City wish to engage in separate ambulance service, a vote would have to be made by the public for monies from special taxes to be used E. The Finance Director had no report and the Council had no questions E The Planning Director announced that a consulting firm had been engaged and that work had begun on the Downtown Village Specific Plan He added the first newsletter had gone out to interested parties and that a survey had been forwarded to Village property owners, adding that anyone who would like to be included on the mailing list to leave their name/address at the Planning Department 12 DJOURNM?NT hoved by Councilmember Pena, seconded by Councilmember Bohnenberger, to adjourn to an Executive Session regarding personnel. Unanimously adopted. The regular La uinta City Council meeting held Tuesday, April 7, 19e7, was adjourned at 8:45 p.r'. to an Executive Session personnel BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:49:29AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 07-U02 1987-U02