1986 09 16 CC Minutes#G 49 MINUTES CITY COU??CIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular rneetin? of the La Quinta City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California September 16, 1986 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER LD May?r Pena called the La Qu?nta City Council meeting to order a 5 at 7:30 p.m. m 2. ROL CALL Present: Council Members Allen.?, Bohnenberger, Cox, Wolff, and Mayor Pena. Also Present: City Mana?er Kiedrowski, City Attorney Longtin, Finance Director Henry Harvey, Planning Director Crump, Community Safety Director Hirdler. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 4. COMMENi BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A. The City Manager intro:?-ed Henry Harvey, new Finance Director, and Michelle Gilstrap, ne? Community Services Specialist. Mayor Pena welcomed them both aboard. B. Council Member Allen reported the passing of Mr. Roscoe Willoughby who recently lost his wife, Naomi, by an auto- mobile accident at 52nd and Jefferson, and cited that this neighborhood tragedy might spur finalization of plans for the four-way s-??p signs at 52nd and Jefferson. C. Council Member Wolff tha-ked the City Manager for having reflectors put out c-.. the roads mak?ng them safer and more attractive. 5. HEAR:NGS Mayor Pena introduced a pu?l?- hearing regard?ng three re?ests by Drew Wright Assoc?, wh?ch previously were heard at the August 26, l9?86 P?a..-.?nc Co.-.: ssion meeting, and are explaine under A., B., a-..: C., bel??. The City Manager reporte: t.?at he had received written co--unications from two c?-ze..s rezar: to Hearing 5.A. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 #G50 Minutes City Council September 16, 1986 Page T'wo A. Specific Flan Arendment No. 86-007, Amendment No. 1, to amend Washington Street Specific Plan; NE corner of Sagebrush & Washington Street. 1) The Planning Cornrrission recommended approval of Specific Plan 86-007 Washington St. Corridor); Amend- ment Na. 1 as outlined in their staff report dated August 12, 1986. 2) Planning Director Crump gave the City staff report. A fcr.-al presentation was given by Drew Wright & Assoc. The Mayor anno?nce adjournment to a 5-minute break. The Mayor reconvene the meeting at 6.35 p.m. The Mayor opened the hearing to public comment. Corm-ents were made by Judd Marmor, Margaret Miele, Chris Haenel and Bob Lotito. The Mayor then opened the hearing to Council discussion. Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Wolff, motion for Specific Plan Amend- ment No. 86-007, Amendment No. 1, to amend Washington St. Spec. Plan was unanimously carried for adoption. B. Change of Zone No. 86-021, to change zoning from R-3, R-2-8000, 1 to R-l on 40.33 acres; NE corner Sagebrush & Washington Street. 1) The Planning Commission recommended denial for Change 86-021 as requested 1), and recommended R-2++l4,100 Zoning multi-family dwellings; 17-foot height limit; 14,000-square-foot minimum lot size) over the entire site, as a preferred alternative. 2) Plann?ng Director Crump gave the City staff report, and the Mayor opened the hearing to public comment. Seema none, he opened the hearing the Council discussion. Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Coun??l Member Wolff, to approve Change No. 86-021 as reg?ested to change zoning from R-3, R-2-8000, P-i to R-l on 40.33 acres. Motion was carried by Council Me.-?er Allen. Council Member Cox and Mayor Pena were opp?sed, favoring the P-2 zoning. C. Tentative ract N-. NE corner of Sagebrush and Washington St ce t. 1) The Plannin; Co.-..?ss?on recommended denial as it was be incons?stent with the preferred density and zon?nc. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 #G Minutes City Council September 16, 1986 Page Three 2) The Mayor opened the hearing to public comment. Hearin none, he opened to Council discussion. Motion was made by Council Member Wolff, and seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger, to continue the hearing to the October 7th Council Meeting. Motion was unanimously carried to adoption. A second motion made by Council Member Bohnenberger \` to request comments from the Planning Commission on ID the conditions of approval, with the addition to C consider the Washington Street improvement as a portion of the specific plan as it may relate to th?s 5 tra?t as it extends north of property boundary), and how this may impact this tract. Mction was seconded by Council Member Wolff and unan?m?usly carried to adoption. The Mayor announced adjournment to a 5-minute break. The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 10:05 p.m. D. Mayor Pena introduced a public hearing on Tentative Tract No. 21846, SW of Jefferson Street & 54th Ave.; Sunrise Co., Applicant; a request to divide a 105.28-Acre portion of the PGA West project into 22 lots to accommodate 308 condominium units with golf course and recreational amenit?es. Planning Director Crump gave a staff report with Steve Robbins representing Sunrise Co. The Mayor opened the hearing to public comment and, hearing none, closed the hearing to Council discussion. Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger to approve the Tenta- tive Tract Map No. 21846, subject to conditions, Council Member Allen seconded. Unanimously adopted. E. Mayor Pena introduced a public hearing on Tentative Tract Map No. 21609, So. side 50th Ave., 3/4 mi., E. of Washington St.; Rufus Associates, Applicant; a reg'?es to subdivide an approximately 40 gross acre site into 34 single-f?mily residential lots, plus additional street and landscaping slots. Planning Director Crump gave a staff report, with a Rufus & Associates representative availa?e for questions. The Mayor opened the hearino t: public ccim?ent and, hearing none, closed the hearing to Counci discussion. Moved v Council Me-.?er Cox, and seconded y Counc?l Me.-.?er Wolff approve Tentative Tract Kap No 21609 Unan?