1986 02 04 CC Minutes" 343 MI?MINUTES ClT? COL?CIL CITY OF LA QUINLA A re??lar meeting of the City Council held at City 4. all, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Q??nta, California. February 4, 1986 7:30 p.m. 1? CALL TO ORDER C\J Mayor Pena called the La Quinta City Council meeting to order at 30 p.m., and led fl the Council and audience in the flag salute. ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Cox, Wolff and Mayor Pena. Absent: None. Mso Present: City Manager Usher, Deputy City Manager Jennings, City Attorney Longtin, Community Development Director Stevens, Community Safety Coordinator Hirdler, Chief Building Inspector Graham- and Associate Planner Price. 3. PUBLIC COMME*NT Mayor Pena explained to the audience that Mr. Ray Siebert of the U.S. Postal Service would not be in attendance at tonight's Council meeting, and that the adverti?ement of his appearance had been incorrectly placed by a private citizen. Mr. Pena stated that Mr. Siebert would be making a scheduled appearance, as invited, at the La Quinta Property Owner's Association meeting to be held Wednesday, February 5, 1986, at the La Quinta Community Center on Avenida Montezuma. A member of the audience, Mrs. Nadine Carlsson, indicated that it was she who had invited Mr. Siebert, and that he had planned to attend the Council meeting. 1. Martin Beck, P.O. Box 1043, La Quinta, addressed the Council regarding the La Quinta Traffic Safety Com?ittee and Council Metber wolff's state?ents relative to street repair and improvements in the La Quinta Cove area. Mr. Beck asked the Council to reconstruct and/or reappoint the Traffic Safety Committee. Mr. Beck further recommended the Council perfo? an in-house" study to assess street improvements and make planned repairs. Mr. Beck additionally recommended the paving of a 5-block portion of Avenida Montezuma which is currently gravel, and suggested that this would give the City an additional north-south corridor to alleviate traffic on Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Obregon. 2. Stanley Sniff, P.O. Box 1414, La Quinta, addressed the Council regarding concerns relating to mandatory legislation for seat belts on school buses. Mr. Sniff urged the Council to adopt appropriate legislation requesting that seat belts on all school buses be mandatory. and copies of our request be sent to appropriate legislative bodies. Mayor Pena explained to Mr. Sniff that the Council had adopted such a resolution, Resolution No. 86-1, at their first meeting in 1986, and had forwarded this Resolution to Sacramento. 3. Audrey Ostrowsky, P.O. Box 351, La Quinta, expressed concern regarding an allega- that a City council member had been observed removing an article from a public bulletin board. Ms. Ostrowsky asked the Council to take corrective action regarding this matter. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:41:56AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 04-U02 1986-U02 "1.?MINUTES Ci?y Counci' January? 21. 1986 4. ITTLN CO??ICATIO?S A. The City Manager stated that the City had recei?ed a communication from the League of California Cities, requestin? an increase in dues of six 6) percent for Fiscal Year 19S?-87. Mr. Usher State t?at this would mean an increase in dues for La Quinta of $69.00, bringing cur total League dues for fl 86?87 to $1,227.00. Mr. Usher stated that th?s ir.?r?3se was being cons.?ered through the various le?a1 entities of the League, an? that they are seekj.?? a res?onse fro? cities no laer than February 14, 1986. It was moved by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council Meniber Cox, to approve the League of California Cities request for a 6 increase in dues for 1986. Unanimously adopted. B. The Mayor announced that the City had received a co?unication from the La Quinta Women?s Golf Auxiliary and a donation of $1,165.00 towards on-going improvements at the La Quinta park. Mr. Pena explained that it was the third year in a row in which this group had donated funds towards playground equipment and other improvements at the park, and expressed the Council's appreciation for their community service and dedication. 5. CO?NTS BY COUNCIL MEXBERS A. Council Member Wolff commended the La Quinta Women's?en's Golf Auxiliary? for their donation, and expressed appreciation for their assistance on behalf of La Quinta youth. B. Mayor Pena reported that the City had Spoken with the La Quinta PostMaster to try to resolve several of the postal problems which have plagued La Quinta citizens. Mayor Pena reported that although no solutions have yet been attained the City would continue to try to increase the hours of service and other areas for improvement. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger, to adopt the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Cox, Wolff and Mayor Pena. \.OES: None. ABSENT: None. A. RES0L?Tl0N NC. 86-7. A RESOLUTION CF THE CITY COU\?CIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, APPROVING DEMAN?S. B. An extension of time for Tentative Tract Map No. 18765, for a 19.1 acre, 72 unit project on the south side of Avenida Fernando, between Avenida Obregon and Calle Mazatlan, Landmark Land Company, Applicant, was approved as submitted. C. A request for a special advertising device for the La Quinta Arts Foundation was approved as submitted. 7. HEARINGS A. The Community Development Director presented a report regarding Change of Zone No. 85-018, a request for a change of zone from 12-2-12,000 one family dwelling? 12,000 sq. foot net lot area per dwelling), to R-3 General Residential), on a 40.2 acre site at the southwest corner of Avenue SO and Jefferson Street; Morris and Grayson/Rufus Associates, Applicant. Following his report, Mr. Stevens reported that it was the recommendation of the Planning Commission to grant the requested zone change. Mr. Stevens explained that if the Council concurred with the Planning Commission S recommendation, it would be appropriate to introduce for first reading the proposed Ordinance furnished the Council in their agenda BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:41:56AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 04-U02 1986-U02 " MINUTES City Council 341 february 4, 1986 page Three. Mayor Pena invited the Applicant to make their presentation, if desired. Mr. Warren Bradshaw, representing the Orchard project, addressed the Council and outlined their plas or the pr?ject. Fc?lo?ing the Appl??ant' S prese.