1984 10 24 CC Minutes$ MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA Q? An adjourned meeting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La QLiinta, California. tober 24, 1984 2:00 p.m. 1. CAli TO OPD? yor Allen called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m. A. The flag salute was led by Planning C?rmissioner Klirr??iewicz. 2. T.T CALL City Council Present: Council Maobers Baler, Ccx, lff and Mayor Allen. Absent: Council r Henderson. Also Present: City Manager Usher, Administrative Services Coordinator Jennings, Carinunity Develo??nt Director Stevens and City Attorney Lcngt in. Planning Cccoission Present: OOOissioners Kliskiewicz, lling and Chaiaaan Thornburgh. Absent: C?missicners Goetcheus and Salas. Dtved by Council Wolff, seconded by Council rber Cox, to excuse Council i?:?i??r Henderson. Unariusly adopted. 3. PUBLIC C?E? 4. WRI? C?UNICA?ICNS C?t?UIT BY COUNCIL A. Council fr?ber lff asked several questions pertaining to residency requirements for Council candidates, and stated that one Council candidate, ii??y Ostr?sky, had leased her h? for one year and was not living within the City, but was residing in Palm Springs Council r Wolff asked the City Attorney what effect her Palm Springs residency would have on her runing for and/or taking office if elected. The City Attorney stated that a Council L?r elect rtust be an elector of said City at the tine they take office; and for the purpose of rnnning, they must be a qualified voter of the City at the tine they taae out nomination papers. He further defined an elector as sate?e is or has been a resident of the City for 30 days prior to the tine they are seated as a Council and a resident was defined as a person whose permanent place of residence is within the City. 6. 7. CCNSE? CALEND?R 8. BUSINESS SESSI? BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:33:42AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 24-U02 1984-U02 $M?ThS C:TY COUNCIL October 24, 1984 Page Twa. A. The City Manager introduced a joint City Council/Planing C?ITnissiOn study session to discuss the status of the project and traffic circulation issues related to Specific Plan 84-04 The Grove Associates, Applicant The City Manager further explained that this session was discussion only, with no action to be taken until the Council hearing on November 6th and the Planning Ccccission hearing October 31, 1984. 1. The C?rimccity Develo?xrent Director presented the staff report regarding Specific Plan No. 84-04, Zone Caange Case No. 84-014 and the FIP Addendum to s?, and explained that the hearing had been s?eduled to review the status of the project and circulation issue. Mr. Stevens presented a chronology of events relative to this project up to the present tirre. Mr. Stevens further reported on the unresolved issue of traffic circulation extension of an additional north-south corridor, i.e., Adams or Dune Palms I?oad) through the project, and discussed traffic studies done by JHK and Berr? and Stephenson. Mr. Stevens pointed out that at present, his rec?rrreridation supported the conclusion in the Berryman & Stephenson study calling for the eteension of Adams Street through the project, but stated that he ould continue to evaluate the traffic information prior to making a formal recarmendation to the Planning Cccmission at their October 30th public hearing on the matter. 2. Mr. Dave Howerton, representing The Grove Associates, Applicant, introduced Mr. Dave 1ly and Mr. Jack Marshall, parners in The Grove Associates, presented a slide show and background information regarding projects the Applicants had been involved in recently. 3. Following the presentation, Mr. Caarlie Abrahams, Traffic Engineer for the applicant, explained details of the traffic study done by JIlK, and pointed out the reasons behind their recceeendation that an extension of Adams Stree? was not necessary through the project. Mr. Abramms explained the JHK study area used and various traffic r?de1s utilized. 4. Following Mr. Abramams presentation, Mr. Jim Kawuura of Berryrrian & Stephenson presented the traffic study done by his cop?y, and pointed our the criteria used which ultimately led to their recarrmendation of the extension of Amams Street through this project. 5. The Council and Planning Cccoissicners questioned both traffic engineers at length regarding the various traffic studies, and criteria used for determining rec?rriandations of both studies. 6. A s?irma?? was presented by the City Manager. N?Th: Council fld?5On arrived at the meeting at approximately 2:32 p.m. B. The City Manager presented a report regarding the effect of Proposition 36 on the City if it should pass on the Noverr?er 6, 1984, election, and rec?rriended Council adoption of the following Pesolution: RES?UTI? NO.84-74. A RESOLUTI? OF ThE CITY C?JNC? OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT??, CALIFO?IA, OPPOSING PPOPOSflI? ved by Council rrber lff, seconded by Council r Cox, to adopt Pesolution No. 84-74. U??ari?usly adopted. 9. Mayor Allen announced the rr?ting adjourned at 5:28 pm. The adjourned meeting of the La Cuinta City Council was adjourned at 5:28 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 1984, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La QQinta, California. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:33:42AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 24-U02 1984-U02