1985 12 03 CC Minutes$+ MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Hall. 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. December 3, 1985 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pena called the La Quinta City Council meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. and led the flag salute. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, and Mayor Pena. Absent: Council Members Cox and Wolff. Also Present: City Manager Usher, Deputy City Manager Jennings, City Attorney Longtin, Community Development Director Stevens, Community Safety Coordinator Hirdler, and Administrative Secretary Wright. It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger to excuse Council Members Cox and Wolff. Unanimously adopted. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Allen commented that he and the Mayor had attended a tree dedica- tion at the Community Park in honor of Naomi Willoughby. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger to adopt the Consent Calendar. Unanimously adopted. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, and Mayor Pena. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Members Cox and Wolff. A. Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held November 19, 1985 were approved as submitted. B. RESOLUTION NO. 85-100. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BIB] 03-01-96-U01 11:38:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 03-U02 1985-U02 $+MiNUTES City Council Page 2 December 3, 1985 7. HEARINGS A. RESOLUTION NO. 85-101. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, VACATING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF EISENHOWER DRIVE. A request to abandon a 29' portion of the existing Eisenhower Drive right-of-way to allow for construction of a frontage road and perimeter wall; La Quinta Golf Estates Homeowners Association, Applicant.) Mr. Stevens presented a lengthy report regarding the above resolution. Mr. Longtin gave the Council the wording of the proposed sidewalk condition. In the event the City Council, following public hearing so requires, the Homeowners Association shall agree to pay for the cost of acquisition and an equitable share of improvement for the installation of sidewalks on the west side of Eisenhower. The Homeowners Association would acknowledge and accept this responsibility for a ten year period; they would be given 60 days notice of the proposed hearing if the Council should so require, and it would be in the form of a deed restriction and the Homeowners Association would agree that they have the power, and would if required, assess the costs against the owners of property. 1. Morgan Ward, 48800 San Pedro, La Quinta, represented the La Quinta Golf Estates Homeowners Association. Mr. Ward stated concerns about noise and the visual aspect if holes in the wall" were implemented. Mr. Ward also asked City Attorney Longtin for clarification of cost regarding obtaining property for the proposed sidewalk. It was agreed that the homeowners would share in the cost if it was not possible to obtain from dedication), rather than bear the entire cost. He also requested that some sort of cap be put on this cost. Mayor Pena opened the hearing to public comment at 7:51 p.m. 2. Michael Criste, an attorney in Rancho Mirage, represented Francis Brodie and the estate of William Kech. Mr. Criste stated that it was hoped that the Council would adopt the proposal presented to them as amended. 3. James Forrest, 48721 San Lucas Street, La Quinta, commended the Council for approving this project in concept. He also supported Mr. Ward's statements about wall openings. 4. Bill Hoyle, 48530 San Pedro, La Quinta, stated that he did not favor openings in the wall. 5. Elinor Sidner, 78084 San Timoteo, La Quinta, stated that she was in favor of the wall. 6. Fred Rice, 48780 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, stated concerns of traffic safety, noise, security, sand, and litter. 7. Jack Thompson, 48761 San Vicente, La Quinta, also cited reasons of safety, security, and noise abatement as needs for the wall. BIB] 03-01-96-U01 11:38:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 03-U02 1985-U02 $+MINUTES City Council Page 3 December 3, 1985 8. Mike Smith, 78760 Runaway, Bermuda Dunes, is the engineer on the project. He asked about a reimbursement agreement from the City in case the present grades in the Street are such that he has to build beyond the center line in order to have a correct design. Community Development Director Stevens responded that the reference in Condition 5 could be made more specific and there was Council consensus that it should be. 9. George Middleton, 49375 Fernando, La Ouinta, asked for clarification on exactly what was planned for the corner of his house, which is the corner of Fernando and Eisenhower. Mr. Stevens responded. 10. Robert Monroe, 48750 Avenue El Nido, La Quinta, mentioned his appreciation of the cooperation and understanding shown during work on this project. The open-end cost for the project bothered him and be requested some sort of figure be given to the homeowners. 