1984 05 01 CC Minutes$n MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA An adjourned regular rr?eting of the City Council held at the La Quinta Coirmunity Center, 77-861 Avenida ntezuma, La Quinta, California. May 1, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Allen called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. A. The flag salute was led by Mayor Allen. 2. LL CALL Present: Council Mebbers Bajer, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. Absent: ne. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Longtin, Planning Director Stevens, Assistant to the City Manager Jennings, C?TTrUnity Safety Coordinator Brown, Code Enforc?r?nt Officer Mazza 3. PUBLIC The Mayor indicated that this tjir? was set aside for citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business, and reminded those present that a three 3) minute ti"e ljmit on cat?ts would be enforced. The Mayor further instructed the audience that persons wishing to speak regarding the public hearing relative to PGA West should do so at that tirr?. There were no corocents from the audience. 4. WPI??EN MUNICATIONS 5. BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A. Council nber Wolff thanked those responsible for planning the City, S second birthday party held April 29, 1984, at the La Qilinta Park, and cceeended the people who made the City, S incorporation and subseguent cityhood successful. He further stated that he was delighted to see the turriout at this fleeting. Council Memeer Wolff stated that the City Attorney had received a letter fr?n Rupert Yessayjan citing a possible conflict of interest between Council r?r Wolff and Landmark Land s?eeinq fr? donations made by Landmark prior to incorporation, to the City Incorporation C?rrflittee, and a later donation by landmark to the La Quinta Arts Fouddation, both organizations in which Council Wolff was involved. Council Mebber Wolff stated that the City Attorney had responded to these allegations, both by letter and in person, and stated that the charges were not valid. Council Mebber Wolff explained that he had discussed the issue publicly in order to put the matter to rest. B. Mayor Allen explained that he too had been a n??nber of the City Incorporation Q?ttee and the La Quinta Arts Foundation, and felt that there was certainly no conflict of interest involved. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n City Council May 1, 1984 Page Two. Mayor Allen further noted that the first meeting of the La Quinta Historical ooittee would be held at 7:30 p.In., at Marcella Press, 78-035 Calle Estado, headed by Chainn?? Alice Bailes. Mayor Allen urged any persons having inform?tic to contribute to the Historical C?ttee in La Quinta to please attend this ir?pcrtant first n?eting. Mayor Allen announced that any person wishing to address the Council under public c?rrnent during the PGA st public hearing should turn in the questionnaires provided. He further explained that persons not wishing to speak, but who would like to state c?rm?ts for the record could use this forrri for that puppose N&r?s of persons wishing to speak would then be called by the City Clerk during the appropriate portion of the hearing. 6. HEA??GS Prior to opening the public hearing regarding the PGA est project, Council Men?er lff ved that It?ns 6. A., B., C., and D. be tabled by the Council until a La Quinta General Plan has been adopted and the area in question has been annexed to the City of La Quinta. There being no Second to the rr?t ion, Mayor Allen declared the rr?tion dead for lack of a second, and opened the public hearing. Mayor Allen announced that Council Henderson would step down fr? the dais due to a conflict of interest regarding it? under consideration, and would be recalled by the Council following the public hearing portion of the Agenda. The City Manager read the titles of it? ccp?sing the subject of the Hearing: A. Bequest for Certification of the Environeental Impact Report prepared by TMT Developeent Corporation of California for Specific Plan No. 83-002, PG? West". B. General Plan rr?ndeent No. 84-002, a request to aeend the La Quinta General Plan Land Use and Circulation Eleeents, and to aeend the Riverside County C?rrprahensive G?eral Plan Q'pen Space and Conservation El?nnt and Circulation Eleeent on that portion of the site to be annexed) to allow for the proposed developeent of Specific Plan No. 83-002, PGA West'?, TMr Developeent Corp., Applicant. C. Specific Plan No. 83-002, a request to develop a 1665+ acre site with four 18-hole golf courses, 5000 single-farrLily dwellings, a 65-acre resort village and a 35-acre general o?rrr?rcial center. The resort village area will contain a 400-unit hotel, 250 