1987 06 16 CC Minutes"I 375 MINUTES A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California June 16, 1987 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Mayor Hoyle called the adjourned regular meeting of the City m Council to order at 7:31 p.m. Cr) B. The Mayor then invited Dave Skef fington to lead the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena, Sniff and Mayor Hoyle. Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Kiedrowski, City Attorney Longtin, Finance Director Harvey, Planning Director Crump, Administrative Services Director Jennings, Community Safety Director Hirdler and Secretary Beaver. 3. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Councilmember Bohnenberger suggested moving Agenda Item 8A up to Agenda Item 4B, after public comment) due to the amount of time said Item 8a will take. Unanimously approved. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Jack Ables, P.O Box 1415, La Quinta, Director-District 4, Coachella valley Parks & Recreation District voiced his concern regarding the swimming complex, and wants to make the public aware of their summer program called Water Wheels", which is a free bus service from La Quinta to the COD pool every day. 8. BUSINESS SESSION Out of Agenda Order) A. Community Service grant Award Program Consideration of program funding awards 1987/88. Administrative Service Director explained the Grant Award Program explaining the steps the commission took in handling the applications. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:22:00AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 16-U02 1987-U02 "I37$minutes City Council June 16, 1987 Page Two Commission recommendations for funding CSGAP applications are as follows: Applicant Grant Request Grant Recommendation C.V. parks & Rec.Dist. $11,000 $ 9,750 La Quinta Arts Foundation 11,000 7,400 L.Q. Chamber of Commerce 35,170 31,028 L.Q. Historical Society 5,143 3,991 L.Q. PGA West Vol. Fire 4,000 3,316 L.Q. Sports & Youth AsS'n. 8,000 5,575 Pride of the Desert Boosters 3,000 2,342 RCCADV 4,835 4,835 Administrative Services Director explained several alternatives available to council regarding the above applications. Finance Director Harvey requested that awards that Council intends to make, making them periodic throughout the year rather than in one lump sum, particularly the Chamber of Commerce request. ayor Hoyle then opened the floor to public comments which were as follows: 1. Len Henderson, 80-202 Vista Grande, La Quinta, Desert Area Chairman of the Advisory Committee for RCCADV. After lengthly discussion, he stressed his appreciation of the Community Services Commission in their recommendation for full grant award. 2. Lynda Lewis, P.O. Box 262, La Quinta, La Quinta Sports & Youth thanked the Council and the Community Services Commission for accepting their late application and their recommendation for funding. 3. Andy Vossler, P.O. Box 255, La Quinta, President of La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, thanked the effort of the Community Services Commission. Mr. Vossler also stated that the Chamber could still function with the grant recommendation, and do everything they anticipate for the coming year. Councilmember Bohnenberger congratulated and thanked the Chamber for their participation in the Business Outlook Conference. He stated that the booth and the turnout was tremendous, and that the Chamber played a key roll in that. 4. Earle Ellson, 78-435 Highway 111, La Quinta, stated that the booth at the Outlook Conference was great. He thanked the Council on their participation in the Chambers operations, BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:22:00AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 16-U02 1987-U02 "I Minutes City Council 29 3une 16, 1987 page Three 5. Janel Esmeralda, 51-377 Avenida Carranza, La Quinta, Vice president, pride of the Desert Boosters, discussed the various fund raisers their club has done in order to raise money for their band camp for the students and urged the Council to grant them their request, rather then the Commission recommendation. E. Lois Agnew, La Quinta Arts Foundation., P.O. Box 777, La Quinta thanked the Commission for their hard work and their recommendation for full funding for Fair ALA Quinta" and urged the Council to adhere to the recommendation of the Commission concerning Fair ALA Quinta". She further Cr) expressed the Arts Foundations concern over the Commission's decision to recommend cutting their request for Junior Art m Guild activities from $5,050 to $1,400. She stated that this reduction would mean significant cutbacks in the activities of this program. 7. Larry Allen, P.O. Box 412, La Quinta, thanked Councilmember Cox for all her help on making the best" booth at the conference. Mr. Allen spoke briefly about the La Quinta Historical Society and the activities they have had in the past year, and discussed their plan for a color brochure next year to which the grant funds would support. He urged the Council to recommend their request for $5,143. 8. Mark Moran then urged the Council to accept the Community Services Commission's recommendations, as they have labored long and acomplished what the Mayor asked them to do. Mayor.Hoyle called a recess at 8:57 and reconvened at 9:05. 9. Mr. Scott Morgan, Sports Center Supervisor spoke to the Council about their plans for their grant request of $11,000, which include an automatic irrigation system and improvements and additions to the playground system in La Quinta park, and tables and chairs for the Community Center. Mr. Morgan further stated the particulars of the above requests, and thanked the Council for their time. Mayor Hoyle closed the Public Comment at 9:23 p.m. It was moved by Councilmember Bohnenberger and Seconded by Councilmember COX to grant the Community Services Grant Award program Applicants the full amounts as requested. ROLL CALL VOTE) AYES: Councilmembers Bohnenberger and Cox. NOES: Councilmembers, pena, Sniff and Mayor Hoyle. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:22:00AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 16-U02 1987-U02 "I3?minutes City Council June 16, 1987 Page Four It was moved by Councilmember Sniff and seconded by Councilmember Bohnenberger to authorize the grant request of $11,000 for the Coachella Valley Park and Recreation District. ROLL CALL VOTE) AYES: Councilmember Sniff. NOES: Councilmembers Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena and ayor Hoyle. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. It was moved by Councilmember Cox and seconded by Councilmember Bohnenberger to accept the grant applications as recommended by the Community Services Commission. ROLL CALL VOTE) AYES: Councilmembers Bohnenberger, Cox and Pena. NOES: Councilmember Sniff and Mayor Hoyle. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. Mayor Hoyle called a recess at 9:44 and readjourned at 9:52. It was moved by Councilmember Cox and seconded by Councilmember Bohnenberger to pay the grant award to the Chamber of Commerce quarterly, all other grant awards to be allocated out by the City as demanded. Unanimously adopted. 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A. YMCA Summer Program. Mayor Hoyle stated that Mr. Gerald Hunt has requested assistance in locating a site for their Family YMCA and Youth Center Summer Program in La Quinta. B. Annual La Quint a Days" Celebration. Mayor Hoyle requests discontinuing discussion and re-agenda same until August. C. Mayor Hoyle congratulated Councilmember Bohnenberger on his presentation at the Business Outlook Conference. 6. HEARINGS A. Continued Public Hearing. Text Amendment Subdivision Ordinance No. 460 City Initiated) The Planning Director reported that this has been before the Council previously and recommended that the Council adopt for introduction the draft ordinance and that Council provide further direction to staff regarding the incentives for lot mergers. Councilmember Bohnenberger stated that the City needs to provide any incentives we can in order to incourage merger of lots up in the Cove area. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:22:00AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 16-U02 1987-U02 "I INUTES City Council June 16, 1987 3?1 Page Five. It was moved by Councilmember Sniff and seconded by Councilmember Bohnenberger to direct staff to draft an ordinance that would give, for lot mergers, 100% waiving of the building permit fees, 100% of the lot merger fees, and 50% of the Infrastructure fees, and set a time frame of 1 year, at which time said program shall be re-evaluated. Unanimously adopted. It was moved by Councilmember Cox and seconded by Councilmember Sniff to introduce Ordinance No. 110 and waive further reading. Unanimously adopted. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Cr) The City Manager briefly discussed a letter received by Robert J. Fitch, Chairman of the Riverside Commission for the Bicentennial Co Celebration of the U.S. Constitution, in which he is requesting on behalf of said commission, if our City Council wishes to establish or plan any events for the Bicentennial Celebration. After some discussion, it was the general concensus of the Council that the City did not have adequate time to prepare any special events, however, the Mayor did execute a Proclamation claiming September 17-23 as United States Constitution Week". 8. B. Consideration of appointments for three 3) vacant Seats on the La Quinta Planning Commission. Administrative Services Director Jennings stated that as of June 30, 1987 two 2) seats on the Planning Commission will become vacant along with one 1) resignation effective June 23, 1987. C. Consideration of appointments for three 3) vacant seats on the La Quinta Community Services Commission. Administrative Services Director Jennings stated that as of June 30, 1987, two 2) seats on the Community Services Commission will become vacant along with one 1) resignation effective immediately. After lengthly discussion, it was the general concensus of the Council that each applicant for the above positions make a brief presentation up to 3 minutes, and then be prepared to field a few questions from Council, to be done at the June 30, 1987 Council Meeting. D. Discussion 1987/88 Proposed Budget. After some discussion, it was the general concensus of the Council that this item be continued until the Regular Study Session on June 30, 1987 at 2:00 p.m. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:22:00AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 16-U02 1987-U02 "I37?NUTES City Council June 16, 1967 Page Six. E. Discussion Infrastructure Fee Program. The City Manager spoke briefly about the thoroughfare program, and the adjustments that have been made regarding same. He also stated that in order to get into the ballpark of the previous 1987 scenerios, under the old or new development scenerios, the City would need to generate approximately twice the revenue. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Planning Commission Minutes of May 26, 1987, received and filed with no comment. B. Community Services Commission Minutes of June 1, 1987, received and filed with no comment. 10. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved by Council member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Sniff to adopt Consent Calendar. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Council Members Bohnenberger, Cox, Pena, Sniff and Mayor Hoyle NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. 11. REPORT OF OFFICERS The City Manager requested adjourning to a short Executive Session regarding Personnel. The City Attorney reported on a Supreme Court Case regarding zoning decisions. After a brief explaination of said case, he further stated that what this case basically states is that invalidation is not an adequate remedy and that in some cases the regulation may last for 3-10 years before it is rescinded and during that period of time, up until a rescinding of the regulation a land owner is entitled to damages. The Community Safety Director briefly discussed the weed abatement status, stating that we have cleaned 695 lots in 18 months. He further stated that with the proposed formation of the Park Maintenance District, he believes that we could still do weed abatements fitted into the Park Maintenance program, with the funds that we would have budgeted for weed abatement put into the Park Maintenance fund. The Community Safety Director also discussed the Sheriff's Department Proposed Patrol Schedule. He stated that said schedule has been arranged to give us better coverage in the high incident areas. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:22:00AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 16-U02 1987-U02 "I Minutes City Council June 16, 1987 page Seven The Finance Director briefly discussed the financial reports for ay, 1987. The planning Director presented monthly reports, to which there were not comments. 12. ADJOUR??ENT Request for Executive Session for matters pertaining to personnel and which will adjourn to Monday June 30, 1987 at 6:30 p.m. for m Study Session regarding Infrastructure Fees. The City Council meeting held Tuesday, June 16, 1987 was adjourned at 11:29 p.m., at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado La m Quinta, California. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:22:00AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 16-U02 1987-U02