1985 05 07 CC Minutes# MINU?ES CITY COUNCIL cr? OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. May 7, 1985 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO OPDER A. Mayor Cox called the La Quinta City Council meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. 13. The Flag Salute was led by Art Gault. 2. POLL CALL Present: Council nbers Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Longtin, Amministrative Services Coordinator Jennings, C?mt??ty Development Director Stevens, arid Corrinunity Safety Coordinator Hirdler. 3 PUBLIC CO??E? The Mayor announced that this was the tire set aside for public ent, arid r?nded those present that there would be a three minute time limit on ents relating to items of City business which were not listed on the Agenda. Catm??ts were heard from the following persons: A. Jacques Abels, P?O. Box 1416, La Quinta, reported to the Council regarding the light situation existing at La Quinta Park. Mr. Abels explained the procedure that the recreation District uses to control keys for the lights, arid explained a Situation concerning the lights which occurred last week. Mr. Abels stated that the District is in the process of implementing a system, used in all other Valley cities, whereby the ballfield lights will be on an automatic timer system. B. Bob Baier, 51-485 Calle Guatemala, La Quinta, discussed the past history of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, which was originated on March 17, 1950. Mr. Baier urged the Council to support the Chamber to the full extent possible. C. Earl Ellson, 80-082 Palm Circle Drive, La Quinta, President of the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce, appealed to the City Council to inform the Chamber at the earliest possible time regarding Status of a $73,950 communitv Services grant the Chamber has requested from the City. Mr. Eliscri explained the interest and enthusiasm of the Chart?r Board, and stated that they would like to begin their new program as soon as possible. D. Sonny Canlian, 50-400 Jefferson Street, Indio, presented a petitions from homeowners?, signed by 85 percent of the landowners in his area, requesting inclusion into La Quinta 5 sphere of influence. Mr. Canlian stated that the petition represented a total of 320 acres. E. Steve Gaylor, 46-455 Washington Street, La Quinta, expressed concern regarding recent street striping irprovements on Washington Street, south of Highway 111 in front of homes in this area. Mr. Gaylor cited concerns relative to safety for children, excessive speeds, ingress and egress in this area, and width of traffic lanes nearest the homes in this area. The City Manager and Council responded to Mr. Gaylor S concerns, arid explained that the striping was being redone to correct a 6 error in width of traffic lanes. The Council also apologized to Mr. Gaylor because residents in the area were not notified of the Striping prior to its irpl?nentation. BIB] 02-28-96-U01 04:03:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 07-U02 1985-U02 #IN?S City Council lay 1985 Page Two. F. Don Williams, 46-670 Washington Street, La Quinta, expressed irritation regarding the speed limit on Washington Street, and echoed Mr. Gaylor' S concerns regarding the street striping. Mayor Cox responded and explained that steed limits are normally set by speed surveys, which allow law enforcement agencies to enforce the speed limits as set by the surveys. Mayor Cox also stated that the Council has instructed the Sheriff' S Depart?ent to provide additional enforcement of speed violations in this area of Washington Street G. Andy Allen, 46-525 Washington Street, La Quinta, expressed concern regarding the left turn lanes created by the street striping improvements on Was?Washington Street. 4. WRrI.I??? COMMuNICATI?S Mayor Cox stated that several letters relating to public comment regarding Washington Street striping had been received, fr?n Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Richardson, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gaylor, and Janet and Anthony Allen. A. The City ianager presented a report regarding a c?TTrLunication from the City of Rancho Mirage regarding transfer of industrial development bond funds between the C?rrflunities, to be repaid to La Quinta in fr? Rancho Mirage's 1986 IDB allocation. The City Manager explained that La Quinta' 5 total IDB allocation for 1985 was $317,000, and that he had discussed the request with the Riverside County Department of