-.tati?n, Mayor Pena ope?ed th? hea-Ing to public c??ent. There be?ng no public co?e?t, Mayor Pena declared the bljc hearing cl?sed Follo?ing Coun?il discussion, it was oved bv Council M.e?ber Allen.?, seconded by Council Member Wolff, to waive further reading and introduce the ropcsed Ordinance, the title being read by the City nager, as follows: \` PROPOSED ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE OP ThE CITY COL?GIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, \DING THE OFFICIAL f) ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF 0 ZONE NO. 85-018. Unanimously adopted. m B. The yor introduced a public hearing regarding abatement of a public nuisance located at 50-840 Washington Street. The Chief Building Inspector reported on the circumstances leading to the proposed abate?ent action. Mr. Graham reported that the structures in question were clearly determined to be a public nuisance as set forth in the La Quinta Municipal Code, the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Housing Code, and listed the major violations which substantiated this determination. It was Staff's recommendation that the Council allow the property owner one more opportunity with a definite time period to correct the violations, and that the building at 5O?84O Washington Street be declared a Public Nuisance, and that abatements of said nuisance be initiated provided that such abatement be deferred as long as the property owner remains in compliance with the schedule set forth in the following proposed Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 86-8. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COL?NCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDERING THE ABATEEEENT T?EREOF 50-840 WASHINGTON STREET). Following Mr. Graham's presentation, Mayor Pena opened the hearing to a presentation by the Applicant. Mr. Pat Paris, owner of the building, addressed the Council and explained that he was willing to make the necessary corrections, but did not wish to ask the present tenants to vacate the premises while repairs were being made. Mr. Paris related the timing of events since his purchase of the property, and stated that he did wish to conforin to Council's direction. Mayor Pena opened the hearing to public comment. There being no public comment, Mayor Pena declared the hearing closed at 8:23 p.m. Mter Council discussion strongly supporting the Staff's recommendation, it was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Wolff, to adopt Resolution No. 86-8, declaring the property at 50-840 Washington Street to be a public nuisance. Unanimously adopted. Council also requested Staff to contact the Riverside County Housing Authority and attempt to secure housing for the tenants during the duration of repairs to this property. C. The Mayor introduced a public hearing regarding the use of available funds through the Community Development Block Grant Program. Coimnunity Development Director Stevens stated that he would ask the Associate Planner, Gary Price, to present the staff report on behalf of the City. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:41:56AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 04-U02 1986-U02 "4.mINUTEs City Council February??4,, 1986 Page??our. Mr. Price explained that tonight's hearing was the first of two public hearings t( be held for the purp?se of soliciting an? selecting prc?ect proposals to be fu.??e by available Co-?unity Development Block *?rant funds, outli?ed the prograni. sta'.e the project ob?ectives, pro?ect eli?ibil i:y, proposals received to date, and recommended the Council revie? and discuss these prQ?ects a?d study any new proposals raised at the hearing. Staff also reco:::me?:.ed that the Council leave the Public Hearing open until the next re?ularly sche?uled City Council meeting on February 18, 1986. Mayor Pena opened the public hearing at 8:53 p.m. Comments were heard from the following persons: 1. Martin Beck, representing the La Quinta Community Services Conii?ission, stated the Commission S interest in the City's pursuit of this grant; expressed a need for proper demographics to better reflect the make-up of the community; stated the Commission's interest in sponsorship of a symposium regarding latch-key" children. Mr. Beck also stated that he felt the best bet" for this type of grant would be a senior citizens' center. 2. Mark Moran, 54-510 Avenida Rubio, La Quinta, spoke in favor of a grant proposal for a child care center in La Quinta which he was trying to develop. Mr. Moran also Spoke in favor of grant funds for a senior citizens center. 3. Francis Gregory, Chief Executive Officer, Learning Centers, Incorporated, spoke in favor of use of grant funds towards child care centers, such as L.C.I. There being no further public comment, it was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Wolff, to continue the public hearing to the City Council meeting to be held February 18, 1986, at City Hall. Unanimously adopted. Use of Community Development Block Grant funds was generally discussed by the Council. Council Member Cox stated that she felt reluctant to utilize grant funds outside the City, as presented in the City of Palm Desert/College of the Desert child care center. Council Member Bohnenberger expressed his desire to see grant funds utilized on a child care center in La Quinta, and ur?ed Staff to take necessary steps and work with the Applicant to qualify this proposal under CDBG guidelines. Mr. Bohnenberger also expressed support for a proposal by Ann Young, and asked Staff to look at this proposal to see if funds could be expended towards senior housing improvement. Council Member Allen asked if a new special census might better reflect the make-up of