1984 10 16 CC Minutes$ MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. October 16, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. C?TT. Mayor Allen called the La Quinta City Council meeting to order at 7:32 p rn.? A. The flag salute was led by c?rmunity Safety Coordinator Doug Brown. 2. POLL CALL Present: Council ME?nbers Bajer, Cox, lff and Mayor Allen. Absent: Council Henderson. Also Present: City Manager Usher, Administrative Services Coordinator Jennings, City Attorney Longtin, C?r?ty Safety Coordinator Brown. tved by Council Memeer Cox, seconded by Council Baier, to excuse Council Henderson. Unanimo?ly adopted. 3. PUBLIC I(:iT Mayor Allen announced that this time was set aside for citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business, and reminded those present that a three 3) minute time limit on ocIr[nents would be enforced. ents were heard fnxt' the following persons: 1. Dale Bohnenberger, 51-100 Calle Obispo, La Quinta, asked the City Council to direct staff to make a study the impact Proposition 36 would have on City revenues and report back at the next meeting, and stated that he felt the City should take a stand one way or the other on this Proposition. After discussion, it was rr??ved by Council lff, seconded by Council Cox, to direct staff to prepare a resolution opposing Proposition 36, for adoption at an adjourned Council meeting to be held dnesday, October 24, 1984. Unani??ly adopted, with Council Henderson absent. 2. Gene Dyer, P.O. Box 1484, La QLiinta, questioned the Council relative to the City's procedure for obtaining repayeent when abateeent procedures are c?leted. The City Attorney e?plained that the City currently has the ability to place the charges on' the property tax bill and lien the property until the property tax bill has been paid. Mr. Dyer also suggested suitable fencing for the area along Eisenhow? Drive, be??en Fernando and Feraando streets and suggested clickers be used rather than cards for passage through gates into private areas. 3. Audrey Ostrowsky, P.O. Box 351, La Quinta, qt]esti?ed the Council and City Manager regarding letters she had sent on September 12 and 20, 1984, regarding the sewer treatment sys tan and fee title to land under the road on Jefferson Street, and asked why these letters had not been anseered. Ms. Ostrows?? also discussed a recent Occurrence whereby she had been asked to leave the sidewalk in front of the La Quinta Post Office while registering voters. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:31:49AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1984-U02 $ Citv Council October 16, 1984 Page Th?. 4. WRI? CO?ICA?C?JS A. The City Manager presented a c?rmr?Oation fr? Kay and Fred Wolff relative to a structure located on the southeastern corner of Madero and Ensenada which has never been completed. Council M?ber Wolff explained that his letter constituted an appeal for assistance with the Situation which had been a probl?n since he built his har? in 1980. Council rr?er Wolff further explained that the structure has been an eyesore in his neighborhood for many years and constituted a public nuisance, and appealed to the Council to direct staff to take diate action to rerr?dy this situation. The City Manager reported that action had been taken' and the property was fenced and s? work done on the stnicture, approxiinately one year ago He further indicated that o??ner of the structure had pr?nised to complete the structure, but since he had failed to do so in the past, the C?r?mmity Developeent Departeent would be taking necessary steps to abate the structure, with the cost of the aoateeent to be placed on the property 5 tax bill. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that staff should proceed irr!r?diately with aoateeent procedures relative to this structure and to furnish the Applicants with a written report explaining what S to be done and when it will be done. 5. C?ME??'r BY COUNCIL MBMBERS A. Council Mabber lff welc?d three Indio High School students to the Council rreeting. B. Mayor Allen stated that the La Quinta of Carrr?rce had inquir*ed as to whether the City would be interested in participating with the Chai?? in sponsoring the Miss La Quinta Contest this year. It was the consensus of the Council that the City did not wish to becon? actively involved with the Miss La Quinta contest at the present tirre. Mayor Allen further announced that work crews had been busy in the City during the past week, installing 239 stop signs in various interesections in the Cove area. He stated that drivers should use caution in driving in the Cove, and be aware of the new stop signs at all north-south intersections, with the exception of lisenhower, and regon Mayor Allen announced that the City of India would be considering school rnjti?tion fees at their Council eting Wednesday, October 17th, and urged all interested persons to attend this ipportant Ir?eting. 