1984 05 15 CC Minutes$ MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA UINTA A regular n?eting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La California. May 15, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. TQ O?ER Mayor Allen called the rneeting to order at 7:30 pm. A. The flag salute was led by Assistant to the City Manager Jennings. 2. POLL CALL Present: Council M??ers Baier, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. Absent: ne. Also Present: City Manager Usher, Assistant to the City Manager Jennings, City Attorney Longtin, Planning Director Stevens, Q??nity Safety Coordinator Brawn. 3. PUBiC Mayor Allen announced that this was the t? set aside for citizens to address the City on matters relating to City business, and reminded those present that a three minute tiir? limit on c?m?ts would be enforced. ent was heard from the following persons: 1. Audrey ostr?wsky, P.O. Box 351, La Quinta, stated that while she is in favor of the PG? West project in general, she totally opposed the closing of Jefferson Street. Ms. Ostr?wsky further stated that she felt Landmark Land Qir??y should compEnsate the City for the loss of Jefferson Street, and urged construction of bicycle paths and sidewalks. 4. WRI? NlCATI?S A. A rmunication from the La Quinta ai?r of C?ri?rce Board of Directors expressing support for the West project was received and filed. B. A c??miniCation f?n Jim Montgomery?ry expressing support for the West project was received and filed. 5. BY COUNCIL A. Council Meb?r Wolff presented a report regarding an agreement which had been reached between Landmark Land C?r?any and the ferendum irmittee, and stated that the agre?t?nt would be forinalized at the Council meeting. Council er Wolff arized the details of the agre?r?nt and reported that Council Meber Michael Wolf son of Rancho Mirage had acted as mediator between the two groups. He explained that he and Ernie Vossler of Landmark Land C?r?y had met to discuss resolution of the petition drive for a referendum relative to the PGA West project. Council Wolff explained that a four-point agreement had been reached, which called for: 1. The referendum effort would be discontinued by the referendum Ca?Tnittee, and Council Wolff would not participate in any referendum effort hlch might arise on the part of another group on this particular issue. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 09:42:17AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 15-U02 1984-U02 $ City Council May 15, 1984 Page Two. 2. As carpensation for the closure of Jefferson Street, landmark Land Como any uld agree to give the City $1,000,000 in $200,000 instalTh?nts on the first of each year, beginning January 1, 1985. 3. landmark land Coan? would agree to limit the height of residential units to 35' or two stories, except for the hotel c?lex, which may be four 4) stories. 4. Landmark would agree to participate in the plans to develop the downtown la Quinta area, with Ernie Vossler personally participating in the effort and being a n?er of the Downtown Planning Advisory C?nrnittee Council Wolff c?nded the Peferendum CConittee, and expressed ettr? displeasure relative to personal abuse a?d at rr?rr?s of the Peferendum C?rTnittee and stated that he hoped in the future mutual respect for individual opinions would be allowed. B. Mayor Allen made a presentation to the Crin?stoppers Program, and presented the Coachella valley East Crime stopper 5 Program with a City check for $2,000. Mayor Allen stated that the money had been donated by Mayor Allen and foreer Council ber Abbott. Mayor Allen explained the Crirr? stopper S Program, and urged persons who wish to donate to the program or to report a crin? to contact Cr???stopper's. 6. HEARfl??S The City Manager explained that four public hearings would be held concurrently, and introduced the hearings as follows: A. Request for Certification of the Ehvironeental Impact Report prepared by LML Develc?xt?t Corporation of California for Specific Plan No. 83-001. B. General Plan Art?ndrrent No. 84-003, Amanded, a request to aeend the Land Use Eleeent fr? High Density Residential to Ceneral Cocercial on a six acre portion of the Duna Ia Qui:?ta' site, LML Developeent Corp. of California, Applicant. C. Specific Plan No. 83-001, a request to approve 1269 residential units and a six acre cercial center of 246 acres, T?. Development Corp. of California, Applicant. D. Clange of