1986 03 18 CC Minutes" 317 MINUTES CITY CITY IA A regular ireeting of the La iinta City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La jinta, California. March 18, 1986 7:30 p.m. 1. CML ORD?R A. Mayor Pena called the La Quinta City Council eeting to order at 7:30 p.m., Ln and led the Council in the salute to the flag. C 2. LL CALL m Present: Council rbers Allen, Bohnenberger, Cox, Wolff and Mayor Pena. Absent: None. Also Present:City Manager Usher, City Attorney LOngtin, Deputy City Manager Jennings, c???ty Developeent Director Stevens and C?rrr?ity Safety Coordinator Hirdler. 3. pUBLIC 1. Audrey ostrowsky, P?O. Box 351, La Quinta, California, requested the La QLiinta Arts Foundation repay the c?TTttL?ty with donations received fr? the City for the last three years on jirprov?rents such as street repair and public nuisance jir?,rov?nts. She also reiinded the Council that the Brawn Act applies to all C?UL1.55iOfl5, coccittees, etc. 2. Alice Bailes, 78-305 Calle Estado, La Quinta, President of the La Quinta Historical Society, reminded t?se present that the Historical Society would be holding a tea on Saturday, March 22, 1986. 4. WRI'F??? C?UNICATI?S A. The Mayor announced that a ccOOunication fr? the La Quinta of C?r??rce, continued fr? the March 4, 1986, eting, would be considered. me ca?ication presented an update on aTr?r activities, a request for mid-year funding, and an additional request for suppl?r?ntal funding of $9,400.00. Mr. Earl Ellson, President of the Chamber?, spoke in support of their request. ved by Council Bohnenberger, seconded by Council lff, to approve the request by the La QLiinta ayr?r of ccerce for mid-year funding of $12,500.00 and supplemental funding of $9,400.00. Unanimously adopted. 5. BY U??IL IXIl??? A. Council Mebeer Wolff praised the c?Trrunity involvement hich reSulted in the successful 1986 La QLiinta Arts Festival, and reprimanded c???nts made earlier in the rreeting by AL?rey Ostrowsky in this regard. Mr. Wolff stated that he hoped the City would continue to provide financial assistance for the Arts Festival, as needed. B. Mayor Pena echoed Council t?er lf f's c???fltS, and praised the Arts Festival. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:48:18AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 18-U02 1986-U02 "MrN?)Th?S City Lz?i1 1996 6. ved by Council Cox, seconded by Council lff, to adopt the Consent Calendar. Ii VDT? AYES: Council nt?ers Allen, hnenberger, Cox, Wolff and M?yor Pena. NOES: None. ABSENI': None. A. The Minutes of a regular Council meeting held March 4, 1986, were approved as su??it ted. B. RESOWrI? NO.86-17. A ESO?I? OF THE CIT?? COUNCIL OF CIfl? OF LA UINTA, CALIFORNIA, APP?O?TING C. A claim for dam?ges against the City, William & Nina Henry, was denied. D. A request for approval to rerecord a portion of Tract No. 20717-?, was approvec. E. RESOWII? No.86-18. A RESOL?I? OF ThE CITY J!?IL OF IIIF CITY OF LA CALIFO??IA, AME?DING PENSATIC?? OF O?TICERS AND EXPLOYE?S RES. No.85-68) R??RELATIVE TO FOR P? POSITION?S. 7 HEARINGS A. The Mayor introduced a public hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 21381, r?n?t No. 1, a revision in the n?KT?er of units and lots and acreage of a subdivision containing 42.4 acres into 32 lots to aoc?te 138 cond?nini? units, Sunrise Ccrr??y, Applicant, and asked the cunity Developeent Directo to present the report fr? the Planning Qittuission. larry Stevens, QITTr?ty Developeent Director reviewed the conduct of the public hearing held by the Planning ocission on February 11, 1986, and their subsequc?t review on March 11, 1986. Mr. Stevens reported that the Planning ssion ha unanin?us1y approved the revised tract m?p subject to the conditions in the attached report dated March 11, 1986, and rec?ri?ded Council approval. Mayor Pena need the hearing to public ent. There being no catir?nt, Mayor Pena announced the public hearing was closed. ved by Council rber Cox, seconded by Council Allen, to approve the re?uested revision to Tentative Tract Map No. 21381, Art?ndeent No. 1, subject to conditions in the staff report dated March 11, 1986. Urianirr?usly adopted. B. The Mayor introduced a public hearing regarding an Appeal relative to a Notice of lic Nuisar??, Will and Kathy Wade, Appelants. er Hirdler, Ccuunity Safety Coordinator, inforeed the Council that the Appelants had requested a continuance of this m?tter to the April 1, 1986, Council fleeting. ved by Mayor seconded by Council Wolff, to Contin?e this p?lic hearing to April 1, 1986. U??irr?usly adopted. 8. BUS?SS SESSI? A. The C?Touhity Developeent Director presented a staff report regarding traffic signal warrants for Eisenhower Drive at 50th Avenue and Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive, and explained that this material was presented for Council information c??y at this tirr?. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:48:18AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 18-U02 1986-U02 "MINUTES City Council March 18, 1986 Page 3. B. The Deputy City Manager presented a report fr? the City Manager regarding a Special Census. Ms. Jennings reported that Staff was rec?Th?dig Council adoption of a resolution appropriating $20,000.00 for a special census, and a tiOn authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Human Service Consultants to a&miriister the special census on behalf of the City, and authorizing the City Manager to send a letter of intent to the State Depar?t of Fiaance. Moved by Council rber Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Meeeer lff, to authorize the City Manager to execute an agreeeent with Services Consultants to administer a special census for the City, at a total cost of approximately $20,000, with a service fee of $4,000, plus reimbursement?r?nt for mileage and Out- of-pocket ex??ses, and to authorize the City Manager to send a letter of intent to the State Departi?t of Finance. unan?rously adopted. Moved by Council Tber Allen, seconded by Cooocjl Cox, to adopt the foll?ing proposed solution: RFSOWrI? No. 86-19. A RESOWrI? OF CITY UNCIL OF ThE CI? OF IA QUIN?, APP?P?UATI??G Fu?DS, SF?G $20,000.00 10 ACCOUNT NO. 01-4192-110-018, COMMUNITY SERVICES, MISCELLANEOUS, FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS, GENERAL FUND. C. The Deputy City Manager presented a report regarding labor relations and collective bargaining, and stated that this information was for Council review and discussion. 9. ed by Council rtt)er hnenlerger, seconded by Council t)er lff, to adjourn. A regular zr?eting of the La Quinta City Council held Tuesday, M?ch 18, 1986, s adjourned at 7:55 p.m., at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 08:48:18AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 18-U02 1986-U02