1984 02 07 CC Minutes$F MINUT?S CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. FebrLiary 7, 1984 7:30 p.ni. 1. CAAL TO O?D? Mayor Baler called the fleeting to order at 7:32 p.m. A. The flag salute was led by Council oer lff. B. The Invocation was led by City Attorney Longtin. 2. LL CALL Present: Council M?nbers Allen, Henderson, lff and Mayor Baler. Absent: Council Cox. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Longtin, Assistant to the City Manager Jennings, Principal Planner Bonner and Ca?tr??ty Safety Coordinator Brown. ved by Council M?r'ber Allen, seoonded by Council Member Wolff, to excuse Council Memeer Cox. Unanamously adopted. 3. PUBLIC L??1II? The Mayor Indicated that this time was set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and explained that a three 3) minute time limit on coeeents would be enforced. Camn??t was heard fr?n the following persons: A. Mr. Juan Flores, 53-075 Avenida Hereera, addressed the Council regarding assistance in obtaining fl?fee usage of the C?tTnurity Center relative to instructional classes with children in the inarLial arts. It was the consensus of the Council to reguest that Mr. Flores bring a report regarding his request to the February 21, 1984, Council meeting, for further consideration. B. Mr. Rupert Yessayjan, P.O. Box 251, La Quinta, President of the La Quinta Business AsSociation, expressed concern regarding a further meeting between the City Council and the La Quinta Business Association, and asked when the meeting would be continued. Mr. Yessaylan also guestioned why his group had not been contacted by City staff. The City Manager apologized for not meeting with the group, and explained that this was due to tnr? involv?nent in selecting a City Planning Director. Mayor Baier responded that a further meeting would be held, but the Council was waiting to receive further response fr? businesses and property owners contacted regarding the Council 5 proposal for downtown developeent. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:36:55PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 $FTh??S C?tv Council ebrrary 1984 2age Two. C. Mr. Bruce Cathcart, P.C. Box 346, La Quinta, reguested an update fran the City Council regarding plans for a school or school site in La Quinta. The City Manager reported on discussions held with Kenneth Meberg, Superin- tendent Cf the Desert Sands School District. He explained that the District has a great deal of interest in locating a school in La Quinta, and that the District has received funds for the site selection process for a school site in La Quinta. The City Manager further explained that the City Council would be unable to act upon the imposition of developer fees for a school facilitv due to a decision in the 4th District Court of Appeal which prohibits a decision at this tire. He reported that work on a school site will continue. Mr. Cathcart volunteered his services to help in this direction. D. Charles hite, La Quinta Builder's Supply, offered his services towards the betterment of downtown plan??g and develop'?nt. Joe Connors, 7?-545 Calle Arroba, La Quinta, addressed the Council regardin? crime in La Quinta. He reguested the Council petition the judicial system?? to enforce stronger penalties upon second offenders. 4. wRIT:??? C?1MUNICATICNS A. The City Manager presented a written couuunication from Mr. upert B. Yessaylan regarding the intersection of Avenida ntezuma and Avenida Navarro along with a response from the C?ITnL?ity Safety Coordinator and further response from Mr. Yessayjan. It was the consensus of the City Council to direct staff to prepare a written re?Tii?dation regarding this intersection for further consideration by the Council at the Febrrary 21, 1984, meeting. B. The City Manager presented a report regarding a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Van M?aniel, expressing appreciation for Council clean-up Jnprovements. D. COMM? BY COUNCIL MEIMBERS A. Mayor Baier introduced James Longtin, newly appointed City Attorney, and welorced him to the staff. B. Council Member Henderson discussed the need for a school Site in La Quinta, expressed his frustration regarding the lack of action in this regard, and reported that the Council would be taking action later in the meeting to move in this direction. C. Council Member lff concurred with Council Member Henderson, and stated that he hoped the City uld have a school site in the near future. He also replied to c?Tr?nt5 made by Joe Connors, and explained that at a goal setting session held January 19, 1984, supplemental law enforcement would be considered to help reduce crlrr?. 6. H?GS The City Manager explained that four public hearings were scheduled on the Agenda, but due to similarities involved, they would be heard in two sets. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:36:55PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 $FINUT?S Citv Council eoruarv 7, 1984 age Three. A. The City Manager explained that the first set of hearings involved Change of Zone Case No. 83-003, a request to change zoning fran R-1, 1-8,000 and R-1-12,000 to R-2-2,500 rfla?fl 374 total dwellings), R-2-9,600 rn?? 520 total dwellings) and R-5 for a 154.5 acre site located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and 48th Avenue ali?nt; Consolidated, Inc. Applicant, and a public hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 19458, a request to divide a 154.5 acre site into 107 lots for the purpose of constructin? 