6. HEARINGS 7. O?SE?T CA?NDAR Moved by Council Cox, seconded by Council Manber Baier, to adopt the Consent Calendar Roll Call Vote: Council rribers Baier, Cox, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABSF?:. Council rr?er Henderson. A. The Minutes of a regular n?eting of the La Quinta City Council held October 2, 1984, were approved as sukinjtted. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:31:49AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1984-U02 $MINUTh:S City Council October 1?, 1984 Page Three. B. RESQLUT?CN NO. 84-71. A RE?UTION OF ThE CIT?? CEXINCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTh, CALIFOR?, APPR?ZmG D?S. S. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: P?POS? ORDI??CE. AN O?IN?CE OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF LA QUINT?, C?LIFO?IA, AM??DING THE OFFICI;?L ZONING MAP FOR ThE CITY, BY REZONING RT? PPOP? EERED IN NGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-012. City Manager explained that because the escrow relative to this property had not yet closed, it was rec?rmended that Council extend this matter to an adjourned Ir?eting of the Council to be held esday, October 24, 1984. ved by Council rrber Cox, seconded by Council MEr?er Baier, to extend It?n 8 A. to the adjourned Council meeting to be held October 24, 1984. Unanirnou sly adopted. B. The City Manager presented a proposed Resolution of the Council, opposing closure of the La Quinta branch of the Palm Springs Savings Bank, as follows: RES(?.UTICN No.84-72. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUXNT?, C?LIFO?IA, OPPOSI? THE CLOSURE OF THE LA BRANCH OF THE P? SPRINGS SAVI??S NK. Mayor Allen stated that Naani Willoughby had indicated a desire to address this issue. C?tm?ts re heard fran Mrs. Willoughby herein she explained the inconvenience this action had caused her personally, and urged the Council to prohibit this bank fr?n ever doing business in La QLiinta in the future. Council Wolff read the Resolution, in its entirety, to the Council and audience. bved by Council M?r?er Wolff, seconded by Council Allen, to adopt solution No. 84-72. Unanir??usly adopted, with Council r?er Henderson absent. C. The City Manager introduced Mr. T?i Vy, Assistant to the General Manager, Coachella Valley Water District, and Stated that Mr. Levy would present a report regarding status of right?f-way acquisition for the La Quinta Flood Control project. Mr. Levy revie?ed the preliminary engineering plans for the La QLiinta Flood Control project, and explained that further design work would be done prior to plans being placed out to bid. He presented a drawing and outlined the designs for the second phase of the flood control project, which would protect La Quinta fr? flooding in the Bear Creek area and the mountains to the est of the Cove area, and the fl? fr? the mountains east of the Cove area. He explained the had received very good success in obtaining necessary right-of-way in relation to this flood control work, and stated that the District's schedule calls for plans and specs conpleted and ready for bid iI? early Decenber, 1984, and receive bids in January, 1985, with construction to begin shortly thereafter, with construction expected to take approxim?tely 12 months to canpiete. There follo??d questions regarding the project fran the Council. Council r?r Wolff asked that the City Manager present a conplete report relative to bond sale, financing, and other pertinent terial at the next meeting of the La Quinta Redevelo?nent Agency. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:31:49AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1984-U02 $\IINUTES City Council tober 16, 1984 Page Four. D. The C?rirtL?ity safety Coordinator presented a report regarding a proposed large vehicle ordir? and explained that staff had been directed to research and prepare such an ordinance by the Council at their meeting of September 18, 1984 Mr. Brown explained that the subsequent ordinance was prepared after coaaarisons of similar ordinances in other Valley cities. Mr. Brown further explained that the proposed ordinance v?ould prohibit the parking of c?rcial vehicles exceeding 8, in height and/or 20' in length on private property in residential areas. Mr. orris Brandt, 53-470 Alvarado, la Quixita, addressed the Council and asked the Council to address the matter of storage and parking of contractors equipeent on private property in residential areas. The City Manager read the title of the proposed Ordinance, as follows: P?POSED O?IN?N?. OPDI??? THE CITY CO??I1 CF ThE CITY CF IA QUIN??, CALIFO?IA, AME??ING THE IA 1UNICIPAL CODE PROHIBITING P??G CF C?XAL VE?iI??S IN CC?1ME??I?L ved by Council r lff, seconded by Council Cox, to waive futther reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance. Unanirr?usly adopted, with Council Henderson absent. E. The C?rnunity safety Coordinator presented a request to continue discussion