- rnously adopted. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 #GMinutes City Council September 16, 1986 page Four 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. City Manager Kiedrowski reported on a comrnunication from Linda M. Wood, Library Director, Riverside City/County Public Library, requesting the appointment of a repre- sentative to the County Free Library Advisory Committee. Motion to continue to next regular City Council meeting was unanimously carried for adoption. 7. BUSINESS SESSION A. City Manager Kiedrowski reported on a request by Dwight Smith, CVAG, City Council me??er be appointed to act as representative to the CVAG- Housing Comr?ittee, and sug?este? the request be continued to the next regular City Co?ncil meeting. Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Wolff to continue to next regular City Council meeting. Unanimously adopted. B. Mayor Pena introduced Transportation Development Act a request for authorization to file for Article 8 Funds for FY 1986/87 in the amount of $39,566. The City Manager reported a recommendation to authorize the City's claim to Article 8 funds and that the City Manager be authorized to execute the claim on behalf of the City. Moved by Council Member Allen, seconded by Council Member Cox to authorize the City Manager to execute the City's claim for Article 8 Funds. Unanimously adopted. C. The Mayor introduced Resolution No. 86-77, approving ICMA deferred compensation plan. The City Manager read the title of the proposed resolution as follows. RESOLUTION NO. 86-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE ICMA RE:?IREM?-? CORPO?ATION, an? requested authorization to approve so that City employees might place money in their tr?st accounts. Moved by Moved by Council Member Wo?ff, seconded by Council Me??er Cox to adopt Resolution No. 86-77. Unanimous?y adopted. D. The Mayc introduced a re??es for Consideration of S:ree Name selection for 50th Ave-ue and Park Access Road. Moved by Council Member Allen, seconded by Council Me.-?er Cox, to continue tc rex reg?lar Council meet?ng. Unanimously ad--??ed. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 #G 45 Minutes City Council September 16, 1986 page Five E. A report by the City Manager regarding installation of a traffic signal at Highland palms/washington Street. He stated that relevant to previous discussions, he had received scope of work from BSI Consultants and that it indicated a not to exceed fee of $4,000,000., and a schedule that the work would be completed in approximately five weeks. Moved by Council member Allen, seconded by Council member Bohnenberger to approve the installation of a traffic signal at Highland palms/washington Street with the stipu- C lation of the five week time line. Unanimously adopted. 8. COMMISSIONS AND COMMIfl'EES m A. Mayor Pena reported that the stop sign at Jefferson and 52nd Street had been discussed. Contact has been made with Supervisor Larson and the Traffic Co?mission, with a hearing set for October 1st in Riverside and that recommendation for approval will be sought. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved by Council member Cox, seconded by Council member Bohlen- berger, to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Cox, Wolff, and Mayor pena. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. A. Minutes of City Council meeting of 09-02-SE, as submitzed. B. RESOLUTION NO. SE-78. APPROVING DEMANDS. C. RESOLUTION NO. 86-79. ESTABLISHING SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES SAFE) AND DESIGNATING RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AS SAFE. D. Approval of Finance Director Employment Agreement. E. Approval of Title V Senior Community Service Employment program for FY l9B6-8?. F. Approval of Request for proposal PABX Telephone System. G. Approval of Final Tract Map No. 20717-2B, Sunrise Co., Applicant. 10. REPORT OF OFFICERS A. The City Attorney gave a short report cn the matter of Shive vs. C?tY Council, the litigatio-. is now scheduled for hearin? Friday, September 26, 1986, 9:00 a.m. in Superior Court. one of the Council me.-.?rs will be BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 #Gminutes City Council September 16, 1986 Page Six required to testify but are invited to attend. The hearing would be most exclusively lawyer argument, and perhaps some limited testimony by Mrs. Shive and possibly Ann Jennings. Copies of all of the documentation filed by the City declarations of the Mayor, City Clerk Deputy City Clerk, plus the Points and Authorities) will be distributed to the City Council Monday or Tuesday of next week. B. The Planning Director reported: 1. The Co'?.?i551on has considered Cycle Three of the General Plan Amendments at their last meeting. Due to the n?-?er and the complexity of their considera- tions, those will be reported to the City Council at theIr October 7th meeting. 2. proposals to provide directional signing in the City for projects and major points of travel are maturing. These will be brought to the study session for the Council's information/review and/or guidance. C. Council Member Allen suggested that when an Agenda item might possibly require discussion of some duration, as 5. A., B., and C., of this meeting, that the Agenda be revised accordingly to allow the normal course of business and individuals thereto) to be expeditiously heard. The Council expressed unanimous agreement. 11. ADJOURNME?T A. Moved by City Manager Kjedrowski, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger, to adjourn to the next regular meeting of October 7, 1986. Unanimously adopted. B. The regular La Quinta City Council meeting held Tuesday, September 16, 1986, was adjourned at 1C:37 p.m. at City Hall, 78-1C5 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:50:56PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 16-U02 1986-U02