Development. Mr. Usher explained that this allocation lIst be used annually or it would revert to the State, and since La Quinta did not presently have the type of private developments requiring IDB assistance nor use for this bonding capacity in 1985, it would be appropriate to loan $100,000 to Rancho Mirage this year, to be repaid in 1986 1DB bonds. ved by Council M?er Wolff, seconded by Council M?nber Allen, to lend to the City of Rancho Mirage up to $317,000 of La Quinta?s IDB capacity fran the 1985 calendar year, to be repaid in $100,000 allocations over the next 3 years. Unan. adopt B The City Manager presented a cation fran the Desert Resort C?ni ties Convention & Visitors Bureau, requesting continuance of La Quinta S membership in their organization, and approval of a $15,000 cap in matching funds for the caning year beginning April 1, 1985, to March 31, 1986. The Mayor stated that the Council had reached a consensus to take no action on this matter at the present time, and direct the City Manager to provide Council M??ers Bohnenberger and Pena with infonnation concerning last year S agreement with the DRCCVB. C. The City Manager presented a c?munication from Thomas and Suzanne Kennedy, objecting to the proposed location of a golf course maintenance facility which is part of the PGA West project, on the south side of Avenue 54. The C?nnity Development Director explained that Landmark Land Company had filed with the City a plot plan application for a golf course maintenance facility as described in the Kennedy S letter, and stated that this matter was scheduled as a hearing before the Planning C?rtnission on May 7th, after which it would cane beforE the City Council on June 5th. BY COUNCIL ME??BERS A. Council Member Allen expressed pleasure at seeing large number of persons using La Quinta Park on weekends, and pointed Out the need for construction of the new school facility and associated parks, playgrounds and ballfields. BIB] 02-28-96-U01 04:03:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 07-U02 1985-U02 #INLTES City Council May I, 1985 Page Three. * Council Member Wolff stated that he attended the La QIlinta Arts Foundation scholar- ship awards program, and explained that eight high school students had received awards fr?n the Arts Foundation. Mr. Wolff stated that they give an annual Naomi Willoughby" scholarship, in the arr?unt of $1,000/year, to be given to the same student each year until completion of college, and stated that he felt the awards represented part of the City S contribution to the Arts Foundation which were being very well spent. Council er Wolff stated that he was going to resign as a mebeer of the Dawn- town Planning Advisory Committee, and would report to the Council in full at the next Council meeting. C. Mayor Cox stated that she had participated in the annual Sports & Youth Opening Day Parade", held Saturday, May 11th, and reported that 27 team?ms of youngsters participated. 6. NSB?T CAL??R Noved by Council Wolff, seconded by Council M?ber Bohnenberger, to adopt the Consent Calendar, as corrected. ROLL ZAT.T. AYES: Council M?flSers Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABSE?T: None. A. Minutes of an adjourned regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held April 18, 1985, were approved as su??nitted. RESOL?ION NO.85-41. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY CO?CIL OF THE CITY LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DE?S. with a correction to Warrant #4268, correcting the arr?unt to $100.00) The Mayor announced that the Council would adjourn for a 5?ninute break at 8:39 p.m. The Mayor reconvened the Council meeting at 8:51 p.m. I? HEARINGS A. The Mayor introduced a public hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No.20717, a request to divide 132+ acres into 109 lots with 23 single-family dwellings on individual lots and with 488 condominium units on the reaaihing lots; Sunrise Company, Applicant, and asked the Ca?munity Development Director to present the report fr? the Planning Coirmission. The C?munity Development Director reported that Tentative Map No. 20717 represented the first tentative tract associated with the West specific plan, and explained that the matter was heard before the Planing Comnission on April 23rd. Mr. Stevens stated that the Planning Corrmission 5 reco?endation was approval, subject to the conditions set forth in the Staff Report dated April 23, 1985. Mr. Stevens further reported that the