regarding a paramic study for another two to allow time for fuether study and infor"ation retrieval. F. The City Manager presented a report frcm the Developeent Director reg ing road impr?eeents at the south?st corner of Eisenhower Drive and shingto: Street, and reported that the City Engieeer had revie?ed the cost estimates for installation of curb and gutter, cross-gutter and street pave-out of $9,646.41 and dete?ir?d this estimate to be very good, and recoeeended Council acceptance of the proposal. The City Manager explained that this work uld be done in conjunction with the traffic signal work at this location. After discussion, it was by Council Cox, seconded by Council nber Baier, to accept a bid fr?n I?L: Co., in the axrount of $9,646.41, for work at the south?st corner of Eisenhcwer Drive and Washington Street. Unanirr?usly adapted. C. The Ccounity safety Coordinator presented a report regarding an update on the Washington street flooding action, and explained that equi?t to pump excess waters at this location had been received,and that Point Happy Ranch had indicated favorable support to the City S pumping of excess waters onto their prope?y. Mr. Brown further explained that $1,520.04 had been spent for this equipment to date, with another $479.96 yet to be spent for pvc piping and related materials. H. The C?rrr?ity Safety Coordinator presented a report regarding a Revised Cr? Prevention Program which highlighted the revised program and its goals and objectives, and described the four continuing crnr?' prevention programs currently in progress. Mr. Brown reported that the City' S goal was to achieve a ten perc?- 10%) reduction in crime by October 1, 1985, and a 20% reduction in cri?? by July 1, 1986. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:31:49AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1984-U02 $lINUTES City Council October 16, 1984 Page Five After di??s?ion, t wa? A?lff, seconded by CQunC?1 Cox, to send a letter of appreciation/carrrr?ndati0? to Captain Arthur Renney, Riverside County Sheriff s Depart??t, Indio Station, for services the City has received fr? the Seeriff' s De?nent, and to place a letter of coeeendation into the personnel file of Doug Brown. Unanirr?usly adopted, with Council rrber ender son absent. I The City M?ger presented a report regarding agreenents and Airproveeents for t?rporary baseball/soccer fields at Avenue 52 and Adams Street, and explained that an agreeeent with Landaark land Ccaaeny would provide for the use and il?roveeents to a parcel of land on Avenue 52 on a year-to-year basis, and reca??ended Council approval of the agreeeent and adoption of a proposed Pesolution which would allocate $5,000 in City funds for fencing along the property, as follows: RES??UflCN NO.84-73. A R?UTTCN OF HE CITY COUNC? OF THE CITY QE* LA QUD?, C?LIFOR?IA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS, ThANSFE??NG $5,000 A?UNT NO. 01-4191-5500, C?NITY aIHER BUILDINGS, THE UNAPp?PRIAThD SURPLUS, GENERAL FUND. bved by Council nber Cox, seconded by Council rr?er lff, to approve the AgreerrEnt with Landrr?k Land Coppany for the use of a parcel of land on Avenue 52 for tepporary baseball/soccer fields. Uhaninously adopted. It was fur.er roved by Council Cox, seconded by Council tber lff, to adopt Pesolution No. 84-73. Unaniusly adopted. Mr. Andy Vo?sler, P.O. Box 1000, La Quinta, stated that he would like to clarify, for the record, that the property would be available to the La Quinta Sports & Youth Association on a year-to-year basis, as the property was available. e further explained that it was the c?pany' S intention to rn?ke the property available for a period of three years, as long as the parcel was not needed by Landm?rk, but the agreeeent would stipulate that the contract be On a year-to- year basis. J. The Corrunity Safety Coordinator presented a report regarding purchase of a utility vehicle, and explained that a heavy?uty utility vehicle for street maintenance had been budgeted in the City's 1984-1985 budget, and re?ded Council approval of bid seecifications No. 84-6, and authorize a call for bids. ved by Council lff, seconded by Council Cox, to approve Bid ecifications No. 84-6 and authorize call for bids. Dhani??usly approved, with Council nber Henderson absent. L. The City M?nager announced that he had received a call fran Mr. Joe Walser, extending an invitation to the City Council to attend a press conference to be held regarding the PG? West project, at PGA West offices on Avenue 52 on Thursday, October 18, 1984, at 2:00 p.ni. 9. ADJ?JRNMENT yor Arlen adjourned the Council to a joint City Council/Planning Corrroission reeeting to be held Wednesday, Oct? 24, 1984, at 2:00 p.m. The reqular reeeting of the La Cuinta City Council was adjourned at 8:55 p.m., esday, October 16, 1984, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:31:49AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 16-U02 1984-U02