1984 04 17 CC Minutes$h MINUTES CITY CDDNCIL CITY CF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Q\:iinta, California. April 17, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. CAlL TO 0?ER Mayor Allen called the meeting to order at 7.30 p.m. A. The flag salute was led by Mayor Pro Tem Ccx. 2. LL Present: Council Mebbers Baier, Ccx, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Usher, Assistant to the City Manager Jennings, Ca[conity Safety Coordinator Brown, Planning Director Stevens. 3. PUBLIC The Mayor indicated that this time was set aside for citizens to address the City on matters relating to City business, and reminded those present that a three minute time limit on c?rments would be enforced. The Mayor stated that the Council would be ilr?l?r?nting a new format for public whereby questions fran citizens would be referred to a Council Mebber or the appropriate staff person for response. was heard from the following person: 1. Bob Kull, 81-200 Avenue 54, Thermal, addressed the Council regarding plans relative to Madison Street in conjunction with the Oak Tree West project. He stated that he would object to all traffic being diverted onto Madison Street, which would flow past his ho"?. He stated the need for nore information concerning future plans for Madison. He also discussed the location of a fire Station at the corner of 54th Avenue and Madison, and stated that he feels this structure should be placed at the oa?rcial center of the oak Tree West project. Mayor Allen explained that the decisions regarding Mr. Kull 5 questions have not yet been determined, and urged him to attend the May 1st Council eting which will be a public hearing for the Oak Tree West project. The City Manager suggested that lr. Kull. call either himself or the Planning Director regarding these questions, or CCO,e to City Hall and discuss these issues, whereby an in?epth discussion of the proposals could be examned. 2. Eeverly ntgmmery, 53-052 Avenida Carranza, addressed the Council on behalf of the La Quinta Property Owner' 5 Association and Desert Beautiful, and regues ted that the City take over the task of watering the oleanders along Eisenho'eer Drive. Ms. nt?ry explained that the Save the Oleanders" project has been continued by the roperty Owner' 5 Association, and volunteers, and it is felt that this task should now be assueed by the City. The City Manager explained that arrangeeents to water the oleanders have not yet been made, but if it is the Council' s wish, the City would arrange to contract for watering trucks to assun? this task. It was the consensus of the City Council that staff be directed to ass? the duties of watering the oleanders along Eisenhower Drive. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:45:57PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 17-U02 1984-U02 $h CITY COUNCIL April 17, 1984 Page 4 WRI? 1!?CATICNS A. The City Manager stated that he wished to respond to a written c?rrnunication received fr?ri Mrs Alice Whytock relative to sane requireeents for the St. Francis of Assisi church. He explained that her concerns relate to a retaining wall and screening, and noted that the church will be constructing a retaining wall and planting landscape screening. He further explained that staff would send a letter to Mrs. Whytock explaining the conditions and measures being taken regarding the church. D. BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A. Council Ms?r Baier welcomed everyone to attend the Easter celebration to be held at the St. Francis of Assisi Church on April 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, and urged those who wish to attend to cone early. B. Council Meeber Cox stated that she felt there would be no probl?n with privacy for the kur?s north of the Church once the landscaping attained s?ne growth, and hoped that Mrs. Whytock would feel better knowing that steps had been taken to assure hoeeowner privacy. C. Council nber Wolff reminded everyone to attend the May 1, 1984, City Council rr?eting regarding the Oak Thee West project. Council nber Wolff also stated that he felt the Catholic Church should have infonred the h?m?ers near the Church as to the contemplated plans and measures that would be taken to ensure privacy. D. Mayor Allen announced that the Council had agreed to appoint Ms. Alice Bailes as Chairran of the La QLiinta Historical Society. He stated that he hoped that people would visit Ms. Bailes and inforin her of important historical facts ab?ut La Quinta, and thanked Ms. Bailes for accepting the appointinent. 