Zone Case No. 84-006, a request to change zoning from?1, R-1-12,000, 2-4000, R-2-8000 and R-5 to 2-8000, R-2-7000, R-2-6000, R-2-5000, R-2-4000, R-2-3000, 5 and C-?S in accordance with Specific Plan No. 83-001, LML Devel?:??t Corp. of California, Applicant. The City Manager stated that the hearing would c?rm??ce with a report from the Planning Director. Mayor Allen excused Council Henderson due to his abstension regarding this matter. A. The Planning Director began his report with discussion of the Specific Plan and Environrr?rital Irrpact Report, traffic and a traffic study which had been carpleted. The Planning Director recceeended adoption of the proposed resolution certifying the I.R. B. In discussing the General Plan the Planning Director explained that it had been heard before the Planning C(ccnission and they had recoee?ded denial of the additional six acres of c?rr?cial. He explained the the principal reason for the Planning Ca?tnission and staff recacmendation for denial was that it did not appear, based on existing develo?r?nt patterns BIB] 03-14-96-U01 09:42:17AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 15-U02 1984-U02 $ City Council y 15, 1984 Page Thre?. in the doont?n area, that carrr?rcial devel?nent would be beneficial. He also felt that additional study to deten?e if additional c?rcial develo? merit was desirable would be needed. The Planning Director explained that these re the reasons for the recarrr?ndation to deny the General Plan mendrent, and that to his knowledge, the Applicant was not objecting to the denial action. C The Planning Director explained that the Specific Plan No. 83-001, was being forwarded to the Council fr? the Planning Cccnission, with a recceeendation for approval subject to certain conditions, and called attention to changes in conditions for Council discussion or arr?ndeent. D. The Planning Director discussed the Change of Zone Case No. 84-006 and recaneended introduction of the proposed ordinance irrpleeenting the change of Zone Case No. 84-006 subject to any IDdifications to the exhibits which resulted fr?n Council discussion on the density. Following lengthy questioning regarding the various conditions by the City Council, Mayor Allen stated that the Applicant would be allowed to present a report regarding the above hear ing jt?ns. A. Andy Vossler, 49-910 Lago Drive, La Quinta, reviewed the conditions with the Council, and discussed concerns which the Applicant had relative to various conditions Following questions of the Applicant by the Council, Mayor Allen declared the hearing open to the public. ant was heard fran the following persons: 1. Audrey Ostrowsky, P.O. Box 351, La QLiinta, expressed concern relative to placerrent of bicycle paths in conjunction with new developrent, and stated that she hoped the Council would require bike paths on new developrent. 2. Louie Carripagna, P.O. Box 1286, La Quinta, questioned access into the condcrninium/aprrtrrent portion of the project fronting on Calle and asked staff what the setback along Calle Tampico was being required. Staff responded to Ms. Ostrowsky' 5 question regarding bike paths, and explained that provision for a bike path on Washington Street had been incorporated into the design of the project. Planning Director Stevens ans??red Mr. Cappagna' S questions and explained that setback along Calle Tampico would be the setback specified in the R-2 zone or 25', and explained that access to the condominiums/apart?t?nt unit c?nplex would probably be a 32' wide private street access, but would be finally deterrined in conjunction with plot plan approval for those phases of the project. The Planning Director further explained that it is also proposed a gated restriction at this location to allow for distribution of traffic to Avenue 50 and Calle Tampico in equal proportions. There being no further public caneent, Mayor Allen declared the hearing closed. Following further discussion between the City Council, staff and the Applicant, it was roved as follows: 6. A. ed by Council Cox, seconded by Council nber Wolff, to adopt the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 84-33. A RESOLUTICN OF i?IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINm, CALIFORNIA, Th?T THE B?PONME??? IMPACT RE2O? PREPA?L FOR THE DUNA LA QLIINTA IS RED?IZFD AS ADFQU??TE AND BIB] 03-14-96-U01 09:42:17AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 15-U02 1984-U02 $ City