1987 09 01 CC Minutes"k 347 MINUTES A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California September 1, 1987 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hoyle called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:30 p.m. Y) A. Mayor Hoyle then invited Lucia Moran to lead the flag salute. m 2. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Pena, Sniff and Mayor Hoyle. Absent: Councilmembers Bohnenberger and Cox. It was moved by Councilmember Pena and seconded by Councilmember Sniff to excuse Councilmembers Bohnenberger and Cox. Unanimous. Also Present: City Manager Kiedrowski, Finance Director Harvey, Planning Director Crump, City Engineer Reynolds, Community Safety Director Hirdler and secretary Beaver. 3. CONF?RMATION OF AGENDA 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Jacques Ables, BQX 1416, La Quinta, Director of Parks and Recreation District, stated that the District has entered into a Master Plan Agreement and will be contacting the City and Councilmembers to get input, and will schedule a Public Meeting so that the Master Plan can be finalized. He further stated that it would be approximately 6 months for the plan to be finalized and adopted. Having no other requests for Public Comment, Mayor Hoyle then closed the Public Comment at 7:35. 5. COMMENT BY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember Pena stated that he was pleased to see Code Enforcement working on the weekend and commended Staff on same. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:36:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 01-U02 1987-U02 "k3?8 Minutes City Council September 1, 1987 Page Two 6. HEARINGS A. RESOLUTION NO. 87-46 WEED ABATEMENT/LOT CLEANING ASSESSMENTS FOR PLACEMENT ON 1988/89 PROPERTY TAX ROLL. The Community Safety Director reported that notices of tonights Public Hearing were sent to all property owners advising them of the hearing date, to which no written communication has been received by any of the notified property owners. Director Hirdler then requested Council adopt said resolution to place assessments on the 1988/89 property tax roll. Hearing no public comment, Mayor Hoyle opened the floor to Council Comment to which it was moved by Councilmember Sniff and seconded by Councilmember Pena to adopt Resolution No. 87-46, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, assessing lien and providing for the collection on the tax rolls of certain property for costs of abatement of a public nuisance. Unanimously adopted. B. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 112. ADOPTION OF NEW SIGN REGULATIONS Hearing no Public Comment, Mayor Hoyle then opened the floor to Council Comment to which there was none. It was moved by Councilmember Sniff and seconded by Councilmember Pena to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 112. ROLL CALL VOTE): AYES: Councilmembers Pena, Sniff and Mayor Hoyle. NOES: None. ABSENT.. Councilmembers Bohnenberger and Cox. ABSTAIN: None. C. CHANGE OF ZONE 87-026 AMEND CURRENT LA QUINTA OFFICIAL ZONING MAP, BY REZONING 32.27 ACRES from R-1 to R-3. The Planning Director reported that this was a request from Anna Hassell representing La Quinta Dunes. He further stated that the General Plan designates this area as high density residential. He reported that the Commission adopted a resolution recommending to the City Council approval of the change of zone and the filing of a Negative Declaration, and that the action provided for to concur with the commission action would be to draft Ordinance No. 113 and a minute action to concur with the filing of the Negative Declaration. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:36:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 01-U02 1987-U02 "k Minutes City Council 345 September 1, 1987 Page Three After some council questions to the Planning Director, Mayor Hoyle opened the floor to Public Comment to which Anna Hassell, 24542 Jutewood Place, El Toro, stated that she is willing to conform to all the Ordinances which exist in the City of La Quinta, and is prepared to go forward as soon as zoning is changed, and hopes that the Council can see their way to have this conform to the General Plan so that they may proceed. It was moved by Councilmember Sniff and seconded by Councilmember Pena to adopt the Negative Declaration in conjunction with the amendment; and waive further reading and introduce Ordinance No. 113, amending the official zoning map for the City by rezoning certain property referred to in Change of Zone No. 87-026, Anna Hassell, La Quinta Dunes Partnership. m Unanimously adopted. 8. BUSINESS SESSION Out of Agenda Order) It was moved by Councilmember Pena and seconded by Councilmember Sniff to take Item 8-A out of agenda order. Unanimously approved. A. RESOLUTION NO. 87-47 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT FOR THE LOCATION AND MANAGEMENT OF DIRECTIONAL SIGNS WITHIN TH? PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. The Planning Director reported that the BIA Directional Sign Program is ready for formal Council Consideration. He further stated that the program consists of sign structures located at key intersections. He also stated that a *`mock-up" sign structure was erected on the west side of Washington Street, north of Avenue 50 in the middle of August for Council and public viewing, to which said sign design with any detailing variations which may result is now proposed. Said program is to be totally managed by BIA with no cost to the City. City?s obligation being to grant an Encroachment Permit for the location of the signs and exercising individual sign approvals. The action requested from the Council is authorization to enter into the Management Agreement with BIA. Eileen Brown, BIA representative, stated that they plan to go into production as soon as possible as requested Council to give some input as to said signs. It was the general consensus of the Council that said signs needed some color, as the mock-up was bland. Ms. Brown stated that the signs are generally 9 feet in height with 5 panels, with the first sign possibly being installed as soon as 2 months. It was moved by Councilmember Pena and seconded by Councilmember Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 87-47. Unanimously adopted. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:36:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 01-U02 1987-U02 "k3??minutes City Council September 1, 1987 Page Four 6. D. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 114 AMENDMENT TO TITLE 8 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. 1985 Model Codes and 1987 Electric Code) The Planning Director reported that the proposal is an ordinance which would incorporate the latest version of various uniform codes into the City?s Regulations for Building Practices. The Draft Ordinance also contains an item which involves the separation of city reviewing boards which handle the subjects of alternate materials and practices and that of a general appeals. The Mayor then opened the floor to Public Comment and hearing none, opened the floor to Council Discussion, to which City Attorney stated that he had an amendment that he recommended be put into the Ordinance. It was moved by Councilmember Pena and seconded by Councilmember Sniff to waive further reading and introduce City Council Ordinance No. 114, as amended. Unanimously approved. E. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 115 AMENDMENT TO TITLE 8 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. 1985 Uniform Fire Code) Fire Marshall Brown reported some of the changes they have instituted within this Ordinance such as definitions of acceptable surfaces for access roads, making them hard surfaces rather than dirt or gravel, amending 1985 Code to read 165 feet from property frontages in residential zones for the placement of hydrants, established fire flow requirements in zones throughout the City and established criteria for determining responsibility for installation of fire flow facilities. He further stated that they have provided a change in the 1985 Uniform Building Code which reduces the requirement levels at which automatic fire protection systems must be installed, which went from 12,000 to 5,000 sq. ft., which said does not include single family dwellings, condominiums, or town houses. Councilmember Sniff questioned fire flow requirements in the Cove, stating that in the Cove the City reduced the requirements from 1500 gallons to 500 gallons per minute because 1500 was unreachable. Fire Marshall Brown supplied a map of the Cove area, outlining the areas where they are not providing the required fire flows under the current City Ordinance, and are not providing hydrant spacing under current ordinance. He further stated that out of 180 hydrants, 136 do not meet the requirements under this new code and 3/4 of those do not meet the requirements under the old code. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:36:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 01-U02 1987-U02 "k MINUTES City Council 343 September 1, 1987 Page Five. After lengthly discussion, Mayor Hoyle opened the floor to public Comment, and hearing none, closed the Public Comment and opened the floor to Council Discussion, to which Councilmember Pena stated that Councilmembers Bohnenberger and Cox had an interest in this item, and requested that we continue this item at such time when Councilmembers Bohnenberger and Cox can be present. It was moved by Councilmember Sniff and seconded by Councilmember Pena to waive further reading and introduce City Council a, Ordinance No. 115 as amended. Unanimously adopted. It was moved by Councilmember Pena and seconded by Councilmember Cr) Sniff to authorize City Manager to form a technical committee to review the issues brought up in Monday's Study Session by CVWD, m and the issues discussed this evening, with the intent to appoint to that committee along with the Fire Marshall of the City of La Quinta, the Community Safety Director, Public Works Director-City Engineer, City?s Building Official, and at least one representative from CVWD. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. Written communication from James Ryan, principal, Indio High School, thanking the Council and other valley organizations for services provided to Indio High School Students. Filed with no comments. B. Written communication received after the Agenda was posted from Erica Beck regarding Abby Health Care and the services they provide to the Community Services Center, stating that their registry has been acquired by a major health care corporation, and part of their policy is to curtail this complimentary service, and urged the City to lose no time in seeking out in finding a qualified and caring replacement to provide this same service. Received and filed with no comment. The City Manager then stated that he felt it appropriate for the Mayor to respond to Ms. Beck's letter. 8. BUSINESS SESSION B. DESIGNATION OF VO?ING DELEGATE FOR LEAGUE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. The City Manager reported that this was a procedural form required by the League, that the Council designate its voting delegate and an voting alternate if said delegate cannot attend the conference. Mayor Hoyle moved that this item be continued to the next scheduled Study Session to be held September 14. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:36:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 01-U02 1987-U02 "k3??