Applicant has indicated a desire to make revisions to the proposed project which should be reviewed by the Planning C?rtflission prior to Council action. As a result, this hearing should be continued and the matter referred back to the Planning C??njssion. Mr. Stevens stated that the Planning C?rmission would hear the matter again on May 14 and if so, the Council hearing could be held June 5, 1985. ved by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council Member Allen, to refer this matter back to the Planning Corrrnjssion for c?rments on the proposed revisions, and continue this hearing to the first Council meeting in June. Unan?usly adopted. BIB] 02-28-96-U01 04:03:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 07-U02 1985-U02 # CitY Council 1985 aae Four. B The vor introduced a public hearing regarding a proposed Ordinance continuing a rr?ratorium an outdoor advertising signs/structures, and asked the C?rtnunity Develo?t Director to present the Staff Report. The Couu?ty Development Director explained that the Council had ado?ted an urgency Ordinance establishing a ir?ratorium on outdoor advertising sigfls/st??ctures in ay, 1984, and subseguently ended the Ordinance to May, 1985. Stevens exolained that the proposed Ordinance would grant the rnaximi?rn one-year extension allowed by Gov?ent Code Section 65858. Mr. Stevens explained the moratorium necessity, which would allow Staff trne to cocoplete a sign ordinance and eliminate the potential threat of new off-site signs which might be in conflict with the proposed Ordinance. Mr. Stevens re?ended adoption of the urgencv Ordinance. Mayor Cox opened the hearing to rlflent fr?n the public. C??ents were heard from the following persons: 1) Ralph Henly, 77-350 Avenida Fernando, La Quinta, expressed concern regarding the rr?ratori? on advertising signs, and asked for Council assistance in helping developers with marketing for large projects and develo?rnents. 2) Bruce Cathcart, P.O. Box 346, La Quinta, explained that at the last Downtown Planning Advisory Ca?mittee meeting, outlined the City S need for identification signs rn?n?ent markers for developers, directional signs to the downtown area, etc., and said that the DPAC would flake a presentation to the Council at their first meeting in June for Council approval. There being no further public c?Ttnent, the Mayor closed the hearing at 9:00 p.m. The City Manager read the title of the proposed Ordinance, as follows: O?INANCE NO. 75 AN O?I??CE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF IA QUINT??, CALIF??IA, ESTABLISHING AND TINU INC N CY MEASURE PPOHIBITING OUtDOOR ADVERTISING??IS INC DISPLAYS, O3TDmR AD?IS?G ST??TRES O?R ADVE??IS INC SIGNS WHI? BE IN ICT Wrnl A ZONING PROPOS??, C?TINU?TION TO BE IN BFBTCT ON N INTERIM STUDY BASIS PURSUANT TO GOVEI??ONT CODE SECTI? 65858. After discussion, it was moved by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council r Allen, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No 75, and direct Staff to prepare nodifications to the Ordinance regarding sign standards for directional signs for projects and developments and providing for Staff review of these standards, and return with these modifications to the Council within 60 days. LL V?: AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 6. BUSIN?SS SESSICN A. The City Manager read the title of a DXO?sed Ordinance, as follows: ORDIN??C? NO 76. AN ORDThIANOB OF Th CITY COUNCIL OF ThL CITY OF LA QUINTA, O??IFORNIA, AMEND?? 1.? O?FIC.? ZONING FOR THE CITY, BY REZ? INC CERTAIN PPOPERTY REFEREED TO IN ANCE OF ZO? CASE NO. 85-015. ved by Council Member Bchnenoerger, seconded bv Council Member Wolff, to waive ther readin? and adopt Ordinance No. 76. POLL AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. BSTAr.. on?. BIB] 02-28-96-U01 04:03:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 07-U02 1985-U02 # City Council 1985 Paqe Five. The C??unity Development Director presented the Staff R?port regarding a stop sign study along Eisenhower Drive? conducted by Berryman & Stephensan at Council direction. Mr. Stevens related the reOOmendations stated in the report, and explained that a four-way stop at the intersection of Calle Durango and Eisenhower Drive was warranted due to accident probl?ns occurring at this intersection which would be correctible with a four-way stop. Mr. Stevens also noted that the report recorr?eoded other locations to be considered to create a pattern Cf expected" stops on Eisenhower to