apart?t/condoniniurn hotel units, and a major recreation center, TMT. flevelopeent Corp. of California, Applicant. D. Change of Zone Case No. 84-007, a request to change zoning fr?n A-i-b, A-1-20 and W-2-20 to R-2, R-3, R-3 75' height ljmit), R-5 and C-P-S, in accordance with proposed Specific Plan No. 83-002, PGA West", TMr. Developeent Corp. of California, Applicant. The City Manager explained that the four public hearings on the above items would be held concurrently, and all testirr?ny given would relate to any and all parts of the four public hearings. The City Manager indicated that Larry Stevens, Planning Director, would present reports fr? the Pia?g Cccoission and Planning staff. Mr. Stevens explained that the proposed project would enc?rpass 2.65 square miles, 1665 acres, both within and adjacent to the City of IA Quinta, and stated that the pro?ect was bounded by Avenue 54 on the north, Madison Street on the east, Avenue BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n IINUTES City Council May 1, 1984 Page Three. 58 on the south except for the portion of the northwest corner of Avenue 58 and Madison Street), and by ake Cahuilla and the Coachella Channel on the west The Planning Director explained that the land is currently zoned A-i, with varying min? lot sizes from five to 20 acres. He stated that the General Plan designates the property Very I? Density Residential which is three units per acre or less, for the property lying within the City. The portion of ground within the County is designated Agriculture in the County Open Space & Conservation Eleeent. He explained that roads in the area which serve the site are Jefferson Street 110' arterial), Madison Street 88' secondary), Avenue 54 and 58 100' wide majors) and Airport Boulevard 110' arterial). He explained the Applicant 5 reguests as listed above, and stated that the reguests were being made by the Applicant to facilitate a development consisting of at least four principal el?r?nts: a 65-acre resort village intended to include 400 hotel Units, 250 additional units designated as apar?ts, condominiums or hotel units and a fitness/recreation center; a 35-acre c?rcial center which would include offices and related a?rir?rcial facilities; construction of four 18-hole golf courses and related facilities; and 5000 residential dwelling units, with a total overall density of approximately 3.2 units per acre. The Planning Director went on to explain such considerations relative to the Specific Plan as height proposals, road closures and construction phasing. The Planning Director further explained that prior hearings regrrding the PGA West project had been heard before the Planning O?ssion, and that it had been the re?rmhdation of the Planning ocission that the project be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. He discussed the &ivironeental Inpact Report, and explained that it consisted of four d?ents: the Draft Erwironeental Irrpact Report, T?chnical Appendixes to the E.I.R., the Responses to Q??ts on the Draft E.I. R., and the Suppleeental Archeological Asses?r?nt, all of which had been available at City offices for public inspection over the past several months. The Planning Director explained that the E.I.R. acts to gather information relative to the proposed project to facilitate the decision making process the City is reguired to go through. He further explained the California viron?ntal Quality Act, and stated that this particular doaurt?nt has determined that there are sane Significant associated with this project which can be reasonably mitigated, such as in the soils/geology portion of the docurr?t, the hydrology/flood control segments of the document and in the cultural resources/archaeology portion of the dooment. He further explained that the E.I R. had determined that there would be significant enviraneental effects which could not be mitigated, such as vegetation and wildlife, traffic and circulation, air quality, noise, energy, land use, agricultural soils and public services and utilities. He noted that the doaents presented to the Council discuss each of the rrpacts & identify ways to reduce their impact to the maxi extent feasible, and explained that A does not reguire projects of this type to be denied, especially where socicecononic benefits can be derived. The Planning Director explained that the Council 5 role would be to balance the risk of the environnental concerns against the benefit derived from the project. He briefly mentioned areas of overriding consideration, essentially areas where there would be environmental ippacts but are offset by benefits of the project, such as bene fitting the City through redevelo?r?t and flood control, substantial ennanceeent to