the community, which would be too late to help with qualification for CDBG funds but would assist the City in pursuit of other grant funds. The Mayor asked Staff if they had submitted any proposals for use of these funds. The City Manager replied that Staff proposed a project which entailed land acquisition for development of a Senior Citizens Center, and explained that while Staff had not yet obtained a specific cost figure, it was expected that a suitable site for such a facility would be in excess of $125,000.00. Council Member Wolff urged the Council to avoid commitments to any specific project at this time, and expressed support for both a senior citizens center and a child care center, specifically, one geared to low-income families. Council Member Wolff urged the proponents of Learning Center, Inc.. to modify their proposal, if possible, to serve primarily low-income families, and seek funding through the child development unit at the State, or Head Start, but if this was not possible, Council Member Wolff BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:41:56AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 04-U02 1986-U02 "MiN? S Cit Cz?.?ci 1 e?r?ary 4, 1986 Paqe Five. 339 recommended that Staff explore whether the City could use these funds to obtain a facility and obt?in another grant from the State Dept. of Education or other sources to run a child care program in La Quinta. Council Member Wolff also reco?ended Ann Young S propQs3l, modified, to make funds available for low-inco-e f?ilies to fix up their ho?es landscaping, painting, etc). Mr. Wolff also asked Staff to explore this possibility. Mayor Pena concurred with the Coun? ii's co-?ent5, stated that he felt other proposals would be forthcoming, and invited the public to submit other appropriate propos?ls. The Community Developr:ent Director stated that Staff would attempt to determine the appropriate parameters to make the Learning Center's project eligible; convey them to the project proponents and report back to the Council; investigate further Council Member Wolff's suggestion relative to child care in some other fashion if ID unable to work with the Learning Center; and come up with a program relative to Ann Young's suggestions towards a home improvement/repair program. Mr. Stevens stated that Staff recommendations would be presented at the next hearing on the 18th of February, including possibilities for funds from the CDBG 12th Entitlement Year. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. The Communitv Safety Coordinator presented a report regarding arrangements for the dedication of the La Quinta P.G.A. West fire station, to be held Saturday, March 15, 1986, at 11:00 a.rn., at the fire station on Avenue 54. Mr. Hirdler explained that Landmark officials estimated that the station would be ready for occupancy on March 1, 1986, and the fire engine ready to go that same date. Mr. Hirdler explained that if council members wished to invite additional persons, they should relay this information to him as soon as possible. B. The Community Development Director presented a report from the Planning Commission regarding a schedule for review of the general plan amendments. Mr. Stevens explained that on January 28th the Planning Commission reviewed a Staff report concerning a method to implement the Government Code Section limiting general plan amendments. Nr. Stevens had presented two options for this review, and the Planning Co?mission had favored Option No. 2 on a 3-2 vote. Option No. 2 would provide for a three-cycle general plan amendment review, with one floating review" to be used as needed. The Council discussed the merits of both Option 1 and Option 2 with the Community Development Director. After discussion, it was moved by Council ember Cox, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger, to adopt Option No. 2. nanimously adopted. C. The Community Development Director presented a report from the Planning Commission concerning changing review procedures for commercial development. Mr. Stevens reported that the Planning Commission had unanimously recommended that the Council be requested to adopt an urgency ordinance which would change the level of review of commercial projects to allow Planning Commission review of all new commercial projects, additions to existing commercial buildings/uses and commercial remodels affecting the exterior appearance of an existing building. Mr. Stevens explained that currently, this review was performed by Staff under Plot Plan review. Mr. Stevens recommended that if Council wished to change the level of review for commercial projects, as recommended by the Planning Commission, it would have to adopt an urgency ordinance, or on a more permanent basis, changing the existing zoning ordinance. After discussion, it wasmoved by Council Member Allen, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger, to direct Staff to develop an urgency ordinance changing the review for commercial construction projects, for Council action at their meeting of February 18. 1986. Unanimouslv adopted.. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:41:56AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 04-U02 1986-U02 " Cit? rebr?3ry 4, 19?? p3q??x. D. It was moved by Council Member Bohnen?erger, seconded by Council Member Wolff, to direct Staff to undertake a Special Census of the COrflzj.jtv in order to establisTh so::e para:::?ters to iden?jf? certain demographic ate t? better target future grant opportunities. nani?ously adopted. The City Ma-.3ger reported tha Staff would report back to the Counc?l regarding coSt, ti-Ing, etc., at the next Council eeting. 9. ADJ0UR??T Mayor Pena announced that the City Council was adjourned at 9:58 p.m., to a Personnel? Session, following a 5-ininute break. The regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was adjourned Tuesday, February 4, 1986, at 9:58 p.rn., at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. aj BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:41:56AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 04-U02 1986-U02