6. 7. CONS? Moved by Council ber Cox, seconded by Council nber Henderson, to adopt the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Ma?rs Baier, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABSENT: A. The Minutes of the regular eting of April 3, 1984, were approved as sukirLitted. B. PESOL?ICN NO. 84-23. A RESOLUTI? OF CITY COUNCIL OF i?IE CITY OF LA QUINTA, OALIFo?TIA, APPPOVING DEM??S. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows O?DINANCE NO.52. AN O?DIN?CF OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFO?IA, AME??DING ThE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL COOF RELATING TO DOG LICENSES. Moved by Council eneer Cox, seconded by Council M?nber Wolff, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 52 BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:45:57PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 17-U02 1984-U02 $hMINDTES CITY COt]NCIL April 17, 1984 Page Three. ll call Vote: AY?: Council mbers Bajer, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOFS: None. ABSTA:N: None. B. The City ger explained it? 8 B., a continued consideration of a request for a Final Fxtension of Tin?, Tentative Tract Map No. 14496-Revised, Anden Corporation, Applicant. He explained that the Applicant had c?r?1eted an agre?nent with the Desert Sands ified School District relative to school developeent fees, and rec?ri?ded approval of the extension of tirr?' request pursuant to conditions as stated in the staff report dated April 17, 1984. ved by Council 4?r Wolff, seconded by Council riber Cox, to approve an Extension of the expiration date for Tentative Tract Map No. 14496, Revised, to Novetiber 20, 1984. Unaniusly adopted. C. The Planning Director presented a report fran the Planning C???ssion regarding proposed rrdnor revisions to building plans, Tract Map No. 18767, LandrrLark Land Coeany, Applicant. The Planning Director explained the proposed building revisions and stated that the Planning ssion had unanirr?usly recaended approval of the revised plans. He further stated that the Planning Coomiss ion had discussed each of the issues relative to the revisions height, mass and density) and had decided that the revised Units would be less visible fr? the exterior of the project with the height reduction, and that bulk and inass were not a major concern. ved by Council M?nber Cox, seconded by Council 4ember Baier, to approve the revised plans for Tract Map 18767. tinaniusly adopted, with Council nber Henderson abstaining. D. e City M&iager presented a proposed Resolution regarding the publication and posting of notices, and explained that the Resolution would provide for the posting of City notices at the three previously designated places for resolutions and ordinances, and rec?rmended adoption of the following Resolution. SOL?I? No. 84-24. A RESOLUTI? OF ThE CITY CO?NCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFO?IA, DESI?ING i?IE PUBLIC PLA?S WHERE NOTICES OF PUBLIC HE?AANGS SHIlL BE POSThD. ed by Council Me?nber Henderson, seconded by Council nber Wolff, to adopt Resolution No. 84-24. unalaously adopted. E. The City Manager presented an information report fran the Planning Departaent regarding the developrent of Avenue 48 and relative to the Highway 111 bypass. He explained that the most recent road plan, adopted in conjunction with the La Qilinta annexation process, provides for developeent of Avenue 48, fr?n Washington Street easterly to Jefferson Street, and also the developeent of Adams Street from Highway 111 southerly to Avenue 48, and the developeent of Dune Palms Read, f? Highway 111 south to Avenue 48. The City Manager stated that staff believes the addition of these streets which had not been previously cont?nplated, n?re than adequately provide for alternative access to Avenue 48 if persons wish to avoid congestion in downtown portions of Indio. The City Manager further explained that developeent of Dune Palms Road and Adams Street would occur only upon developeent of the adjacent property, and would constitute a more oanprehensive developeent plan for the property in this area. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:45:57PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 17-U02 1984-U02 $hMIN?ThS CITY COUNCIL ril 17, 1984 PaQe our. F. The City Manager pres?hted a report regarding various road improveeent projects and requested Council authorization to call for bids on the following projects: 1. Resurfacing of Avenida La Fonda & Calle Estado, between Avenida BermL2das and Desert Club Drive; 2. Cross gutter construction at Jefferson Street and Westwrrd t Drive; and 3. ip seal of Avenue 52, between Jefferson Street and Avenida Bennudas. ved by Council Bajer, seconded by Council mber Cox, to authorize a call for bids on the three 3) projects stated in the staff report dated April 13, 1984. i??usly adopted. G. The City M?ager presented a report fr?n the unity Safety Coordinator regarding bids for a light duty utility pickup truck, and recartr?nded award of bid to Bretz Mazda of Indio for $6,714.04. ved by Council nber Cox, seconded by Council r Henderson, to a??ard a bid for one light utility pickup truck to Bretz Mazda of Indio in the arrount of $6,714.04. Uhaflilr?)usly adopted. H. The City M?ger read the title of a proposed Resolution, as follows: RESOLUTIUN NO. 84-25. A RESOLUrl? OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QW:NT??, CAMF?RNIA, ME??DING RESOLUrI(? NO. 83-76, DESI?TIN? SECURITY PACIFIC TI?L B?K As AN AUIHORI? DEPOSITORv FOR CITY FUNDS AND DESI?ING AIINORIZED SI??URES. bved by Council D?rter lff, seconded by Council rr?er Henderson, to adopt Resolution No. 84-25. Uaanirr?usly adopted. I. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Resolution, as follows: RESOLUTIUN NO. 84-26. A PESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF LA QUINT??, C?MFO?IA, PPC?ING FOR THE ENFO?ME?? OF STATE L?S ND PEGLATIONS BY ThE COUNTY HE?LTh OFFI?R WITIIN ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA. ved by Council r?r Henderson, seconded by Council M??er Cox, to adopt Resolution 84-26. Urian?usly adopted. J. The City Manager presented an informational report fr?n the c?rcucity Safety Coordinator regarding hazardous materials, which was presented to the Council for information at this tjir?. The a?rrr?ity Safety Coordinator recocended that the Council endorse and support the efforts of the Riverside County Fire Deparaaent regarding the funding for staffing of a hazardous materials response unit. b'bved by Council MEnber lff, seconded by Council nber Cox, to endorse the efforts of the Riverside County Fire Depart?t regarding the funding for of a hazardous materials response unit. Unanirnously adopted. K The City Manager presented a report frarn the C?rrr?ity Safety Coordinator regarding a Fire Service/Paramedic Study, and explained that there was no action reguired at this tirne?, and that the report was suilnitted for Council information. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:45:57PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 17-U02 1984-U02 $hMINUTES City Council April 17, 1984 Page Five L. The City Manager opened discussion regarding continued consideration relative to the Desert Resort C?rirtL?ities Convention and Visitors Bureau. He explained the the Council had been provided with the original and revised escrow instructions and a report had been presented by Dick Oliphant and Cii Zjiirr?nnan at the previous day?s study session. ved by Council M?nber seconded by Council nber Cox, to authorize signature by the Mayor of the revised escrow instructions, and adopt the following proposed Resolution: RESOUJTICN NO. 84-27. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF IA QUIN?A, CALIFO?!?IA, APP?PRIATING FUNDS, ThANSFRRRING $5,000.00 TO ACOOUNT NO. 01-4190-101, N?-DFP?PPL, PI?TION, ThE UNAPP?PRIA? SURPLUS, FUND Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council M?nbers Baier, Cox and Mayor Allen. NOES: Council MEnbers Henderson and lff. Mayor Allen announced that the Council would adjourn to a Personnel Session. Mayor Allen reconvened the rreetinq. 9. ouI?? ved by Council M??er Cox, seconded by Council lff, to adjourn to Thesday, May 1, 1984, at 7:30 p.m., at the La Quinta C?tyrcnity Center, 77-661 Avenida ntezuma, La Quinta, California. The regular eting of the City Council held April 17, 1984, was adjourned at 8:26 pm., Tuesday, April 17, 1984, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California, to Tuesday, May 1, 1984, at 7:30 p.rn., at the La Quinta Coocunity Center, 77-861 Avenida ntez?ina, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:45:57PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 04-U02 17-U02 1984-U02