the quality of life in the project area in terms of attracting new residents and businesses to the area and procoting increased investment and return on property values. The Plani?g Director stated that many of the environeental concerns associated with the project would be those concerns generally associated with normal progress and prosperity, and that if the project were inplemented benefits BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n MINUTES City Council May 1, 1984 Page Four. would accrue through the creation of new jobs for the provision of services, construction and staffing of businesses ultirnately developing within the project. He also stressed benefits through the creation of area-wide public facilties, including sewage treatment facilities, schools and fire Stations, along with enhanceeent of the City 5 econanic base. The Planning Director stated that it was the reccnndation of the Planning C?r?nission and Planning staff that the City Council certify the E.I.R. as being adequate and in c?pliance with provisions of C.F.?.A., and adopt the proposed resolution stating the overriding considerations and stating other findings of fact associated with mitigating other significant affects that cannot be c(?npletely avoided. The Plnnning Director presented his report regarding the General Plan Anendent No. 84-002, and reported that this request would anend the City's General Plan and predesignate the unincorporated area that, should the project be approved, be annexed to the City. He explained that at the present time the City of La Quinta did not have a Sphere of Influence due to being recently incorporated, and that the project was contiguous to the City, with a?roximately 1/3 of the City being located within the City and 2/3 currently in the County area. The Planning Director noted that it appeared this area would be urbanized, and cited several factors such as existing land Ownership pattern and significant purchase of land by non-farming interests, a decrease in famming activity on this land and sur??ing land, land costs which, in the judgrt?nt of staff, make it not productive to continue farming, and the irru?diate proximity of urban services, pr??cipally sewers and other facilities. He therefore concluded that each of these factors pointed to ultimate urbanization of the project site, and change of the General Plan presented a logical extension of cuxi?t City designation in the area. The Planning Director discussed the circulation ippact relative to the closure of Jefferson Street, and explained that staff had looked at other area streets, with both nroe and Jackson Streets providing access to Highway 111, and explained that Jefferson Street did not have direct access to Interstate 10. It was noted that since the Santa Rosa rr?tmtains already presented a terminus to any transpor- tation syst? into the area, the project proposal would essentially alter that terminus slightly to the north and east. It was fther noted that the proposal would ippact two uses in the immudiate area: the County gravel operation and Lake Cahuilla, and would, if approved, result in s?r? additional traffic in the surrounding traffic circulation pattern on M?dison Street, nroe Street and Avenue 58. He explained that efforts were made to sur'?y the inpacts of these two uses and determine the effects upon th?. The Planing Dittctor pointed out that Lake Cahuilla is a regional park and as such draws a wide range of use fr?ri areas outside La Quinta and a high use fr? areas essentially to the east and north of the projects, and the project would present insignificant effects on terTns of altering the traffic pattern in order to utilize the facilities at the Lake. He noted that there was considerable discussion relative to the uripact upon residents of the developed portion of La Quinta who would have a longe?r travel distance to the Lake in an effort to mitigate the inconvenience which would result. The Planning Director stated that conditions are included in the Specific Plan which result in an adequate adjustment for the loss that would occur. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n IrNUTES City Council May 1, 1984 Page Five. The Planning Director discussed Specific Plan 83-002, and explained that the specific plan was principally used far large-scale developeents such as the West project to provide a more uniform review and coordinated planning process. He exolained several of the issues raised during the Planning C?ririission process, such as the size of the proposed c?rrr?rcial at Jefferson and Avenue 54, and stated that although the Applicant had requested the ability to cOnstruct 300,000 square feet of building area on 35 acres, staff and the Planning C?rinission had agreed that there was insufficient population in the area to support that arr?unt of c?TTrErcial. It was therefore initially rec?rrnended by the Planning Carrnission and staff that the c?m?rcial center he reduced to 15 acres, and a study of other area-wide carir?rcial centers was made for ccp?ative purposes. In evaluating these factors, the Planning Ctccission had therefore concluded that 20 acres would be an appropriate size the the requested coercial center. The Planning Director indicated that the Planning ccission had considerable discussion regarding the building height issue, particularly regarding six Story structures, and had concluded that due to the visibility of the structure fran the perirneter of the project, at least mile or rr?re fr? public roads, these building heights were appropriate with the understanding that the design of the buildings, as noted in the Specific Plan, he carefully evaluated to miflir*ze the appearance and impact of height. The Planning C?rtnission also required that the locations be carefully scrutinized in conjunction in subsequent reviews required by the Specific Plan doc?rr?t or by the zoning ordinance. The Planning Director further discussed the third major issue discussed relative to the Specific Plan regar?g access to Lake Cahuilla, and reported that staff had initially rec?ty?ded that the Applicant provide, through the project or contigu?us to the project, bicycle paths to partially mitigate the loss of Jefferson Street. vwever, after discussion, he reported that it was the consensus of the Planning C?rinission that this rec?endation was not appropriate or OCp?tible with this type of developeent. The Planning Director reported that the Planning Cacnission had also discussed M?dison Street, appropriate improveeents to Madison Street, and i'r?roVn?t of Madison between Avenue 50 and 52. The Planning Director stated that the Planning C3rinission ultimately decided that improvements of Madison Street hetween Avenue 52 and Avenue 54 where it does not now exist) and lirprovements of Madison Street beteeen Avenues 50 and 52 he required of the Applicant. In discussion the ippact of the closure of Jefferson Street upon the residents of a Quinta, the Planning Director reported that the Planning onission had rec??ded the Applicant make a contribution to the City which would he used for the puppose of constructing a swirrming pool and/or related park facilities which would be rr?re accessible to people inconvenienced by the longer distance to the Lake Cahuilla area. He further reported that the Planning Cacoission had been uaable to reach agreement as to the amount of this contribution, but that staff, in negotiation with the Applicant, had deternined the amount at $200,000, which could he approved or anended by the City Council. In addition, the Planning ccccission had rec?rrnended the Applicant contribute monies to improve facilities at Lake Cahuilla as well, and staff, in negotiation with the Applicant, had set the figure at $50,000, to he approved or aeended by the City Council. The Planning Director reported that the Specific Plan doc?irr?ts contains 45 rec?r?ded conditions relative to the proposed project, such as plot plans, conditional use permit and tentative map approvals otherwise required by the Subdivision and zoning ordinance of the City; ocopliance with certain seisnic design criteria; establishment Cf requireeants that the Applicant complete a hydrological analysis of the site relative to flood control; use of a water conservation plan; wildlife and landscaping requireeents; archaeology; air quality; traffic and circulation; noise abatement; energy; land use; public services and utilities; and miscellaneous requirenents. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n MINUTES City Council May 1, 1984 Page Six. The Planning Director presented a report fr? the Planning Q?ssion relative to Change of Zone Case No. 84-007, a request to change zoning fr?n A-i-b, A-1-20 and W-2-20 to R-2, R-3, R-3 75' Ht. Limit), R-5 and C-P-S. He reported that on M?ch 13 and 27, 1984, the Planning coission Conducted public hearings on the Change of Zone and rec?rt?ded approval of the request, except that the proposed c?Tnercial Center be decreased fr? 35 acres to 20 acres. In accordance with this change, the Planning O:?rmi.ssion recarrtr??ded that the Change of Zone request be anended to provide for 20 acres of C-P-S Scenic Highway C?rrnercial) zoning and 1472 acres of R-2 zoning, in addition to the other requested zones as shcwri On the Planning Cccciss ion Pecceeendat ion exhibit. He concluded that staff was recocending certification of the E.I. R. and adoption of the appropriate resolutions and ordiri?ces subject