Council May 15, 1984 Page Four. Unaninously adopted with Council H?flderson abstaining. B. ved by Council rr?er Cox, seconded by Council b?rr?er lff, to deny a request to ar?nd the La Cuinta General Plan frem High Density Residential to General xr'??rcial. unafl?usly adopted with Council H?nderson abstaining. C. ved by Council Cox, seconded by Council Bajer, to approve with conditions, Specific Plan 83-001, as aeended and set forth in the atta?ment ljstinc Condition Nos. 1 through 39, and adopt Resolution No. 84-34 Uhaniir?usly adapted with Council Beerson abstaining. D. ved by Council Cox, Seconded by Council rber lff, to waive further reading and introduce the following proposed Ordinance: P?POSEo N ORDIN?CE OF CITY COUNCIL C? THE CITY OF LA C?LIF?RNIA, AME??ING T?IE OFFICIAL Z?INQ FOR THE CITY, BY REZC?ING IN P?PF:RTY REE'ERFD IN GE OF Z? CASE NO. 84-006. Unaninously adopted with Council HEflderson abstaining 7. CAL? ed by Council Cox, seconded by Council nber lff, to adopt the Consent Calendar as corrected. A. The Minutes of the reglar meeting held May 1, 1984, were approved with the correction to Itern 8.D., caanged to reflect a vote as follows: Ayes Council Baier, I?nderson, lff and Mayor Allen. Council Cox did not vote. Item 8. D. was further corrected to show that the item was tabled. B. I?ESOLUIION NO.84-35. A RESoLUTICN THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA CALIFDRNIA, APP??7ING DE?ANDS. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Baier, Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABSIAIN: None. 8. BUSINESS SESSICN A. The City Manager presented a report regarding a proposed Ordinance arending the niles of procedure for Council n?tings, as follows: ORDINANCE NO.54. AN OPDIAANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINNA, CALIFORNIA, AMF??ING 1?? OFFICIAL ZONING AP FOR ThE CITY, BY REZONING P?PEIIY IN i?GE OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-007. B. The City Manager presented a report regarding a proposed Ordinance prezaning certain property adjacent to the City, as follows: ORDINANCE NO.55. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA OtmA, CALIFORNIA, PREZONING AIN P?PEETY A?T TO THE CITY TO IN iANCE OF Z?E CASE NO.84-007, PURSUANT TO SECTION 65859 OF THE CALIFORNIA PLANNING AND ZONING LAW. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 09:42:17AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 15-U02 1984-U02 $MINU?ES City Council y 15? 1984 Page Five. The City Manager explained that the City Attorney had prepared a resolution in conjunction with the above two actions, and that these actions related to zone changes for the PGA West Project. The proposed resolution would allow for r?dlfication to the approval of the Specific Plan for PGA West. The City Manager read the title of the proposed Resolution, as follows: RES?DTI? NO.84-36. A RES??UTI? OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA Qtm?, CALIFO?IA, AMENDING THE OF P?URE FOR COUNCIL MEE?INGS RES?UTI? NO.82-14) BY AME??DING IHE P?OViSI? FOR SIDERATICN. After discussion, it was moved as follows: 1. bved by Council Neeber Cox, seconded by Council Neeber Baier, to adopt Resolution No. 84-36. Unariirr?usly adopted, with Council Henderson abstaining. 2. ved by Council Bajer, seconded by Council Neeber Cox, to adopt solution No. 84-31, for reconsideration of Condition Nos. 34 & 44, as arr?nded relating to maximum height of buildings and funding of costs of a special o?ttrccity services project/facility. ll Call Vote: AYES: Council Neebers Baier, Cox, lff arid yor Allen. NOES: None. ABS??IN: Council Neeber ndersi?n. 3. bved by Council Neeber Cox, seoonded by Council Neeber lff, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No.54. ll Call Vote: AYES: Council tters Bajer, Cox, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES: ABS?: Council ndersofl. 