avoid tential traffic accidents fr? a single unepected stop at Durango. Mr. Stevens further reported that since Avenue 50 was being considered as a possible traffic signal, it would be appropriate to include Avenue 50 in the stot sian pattern, along with Calle Tampico, Chihuahua, arid Chillon, or delete Calle Chillon due to the roadway narrowing and significant traffic vol?e reductions at that location. After discussion, it was moved by Council M?nber Pena, seconded by Council M?nber Bohnenberger, to adopt Resolution Ns. 85-42, as follows: RE?UTION No.85-42. A RESOLUTI? OF crry COUNCIL OF THE CI?Fy OF LA QUINT?, CALIFO?IA, DI?TING THE IN??TION AND M??N?NCE OF STOP SIGNS TO FACILIT?Th A FOUR-'WAY STOP AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF AVENUE 50, CALLE TAMPICO, CALLE DURANGO AND CALLE CHIHUAHUA WITH EISENHOWER DRIVE. Unanirr?us ly adopted. C. The Comnnnity Development Director presented a report regarding the Washington Street Specific Plan, and Mr. Stevens stated that the City's consultant, Berryrnan & Stephen- son, w? requesting time to make a presentation before the Council and Planning Carmission to seek input relative to several aspects of the Specific Plan project. Mr. Stevens suggested the Council Set aside time at the May 20th study session for this matter, and reet jointly with the Pinnings Commission at that time. It was the consensus of the Council to Set aside one hour at the ay 20th study session for this purpose. D. The C?'unity Deveio?inent Director presented a report regarding a Park Dedication Agreement for The Grove project, and reported that representatives of The Grove have requested that the City enter into an agreement concerning the dedication Cf the park site required in the approval of Specific Plan No. 84-004 and Tentative Parcel Map No. 20469 a ten acre park site for park and recreation purposes). Mr. Stevens ex??lained that the Agreement proposes dedication of an 8.45 acre site with the remainder to be an in-lieu fee of $42,725, and stated that it a?Deared the 8.45 acre site would be adeuuate to satisfy the j'iint-use needs of the City and School District, while the in-lieu fees would provide an opportuhity to start develoteent. Mr. Stevens re?rended that Council approve the 8.45 acre park site dedication; approve an in-lieu fee of $42,725 for the difference between 8.45 and 10 acres); and authorize the City 1anager to sign the Agre?ent. Dave Howerton of Robert Lamb Hart, architects for The Grove project, stated that The Grove Associates would provide architectural services to prepare a Master Plan for the Dark, including a budget and ste?by-step im?l?nentation of the tark. Mr. Howerton suggested the Council appoint a task force of interested citizens to deteritine the desired needs for the proposed k. ved by Council Mebber Allen, seconded by Council M?r Pena, to approve the Park Dedication Agre?nent between The Grove of La Quinta and the Citv of La Quinta, and authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City. narur??usly adopted. The Co?ty Develotment Director presented an informational report regarding BIB] 02-28-96-U01 04:03:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 07-U02 1985-U02 # City Council r??V 7, 1985 Page Six. the fire station at Avenue 54 and Madison Streets, and asked the Council to mdify their review of the fire station and allow Staff to process the application through Staff-level approvals to facilitate timely construction and planning of the fire station. Mr. Stevens passed Out site olans, floor plans and &?erior building elevations for the Council's review, and asked for Council coirments. Mr. Stevens stated that the lans have been coordinated with the Riverside County Fire epartment needs and are considered acceptable for their purposes The Administrative Services Coordinator presented a report regarding a joint Powers Agreement and other domestic ani?ls, and recarmended approval of the agreement, which constituted an extension of an Agreement between the City and County for provision of animal control services relating to kennel fees nergency personnel services and mileage reimburs?nent fees. i??ved by Council M?nber Wolff, seconded by Council Mebber Pena, to approve an Agreement for services relative to regulation and control of dogs and other domestic animals between the County of Riverside and City, effective July 1, 1985, through June 30, 1986. Unanimously adopted. The City 1anager presented a report regarding liability insurance coverage for the period of May 1, 1985 through April 30, 1986, and explained that the rate for liability insurance was increasing from $10,431 for 1984-85 to $32,641 in 1985-1986. Mr. Usher explained the reason for the increase as problem? within the insurance market, and also reported that the City 5 self-insured retention would be increased from $1,000 per occurrence to $20,000 per occurrence. The City anaqer rec?ended adoption of the following proposed Resolution, to transfer necessary funds to cover the increased cost of liability insurance, as follows: RE?LUTI? NO. 85-43. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPPOPRIATING TRANSFF?RING $19,559.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 01-4190-1200, NON-DBPAR???AL, INSU?NCE-L:ABILITY, FROM ThE I?PPRCPRIATED SURPLUS, GENERAL FNND. ved by Council Meeeer Wolff, seconded by Council Mebber Bohnenberger, to adopt Resolution No. 85-43. Unaryi:??usly adopted. H. The City Manager presented a report regarding a future Civic Center site, and re?cended Council authorize the City Manager to obtain appraisals of several pieces of property in this regard. The City Manager described the three potential sites as the northwest corner of Washington Street and Calle Tampico?, 22.5 acres; the southwest corner of Washington Street and Calle Tampico;, 13.79 acres; and the northeast corner of Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico, 22.59 acres. ved by Council M?nber Wolff, seconded by Council Member Allen, to authorize the City Manager to obtain appraisals of three sites as potential Civic Center sites. Unannously adopted. I. The Administrative Services Coordinator presented a status report on Ca?rrrunity Services Grant applications received by the City. Applications received to date were fr?n the La Ouinta Volunteer Fire Cco?y, $30,000; Family Y.M.C.A., $7,500; Country Day School, $9,450; and La Quinta Arts Foundation, $10,000. Ms. Jennings explained that an additional application had been received from the La QLiinta Chamber? of C?Commerce, for $73,950 late Friday afternoon. Ms. Jennings explained that Staff was re?anding consideration of these applications be delayed pending completion of the annual budgetary process. Ms. Jennings explained that it would be appropriate at this tine for the Council to discuss procedures and processes to be utilized for grants application r?view. BIB] 02-28-96-U01 04:03:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 07-U02 1985-U02 # City Council iav 1985 age Seven?4 It was the oonsensus of the Council to appoint a 5u?c?Ttnittee composed of the Adrrdiistrative Services Coordinator, City Manager, and Council Members Bohnenberger and Wolff to review the applications submitted and make a recommendation to the City Council regarding funding of these proposals It was also decided that the City Attorney would review the applications for legal appropriateness. J. The Administrative Services Coordinator presented a report regarding a Notice of Completion for City Project 85-001, Palm Tree Trimming and Skinning, and explained that the project had been cOmpleted to the City' S satisfaction, and rea??mended Council adoption of the Notice of Completion. Moved by Council M?ber 1ff, seconded by Council Bohnenberger, to accept Notice of Completion for City Project 85-001. Unaaiaously adopted. K. The Administrative Services Coordinator presented a report regarding a Title Ill-B Agre?nent between the City and County of Riverside Office on Aging, for a grant award of $4,972.00, to be utilized towards establishment of a Connrnity Services Office and elderly/frail elderly outreach program. Ms. Jennings re??ed Council approval of the Agreement, and requested Council authorization for the Mayor to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City. Moved by Council Mem?? Allen, seconded by Council nber Bohnenberger, to approve a Title Ill-B Supportive Services Agreement with the County of Riverside Office on Aging, for on?time only funding for the period beginning May 1, 1985, and ending June 30, 19B5, and authorize Mayor Cox to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City. unanimously adopted. 9 ArxyON? Moved by Council M?er lff, seconded by Council Member Pena, to adjourn. The regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was adjourned at 9:59 p.m., Tuesday, May 7, 1985, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 02-28-96-U01 04:03:15PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 07-U02 1985-U02