to the findings and conditions incorporated in these docueents. The City Manager explained that the next it? in the proper order of public hearing would be to hear fr? the Applicant, LML Develo???rit Corporation of California, represented by Kaye Chandler, Vice-President of TMr in charge of planning and design. Mr. Chandler presented a report regarding the PGA West project and a video tape of the PCA of American press release and a slide presentation outlining the Specific Plan relative to the proposed project. yor Allen announced that the meeting would adjourn for a ten minute break, and reconvened the neeting at 9:02 pm. Mayor Allen opened the hearing to C?r?t f? the public. cent, in alphabetical order, was heard f? the following persons: 1. Martin Beck, Box 1043, La Quinta, questioned the Council regarding the future of the project if annexation of the area crrrently in the County was UflSU?cessful; if the Council had considered seeking an independent E.I.R.; why the La Quinta Traffic Safety C???ttee had not been consulted regarding proposed traffic Circulation concerns; whether the proposed residences were to primary or secondary residences; and requested the Council place the West question before the people for a vote. 2. Dale Bohnenberger, 51-100 Calle Obispo, La Quinta, addressed the Council and spoke in favor of the PG? West project. 3. Janice 51-905 Avenida Villa, La Quinta, spoke in opposition to the proposed project and asked the Council to put the issue to a referendum vote of the people. 4. Earl Elison, 80-082 Palm Circle, La Quinta, addressed the Council in favor of the project, stating that he felt the advantages would far outweigh the dis- advantages of the project. 5. Bill Gates, 51-930 Avenida Martinez, La Quinta, spoke in favor of the PCA West project, and stressed the benefits of flood control through the edevelopeent Agency. 6. Garry Von Gleich, 51-455 Avenida Herrera, La QIinta, a resident for 20 years, spoke in support of the proposed project. 7. Michele Miele Jensen, 77-836 Avenida ntez?na, congratulated Landmark on the deve1o?xr?nt of the La Cuinta tel and urged the Council to approve the PGA West project. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n City Council May 1, 1984 Page Seven. 8. David Keeley, 54-365 Avenida Herrera, La QLinta, spoke in favor of the proposed West project. 9. Becky hell, 51-035 Avenida ndoza, La Quinta, urged Council approval of the proposed project. 10. po?rt ull, 81-200 Avenue 54, Thenrial, expressed concerns and Objections relative to increased traffic along Madison Street and asked if traffic could be diverted West along the Coachella Canal. He also expressed concern relative to the proposed location of a fire station at the corner of Avenue 54 and Madison, and stated that he would prefer to see the fire Station located in the c???rcial center of the project, and water consumption for private usage. 11. Fred Rice, 48-780 Ei5eri???r Drive, La Quinta, spoke in oppositio? to the proposed project, and particularly the closure of Jefferson Street. Mr. Rice asked if the developer could construct a road along the canal, which would constitute 2/10th of a mile further than the present route along Jefferson. Mr. Rice also spoke in opposition to the height proposals associated with the project, and size of the proposed co?rrr?rcial area. 12. Perry Sandiford, 53-521 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, expressed concerns relative to the closure of Jefferson Street, and asked that the route to Lake Cahuilla be constructed to the west along the Coachella Canal, and questioned additional costs for services to the new developeent. Mr. Sandiford also expressed concerns relative to suuito abatement measures. 13. Steve Sixr?nson, 54-665 Avenida Pamirez, La Quinta, clarified questions relative to the La Quinta H?r?wner s Association poll conducted relative to the PGA West project, and asked the Council to cooent publicly regrrdin? their reactions to the recent poll. 14. Stanley Sniff, P.O. Box 1414, La Quinta, expressed environeental concerns relative to the proposed project, such as overdevelopeent, traffic congestion, air pollution and increased hurrLidity; questioned the closure of public roads and requested the Council adopt a rr?ratorium on all developeent until a master plan and a?nplete EIR have been caripleted. Mr. Sniff further asked the Council to place this issue on the November ballot for a vote by the citizenry. 15. Dan Snenson, 80-600 Avenue 58, Thermal, stated his opposition to the proposed closure of Jefferson Street, and expressed concerns relative to increased traffic flow along Avenue 54 and Madison Street, and suggested a scenic route to Lake Cahuilla be created. 