11. Tom Jones, 49300 Avenue Fernando, La Quinta, hoped the Council would approve the project. 12. Jim Willsay, 48880 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, stated that he was against openings in the wall. Mayor Pena closed the public hearing at 8:24 p.m. Council discussion ensued and Council Members asked questions of the Community Development Director and the City Attorney. Mayor Pena commended homeowners and staff for working together to come up with a good project. There was Council consensus that a $100,000 cap should be established as the ultimate cost to property owners. Mr. Longtin said such a condition shall be written. Council Member Bohnenberger moved that the wall openings be added as a condi- tion of approval of the project. The motion died for lack of a second. It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger to adopt Resolution No. 85-101 and that it include the language the City Attorney gave us regarding the acquisition of right-of-way on the west side of Eisenhower, and that there be a $100,000 cap for cost put on the project. unanimously adopted with Council Members Cox and Wolff absent. B. It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger and seconded by Council Member Allen to approve Plot Plan No. 85-186 subject to conditions incorporated in the staff report. Unanimously adopted, with Council Members Cox and Wolff absent. This Plot Plan is to construct a private frontage road with access gates and a perim- eter wall along Eisenhower Drive along the La Quinta Golf Estates; La Quinta Golf Estates Homeowners' Association, Applicant.) Mayor Pena adjourned the meeting for a 10-minute break at 8:40 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:52 p.m. BIB] 03-01-96-U01 11:38:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 03-U02 1985-U02 $+MINUTES City Council Page 4 December 3, 1985 C. Mr. Stevens reported on Plot Plan No. 85-21?, a request for approval to construct a commercial/office structure in conjunction with the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendment No. 2; Landmark Land Company, Applicant. Approval is recommended by the Planning Commission. Staff recommended there be no median opening entrance on Tampico. The applicant asked that the Council support the Planning Commission' S recommendations. Comments on behalf of the Applicant were heard as follows: 1. Forrest Haag, Rancho Mirage, represented Landmark Land Company, Applicant. Mr. Haag said they felt covered parking would increase the desirability of leasing office space in the desert. Landmark agreed with City staff regard- ing a 15-foot setback requirement and Mr. Haag wanted clarification on the following conditions. On condition lIA, he asked about the total rights-of- way on Tampico and Desert Club; would it be 1/2 or 3/4 width i??rprovements, and if there would be some reimbursement to Landmark by the adjacent land- owners when they develop their property. Regarding condition llD, Landmark feels that the opening on Tampico is essential to the success of the project. The first statement in condition 13 reads, The following on-site circulation and parking area improvements shall be required of Plot Plan No. 85-217 in accordance with project consistency with the General Plan:" and Mr. Haag asked if this condition could be keyed to the building permit application time to prevent confusion on the issue of when the other elements on the site are applied to BuildingNo?1. In conclusion, Mr. Haag suggested that a noise study be initiated for the entire village Commercial area rather than on a project-by-project basis. Council Member Bohnenberger asked Mr. Stevens to address the issue of the noise study condition 21). Mr. Stevens went over the requirement and Council Member Bohnenberger asked that the Plaza Tampico be considered as a whole on this item. 2. Bruce Cathcart, P0 Box 346, La Quinta, requested that the median cut be allowed on Tampico. 3. Charles Jirnenez, 1900 F. Tahquitz, Palm Springs, represented one of the partners owner) of the project. He also requested the median cut be allowed, particularly for the GYN and geriatric needs. Mayor Pena opened the hearing to public comment at 9:10 p.m. 4. Margaret Miele, P0 Box 652, La Ouinta, expressed the following concerns: A long-term lease for office space for Landmark, so that we don't have a white elephant" on our hands in 5 years; a large hazardous waste facility for the inedical lab; and a treatment plant in operation before the new buildings are occupied. Mayor Pena closed the public hearing at 9:14 p.m. and opened it to Council discussion. 1. Council Member Allen said he was happy with the Plot Plan, except for condition llD, which he would like to see changed to allow the entrance on Tampico. BIB] 03-01-96-U01 11:38:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 03-U02 1985-U02 $+MINUTES City Council Page 5 December 3, 1985 2. Council Member Bohnenberger commented that he was concerned about median cuts on ceremonial streets and that he would like to see a study done regarding the impacts of median cuts) on business potential before a decision was made regarding the opening on Tampico for this project. 