1984 03 06 CC Minutes$S MINu?ES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA UI?IA A regular xt?eting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. March 6, 1984 7:30 p.in. CAAL TO ORDER Mayor Baier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. A. The flag salute was led by City Attorney Jim Longtin. B. The invocation was given by Mayor Bajer. 2. LL CAIL Present: Council M?nbers Allen, Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Baier. Absent: None. Also Present: Assistant to the City Manager Jennings, City Attorney Longtin, Principal Planner Bonner, unity Safety Coordinator Brown. 3. PUBLIC C?!?lr The Mayor indicated that this tirr? was set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and reminded those present that a three minute tirr? limit on t?ts would be enforced. Ca???t was heard fr?n the following persons: A. Don Parker, 3581 odhill Canyon Poad, Los Angeles, expressed concern regarding a proposed change to the traffic circulation plan around La Quinta Park, but will defer a?tments until such time the plan is heard before the Council at a public hearing. 4. RIr?? ONICATI?S A. The Assistant to the City Manager reported On a c?rm?cation received fr?ti the City of Coachella regarding appointment of a representative to a C?tinjttee studying location of a medium seaurity State prison in the Coachella area. Moved by Council l?6? Henderson, seconded by Council Member lff, to appoint Council Member Larry Allen as representative fr?n La Quinta to serve on this c?rmittee. Unani?usly adopted. B. The Assistant to the City Manager reported an a c?r!?cation received fr? the La Quinta W?r?ns Golf Auxiliary donating $1,085.00 toards a Children's Park E?und, and explained that a letter thanling the Auxiliary would be prepared. It was further explained that the C V. Parks and Recreation District would be requested to erect the swing set purchased by the City last year. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:40:04PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 06-U02 1984-U02 $SMINUTES City Council March 6, 1984 Page Two. 5. CO?ME??T BY COUNCIL ME?TBERS A. Council Wolff presented a report regarding reconsideration of Condi- tional Use Case Nos. 2394 and 2395, Charles Soffer, Applicant. Council M??r Wolff explained that Mr. Soffer had requested reconsideration of this matter before the Council. ved by Council M??er Wolff seconded by Council Henderson, far reconsideration of Conditional Use Case Nos. 2394 and 2395 at the Council r?ting to be held March 20, 1984. Unanirr?usly adopted. Council nber Wolff also reninded those present that the La Quinta Arts Festival would be held March 9 11, 1984, at the Desert Club of La Quinta, and urged everybody to attend this event. B. Council M??er Henderson presented a progress report regarding the School Establisheent Task Force, and explained that su?a?rmittees had been formed, a meeting with Superintendent Ken Meberg held and if a site can be located the School District would enter into escrow at that tirne. 7. CONS?T CA?NDAR ved by Council Cox, seconded by Council M?nber Allen, to adopt the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council M?nbers Allen, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABSB?: None. A. The Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held Febrrrry 21, 1984, were approved as s?irnjtted. B. RESOLUTION NO.84-13. A ESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALTh??IA, APP?v'NG DB?NDS. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. The Assistant to the City Manager presented a report fr? the City Manager regarding an informational report of various street imp roveeent projects. It was explained that this report is being presented as information at this tjine, but that the City Engineer had been asked to prepare cost estimates which would be used to schedule of capital irr?roveeents. Council Wolff suggested that staff prioritize these street inprov?nents projects based on their linDOrtance and need for the Council 5 information. B. The Assistant to the City Manager presented a report frcxn the City Attorney regarding a review of Conflict of Interest Codes and the Political Reform Act of 1974. The City Attorney reviewed the Political Reform Act of 1974, which reqqires certain public officials to make disclosures of certain in? received which could lead to a conflict of interest and also defines conflict of interest Situations, and explained that the Act applies to council rr?rbers, planning cccissioners and the city manager only. The City Attorney explained that In re?gnizing that other city officials and loyees also participate in decision maiing which may have a rrLaterial effect on their financial interest, the Act enables cities to adopt ordinances designating certain loyees reuuired to make certain inc?r? and property disclosures. The City Attorney read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:40:04PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 06-U02 1984-U02 $SMINUTES Citv Council March 6, 19B4 Page Three. PROPOSED OPD??NCE. AN ORDI??? OF ThE CITY CO?CIL OF ThE crry OF LA QUD?rA, CALIE?RNIA, THE: LA QUI??A MUNICIPAL CODE, ING A CONFTICT OF CODE. Moved by Council MeDer Cox, seconded by Council Henderson, to waive further reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance. unananously adopted. C. The Assistant to the City Manager presented a report fr?n the La Quinta Traffic Safety C?rrnittee and associated traffic reports relative to traffic safety issues. It was the consensus of the Council to hold a special study session to discuss and review this issue on March 15, 1984, at 3:00 p.m. D. The Assistant to the City Manager presented a report regarding continued discussion of downtown planning and developeent which included a report fron Council M?tiber lff detailing revised plans for downtown developeent. Council lff outlined the revised proposal, including plans to establish a Downtown Planning M?Tisory Coccittee. After discussion, it was ir?ved by Council Meber lff, seconded by Council Enber Henderson, to establish a Downtown Planr?g Advisory C?rinittee and Plan as listed in Council lff S report dated Febrrary 28, 1984 with the rewording of It?n 3. to read that staff will be provided for the Connittee at a tirr? ed appropriate by the Planning Director and the C?rrriittee. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council M?nbers Allen, Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Baier. ES: None. ABSE?T: None. E. The Assistant to the City Manager presented a report regadding a proposed Resolution providing for mitigation of local school inpaction, and explained that the City Attorney had advised the Council that it would be appropriate to adopt the resolution at this tirne with review of its legality at the tentative tract map stage of developeent and again at issuance of building pe3eits when the fee would be collected. The City Attorney advised the Council that, under the holding of the recent City of Gros?nt Court of Appeal case, the proposed Resolution would be unenforceable. A petition to the Supr?ne Court is pending, and the validity of the proposed Resolution will be legally analyzed at the time of ipposition and or payeent of the reguired school fee. Moved by Council Meeer Henderson, seconded by Council lff, to adopt Resolution No.84-14. Unafl?usly adopted. F. The Assistant to the City Manager stated that discussion of a Cityhood celebration had not been placed on the agenda, but Council M?L? lff had reguested discussion of this matter at the last Council meeting. It was the consensus of the Council that the Assistant to the City Manager, Council Cox and Chai? Cf the Planriing Cattnission would send out a letter to all City OcOOissions/o?rrnittees and o?rtrrunity groups asking for their help, suggestions and ideas for a Cityhood celebration, with Sunday, April 29th as the day of the event. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:40:04PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 06-U02 1984-U02 $S City Council arch 6, 1984 Page Four. G. The Assistant to the City Manager reported that Saturday, April 28th, has been designated as Clean-Up Day, with Palm Desert Disposal furnishing dumpsters around the Park and providing for pick-up of larg? scale it?ns which people would like to have picked up. It was explained that this service would be provided pursuant to the City' 5 contract with Palm Desert Disposal, which calls for two 2) such days per year. 3. PUBLIC Cd?;?h Out of Agenda Order) Due to several persons in the audience who arrived late for the meeting and were uaable to address the Council under Public C???nerit, Council Member Allen suggested that Public Car[m?t be reopened to allow these persons to address the City Council Mayor Baier asked that anyone who wished to rient who had arrived late, to please step forward and state their name and address. c,ent was heard frcm the following persons: A. Audrey Ostrowsky, 77-400 Calle Sinaloa, La Q\:iinta, expressed unhappiness regaiding a three minute tirr? limit on public c?rinent and stated that she ould like to see public cooment allowed during discussion of the pertinent item on the agenda. B. Louis Campagna, La Quinta, stated that in agencies he had been tiployed by, discussion was heard following review of each agenda item. C. Rupert Yessayjan, La Quinta, speaking on behalf of the La Quinta Business Association, reported the results of a proposal the Association had mailed to its ership, along with a talley of votes for the City's proposal, and asked the City Council to aaandon eminent ain as it perins to the La Quinta cccmercial area. D. Colleen Richey, 43-420 Texas Avenue, Palm Desert, representing the La Quinta Business Association, presented an alternate proposal for downtown development and urged the Council to consider this proposal. E. Don Parker, 3581 odhill Canyon Road, Los Angeles, discussed the need for cities and its citizen groups to work together on issues which affect the City at the present time and in the future. F. Laura Maietta, P.O. Box 1138, La Quinta, expressed concern regarding the City' 5 use of eminent dcaain and asked the Council to elimnate eminent d?nain over c?rir?rcial property. 8. BUSINESS SESSION Resume Agenda) H. The City Attorney presented a follow-up report regarding a document describing the legal aspects of a grand scale development, such as the Oak Tree West project which is to be heard before the PlanrTing C?rtnission March 13, 1984. I. The City Attorney presented a report regarding developer agreEnents. He explained that Landmark Land Company would be reguesting a developer agreeeent with the City for the Oak Tree West project. This agreement will be reviewed by the City Attorney, however, the City Attorney suggested the Council establish an ad hoc corrrrLittee comprised of one council memb,er one planning cartflissioner, Planning Director, City Manager and City Attorney to further review and occoent on this agreement. ved by Council Mebeer Wolff, seconded by Council Meb? Allen, to appoint Council M?ber Cox to serve on an ad hoc c?rtnittee to review a developer agreement between the City and Landmark Land Company. Unanimously adopted. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:40:04PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 06-U02 1984-U02 $SMINUTES City Council March 6, 1984 Page Five 9. ADJO? ved by Council ber lff, seconded by Council er Cox, to adjourn. The regular meeting of the City Council held March 6, 1984, was adjourned at 8:57 pin., Tuesday, March 6, 1984, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California, to Thursday, March 15, 1984, at 3:00 pm., at City Hall. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:40:04PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 03-U02 06-U02 1984-U02