16. *i? Thornburgh, 78-042 Avenue 52, La Quinta, spoke in favor of the proposed West project. 17. Jarr?s S. Wheatley, 151W. Yale p, Trvine, owner of 1800 acres on the southeast periir?ter of the West project, expressed support for the project and requested Council support of the project. 18. Charles F. Qhite, Jr., P.O. Box 1030, La Quinta, spoke in favor of the project, and expressed hope for future developeent of the downtown La Quinta business area. 19. Chuck Drjrikworth, 54-490 Avenida Madero, La Quinta, expressed support for the project and asked that roads into the project be kept away fr? the City of La Quinta proper. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n City Council May 1, 1984 Page Eight. The City Manager indicated that Mr. Drinworth 5 c?TT??nts concluded the list of Persons indicating a desire to speak, and that he would read Ca?Tnents into the record fr?n persons who so indicated earlier in the hearing, as follows: 1. Jay E. Callin, 52-661 Avenida Mendoza, La Quinta, supporting the project. 2. Eileen ley, 51-310 Avenida Velasco, La Quinta, opposing the closure of Jefferson Street. 3. Jim Montg?nery, 53-025 Avenida Carranza, La Q\:iinta, speaking in favor of the project. 4. Christa Duncan, 54-090 Avenida Herrera, La Quinta, opposing the closure of Jefferson, six Story height l?injtation and loss of srn?ll town quality of life. 5. John Thuro Jensen, 77-836 Avenida Montezuma, supporting the PG? West project. 6. Na? Willoughby, 54-353 Avenida Velasco, La Quinta, opposing the project and closure of Jefferson Street. 7. Mrs. E.L. Shepherd, 52-885 Avenida Obregon, La Quinta, supporting the project. 8. Helen Bradford, 52-865 Avenida Obregon, La Quinta, supporting the project. 9. Eleanor L. Shepherd, 52-885 Avenida Obregon, La Quinta, supporting the project. 10. Neil Hercules, 2443 Sierra Madre, Palm Springs, representing the Public Record. 11. Joyce White, P.O. Box 1030, La Quinta, supporting the project. 12. Ingrid Werner, 55-400 Madison Street, Thermal, opposing the closure of Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard. 13. Dietrich Werner, 55-400 Madison Street, Thermal, opposing the closure of Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard. 14. Bernadine Sutton, 51-930 Avenida Martinez, La Qiijnta, urging the approval of the PGA West project. 15. Edward C. Stock, 81-599 Airport Blvd., Thermal, objecting to rrrultiple story buildings which might block view of rr?unta ins. 16. Angela B. Stanley, P.O. Box 473, La Quinta, reguesting an independent E.I.R. 17. Eleanor Shive, P.O. Box 294, La Quinta, opposing the project, road closure, environeental inpacts and urbanization. 18. Ed Searcy, 52-279 Avenida avarro, La Quinta, opposing the closure of Jefferson Street. 19. Richard A. Moreno, 50-825 Calle Ronda, La Quinta, opposing the closure of Jefferson Street, building height limjtations, loss of agricultural lands, water usage and urbanization. 20. Audrey M. Marshaan, 53-955 Avenida Velasco, La QLiinta, opposing the closure of public roadways, high density, high rise buildings, but otherwise in favor of project. 21. rothy M. Kull, 81-200 Avenue 54, Thermal, objecting to traffic diversion to Madison Street and proposed location of fire station at Ave. 54 & Madison Streei 22. Judith 0. Burns, 78-390 Palm Garden Place, La Quinta, stressing the need for mitigation by ll? relative to the impact of this project. 23. ra Bohnenberger, 51-100 Calle Obispo, La Quinta, urging Council approval of the r? West project. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n MINT?S City Council May 1, 1984 Page Nine. 24. Posser nley, 51-700 Madison Street, Indio, supporting the project but requesting placeeent of television cable service by the developer to mitigate the impact of increased traffic along Madison Street. 25. Dietrich & Ingrid Werner, 55-400 Madison Street, Thennal, opposing the closure of Jefferson Street and Airport Boulevard and placenent of overhead powerlines along Madison Street. The City Manager answered questions raised during the public ent rtion of the public hearing. There being no futther public coenent, Mayor Allen declared the public hearing closed. After lengthy discussion and cceeent by Council M???rs Baier, Cox, lff and Mayor Allen, it was rr?ved by Council Wolff that the City Council put the issue to a referendum Vote. There being no second to the ir?t ion, Mayor Allen declared the tion dead for lack of a second. The City Manager explained item 6.A. relative to certification of the E.I.R. for Specific Plan No. 83-002, PGA est, and stated that staff is rec?rrending adoption of the proposed resolution certifying the E.I. R., as follows: RESOL?JrlON NO. 84-28. A ESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUIb??A, IFYFNC THE IMPACT EPORT P?EPA? FOR ThE WEST P?ECT IS RE?IZED As ADEQUATh AND MpLEIE, REOCONIZING THE O?7E?ING CONSIDER??ICNS To CEETA? ADVERSE IMP;?CTS; AND, CONIZING THE SIGNIFIC??NT ENVl?AL EIIICTS HiCH BE AVOIDED, BLYr HICH C?N HE EBLY MITIGEI?, IF ThE PPOPOSED P?ECT IS IMPI?4E?IED. ved by Council M??er Cox, seconded by Council r?er Baier, to adopt Resolution N?. 84-28. Poll Call Vote: AYES: Council M?rs Bajer, Cox and Mayor Allen. NOES: Council nber Wolff. ABST?IN: Council Henderson. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Resolution, as follows: RESCL?ION NO. 84-29. A PESOWIION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QtJINTA, QALIFO?IA, ME?DINC THE L? USE AND CII?CULATION EL?ME?TS OF THE LA QUINTA AL PL? FOR GE?:AL PLAN NO. 84-002. ved by Council 4?ber Cox, seconded by Council ber Baier, to adopt Resolution No. 84-29. ll Call Vote: AYES Council ME?flber5 Baier, Cox and Mayor Allen. NOES: Council inber Wolff. ABSTAIN: Council nber Henderson BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n City CouncIl May 1, 1984 Page I?n. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Pesolution, as follows: ESOLUTION No. 84-30. A PBSOLLJTION OF ThE CITY CODNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUI??A, CALIFORNIA, PREDESIGNATING FOR PLAN PUI?POSES TAIN ADJACENT TO Th:E CITY TO IN GE?? PLAN AME??[? NO. 84-002. ved by Council ner Cox, seconded by Council eeber Baler, to adapt ResolutIon Na. 84-30. ll Call Vote: AYES: Council ME?flbers Baler, Cox and Mayor Allen. NOES: Council D?nber Wolff. ABSIAIN. Council nber Henderson. The City Manager stated that the next i? of business would be It? 6. C. relative to Specific Plan No. 83-002, and stated that staff was rec?r?ing adoption of a proposed ResolutIon, as follows, with certain specific changes in the conditions. RESCLtj?ION NO. 84-31. A RESOLtyn? OF THE CITY UNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPPO'ONG, WITH O?DITICNS, SP?IFIC PT? NO.83-002 FOR AIN PROPE? IN AND ADJACENT TO ThE CITY. bved by Council Mao? Cox, seconded by Cooncil Mern:?r Baler, to adopt Resolution 84-31, with the change that the 35 acre o?r[t?rcial area be reduced to a maxi total of 20 acres for the future developeent of a r[m?cial center and offices and a change to Condition No.34 stating that height limitations shall be as shown in the Specific Plan, e)?ept as follows: a. The portion of the area designated for six-story 72-feet) height south of the Airport Boulevard alignrr?nt shall be deleted. b. All bLuldings or structures in excess of four 4) stories shall require the prior approval of a Conditional Use Permit and said Conditional Use Permit shall reqtiire a public hearing before both the Planning O?inisslon and City Council. In conjunction with review of said Conditional Use Permit, the City may require a reduction in building height to no less than four 4) stOries, a change in building location, a revision to building architecture or design or other adjustrt?nts deeeed necessary to assure cappatibility of such stuucture with the ir?untain background and with existing and future uses on surrounding properties. Council nber Cax also included in her rr?tion, seconded by Council Mebber Baler, that Condition No. 37, relative to encouraging agricultural production on undeveloped portions of the property when feasible, and to include the revision to Finding No. 5, that changes outside the control of the Applicant would not adversely affect the Specific Plan approval without reconsideration of the Specific Plan by the City Council. ll Call Vote: AYES. Council MEnber Baler, Cox and Mayor Allen. NOES: Council Mebber Wolff. ABST?IN: Council M??er Henderson. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n MINUTES City Council May 1, 1984 Page Eleven P?POS? AN O?IN?? OF CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF IA QUINTA, CALIFO?IA, A??DING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING AIN PPOPEF?TY TO IN OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-007. ved by Council ME?flber Cox seconded by Council M?ber Baier, to waive further reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance Roll Call Vote: Es. Council M?nbers Baier, Cox and Mayor Allen. NOES: Council lff. ABSTAIN: Council Mebber Henderson. The City Manager explained that it uld be noted for the record that ibit No. 1 attached to the proposed Ordinance rezoning certain property referred to in Change of Zone Case No. 84-007, would be anended to change the R-3-75 zoning designation to reflect R-3 only. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: P?PoSD ORDIN?NCE. AN O?INANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IA QUINTA, CAL??RNIA, PREZONING AIN P?PEF?? ACE?? TO ThE CITY REU?RRED TO IN OF Z?E CASE 84-007, PURSUANT TO SECTION 65859 OF THE CALIFORNIA PL?NING AND Z?ING L?. The City Manager noted that, for the record, the Eh?it attached to this ordinance would be change to reflect R-3 instead of R-3-75. Ted by Council Cox, seconded by Council nber Baier, to waive futther reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council nbers Bajer, Cox and Mayor Allen. NOES: Council Tiber lff. ABSTA:N: Council r?er Henderson. 7. CONSENT CALJ?AR ved by Council Mebber Cox, seconded by Council Mebber Henderson, to adopt the Consent Calendnr. A. The Minutes of the regular eting held April 17, 1984, were approved as suuuitted. B. RESOLUTI? NO. 84-32. A RES(??UTI? OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF IA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APP?OONG DEMANDS. ll Call Vote: AEES: Council Mebbers Baier, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. 8. BUSINESS SESSI? A. The City Manager presented a report regarding renewal of liability, property and bond insurance policies, and reca??nded acceptance of a proposal fran Twin City Fire Insurance with no deductible, at a pr?nium of $10,182, for the period of May 1, 1984, through April 31, 1985. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n MINUTES-City Council May 1, 1984 Page Twelve ed by Councll r?er Baler, seconded by Council n?er Cox, to accept a proposal fr?n win City Fire Insurance CJn??y in the amount of $10,182, for the period May 1, 1984, through April 31, 1985. Unanirr?usly adopted. B. The Planning Director presented a report regarding Final Thact Map No. 14496-5, 14496-6 and 14496, and rec?tTnended approval of the final tract maps and acceptance of the bonds gaaranteeing the construction of street, Water, sewer, and drainage irr?rcveeents. ved by Council ber lff, seconded by Council M?r??r Ccx, to approve Final act Map Nos. 14496-5, 14496-6 and 14496, and accept the bonds guaranteeing construction of street, Water, sewer and drainage improveeents irr?usly adopted. C. The City Manager presented a report regarding award of a contract for the construction of slurry seal and striping in Avenida La Fonda and Calle Estado in the arrount of $21,010.00. ved by Council nber Cox, seconded by Council mber Baler, to award a contract for the construction of slurry seal and striping in Avenida La Fonda and Calle Estado to D & D Asphalt Maintenance, in the arr?unt of $21,010.00. Unanirr?usly adopted. D. The City Manager presented a report regarding award of a contract for the construction of chip seal in Avenue 52 west of Jefferson Street to Avenida Bermudas in the arr?unt of $25,116.00. ed by Council Henderson, seconded by Council Cox, to table this it?. Unan?r?usly adopted, with Council M?er Cox abstaining. E. The City Manager presented a report regarding arrrd of a contract for construction of street inprov?r?nts at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Westward Ho Drive in the arr?unt of $10,718.50. ved by Council Mab?r lff, seconded by Council Henderson, to award a contract for the construction of street ir?roveeents at the inter- section of Jefferson Street and Westward Ho Drive to Curb Corp., in the unt of $10,718.50. Uaanirr?'usly adopted. F. The City Manager presented a report regarding an urgency ordinance of the City Council establishing regulations prohibiting outdoor advertsinq displays and structures, specifically relating to billboard signing, and recceeended adoption of the urgency ordinance and read the title of the proposed Ordinance, as follows: ORDIN?? NO. 55. AN O?INANCE OF THE CITY CIL OF THE CITY OF LA UD?IA, ADO?ING As AN URGE??CY MEASURE, CII? EIATIONS P?HIBITING OUTDOOR ADVER?ISING DISPLAYS, OOR ADVER?S INC ST??ItJIES AND OUTDOOR AD?7EI?ISING SIGNS WHICH MAY BE IN C?FLICT WITh A F?4- PLATED ZONING PROPOSAL, SAID R?TICNS To BE IN ON AN INTERIM ST]DY BASIS PURSLU?NT TO GOVE???EOT CODE SECTION 65858. Moved by Council M?r?er lff, seconded by Council M?nber Henderson, to Waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No.55. ll Call Vote: AYES: Council rr?ers Baier, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES. None. ABSV?: None. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02 $n MINUTES City Council May 1, 1984 Page Tbirteen 9. ved by Council r?r lff? seconded by Council nber Cox, to adjourn. Unanirr?us ly adopted. The adjourned regular meeting of the City Council held May 1, 1984, was adjourned at 12:10 p.xri., Tuesday, May 1, 1984, at the La QLlinta Cooounity Center, 77-861 Avenida ntez?ITia, La QLiinta, California, to Tuesday, May 15, 1984, at 7:30 p.m., at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-13-96-U01 02:47:24PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 01-U02 1984-U02