1987 04 21 CC Minutes", 2B7 MINUTES re?ular nieetin? of the City Council at City Hall, 78-1O? Calle Estado, La Quinta, Califo?nia April 2i, 19B7 7:30 p.fi C?LL TO ORDE? m Mayor Hoyle called the re'?ular eetin3 of the City Council to order at 7:30 p.rn. Cr) B The Mayoy then invited Ann Youn? to lead the fla? salute 2 ROLL C?LL Present: CouncilITembers Bohnenber?er Cox Pena Sniff, and Mayor Hoyle Absent: None Also Present: City Manager Kiedrowski Finance Director Harvey, Planning Director Crump Community Safety Director Hirdler and d?in Sycs. Dir Jennings 3 CONFIRMATION OF A&ENDA A. Council Member Sniff re?uested that Item i0-.D. be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. The City Manager stated that it would be heard as Item D., following a vote on other items on the Consent Calendar 4. PUBLIC COMMENT A. Audrey Ostrowsky, F'.O. Box 3?i, La uinta, addressed the Council regarding discussion from the April 6, 19e7, study sessio?? regarding a commercial development proposed by John Feld on Calle Estado. Ms. Ostrowsky spoke critically of the Councils imposition of certain design standards for Mr. Feld's structure. B. Mr. Jacques Abels, P.O. Box i4i6, La Quinta, presented the Council with revenue and maintenance costs relative to operation of swimming pools currently operated by the Coachella Valley Park & Recreation District. COMMENT BY COUNCILMEMBERS A. Council Member Sniff discussed the demise of eucalyptus trees being rerioved as development on The Heritage project progresses, and expressed his sorrow for the loss of these trees, B. Mayor Hoyle explained his reasons for supporting a swiriming pool in La Quinta. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:52:40AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 21-U02 1987-U02 ",268 Mi??utes City Council April 2i, 1987 a3e Two 6 HEARINGS 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 8. USINESS SESSION A FROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 107 AMENDING THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIN(; TO REGULATION OF DO?? City Mana.3er i<iedrowsk i presented a report regard ins Ordinance No 107, read the title of Ordinance No 07, and recorn?ended adoptio? second reading) Council Member ohnenberg.er also stated that he had received favorable comments regarding the proposed Ordin?nce Moved by Councilmember ohnenberg.er seconded by Councilmember Sniff, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. I 07. Unanimously adopted. Study Session Items I Council Member Pena reported on the name change for Highway iii and explained Desert Resort Communities CVB had chosen the name *Desert Resorts Boulevard". It was moved by Council Member Cox,seconded by Council Member Sniff? to table this item pendin9 further review by Coachella Valley cities 2) The City Manager explained that study session discussion of a City Calendar of Events" ended in consensus to request Staff further research this item as regards price and format, and return at a future Council meeting.. 3) The City Manager explained that the Highway ill Specific Plan had been put on hold" pending a market study to better determine the mar?et base for the Highway ill area, He explained that it was felt that such a study might result in amendments to the recommendations in the current Highway III Specific Plan report. 4) The City Manager reported that co-sponsorship of the 1987 Coachella Valley Business Outlook Conference was discussed at study session, and that he had checked with other cities to inquire about their commitment to sponsor the conference at a cost of $5,000. Mr Kiedrowski explained that other cities were still undecided, and recommended continuance for another two weeks Warren Bradshaw, representing the Chamber Mar ketir Committee, stated that the Committee was doing a study to see other participants within La uinta could be located. He echoed Mr. Kiedrowski 5 suggestion for continuance, Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Cox, that this item be continued until May 5, 1987. Unanimously adopted. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:52:40AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 21-U02 1987-U02 ", 14? Minutes City Council April 21, 1987 Pa9e Three 5) The Council discussed their position re9ardifl.3 passa?e of AB1488, reconstruction of Big Bear Darn, a position requested by the Mayor of Big Bear Lake. The City Manager explained the issues It was rioved by Counc ii Member Pena, seconded by Council Member Cox, to support passage of AB1488?, and o notify the Mayor by telephone, following with a written letter over Mayor Hoyle 5 signature. Unanimously adopted C. Manning Schedule 1987/?8 Budget. The City Manager reported Cr) that the schedule reflected City staffing structure as it was adopted a year ago, and how it was being restructured for the 1987/88 budget year, and stated that the bottorn line? would Co result in one additional staff position during the 1987/88 fiscal year, a total of 34 full tir!je positions. 9. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS A Planning Conirnission Minutes of March 24, 1987, received and filed, B Community Services Commission Minutes of March 30 1 987, received and filed. C. Council Members Pena and Sniff reported to the Council regarding their sub-committee ifleeting held to discuss amendments to the Community Services Commission ordinance. It was explained that the sub-committee had met on April 20th and a revised ordinance concept adopted, which would be brought to the Council in the near future, 10.. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved by Council Member Sniff, seconded by Council Member Cox, to adopt the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item iO.D. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES; Council Members Bohnenberger, Cox Pena, Sniff and Mayor Hoyle. NOES: None ABSENT: None, ABSTAIN: None. A City Council Minutes of April 7, 1987, approved as corrected. B. RESOLUTION NO. 87-20 AF.PROVIN? DEMANDS. C. Approval to record Final Tract Map No. 21640/ E. Approval of Amendlient No. 1, Title Ill-B Agreement with Riverside County, re: Gatekeeper Program. F. Approval to refer to staff letter from Village property owners regarding street widening of Avenida Bermudas, D. Position Opposition to 5B553, an Act to amend Sections of and to the Code of Civil procedure, relating to eminent domain. The City Manager reported on this item, including BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:52:40AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 21-U02 1987-U02 ",148 Minutes City Council april 2i, 1987 Fa3e Four a letter frojy the Manager f Coachella Valley Water District ur3in? Council opposition to S?55? fter substantial discussion, it was moved by ounc ii Merriber ohnenber3er seconded by Counc ii Meriber Cox, to 9 on record in opposition to ROLL C?LLVOTE: YES: Council Members bohnenberger, Cox and Pena NOES: Council Member Sniff and Mayor Hoyle SENT: None ST?IN: None Ii, REPORT O? OFFICERS The City Manager presented a report regard in? advertisement for bids for three public works projects: i estimates for street resurfacing and reconstruction in the area of Washington Street, north of Highway 111, between Highway ill and the Whitewater Channel; 2) south of Highway lii in the area of the Plaza La Quinta entryway, toward the date 3rove and 3) rebuildin3, re.gradin? and placing. dust control a3ents on a section of avenida Montezuma, currently unpaved for a total estimated cost of approxii!iately $120,000 The City ttorney corrected prior infor?ation given the Counc? regarding the Rialto Fower Plant lawsuit, when he incorrectly informed the Council that it was a suit against Colmac Energy Company C The dministrative Services Director presented an update regarding preparations being made for the City 5 th irthday Party, to be held May I and 2, 19e7. D The Community Safety Director reported that within the Safety Department, two Code Enforcement Officers and one nimal Control Officer off duty due to illness and hospitalization Mr. Hirdler advised the Council that an Open House would be held pril 29 and 30, from 9-5.00 in Riverside, for the C?L ID Program, and also stated that an Earthquake Preparedness Meeting had been scheduled for pril 29th at 7:30 pm in the La Quinta Community Center E Finance Director's report for March, 1987, was received and filed F Planning Director 5 monthly report for March, i9e7, and La Quinta Boundary Chronology received and filed. Council Member Sniff co?pl imented the Planning staff on preparation of the chronology, and thanked them for their effort in this regard. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:52:40AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 21-U02 1987-U02 ", 39' Minutes City Council April 2 1987 Page Five Mayor Hoyle prese??ted a Proc larnaticil, designating Apr ii as Ea?thquake Pre?aredness Month and urged City residents to attend the Ap?-il 29th ri?eetin3 12 ADJOURNMENT Moved by Council Member Sniff seconded by Council Member Pena, to adjourn The regular meetin3' of the La Quinta City Council held Tuesday, Ap?il 2i 1967, as adjourned at 8.55 at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La uinta, California BIB] 02-26-96-U01 08:52:40AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 21-U02 1987-U02