1984 10 02 CC Minutes$ MINUTFS CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINlA A regular eting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. October 2, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. CAll ORDER yor Allen called the La Quinta City Council eting to order at approximately 7:32 p.m. A. The flag salute was led by Dan Bl?, reparter for the Indic Daily News. 2. TT. TT. Present: Council r?rs Baier, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Longtin, Administrative Services Coordinator Jennings, carOOnity Developeent Director Stevens, Cou?ity safety Coordinator Brown. 3. UBLIC CC?ME? Mayor Allen announced that this tirr? was the t? set aside for Citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business, and reminded those present that a three 3) minute tiie limit on coeeents would be enforced. oants re heard fr?n the following persons: A. A?dxey Ostrowsky, P.O. Box 351, La QLiinta, expressed concern regarding lack of a reply regarding a letter she had sent the City relative to Se?r treateent facilities. The City Manager responded to Ms. Ostrowsky 5 concerns, and explained that the capacity of the se?r facility in question was itored by the California State Water Quality Control Hoard, and capacity was measured by gallons of effluent per day, not by the nwnber of units which were connected to the facility. 4. WRxTI?? O?UNIC?TIONS A. The City Manager presented a c??ication fr? Mr. and Mrs. ert E. lee coeeending the City Animal Control Officer for perforaance of duties. This letter was received and filed. B. The City Manager presented a catiriir?cation fr? Mr. Harry Bongiorni, regarding abateeent of an unsafe and public nuisance notice he had received. The City Manager explained that Mr. Bong iorni was requesting an extension of time in which to canply with these notices as stated in his letter dated Sept?nr 27, 1984. It was the rec?dation of the City Manager that Council direct Mr. Bongiorni to et with staff and work out a t? Schedule which would be acceptable to both parties. Mr. Bongiorni addressed the Council and explained his Situation, and requested an exLension of time in which to car?ly. ity Developeent Director Stevens explained that it was the staf f's recartr?tion that Council receive and file Mr. Bongiorni' S letter, and direct staff to work with Mr. Bongiorni to resolve the difficulties on this site. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:30:43AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 02-U02 1984-U02 $ City Council Cetober 2, 1984 Page ved by Council rt?er Wolff, seconded by Council Bajer, to receive and file the carrm??tiOn, and direct staff to work with Bongiorni relative to difficulties on his property. Unanirr?usly adopted. 5. C? BY C?IL ME??BERS A. Council rriber Wolff ccmplieented Ann Jennings relative to preparation of the October City Newsletter. B. Council r?r Wolff explained that recent legislation relative to paranedic services had been passed, and that he had obtained copies of this legislation which he had given to the City Attorney for review. Council M?r Wolff explained that the legislati0n apparently will allow a public agency to contract for medical rgency services if it is done on a ccpp?titive bid basis. me City Attorney explained that he had reviewed the legislation, and that it basically uld protect cities f? anti-trust action in granting exclusive franchises, if a coppetitive bid process is utilized. He f??her explained, however, that it would be in the City S best interest to wait Until after Jan??ary 2, 1985, in pursuing an action of this type, due to the outc? of pending lawsuits involving other agencies. C. Mayor Allen explained that he had received many recent complaints regarding the lack of street signs in the Cove. He stated that a recent City contract let for the placement of stop signs in the Cove, uld allow for the future placement of street signs on top of the stop signs. He further explained that placeeent of the stop signs would catir?r?e nday, October 8th. Mayor Allen Stated that he had observed a Council candidate campaigning recently, and had a supply of voter registration foriris. He carrtr??ded the candidate on efforts to enable persons to register to vote. 6. HEAR?GS 7. CC?SB?T ed by Council Cox, seconded by Council r Henderson, to adopt the Consent Calendar Poll Call Vote: AYES: Council bers Bajer, Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. A. The Minutes of the regglar City Council eting held Sept?xber 18, 1984, were approved as nitted. B. RES?UIION NO.84-69. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY QE' LA QUINTh, CALIFOI?IA, APP?O?JING DE?DS. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager presented a report regarding bids for the resurfacing of Calle rr?ico, between Aven ida Berudas and Aven ida Navarro. He explained that two bid? had been received for the subject work, and rec??r?nded award of contract to Massey Sand & Pock C?y in the aoount of $12,816.00, the lowest bid received, well within the Engineers estimate of $15,000.00. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:30:43AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 02-U02 1984-U02 $ City Council October 2, 1984 Page Three. b'bved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council lff, to a??ard a contract for City Project No. 84-5, Besurfacing of Calle to Massey Sand & Rock Cat?y, in the unt of $12,816.00. t3haniuusly adopted. B. The City Manager presented a report regarding assur?tion of responsibility for La Quinta Park, and explained the fiscal data which had been obtained relative to this program. The City Manager further explained that if the Council wished to pursue this project, based on the financial data, it would be necessary to prepare an agreeeent for approval by the c.v. Park & Recreation District Board of Directors for distribution of funds beteeen the City and District. The City Manager also indicated the anount of funds VAlich would need to be allocated fr? the general fund to suppleeent the tax allocation La Quinta would receive if a Park takeover was approved. After discussi?, it was the consensus of the Council to proceed with a process whereby ass?tion of maintenance of La Qiunta Park would be acc?liseed, as of July 1, 1985. C. The City Manager presented a report regarding Status of right-of-way acquisition for the La Quinta Flood Control project, and explained that a c?lete report to the Council would be made to the Council on Cetober 16, 1984, when L?ll and Tcxri vy of Coachella Valley Water District could be present to report. D. The City Attorney presented a report regarding a proposed hillside developmen? ordinance, and explaed the findings, purpose and intent of the proposed ordinahce. The City Attorney furher explained that the Council was being requested to approve conceptually the form and content of the draft ordinance, and refer the ordinance back to staff for public hearings before the Planning Carinis sian and Council. bved by Council rr?er Cox, seconded by Council Wolff, to approve conceptually the form and content of the proposed ordinance, as nded, and refer it back to staff for scheduling before the Planning ccooission and City Council. Unan1rr?usly adopted. E. The Ca??ity Develo?t?nt Director presented a report regarding the proposed Indian Springs Country Club developeent within the City of lndio, and recorttr?nded that staff prepare a letter re-expressing concerns relative to the developeent, for the Mayor S signature, to be presented at the next Indio City Council meeting. F. The Corrrm?ity safety Coordinator presented a report regarding changes in the Lfriiform Fire Code and the differences beteeen the 1979 and 1982 Uniform Fire Code. He reported that the purposes of these changes are to clarify, reorganize, update and allow for technological changes, and that copies of each edition of the Code is available in the Carr?ity safety Deparrrent. G. The C?rm?ty safety Coordinator presented a report regarding a Letter of Ca??r?ndation presented to City err?loyee Steve Kochell in regard to the SLmrr?r Youth layir?nt Program. Mr. Bro??n explained that this award was presented to the City at the County Board of Supervisors meeting held September 25, 1984, and that the award will be displayed at City Hall. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:30:43AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 02-U02 1984-U02 $MINUTES City Council October 2, 1984 Page Four H. The City Manager presented a report regarding pernanent storm drain costs for a drainage system at the Washington Street/Highway 111 intersection. The City Manager explained that the City Engineer' S est?te for installation of this storm drain would be approximately $275,000, but that some cost savings could be achieved through permission from Cal Thans to cut a track across Highway 111 rather than jacking the pipe under the highway. After discussion, it was rr?ved by Council rr?er lff, seconded by Council Meeber Henderson, to direct City staff to report back to the Council by January 14, 1985, with alternate proposals for the design/cost of the storm drain system, along with definitive data relative to participation in this project with Cal Trans and Burnett Developr?nt c?any. I. The City Manager presented a report regarding school mitigation measures, and stated that the Council had expressed concern relative to the City of Indio 5 failure to adopt fee requireeents which uld be applied to lndio developeent project as they relate to school infrastructure fees. The City Manager explained that the following resolution had been prepared, directing that ixr?act mitigation fees paid to Desert Sands thified School District not be spent for schools located within the City of Indio, unless and until the City of Indio establishes a policy similar to solution No. 84-14, adopted by the City of La Q\:iinta, and read the title of the proposed Resolution, as follows: UTIC? NO.84-70. A R'E?UT'l? CI? COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF IA QUINT?, CALIFORNIA, DIPE?TING IMP??CT MITIGATION FEES PAID TO DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NOT BE SP? FDR SCHOOLS ATED WIThIN ThE CITY CF INDIO. ved by Council rrber Henderson, seconded by Council Cox, to adopt solution No.84-70. t??sly adopted. J. Disuussion occurred relative to a La QLiinta Sphere of Influence. After discussion, it was by Council lff, seconded by Council Meeber Heneerson, to direct staff to report to Council at the Nov?r?r 20, 1984, Council meeting relative to an overall Sphere of Influence recOee?dation, and to reguest a continuance of any consideration of s?iere of influence areas from L.A.F.C.O. for a period of 60-90 days. unan?usly adopted. 9. Moved by Council Cox, seconded by Council Henderson, to adjourn. Unaninously adopted. The regular Jm?eting of the La Quinta City Council was adjourned at 8 54 pm., Tuesday, Cctdber 2, 1984, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La QLiinta, California. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:30:43AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 02-U02 1984-U02