1986 10 27 CC Minutes#W 23 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA An adjourned regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held at City Flail, 7B-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California October 27, 1986 3:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pena called the La Quinta City Council meeting to order at Ln 7:30 p.m. 0 5 2. ROLL CALL m Present: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Ccx, Wolff, and Mayor Pena. Also Present: City Manager Kiedrowski, Planning Director Crump, Community Safety Director Hirdler, Secretary Nazzaro, Deputy City Manager Jennings. 3. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Dianne Funk, La Quinta Arts Foundation, welcomed the public to the Faire a' la Quinta, sponsored by the La Quinta Arts Foundation, to be held Sunday, November 16th, beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the La Quinta Community Park. Admission is free. Edwin Ettinger, 77-450 Calle Tecate, La Quinta, stated he received a warning notice for violation of rocks on city right-of-way which must be removed. City Manager Kiedrowski will discuss forms with Safety Director Hirdler He also stated that dirt bikers have taken over' the area and that he has personally seen 18 different bikers on a weekend. In the interim of the planned fencing, he requested more patrolling/security be provided. Mayor Pena stated that additional security offices had been authorized during the weekend hours when the dirt bikers had been spotted. 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A. Council Member Allen suggested that since it has been previously discussed to Sometime combine the lanni??g Commission and City Council meetings, perhaps when there is a 5th Tuesday of the month which occurs approximately four times a year) this would be a good time to c??ine the meetings. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 #W24 Minutes City Council October 27, 1986 Page Two He also commented that in July a $35,000 grant for home improvements was approved and requested a status report at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting, and that it might be a good idea to check into the status of other grants which have been approved. Additionally, he commented that new builds in town one bank and six houses) have no dumpster and was that in accordance with the ordinance passed two months ago. Planning Director Crump addressed the fact that the ordinance does not necessarily re?uire a standard dumpster to be on site, but that the area is cleaned regularly. B. Council Member Cox commented on recent discussion concerning The Desert Resort Convention Center Visitors Bureau DRCCVB;?) requests to each city to take action on, asked City Manager Kiedrowski to contact Mr. G. Zimmerman of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments regarding their requests. She explained that one request is a resolution of support for the Desert Resort Communities and Palm Springs Convention Center Visitors Bureau being consolidated. The other request regards the road issue Hwy ill name change); The Board of the DRCCVB had suggested a contest in the Coachella Valley for the renaming. She cited a letter from Darwin Oakley Mayor of the City of Indio) requesting that Palm Canyon Drive be extended to Highway 111. She asked City Manager Kiedrowski to find out whether Mayor Oakley?s request is in relation to the contest, or whether this is a separate request directed to the cities. Council Member Wolff moved that Mayor Pena be asked that a letter be sent recommending Palm Canyon Drive to be used for Highway ill to the Visitors Bureau. Seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger who added that copies be sent to the cities of Coachella Valley. unanimously adopted. Council Member Cox invited discussion on the project of the Volunteer Fire Department appreciation dinner in regard to what guests should be invited and the program involved. She stated the dinner has been scheduled for November 20th at the La Quinta Hotel. Determination of guests/awards were discussed. Council ember Bohnenberger moved to invite the Officers of the Firebelles and their spouses, along with the Captains, to be paid for by the City and presented a plague, along with the Volunterrs, citing their contributions. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 #W 21 Minutes City Council October 27, 1986 page Three Mayor Pena stated for the record that Myra Bohnenberger was a conferee from the audience regarding the appreciation dinner plans. C. Council Member Wolff reported on an article in the L.A. Times regarding La Quinta and the Water District and provided copies for the Council. He also mentioned that he had noticed one intersection in ID town where presently there were no campaign signs. C D. Council Member Bohnenberger moved that since the next m regularly scheduled City Council meeting of November 4th is Election Day, that the meeting convene at 6:30 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m. in order to be able to close the meeting by 8:00 p.m., the official poll closing hour. There being no questions, and seconded by Council Member Cox, motion to convene the November 4th City Council meeting at 6:30 p.m. was unanimously carried for adoption. E. Mayor Pena reported that since the school construction has begun and the street to the park completed, there needs to be a sign on the Site noticing the public our future school/park. He requested City Manager Kiedrowski to call the school and ask them to put up a sign. Mayor Pena added that he was pleased to have attended the Storm Water Channel dedication in the a.m.of October 27th, and thanked the Water District for a project to be proud of. 6. HEARINGS None. 7. WRITTEN COMUUNICATIONS None. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. ORDINANCE NO. 99 AMI?ING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 86-021. D. WRIGHT & ASSOCIATES) BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 #W22 Minutes City Council October 27, 1986 Page Four Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Wolff, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 99. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Wolff. NOES: Council Member Cox, Mayor Pena. ABSTAIN: None. B. ORDINANCE NO. 100 AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO COMPENSATION OF COUNCIL MEMBERS AND MAYOR. Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Wolff, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 100. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Wolff, and Mayor pena. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: Council Member Cox. C. ORDINANCE NO. 101 AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 86-023. ROBERT CUNARD) Moved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Allen, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 101. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Cox, Wolff, and Mayor Pena. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. D. ORDINANCE NO. 102 AMI?ING SECTION 2.55.010 OF ThE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE DESIGNAT- ING HOLIDAYS WHICH WILL BE OBSERVED BY ThE CITY. Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Wolff, waive further reading and introduce Ordinance No. 102. Motion was unanimously carried for adoption. E. Continued consideration of street name Aven?e 50/Park Access Road. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 #W 19 Minutes City Council October 27, 1986 Page Five City Manager Kiedrowski reported on his memorandum to the City Council regarding a copy of a letter from Rufus & Associates in addition to the one from Darwin Oakley Mayor of Indio) which Mayor Pena received, and asked if Council would like to continue to the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. \` Moved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger, to continue consideration of street name C to the next regularly scheduled City Council Meeting. F. Request to attend National League of Cities Conference. m City Manager Kiedrowski requested this item be removed from the agenda, as none of the Council/staff are able to attend. Council member Cox requested that the City join the League for informational purposes. G. Acceptance of Improvements P.G.A. West Fire Station. Moved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger, with the exception of exhibits 3, 4, and 5 to be recorded and these actions to be continued, to accept improvements. Motion unanimously carried for adoption. H. Discussion of Quakesafe Apportionments for American Red Cross Regional Coordinator. City Manager Kiedrowski reminded the Council that at the August 19 City Council meeting, the initial letter from CVAG explaining these apportionments was introduced. It was moved by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council Member Cox, for the City Manager to release the amount of $588.00 from the City budget as its share for the funding of an American Red Cross Regional Coordinator. Unanimously carried for adoption. I. Discussion regarding Riverside County redevelopment areas. City Manager Kiedrowski reported there has been discussion in the past year of several proposed Riverside redevelopment areas, two of which Thermal and Palm Desert Country Club) could affect the City of La Quinta. The City Attorney will report to Council on what effect a proposed County Community Services District would have on La Quinta, and the Council will meet with Supervisor Corky Larson to review boundaries. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 #W20 Minutes City Council October 27, 1986 Page Six 9. COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES A. Draft Planning Commission Minutes. 10-23-86) B. Draft Community Services Commission Minutes. 06-23-86) C. Draft Community Services Commission Minutes. 10-10-86) 10. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Cox, to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimously approved by Roll Call vote. A. Approval of Minutes, City Council. October 7, 1986) B. RESOLUTION NO. 86-87. APPROVING DEMANDS. C. RESOLUTION NO. 86-88. APPROVING A TITLE Ill-B SUPPORTIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY OFFICE ON AGING. D. RESOLUTION NO. 86-89. ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP. DREW WRIGHT & ASSOCIATES) E. Final Extension of Time Tentative Tract No. 18765 La Quinta Tennis Club Villas Landmark Land Co., Applicant. F. Approval Plot Plan No. 86-361, John Della, to construct 2-story retail complex at Calle Estado & Desert Club Drive. SW Corner) 11. REPORT OF OFFICERS The Council expressed satisfaction and approval of staff reports being generated under the direction of City Manager Kiedrowski. Mayor Pena requested status of the new telephone system. City Manager Kiedrowski confirmed the new phone system to be installed on November 13th. 12. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Council Member Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Member Cox, to adjourn to the regularly scheduled City Council meeting of November 4, 1986, convening at 6:30 p.m. Unanimously adopted. The adjourned regular La Quinta City Council meeting held Monday, October 27, was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, CA. BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02 BIB] 02-27-96-U01 02:53:31PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 27-U02 1986-U02