894 statutory air space) condaniniums on property located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and 48th Avenue aligrment; vI?? Consolidated, Inc., Applicant. The City Manager introduced Principal Planner Banner, and asked her to present a report fr? the Planning Carmission. The Principal Planner indicated that the Planning C?rrnission held a public hearing regarding this case Dec?nber 13, 1983, and had adopted tjons to: 1) Deny Change of Zone No. 83-003 fran R-1, R-1-8,000 and R-1-12,000 to R-2, as shown on Exhibit 1; however, 2) Approve Change of Zone Case No. 83-003, as anended fran R-1, R-1-8,000 and R-1-12,000 to R-2-2,500, R-2-9,600 and R-5, as shown on Exhibit 2. 3) Reoccend to the City Council adoption of a negative declaration relative to environeental assesseent, with the mitigation descrieed relative to the related General Plan rrendrr?nt No. 83-001. The Principal Planner further explained that the Planning C?rinjssion, at their meeting held January 10, 1984, voted uflarl?usly to rea?r?d to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 19458, as anended, in accordance with the exhibits and subject to conditions as stated in the Principal Planner 5 staff report dated January 10, 1984. Mayor Bajer asked if the Applicant wished to address the Couno?l regarding Change of Zone Case No. 83-003 and Tentative Tract Map No. 19458. Mr. John vm Consolidated, 2301 C?mpus Drive, Irvine, California, reviewed the above requests and answered Council questions. Mr. Adams expressed the Applicant?s concerns regarding Condition No. 5 and Condition No. 22, and expressed a desire to see a firmer c?rmiteent on the part of the Council as to what is expected relative to an assesseent district. After lengthy discussion regarding drains, gutters, reimburseeent agre?nents and other concerns, Mayor Baier opened the hearing to caiment fran the public. Cceeent was heard fran the following persons: 1) Stanley Sniff, P.O. Box 1414, La Quinta, expressed concerns regarding the ability of the man-made lake to handle 100 year flooding conditions. 2) Jim ntgcoery, P.O. Box 1880, La Quinta, expressed concerns regarding the main entrance of Isla Mediterranea opening directly onto Washington Street. 3) Charles Sof fer, La Quinta, expressed concerns regarding traffic on Washington Street, and urged the Council to iinpl?nent the necessary conditions and requirements of the Applicant to pay for the necessary street i?prov?nts. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:36:55PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 $F Cjt7 Council zeorrary 1984 Page Four. There being no further public TTnent, ayor Baler closed the hearing to public cceeeht John Adams of V'I?J Consolidated, responded to the varIous aspects of public Carn?t and answered guestions and concerns regarding these Concerns. After disaussion, it was n??ved by Council M?oer Allen, seconded by Council Meeher Henderson, to waive further reading and int?Dduce the proposed Ordinance. The City Manager read the title of the proposed Ordinance, as follows: P?PCSEI) ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ii? CITY OF LA QUTN?A, AME??INC ThE OFFIC:AL ZONING MAP FOR THE CrrY, BY PEZON INC PARCBI$ OF PPOPERry TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE CASE No. 83-003. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Meehers Allen, Henderson and yor Baler. ES: Council Member lff. ABSE?: Council r Ccx. ved by Council M?nber Allen, seconded by CouncIl Meeher Henderson, to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 19458, as aennded, in accordance with the e'dii?Its and subject to the attached conditions of approval. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Meehers Allen, Henderson and Mayor Baler. NOES: Council Member lff. ABSE?: Council Ccx. Mayor Baler announced that the meeting would adjourn far a brief recess at 9:15 pm., and reconvened the neeting at 9:25 pm. C. The City Manager explaihed that the second set of hearings involved Change D. of Zone Case No. 83-005, a request to change zoning frcm A-i-b to R-2-12,000 and R-3/SpeclfIc Plan for a 78.3 acre Site located along the south side of 50th Avenue, one?quarter mile west of Jefferson Street; rris and Crayson, Inc., Applicant; and a public hearing regarding Specific Plan No. 84-003, a recuest to constnict a 60-unit resort hotel On a 28.8 acre site located along the south side of 50th Avenue, one?uarter mile west of Jefferson Street; rris and Grayson, Inc., Applicant. The City Manager introduced Principal Planner Bonner, and asked her to present a report from the Planning C?T!rLission. The Principal Planner indicated that the Planning C?T[flission held public hearL?g r?ardinQ this case January 20, 1984, and had adopted fl)otions to: 1) Unan??usly rec?rmend to the CItv Council approv?l of the zoning to 3/SP and R-2-12,QOO; and 2) AD proval of Specific Plan No. 84-003, in accordance with the hibIts and s?ect to the attached conditions. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:36:55PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 $FMINtYrE? City Council February 7, 1984 Page 5. Mayor Baler asked if the Applicant wished to address the Council regarding Change of Zone Case No.83-005 and Specific Plan No.84-003. Mr. Lawrence Spector, P.O. Box 299, La Quinta. reviewed the pro?ect and reguest? and answered Council questions. Mr. Spector explained that the project would hopefully be started in June, 1964, if approved, with a possible opeeing date of Septebber?ctober, 1985. Mayor Baler opened the public hearing to ccent fr? the public. There being no public coee?t, Mayor Bajer closed the public hearing, and opened the ting to discussion among Council m?rbers. Following discussion ng Council rr??'ers, the City Manager read the title of the proposed Ordance, as follows: P?POSED ORDI?A??. AN ORDIN?? OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT?, CALI??, ING THE OFFICIAL Z?I??G FOR ThE CITY, BY REZO?ING CElAIN PA?? OF P?P'? R??EED IN Q?GE OF Z?E CASE NO.83-005. ved by Council Wolff, seconeed by Council Henderson, to waive further reaaing and introduce the proposed Ordinance. Unan?ly adopted. tved by Council Mae? Henderson, seconded by Council Wolff, to apprvve SPecific Plan No.84-003, in accorddnce with the exhibits and subject to the conditions in the Staff Report dated February 7, 1984, and adopt the Negative Declaration for the enviromiental assesseent. Urlarily adopted. 7. CONSE?T AANAAR ved by Council Maeer Wolff, seconded by Council Henderson, to adopt the Consent Calendar, subject to correction to It? 3.D. of the Minutes of January 17, 1984, and the deletion of Warrant No.2310 fr?t the D??/Warrant Register dated Febrruy 7, 1984. Unaniusly adopted by roll call vote. A. The Minutes of the It?etting held January 17, 1984, were approved with the following change: It?n 3. D. corrected to indicate Ken Wiese instead of Jim Wiese; and Warrant No.2310 to Diehl Evans be deleted. B. E?W?ION NO.84-8. A RESoLUTION OF THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUIN?, CALIFO?IA, APP?VINc DBM??S. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: ORDICCNCE NO.48. AN ORDICCNCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CAI?RNIA, AME??DING 2.20 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE P?'IDING FOR THE AI?41NIST??ION OF DISAAAAR OPERATIONS AND ELIEF IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. ved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council Allen, to waive furer reading and adopt Ordinance No.48. Unani?usly adopted by roll call vote. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:36:55PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 $FMINUTES- City Council February 7, 1984 Fage Six B. The City Nanager presented a report regarding acceptance of ownership and maintenance of Eisenhewer Drive and Washington Street bridges, and rec?t??ndec approval of the proposed Resolution, as follows: RESOL?ION NO.84-9 A RESOLU?I? OF C? C?1 OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, C?LIB?PNIA, ACC'E'?ING FOR O?ERP ND MA??EN??E THE BRIDGES AT EISE?E?? DRIVE AND WkSHHNGI?? WElCH SS THE LA QUIb?? EV??TICN ved by Council M?ber Wolff, seconded by Council Allen, to adopt Re?lution No.84-9 Unanimuusly adopted. C. The City Manager presented a report regarding selection of a of the to fill a vacant seat on the Traffic Safety C?tmittee. The City Manager her reported that two applications had been received, Mr. John Jarneson, Jr., and Mr. Carey Nelson. ved by Council emer Henderson, seconded by Council M??er Wolff, to appoint Mr. John J?son, Jr., to the La Quinta Traffic Safety C?rmittee. Unani?usly pted. D. The City Manager presented a report fr? the Assistant to the City Manager regaiding bids for the purchase of a public address system for the City Council C?ers. ved by Council Allen, seconded by Council Henderson, to accept the bid of valley Sound of Ontario, California, in the auuunt of $7,495.00, and adopt the proposed Resolution, as follows: RESOL?ION NO.84-10. A RESOWrI? OF THE CITY UNC?L OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, C?LIFDRNIA, ApP?PRI??TING FUNDS, TR??SEER? $7,495.00 TO NO. 01-4190-431, EQUIPME??T?FF ICE, r?1 THE U??PROPRm?D SURPLUS, E?E?AL FUND. unaflin?usly adopted. E. The City Manager presented a report f?an the City Attorney regarding proposed s?ool jit?act fees, and stated that the report was being s'uitted for infoi:mation only at this tirt?. ved by Council r?er Henderson, seconded by Council Wolff, to establish a Scbool Establiseent Task Force, copposed of two City Council n?nbers, one City staff and a of the Planning aoooission and Huaan Relations C?tmittee. Council Allen suggested that Council M?nbers Henderson and Wolff be asked to represent the Council on this Task Force. Unariusly adopted. 9. ved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council rter Allen, to adjourn. The regLilar rreeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 9:59 pm., Tuesday, February 7, 1984, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:36:55PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 02-U02 07-U02 1984-U02