1984 04 03 CC Minutes$a MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Qilinta, California. April 3, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1? CALL TO OPDER Mayor Bajer called the rr?eting to order at 7:35 p.m. A. The flag salute was led by Mayor Bajer. B. The invocation was given by Mayor Bajer. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Council Allen, Cox, Wolff and Mayor Baier. Absent: Council Henderson. Also Present: City M?ger Usher, City Attorney Longtin, Assistant to the City Manager Jennings, Planning Director Stevens, ounity Safety Coordinator Brown. t?ved by Council Cox, seconded by Council Mebber Allen, to excuse Council Henderson. Unanin?usly adopted. C. Mayor Baier announced that the City Council uld reorganize, and reguested that the City Clerk assume the duties relative to conducting the reorganization The City Clerk opened n?inations for reorganization of the City Council, specifically for the Office of Mayor. It was noved by Council Member Cox to rxln?te Lrrry Allen for Mayor. It was rmved by Council Member Wolff to close nonnations for Mayor. on hearing no further nominations, the City Clerk declared naninations for Mayor closed, and called for a vote for Council Member Larry Allen for Mayor. AYES: Council Members Allen, Cox, Baier and Wolff. NOES: ne. ABS?: Council Member Henderson. The City Clerk announced that Larry Allen had been elected Mayor of the City of La Quinta and passed the gavel to Mayor Allen. The City Clerk stated that it uld be in order for the forir?r Mayor and new Mayor to address the Council and audience at this tir!?. Former Mayor Baier stated that he was pleased to have assumed the offic? of Mayor during the past year, and enjoyed rking with the City Council. He fur.r explained the Carr?l Corps. and stated that any person wishing to purchase a stuffed camel would be donating the proceeds tocards a hospice program for cancer victims. Mayor Allen stated that he was proud to have been selected as Mayor and would continue to strive for the betterment of La Quinta through the Office of Mayor. He c?rtnended Fred Wolff and Bob Baier as former mayors, and read a letter to Bob Baier fr?n Marilyn Knecht which thanked Bob for his duty as Mayor of La Qilinta. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:44:47PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 03-U02 1984-U02 $a City Council ri1 3, 1984 Page r?. D. Mayor Allen declared n?at ions for the office of Mayor Pro i? open. It was ved by Council M?nber Wolff to nominate Judith Cox as Mayor Pro T?n. There being no further nonnat ions, the Mayor declared the nominations clOsed. Unan??usly adopted, with Council Henderson absent. Mayor Allen declared Judith A. Cox as Mayor Pro n. 3. PUHLIC Mayor Allen indicated that this time was Set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and reninded those present that a three minute time limit on c?nts would be enforced. C?rment was heard fr?n the following person: A. Mr. il Zintr?raan, 37115 Palm View Read, Pancho Mirage, discussed the Desert Resort C?rrrr?ties Convention & Visitors Btireau, and explained that he would, in accordance with the Council?s request, attend the Council Study session on nday, April 16, 1984, at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Zintr?rman also c?rrr?nted regar?I? the present Status of the CVB and recent press releases. 4. WRITIEN CC?MOUlCATIONS A. The City Manager presented a c?rim?cation fr? the La QLiinta Sports and Youth Association regarding the Third Annual La Q\:iinta Sports and Youth Association Parade. He explained that the letter represented an invitation to Council n???rs to participate in the parade to be held May 5th. The City Manager explained that if the Council would let staff know if they will be available and wish to participate, staff will relay this informat ion to the Association. Mayor Allen urged his fellow council erS to attend and participate in this event. 5. BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A. Council Cox thariked Bob Bajer for his term as Mayor and wished Larry Allen good luck as Mayor. B. Council M??er Baier thanked his fellow council Ir???rs for their support and cooperation during the past year, and stated that he was looking forward to relaxing and doing other things now that his term as Mayor had ended. C. Council r?er Wolff thanked Bob Baier for his work as Mayor, and stated that he believe the Council was working well together, and wished Larry Allen well as Mayor in serving the City. 6. 7. CONSET CAINDAR ved by Council M?nber Wolff, seconded by Council M?nber Cox, to adopt the Consent Calendar. Poll Call Vote: AYES: Council rr?ers Baier, Cox, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES: ne. ABS?: Council tiber Henderson. A. The Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held March 20, 1984, were approved as submitted. B. PESOL?ION NO. 84-19. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFOI?IA, APPROVING D?4?DS. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:44:47PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 03-U02 1984-U02 $aMINUTES Citv Council April 3, 1984 Page Three. B. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager presented a report regarding a continuation of a request for an extension of time, Tentative Tract Map No. 14496, Anden Corporation, Applicant, and stated that Planning Director Larry Stevens would present a report and reconendation. The Planning Director stated that this matter was continued fr? the March 20th Council n?etinq to consider a school agr?r?t, and explained that staff had anticipated the agreement being coopleted and presented to the Council for approval. He explained that the agreement had not been c?nple ted, and staff was therefore recarnending the matter be continued to the next Council rr?eting. ved by Council Meboer Cox, seconded by Council M??er Baler, to continue the request for an Extension of Time, Tentative Tract Map 14496-Revised, to the Council rr?eting of April 17, 1984. Unanirr?usly adopted. B. The City Manager presented a report regarding a continuation of a request for an extension of time, Tentative Tract Map No. 13640-Aeended No. 2, M.B. Johnson Applicant, and stated that the Planning Director would present the staff report and rec?rrriendation. The Planning Director stated that this it? was an approved tentative map for which additional time is necessary in order to record six phases of a nine- phase parcel map, and explained that it had been continued fr?n the March 20th Council meeting to consider a school agreement. The Planning Director explained that an executed school agreement had been presented to the Council, and staff was therefore rec?m'ending that the extension of time request be granted. ved by Council Wolff, seconded by Council Baler to approve a request for an extent ion of time for Tentative Tract Map No. 13640, Aeended No.2, M.B. Johnson, Applicant. Unaniusly adopted. Mervin Johnson addressed the Council and thanked th?n for their cooperation. C. The City Manager presetned a report fr? the Principal Planner regarding Final Parcel Map No. 19028, an approved parcel map dividing the existing Plaza La QLiinta C?rmercial Center into seven lots, located at the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street; Burnett Developeent Applicant. The Planning Director explained that this matter had been reviewed by the Planning staff, City Attorney and City Engineer and determined that the Applicant was in ccopliance with all conditions established for the tentative tract map. The Planning Director stated that staff was therefore recari?ding approval of Final Parcel Map No. 19028. ved by Council Mebber Wolff, seconded by Council Mebber Baler, to accept Final Parcel Map No. 19028, Burnett Development pany, Applicant. Unan?usly adopted. D. The City Manager explained a proposed Ordinance, and read the title of the ordinance, as follows: P?POSED O?Ib?NCE. AN OPDIN?CE OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFO?IA, AMENDING THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO DOG LICENSES. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:44:47PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 03-U02 1984-U02 $a Citv Council April 3, 1984 Page Four. ved by Council Cox, seconded by Council mber Wolff, to waive further reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance. Unanirr?usly adopted. E. The City Manager stated that disa?ssion regarding the Desert Resort C?rrr?ities Convention & Visitor's Bureau, per consensus of the City Council at the Council study session, would be continued to the April 17th Council fl?eting for further review. ved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Wolff, to continue discussion of the Desert Resort Cocounities Convention & Visitor 5 Bureau to the study session of April 16, 1984, and request Mr. Gilbert Zirr(r?? and Mr. Dick Oliphant be present at that neeting. Dnanirr?usly adopted. F. The City Manager presented a report fr?n the C?rtunity Safety Coordinator regarding the plac?r?nt and cost of stop signs at various locations in La Qtiinta. The nity Safety Coordinator presented a report regarding the plac?nt of the stop signs, and explained that stop signs would be installed at all north-south intersections within the La Q\:iinta Cove area, with the exception of Avenida ntezuma, Avenida Obregon, Fiserihawer Drive and Avenida Bermudas. These streets would be designated as through-streets, with all east-west streets being designated as through streets with the exception of stops at the major north-south streets naeed above. Mr. Brown explained that estimated cost for this work would be approxi- mately $20,000, which included material and labor. ed by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council Mer Bajer, to adopt the following proposed Resolution: RESOLUTION NO.84-20. