1985 08 06 CC Minutes# MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF IA QUINTa A regular rr?eting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. August 6, 1985 7:30 p.m. 1. CAU TO O?DER Mayor Cox called the La Quinta City Council rr?eting to order at 7:32 pm. A. The flag salute was led by Council er Fred Wolff. 2. POLL CALL Present: Council Meeeers Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff, and Mayor Cox. Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Longtin, C?rrr??ity Developeent Director Stevens, Administrative Services Coordinator Jennings and Administrative Secretary Wright. 3. PUBLIC Mr. Earle Elison, 80-082 Palm Circle Drive, represented the of C?rir??Chamber of Commerce. He invited everyone to the upc?ing golf to??t and ice cream social and introduced the iarr?? S new Executive Secretary, Suzanne Boodry. Ms. Suzanne Boodry said that she v?as glad to be here and was welocced by the Council. 4. RIr? OCCUNICATIONS 5 C?CCOT BY COUNCIL A Council Allen paid tribute to Mr. Paul Goetcheus, who recently passed away. Mr. Goetcheus Was a forr??r Planning Ca?ssioner for the City of La Quinta and was instrun?tal in the incorporation of the City. B. Council Meeber Wolff also expressed sadness at the loss of Mr. Goetcheus and requested a moeent of silence in his meeory. Mr. Wolff expressed disappointment, frustration, and anger at the prelimj- naay General Plan. He felt it was inadequate, general, and that it doesn t address the issues. ved by Council M?rber Wolff and seconded by Council M??r Pena that the City Attorney be instructed to review the contract with the consultant and review this docurr?t and let us know at our next meeting, probably in Executive Session) whether we have any legal recourse for both the tirr? line it took to get to this draft and the quality of the draft. Council Allen agreed with Mr. Wolff?s stateeents and added that the draft was about three months past deadline. BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:53:46AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 06-U02 1985-U02 #MINUTES City Council August 6, 1985 Page Two Council M??er Pena asked the City Attorney if, since this docurr?t is only a preliminary draft, it would be right far Suit. City Attorney Longtin replied that without reviewing the contract and the d?ent, it aiild be hard to give the Council a firm answer on that, but it seeeed to him that if the consultant had not met the tixr? lines and the quality of the doctm?t does not substantially meet the require- IrEnts of the contract, we now have the right to rescind the contract and obtain any restitution of funds we 1ve paid their? to s? extent. Council cannot expect a total refund but it y be that s? restitution would be in order ad that we would have the legal right to withhold any further payments if further payments are due. The motion was unanimously adopted. C. Mayor Cox also expressed frustration with the consultant who prepared the prelimifl? draft. She added that regarding Mr. Goetcheus, We all loved him and will miss him. 6. S?CONSENT CALENDAR Mr. Longtin advised that in view of the fact that he is going to study and report to the Council regarding the possibility of a contract breach, the $850 payment to the General Plan consultant, #4688 on the consent calendar d?nad/warrant register, should be deleted until the study is c?r?1eted. ed by Council Wolff and seconded by Council Pena to approve the consent calendar as s?uitted with the deletion re??ed by the City Attorney. Council M?r?r BOhnenberger wished to revise this motion to exclude the minutes of the July 23, 1985 Council meeting and Mr. Wolff agreed to the revision. Poll Call Vote: AYES: Council M?Tters Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff, and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABSE?: None. Mr. Wolff asked that the Council formally instruct staff to have the Council minutes included in each packet the day it goes out. 7. HEARINGS A. City Attorney Longtin and Adr?strative Services Coordinator Jennings each gave a report regarding assessment of residential parcels within the City of La Quinta for the purposes of refuse collection. Mayor Cox opened the bublic hearing at 7:50 p.rn. and since there was no car[r?t, closed the hearing at 7.51 p.m. Council Allen ented that he was happy the increase in service, beginning in January, 1986, was only l5? per nth per reslaence. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance as fall?: BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:53:46AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 06-U02 1985-U02 #MD?UTES City Council August 6, 1985 Page Three ORDINA?? NO.80. AN ORDIANCE OF THE CITY OF LA Q?JXNTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE RATE FOR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL EFUSE PI?UP AND DISPOSAL SERVICE, AND EL??INC TO HAVE PAY? FOR SUCH SERVICES CO? TE TAX ROIL PURSUNNT TO SE?TI? 5473 OF ThE LTh AND SAFETY? CODE. ved by Council Allen and seconded by Council Bohnenberger to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance 80. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council r?ers Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff, and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABNT: None. Mayor Cox read the title of a proposed Resolution, as follows: R?OLTTICN NO.85- A RESCWrI? OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFO?IA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPoRT PRESCRIBING THE CHA?S FOR RESIDF?TIAL PA?PPS FOR CITY-???ISHED REFUSE COL??I(? IN 1986 AND DIRECTING TAT SUCH BE CN THE TAX ROLL. ved by Council M??er Bohnenberger and seconded by Council Pena to adopt Resolution No. 85- Unaniz?us1y adopted. ed by Council 1?r?er lff and seconded by Council 1?r?er Pena to adopt the first aeendeent to the contract to perform refuse collection services and that is a motion to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign. Unani?sly adopted. B. Regarding the public hearing on a55es?nt of residential parcels within the City of La Quinta for the purposes of weed and public nuisance lot abatements, Mr. Usher stated that Mr. hirdler was not available to give a staff report and he rec?rrr?ed that the hearing be opened in case sOeeOne wanted to speak to the issue tonight, and then continue the hearing until the next Council meeting. Administrative Services Coordinator Jennings stated that if we wish to place these on this year' 5 tax roll asses?r?t we would have to do so at this n?eting. It does represent only a SMALL nubeer of parcels that will be assessed, but the deadline for the 1985-86 roll is August 12, 1985. The dollar amount would be approximately $1400. Mayor COX opened the public hearing at 7:57 p.m. There were no c?rim?ts and the hearing was closed at 7:58 p.m. Council Allen c?rr??nded 1r. Hirdler and his staff for getting the abatement underway; La Cuinta has wanted lot abatement for a nubeer of years. He said that 6 lots out of approximately 160 have been done and he has noticed a difference in driving the Cove the last two weeks. ved by Council M?nber Wolff and seconded by Council 4?ber Bohnenberger to adopt a resolution assessing the amounts against the parcels as set forth in the report and that it be placed on the tax roll. Una?usly ado?ted. BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:53:46AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 06-U02 1985-U02 #MINUI?S City Council August 6, 1985 Page Four 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. Mayor C? read the title of a proposed Ordinance as follows: Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE OF i'1I CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVEL?PME?? FOR PAI?? MAP 20489 ThE GRa? SPECIFIC PLAN) ved by Council Pena and seconded Co??ncil Allen to adopt Ordinance N? and waive further read ing. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council ebers Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. B. Mayor Cox read the title of a proposed Ordinance as follows: Ordinance No. AN ORDIN??CE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF IHE CITY OF LA QUINIA, CALIFORNIA, AME?ING TE MUNICIPAL CODE ELATIVE TO REPEAL OF AUCTION REGULATIONS AND COPPEC- TION OF PARADE REGULATIONS DEFINITIONS. ved by Council M?er Bohnenbarger and seconded by Council Pena to adopt Ordnance No. and waive further reading. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council r?ers Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. C. Regarding the Avenue 50 Master Plan, Council Member Wolff suggested that staff bring the Council a list of candidates from which they could select ca?ttee Mr. Wolff also suggested the ccooittee be named an advisory carmittee and once the Master Plan is developed, the c?Tnittee be disbanded. D. Mayor Cox read the title of a proposed Ordinance as follows: PROPOSED ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFOI?NIA, ANENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DOGS. Moved by Council Meeber Allen and seconded by Council Member Wolff to waive further reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance. Unan?Ously adopted. BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:53:46AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 06-U02 1985-U02 #MINtYES City Council August 6, 1985 Page Five E. Administrative Services Coordinator Jennings gave a report regarding a lease-purchase agreeeent for a City automated information management system?n. It was res?fully rec?nded that the Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a municipal lease and option agreement with Security Pacific Capital Marketing Group for lease-purchase of an automated information system? and adopt the proposed resolution which will be retyped in our standard fo?inat). ved by Council Meeber Bohnenberger and seconded by Council Meeber lff to approve the contract E?ibjt A) with Security Pacific. Unanirr?us1y adopted. F. A report regarding the proposed mid-Valley sewage treatment plant facility was given by Ca???nity Develo??t?nt Director Stevens. bved by Council Allen and seconded by Council Meeber Wolff to authorize the Mayor to transrrLjt a draft letter in final form to the Board of Directors of CVWD) to reflect the City 5 position. Unanixt?usly adopted. G. Mr. Stevens also gave a report regarding the Notice of Preparation for an EIR for the proposed Coachella General Plan bved by Council Bohneeberger and seconded by Council Meber Allen to direct staff to send the letter as subnitted to the City of Coachella regarding the Notice of Preparation on the Coachella General Plan arr?ndrr?nt. Unaniaausly adopted. H. Mayor C? read the title of a proposed esolution as follows: RESOLUTICN NO. A RESOLTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF XiE CITY OF IA QUINTA, CALIFo?IA, ESTABLISHING HE: COMPENSATION? OF OFFICERS? AND EMPLOYEES AND SE?ITING CONDITIONS AND TEP? OF EMPLOYMENT??. City Manager Usher carplieented the lcyees Association on their pr? fessionalisn during formation of the Association and throughout the n?et and confer process. City Attorney Longtin addressed the Meeorand?? of Understanding and recc?T? ZT?nded that the U be approved and the Mayor be authorized to sign. Sandy Bonner, representative for the La Quinta Errployees' Association, spoke regarding the randum of Understanding. Ms. Bonner stated that the MOU had been received as the Council meeting began at 7:30 p.m. and that she felt the representatives for the Association did not have the pocer to agree to the lpri without first consulting the m?r?er ship of the Association. Ms. Bonner also expressed concern about several phrases and words in the and asked that sa?? changes be made, or at least discussed further. It was the Council 5 understanding that the Association wanted clarification of wording in the memorandum of Understanding and there was no apparent probl? with this. bved by Council Meeber Wolff and seconded by Council Member Pena to continue the M?r?randum of Understanding to a future meetinc?. Unanin?us1y adopted. BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:53:46AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 06-U02 1985-U02 #MINU??S City Council August 6, 1985 Page Six ved by Council Allen and seconded by Council 1?r?er Wolff to adopt Resolution No. establishing the c?n??sation of officers and loyees and setting conditions and terms of enployeent. nanin?usly adopted I. Mayor Cox read the title of a proposed Ordinance as follows: PROPOSED O?DINAN? AN O?INANCE OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUIN'TA, CALIFO?IA, RELATING TO C?W?- SATI? AND REIMBURSEXE?IT TO ME?BERS OF ThE CITY COUNCIL. ed by Council Pena and seconded by Council M?nber Wolff to waive further reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance. unanrr?usly adopted. 9. ed by Council Pena and seconded by Council Bohnenberger to adjourn the City Council rr?eting to an ecutive Session regarding pending litigation) jirmediately following the edevelopeent Agency ii?eting; then reconvene for the purpose of adjourning until 7:30 p.in. on Tuesday, August 20, 1985. Unanjusly adopted. The regular n?ting of the La Quinta City Council was adjourned to F?xecutive Session at 8:49 p.rn. on Tuesday, August 6, 1985, to Tuesday, August 20, 1985 at 7:30 p.rn. at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:53:46AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 06-U02 1985-U02