4. ved by Council Neeber Cox, seconded by Council Neeber Baier, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No.55. ll Call Vote: AYES: Council Neebers Baier, Cox, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABSIAIN: Council Henderson. C. The City Manager presented a report regarding acceptance of right-of-way along Avenue 50, st of Washington Street, and rec?rimended acceptance subject to the condition that Landmark restripe the street. He further explained that a striping plan had been suluitted to the City Engineer and is currently being reviewad prior to irr?leeentation. ved by Council Neeber Wolff, seconded by Council Neeber Cox, to accept the right-of-way along Avenue 50, st of Washington Street, dedicated by Iandaark Land C?rpany. Lfr?aniir?usly adopted, with Council Neeber Henderson abstaining. D. The City Manager presented a report regarding an advance of funds to the Quinta Redevelopee?t Agency for legal services and professional services relating to the preparation of flood control bonds, and rec?rtt?nded adoption of the following resolution: BIB] 03-14-96-U01 09:42:17AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 15-U02 1984-U02 $MINUTES City Council May 15, 1984 Page Six RESOLU'IICN NO. 84-37. A PESQLUTI? CF ThE CITY COUNCTL OF ijIL CI? CF LA QU:??IA, CALIFD?IA, APPPC'?G AN REE?? PELATTVE lOAN ADV?CE OF FUNDS F? ThE CITY OF LA QLIIN'I? TO ThE LA UIlIA RED?ELO? AGENCY. ved by Council t?er Cox, seconded by Council 4?r Bajer, to adopt Pesolutj?? No. 84-37. Unanirr?us1y adopted. E. The City anager presented a report regarding Street inprovements on Avenue 52, Calle Tanpico and Avenida Benrudas. ved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council Meeber lff, to approve preparation Cf plans and specifications for reconstruction of Calle Tampico, at its intersection with Avenida Be?Bermudas. Unanirously adopted. ved by Mayor Allen, seconded by Council Memer Baier, to approve preparation of plans and specifications for straightening of the paverrent line on the east side of Avenida BermUdas, from the north edge of Palm Springs Saving & Loan to Calle Tampico, and provision for a curbed radius around the corner at the southeasterly corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas?s. After discussion, the tiOn was defeated. Mayor Allen asked if any Council wished to bring discussion regarding chip sealing of Avenue 52 off the table. After discussion, it was moved by Council Cox, seconded by Council Meeber Baier, to r?ove this item fr?n the table. Unari??usly adopted. Mayor Allen stated that Item 8 D. of the Council meeting held May 1, 1984, would now be heard for reconsideration. b?ved by Council Meeber Cox, seconded by Council Wolff, to continue discussion of street iproveeents on Avenue 52 until a priority list for street iproveeent projects is established. L?an?ly adopted. ved by Council er lff, seconded by Council Meeber nderson, to request that staff establish a priority list for street iproveeent projects to be su?mitted by the end of the 1983-84 fiscal year. Unanimously adopted. F. The City Manager presented a report regarding claim of John P. Willard, and recor?ded denial of the claim. ved by Council Meeber Cox, seconded by Council Meeber lff, to deny the claim of John P. Willard, and direct staff to notify claimant of this action. Unanimously adopted. C. The City Manager presented a report from the Traffic Safety rmittee regarding speed limit designations. ed by Council Meeber Cox to adopt Alternative No. 1 as listed in the May 10, 1984, report fr? the Traffic Safety ccooittee, seconded by Council Meeber Wolff. After discussion, rr?tion was defeated. It was the consensus of the City Council to continue this item to the next Council rr?etinq of June 5, 1984, for fur? discussion. H. The City Manager presented a report from the Q?runity Safety Coordinator regarding a Special Work Program. ved by Council Wolff, seconded by Council r Henderson, to approve a work prggram agreeeent beteeen the City of La Quinta and the Riverside County Probation Department relative to youth eployeent. Unariusly adopted. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 09:42:17AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 15-U02 1984-U02 $MINUTES City Council May 15, 1984 Page Seven 9. ved by Council r?er lff, seconded by Council r nderson, to adjourn. A reg\:llar rr?eting of the City Council held May 15, 1984, was adjoLirned at 9:40 p.m. Tuesday, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ved by Council rnber nderson, seconded by Council Cox, to reconvene at 9:47 p.m. Unariiri?us1y ad?ted. ved by Council lff, seconded by Council Bajer, to appoint Mr. Ernie Vossler as a of the Downtown Planning Advisory Coocittee. Unanirr?usly adopted. ed by Council lff, seconded by Council Cox, to adjourn to an Executive Session, at 9:48 p.m. Uaanirr?usly adopted. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 09:42:17AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 05-U02 15-U02 1984-U02