1985 09 18 CC Minutes$ MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular n?eting of the City Council held at the La Quinta Con?1flitv Center, 77-861 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, California Sept?nber 18, 1985 7:30 p.in. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Cox called the La Quinta City Council meeting to order at 7:35 p.in. The flag salute was led by Mayor Cox. 2. RO?cAIi Present: Council Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff, and Mayor Cox. Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Usher, Deputy City Manager Jennings, Administrative Secretary Wright, Communitv Safety Coordinator Hirdler, Planner Price, and Commonality Development??? Director Stevens. 3. PU?3LIC A. Audrey Ostrowsky, PD Box 351, La Quinta, addressed the Mayor regarding answers to questions previously asked about the interim sewer facilities B. Kiki Haynes, PD Box 1120, La Quinta, requested that the C?rinunity Center podium be stored at City Hall. There was general consensus that this could be done. 4. WRITI?? C?MUNICATI?S At Council ber Wolff's request, Mayor Cox read a letter fr?n Eleanor Shepherd thanking the C?TTnLmity Services Depari?r?t for weed Abatement on a lot near her residence. 5. BY COUNCIL M??BERS A. Council Meeber Allen thanked the people of La Quinta for voting for the flood control project. He mentioned that the cost of a special election is over $6,000 and asked people to make certain any petition they sign is really hat they want. B. Council rrber Bohnenberger also thanked the people for the YES votes on flood control. C. Council Pena welcoeed everyone to the Ineeting. D. Council Wolff agreed with other Council Member coeeents and spoke of the discontinuance of Saturday bus service in La Quinta. It was rr?ved by Council Member Wolff and seconded by Council Pena to send a letter urging the Riverside County Transportation Carrmission to fund Saturday bus service in La Quinta. Unanm?usly passed. BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:58:13AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 18-U02 1985-U02 $ City Council Pa?e 2 September lB, 1985 6. CONS? A. Minutes of a regular City Council meeting held September 3, 1985 were approved with the following correction. Page two, letter D, second paragraph: delete the word e5tioned" and insert inquired about. B. PESOLUTION NO. 85-76. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF IA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DE??NDS. It was ved by Council M?er Wolff and seconded by Council Yebber Bohnenberger to adopt the Consent Calendar with corrections. ROLL CALL AYES. Council Marr?ers Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff, and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 7 HEARINGS C?ri?ity velop?r?nt Director Stevens gave an extensive report regarding the General Plan for the City of La Quinta. The Planning Corrmission, the General Plan Advisory C?rinittee, and the staff reoc?dati0n5 to the Council contain the following major differences 1) I?rr?unt of commercial in the downtown area 2) S51gfllr??t Cf densities in the area north of the whitewater Channel 3) A?propriateness and unt of ccee?cial along the Jefferson Corridor. Mayor Cox adjourned the meeting for a 5-rninute break at 8.38 p.m. The rre?ting was reconvened at 8.53 p.rri Mayor Cox declared the public hearing for the General Plan open at 8 56 p.m. A. Carl Meisterlin, 49-725 Analapa Circle, La Cuinta, requested that 71 acres of land on the northeast corner of Miles and Washington be designated as high density instead of medium density so that he may develop a tennis club and apartments. B. Bob Cunard, 78-045 Calle Cadiz, La Quinta, requested that the B large lots he owns on Calle Cadiz, Bermudas, and Calle Barcelona be zoned for cial so that he may convert his house to a restaurant. C. Audrey OStrowsky asked Mr. Stevens for clarification regarding s?thing he said about 50 acres, which included the City Hall." Mr. Stevens 1ained that the Market Study would include a City Hall complex as the carrinercial or quasicommercial?i? uses that he described and that would fall within the 50 acres or thereabouts) that was included in that Market Study recoeeendation. BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:58:13AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 18-U02 1985-U02 $ City Council Page 3 September 18, 1985 Ms Ostrowsky then asked where the City Hall would be located and Mr. Usher and Mayor C? responded that a resolution was presently before the Council that would place the City Hall south of Avenue 50 and west of the Adams Section Line. Ms. Ostrowsky expressed concern about too much land being used for c?m?cial purposes in a certain area. D. Bruce Cathcart, PO Box 346, La Quinta, a realtor, was representing a group of developers. He explained the benefits of many acres of c?r[t?r- cial zoning and felt that the specific 6 acres they were interested in developing would benefit the entire downtown area. E. Louie Carrpaqna, Po Box 1286, La Quinta, a Board of the La Quinta Sports and Youth Association, expressed concern about the lack of parks shown in the proposed General Plan. He requested that mini-parks" be added to the Plan. These would be 50' x 100' lots with swing sets and would have low maintenance costs. F. Lawrence Spector, Po Box 299, La Quinta, representing Rufus Associates, requested resort hotel zoning for approximately 40 acres on Avenue 50 betw'een Ad? and Jefferson The Orchard Project). G. John Kwake, 2801 San Fern? ad, Los Angeles, requested a peirit to build an exclusive dinner house on property he owns in the foothills of the