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUI?'IA, CALIFO?IA, DESI?TTNG IHROUGH SI?EIS ND PRO'?ING FOR THE INSTAllATION OF STOP SIGNS AT DESI? INT?EC'IONS. Unanirmusly adopted. C. The City Manager presented a status report regarding the selection of representatives to the Downtown Planning Advisory C?rTrLittee, and explained that the City had received c?rrrunications from the Planning ccomission, La Qilinta Property Owners Association, Chan?r of C?rmerce and La Quinta Business Association relative to their respective representatives to the Downtown Planning Advisory ooittee ved by Council X, onaed by Council Member Baier, to appoint Council Member Wolff as the Council representative to the La Quinta Downtown Planning Advisory C?r[nittee. There being no further naninat ions, Mayor Allen declared Council Member Wolff as the designated representative to the Downtown Planning Advisory ccOOittee. Mayor Allen read the naaes of representatives selected by the Planning Caooission, La Quinta Property Owners Association, 1air?er of C?rr?rce and La Quinta Business Association appointed to this Comnittee by the City Council, as follows: John Klimki*ewicz Planning ccccission; Stanley Sniff and Christa Duncan L.Q. Property Owners Assoc.) Louie Campagna and Rupert E. Yessayjan L.Q. Business Association); and Larry Stevens, Planning Director for the City. It was the decision of the Council to request Mr. Stevens to call the first neeting of the Downtown Planning Advisory CoOOittee. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:44:47PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 03-U02 1984-U02 $aMINU'T?S City Council April 3, 1984 Pac ive. H. The City Manager presented a report fran the C?rTr?ity Safety Coordinator regarding suppleeental law enforceeent services in La Quinta, and asked the Ccoounity Safety Coordinator to present a brief report. The City Manager further stated that it was staff' S intent to request the Council approve an additional four hours of sheriff's patrol coverage effective July 1, 1984. He further explained that if the additional coverage meets the Council' S approval, a resolution uld be drafted for the next Council meeting for the additional service. ved by Council Mebber lff, seconded by Council Mebber Cox, to increase police services with the Riverside County Sheriff 5 Deparaent from one and one-half 1) patrol cars per shift to one and two-thirds 1 2/3) patrol cars per shift, effective July 1, 1984, and approve the Resolution as follows.. REsOLUTION NO.84-21. A PESOL??ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFO?IA, UESTING INCREASED T? SER?CES. Council Mebber lff requested the cat?ity Safety Coordinator present his report regarding sheriff 5 patrol services and suppleeental law enforceeent for the benefit of those present in the audience. The C?rrucity Safety Coordinator presented his report, and explained in detail staff's rec?r?dation for additional police patrol coverage by the Riverside County Sheriff's Depart??t. I. The City Attorney presented a report regarding developeent agree?ts, and explained the procedure whereby cities are authorized to enter into such agre?r?ts pursuant to State law. He explained that development aqr?ts provide cities with a voluntary method of giving necessary assurances to l?wers and developers undert??g large scale land development, and constitutes a written contract which may be used for ocoplex and lengthy developeent projects to Set forth the basic pararr?ters of conteeplated project approvals and conditions, as detailed in his report dated March 23, 1984. He stated that the first step in enabling a city to enter into developeent agreE?ts is the adoption of a resolution authorizing development agre?r?nts and establishing procedures for the consideration thereof, and recarrr?nded adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION No.84-22. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFO?NIA, ESTABLISHING AND E?UIREMINTS FOR ThE CONSID?TION OF A?RIS UNDER E SECTIONS 65864 65869.5. ved by Council Mebber Wolff, seconded by Council Mebber Cox, to adopt Resolution No. 84-22. Unanirr?usly adopted. J The City Manager presented a report regrrding downtown landscaping and beautification and other street irnprove?nts, and explained that no action on the part of the Council was required at the present time. K. It was the consensus of the City Council to continue discussion regarding a task force to study parks and recreation and related services to the Council meeting to be held May 1, 1984. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:44:47PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 03-U02 1984-U02 $aMINUTES City Council April 3, 1984 Page Six L. Council 1?nber WoI?t expidinea Ulat the City Council uld be holding a public hearing regarding the O?k Tree West project at their May 1st Council eting, and explained that this rr?eting would be adjourned to the La Quinta Coocunity Center, 77-?61 Aynnida Montezurna? La Quinta, and urged all interested persons to attend this public hearing. 9. ed by Council Neb?r Cox, seconded by Council M?nber Wolff, to adjourn. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta was adjourned on Tuesday, April 3, 1984, at 8:33 pm., at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:44:47PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 03-U02 1984-U02