- City Council September 1, 1987 Page Six. C. REQUEST FROM LAWRENCE B. CUNNINGHAM, OWNER OF ITALIO'S RESTAURANT, FOR A SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE. Planning Director Crump reported that this request is for a special advertising device, whereas Mr. Cunningham is requesting an application for two canvas banners, concerning announcement of business being open. Said banners are 7-8 feet long and 3 feet wide, attached to walls of the business. Lawrence B. Cunningham, Owner of Itaho's, 51-230 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, stated that he has used 2 banners since his opening in 1979 in the daytime only, simply stating OPEN" due to his location being primarily residential. Said banners are put up at 11:00 a.m. and removed at 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Saturday. He further stated that he feels it is essential that people know that his restaurant is open. It was moved by Councilmember Sniff and seconded by Councilmember Pena to approve Mr. Cunningham's request for a special advertising device as he specified and under the conditions he specified for a period of one 1) year. Unanimously approved. Mayor Hoyle then called for a 7 minute recess at 6:53 and called the meeting back to order at 9:05. D. Study Session Items discussed at yesterdays study Session) 1. Tom Levy, General Manager-Chief Engineer, CVWD, update on the second half, floor control project in the Cove area. Informational only. 2. Bill Bone, Sunrise Company, update on Sun Terra Project. Informational only. 3. City's possible donation to the Desert Cities Bicentennial Commission. The City Manager reported that the intent of said donation is to purchase constitutional booklets for school children in the Coachella Valley between grades 4 and 12. It was the general of the Council to continue this item until the September 14 Study Session. 4. Discussion, Kiwanis Club of Riverside, county wide luncheon regarding symbolic sign on" of the Constitution. The City Manager stated that if Councilmembers cannot attend, he will make sure a staff member is present to represent the City. 5. Discussion, request for a Proclamation in recognition of Californias for Drug-Free Youth RED RIBBON WEEK". BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:36:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 01-U02 1987-U02 "k Minutes City Council 341 September 1, 1987 Page Seven Martin Beck, Box 1013, La Quinta reported that the Community Services Commission was informed of this event last year at a very late date, and in his estimation our participation was minimal in that said ribbons did not get to City Hall, and felt that we did not participate in a significant degree at all. Mr. Beck further stated that he and other feels this is a very serious problem with an interesting approach in attacking the drug problem. Mr. Beck stated that a proclamation of this sort is somewhat non meaningful as a proclamation is just not enough. He then urged the Council to have the Community Services Specialist start initiating some programs to participate to a fuller degree during that week. Cr) It was the general consensus of the Council for the Community Services Commission to work with Staff and Michelle to get some programs going for this event. 6. Discussion, Technical Traffic Safety Committee. The City Engineer reported that he feels that our committee should be composed of the City Engineer, a representative of Cal-Trans District 11 in San Diego, a representative of the Sheriff's Department, a representative of the County Road Department from Riverside Traffic Division, a representative from the School District and the Community Safety Director. Mr. Reynolds then requested that Council authorize the formation of this committee, as there are a number of items right now that can be taken up with that committee. It was moved by Councilmember Sniff and seconded by Councilmember Pena to establish a Technical Traffic Committee with duties and powers along the line of Palm Desert's, with members to be our City Engineer, Community Safety Director, a representative of Cal-Trans, a representative of the County Road Department and a representative of the Sheriff's Department, and any person 5 that the City Engineer deem appropriate. Unanimously approved. 7. Discussion of La Quinta Celebration as an Annual event. It was the general consensus of the Council to continue this item until the Study Session scheduled for September 14, 1987. Unanimously approved. 8. Discussion of the Grant Award Process. It was the general consensus of the Council to continue this item until the next Study Session scheduled for September 14, 1987. 9. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS None. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:36:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 01-U02 1987-U02 "k34?minutes City Council September 1, 1987 Page Eight 10 CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilmember Pena and seconded by Councilmember Sniff to adopt Consent Calendar, subject to the changes in the minutes as submitted. ROLL CALL VOTE): AYES: Councilmembers Pena, Sniff and Mayor Hoyle. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilmembers bohnenberger and Cox. ABSTAIN: None. 11. REPORT OF OFFICERS The City Manager requests a Personnel Session to discuss issues regarding the hiring of a new City Attorney. So. Noted. The City Engineer reported on the cronic flooding problem occurring at the Plaza La Quinta, due to overwatering, and failures to the sprinkler systems around Beef and Brew. He feels that the problem will not go away and that something needs to be done. He further stated that we could work in conjunction with CVWD on their project which will run from Interstate 10 down to Avenue 50. The City Engineer stated that the cost for us to put a 4" force main from near the entrance of the shopping center in the District's trench, under Highway 111 and over to the Whitewater down in the wash, with the appropriate appurtenances will run somewhere in the order of $25,000. He strongly recommended that Council give serious consideration to proceeding with this project. It was moved by Councilmember Sniff and seconded by Councilmember Pena that the City Council finds that the feasibility of this project came to the attention of the City following the preparation of the Agenda. Unanimously approved. It was moved by Councilmember Pena and seconded by Councilmember Sniff to authorize the City Engineer to proceed with this project up to the amount of $30,000. ROLL CALL VOTE): AYES: Councilmembers Pena, Sniff and Mayor Hoyle. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilmembers Bohnenberger and Cox. ABSTAIN: None. It was moved by Mayor Hoyle and seconded by Councilmember Sniff to adjourn to an Executive Session. Unanimously approved. 12 ADJOURNMENT The City Council adjourned at 9:55 to a regular meeting on September 15, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 02-26-96-U01 09:36:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 01-U02 1987-U02