mountains near Lake Cahuilla. H. Don Young, 44309 Nice Court, Palm Desert, owns 32 acres at the inter- section of Dune Palms and Westward Ho southwest Corner). He agreed with the Planning Caimission S suggestion of high density residential zoning for the area. I. rew wright, 82-497 Priscilla Court, Indio, President of D. wright and Associates, a developeent coaaany), requested a low-rr?dium density for the 40-acre parcel at the corner of Washington and Sagebrush. J. Dr. Pearl Knight, 78-065 Avenida LaFonda, La Quinta, requested mixed use carTr?rcial zoning on Desert Club near the GTE building where she is hoping to build an office/apart?t. K. Kaye Chandler, PO Box 1000, La Quinta, representing Landmark Land Company, expressed concern about the park in the General Plan at Eisenhower and Avenue 50. It is in the middle of an approved developeent. The second item related to the Oaktree West Specific plan. Chandler hoped that the Council would entertain the specific requests contained in the plan, and whatever appropriate designations C? Out of the General Plan, that they be applied So that the two plans are compatible. L. Bill Carver, 559 50. Palm Canyon, Palm Springs, requested carr!r?rcial zoning on the northwest corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson so that he could build a neighborhood shopping center. M. Lee Brandt, PO Box 2164, Palm Desert, represented the Western Corporation in requesting high density instead of medium density) on Tampico?, west BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:58:13AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 18-U02 1985-U02 $MINUTeS City Council Page 4 September 13, 1985 N. Christine Clarke, 1925 Century Park East, #650, Los Angeles, requested high density zoning for the 360 acres she and a partner Own in La Cuinta. She supported the Planning C?rmission reac??tions. Mayor Cox declared the public hearing closed at 9 45 pm. and opened it to Council discussi0n. She explained that no decisions would be made at this time and that the hearing would reconvene on October 1, 1985 at the C??ity Center. Council r?'er lff said he would like a representative from? the Indian Springs area at the next meeting to get their feelings. Mayor Cox adjourned the meeting for a 5-minute break at 9:51 pm. and reconvened the meeting at 10:10 p.rn. 3. BUSINESS SESSI? A. A report was given by Deputy City Manager Jennings regarding the Transpor- tation velopeent Act Article 8 claim for FY 1985-86. A correction was made in the written report given to the Council: second paragraph, line 5, should read: hold back $?92 $1792 in reserve funds from La Quinta 5 allocation,.... It was rr?ved by Council er Wolff and seconded by Council Merr?er pena to approve a claim for $47,792.00 for Fiscal Year 1985-86. sly passed. B. CaTUrunity Development Director Stevens gave a report on the Award of Bid subdivision directory signs Specification No. 85-007. No bids were received and Mr. Stevens suggested following up with the 12 sign canpanies to whom bid packages had been sent to see what the problem might be. He suspected that the lO?y time given for response may have been the problem and said he would follow?up and report back to the Council on this matter. Ralph Henley, 77350 Avenida Fernando, La Quinta, asked questions about the proposed signs. After some discussion, the Council decided it would be appropriate for this contractor to su?lflit a Sign) plan to Larry Stevens for consideration. C. Mrs. Jennings reported on the Grant Application Title Ill-B, FY 1985-86. Application was made for a $10,000 grant to fund an information and referral program, to be used for elderly and frail citizens of La Quinta. We have received notification that the City of La Quinta has been awarded the grant. F?SOLUTION NO. 85-77. A RESOLUTION OF CITY COt]NCIL OF TE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROIING AN AGREE- MENT B?EEN TE CITY AND COUNTY OF R:VERSIDE RELATIVE TO PROVISION OF SERVICES TO OLDER PERSONS UNDER TE OLDER AM?RICANS ACT OF 1965. It was ved by Council Allen and seconded by Council Manber Bohnenberger to adopt Resolution No.85-77. Unani'r?u5ly adopted. BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:58:13AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 18-U02 1985-U02 $MINUTES City Council Paqe 5 Sept?nDer 18, 1985 D. Mr. Stevens reported on proposals for architectural services for the Downtown Plan. i'? finalists were chosen, one fran Pasadena and the other from? Irvine. Each finalist gave a presentation on the basic qualifications of their firm and on the proposals they had su?mitted. The Downtown Planning Advisory Carmittee DPAC), On a vote of 6-1 with 1 m?r?er abstaining, reca?cends that the Council authorize staff to negotiate and enter into a contract with the Peridian Group for the purposes of co?leting architectural services as defined in the proposal Also, staff uld like to negotiate with the Peridian Group sare potential additional work tasks that are related to that. It was roved by Council 1ff and seconded by Council Merber Pena to approve the above recarrcendation. unanirously adopted. 9. It was roved by Council M??er Bohnenberger and seconded by Council M?nber Pena to adjourn to a personnel session, the tjir? and date to be Set. Unanirously adopted. The regular rreeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California was ad?ourned at 10:36 p.m. Wednesday, Septebber 16, 1985 at the La Quinta Connnnity Center, 77-861 Avenida Montezuma?, La Quinta, until Tuesday, October 1, 1985, at the Community Center. 1w BIB] 02-29-96-U01 11:58:13AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 18-U02 1985-U02