3. Mayor Pena concurred with Council Member Bohnenberger and asked that the matter be deferred until further study could be done. He also asked Mr. Stevens if there would be a block wall along Tampico. Mr. Stevens replied that there would probably not be, but a sidewalk, landscaping, and a berm would be present. Mr. Stevens, at the Council's request, gave the proposed amended wording for condition llD: Median openings on Calle Tampico shall be reviewed as part of the village Specific Plan and a determination will be made at that time when such openings will be allowed. A maximum of two driveways each on Calle Tampico and Desert Club Drive shall be permitted." It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger and seconded by Council Member Allen to adopt Plot Plan No. 85-217, with the revised condition discussed regarding median openings. Unanimously adopted with Council Members Cox and Wolff absent. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. Mr. Usher gave a report regarding grant consulting services and recommended Council approval. It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger to enter into an agreement with Mr. Gene House of Human Service Consultants to identify and apply for public and private grants and to adopt Resolution No. 85-102. unanimously adopted with Council Members Cox and Wolff absent. RESOLUTION NO. 85-102. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS, TRANSFERRING $3,500.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 01-4190-111-030, NON-DEPT., SERVICES?GENERAL, FROM ThE UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS, GENERAL FUND. B. Mr. Usher presented a report regarding a claim against the City by James Robert Grimes and recommended denial of the claim. It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger and seconded by Council Member Allen to deny the claim of James Robert Grimes against the City of La Quinta. Unanimously adopted with Council Members Cox and Wolff absent. C. Mr. Hirdler presented a report regarding confirmation of fire engine require- ments met by Landmark Land Company. Staff recommended approval of the agreement. Discussion ensued regarding the two vehicles mentioned in item 38D and Mr. Usher thought we should seek clarification regarding the mentioned paramedic unit or squad. It was moved by Council Member Bohnenberger and seconded by Council Member Allen to continue this item until the next Council meeting. Unanimously adopted with Council Members Cox and Wolff absent. BIB] 03-01-96-U01 11:38:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 03-U02 1985-U02 $+MINUTES City Council Page 6 December 3, 1985 Mr. Hirdler presented a report regarding renewal of our fire marshal agreement and staff recommended approval. The new fire marshal would be reporting to the City December 16th. It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger to renew the fire marshal contract for fiscal year 1986/1987. Unanimously adopted with Council Members Cox and Wolff absent. Mike Brown is the new fire marshal.) E. Ms. Jennings presented a report regarding an offer to provide professional medical services to the City by the Nadridge Medical Corporation and made no staff recommendation. Mayor Pena recommended that the proposal be accepted from Dr. Nadridge on a 6-month trial basis. However, after discussion,there was Council consensus to continue this matter to the next meeting. In the interim, staff will gather additional information and make a recommendation at the meeting December 17, 1985. F. Ms. Jennings reported on the Title V Senior Employment Program Agreement. RESOLUTION NO. 85-103. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TIThE V SENIOR EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM AGREEMENT FOR FY 1985-86 BETWEEN ThE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger to adopt Resolution No. 85-103. Unanimously adopted with Council Members Cox and Wolff absent. G. Mr. Longtin stated that there seems to be a problem on weekends with directional signs on trailers advertising the Santa Rosa Cove. It is a City zoning ordi- nance violation and Mr. Hirdler has asked for guidance. Mr. Longtin recommended it be handled as a summary abatement and that a letter be sent to the three violators advising them that this is a violation of an ordinance, it consti- tutes a public nuisance, and if they put them out again, they will be removed and stored at the offender's expense. It was decided that this letter should be sent by City Attorney Longtin. 9. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Council Member Allen and seconded by Council Member Bohnenberger to adjourn. Unanimously adopted. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta was adjourned at 9:46 p.m. on Tuesday, December 3, 1985 at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quint California. BIB] 03-01-96-U01 11:38:58AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 03-U02 1985-U02