1984 11 06 CC Minutes$ MINUT?S CITY OOtm?IL CITY OF LA QUINTh A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held at City hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California Novebber 6, 1984 7:30 p.in. 1. CAI TO ORDER Mayor Allen called the La Quinta City Council meeting to order at 7:30 pm. A. The flag salute was led by Art Cault. 2. T C?TT. Present: Council Me?s Baier, Ccx, Henderson, lff and Mayor Allen. Absent: ne. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney ngtin, Administrative Services Coordinator Jennings, Cou?ity Development Director Stevens, Ciri???nity Safety Coordinator Brown. 3. PUBLIC C?ME??T Mayor Allen indicated that this time was Set aside for citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business, and r?ninded those present that a three 3) minut? time limit on c?tr?nts uld be enforced. ents v?ere heard from the following persons: A. Steve Simonsen, 54-665 Avenida Rarnirez, La Quinta, expressed concern relative to c?rrr?nts attributed to Mayor Allen concerning La Quinta Clean-Up Day, and urged the C?uricil to end re funds towards clean up of the Cove. Council MErber lff responded, and stated that he felt the Cove was ITTL?ch cleaner than before incorporation, and that the City has given priority, in terms of man hours and funds exeended, towards clean-up and enforcement in the Cove area. Mayor Allen further stated that he believed 70-80% of staff time was spent in the Cove on animal control, litter and weed abatement and law enforceeent. 4. RI? C?NlCATIC1?S A. The City Manager presented a c?ication from the Lago La Quinta Howw?ers Association regarding a tax levy for trash pickLip. It was the consensus of the Council that the City Manager be directed to investigate the matter and c???nicate in writing to the Association an appropriate response to the inquiry. B. The City Manager presented a C?ttr[uflication from Mary Mead-Maddick regarding suggestions relative to spending the $200,000 Landmark mitigation fee, and stated that Mrs. Maddicks letter v?tild be received and filed. C. The City Manager presented a c?TTtlr?cat ion from Mr. Juan M. Salas, regarding his resignation from the La Quinta Planning aOOOission. Mr. Usher reported that due to time constraints, Mr. Salas would no longer be able to serve on the Carmission ffective November 1, 1984. It was the censensus of the Council to r?advertise this vacancy and solicit applications from the caTTrrLriity. 5. BY COLJN?IL r?ip? A. Council rnber lff expressed regret relative to the end of Council Mers Baier and Henderson' 5 terms of office, and stated that he had very irtirh enjoyed rking with them on the Council. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:34:20AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 06-U02 1984-U02 $ MDUTFS City Council Noveni???r 6, 1984 Page B. Council lff stated that a court decision last week in favor Cf the Cove Coconities intention to establish Pararr?dic service and arr?ulance service had spurred him to bring a request to Council asking for purchase of a used arr?ulancE and the provision of amlance services for citizens in La Quinta. He explained that his request would be rged with a pararr?dic study being done by the C??ity safety COOrdinator, and that he hoped to see a reca?endation in favor of the purchase of an ambulance and art?ulance services as part of the report. C. Council n?r Wolff explained that he had agonized over the question of Adarr? Street as part of consideration of The Grove" project, and felt that this was a major decision which deserved separate consideration apart frari discussion of the project. Subsequently, it was it?ved by Council r Wolff, secCnded by Council rr?er Henderson, to direct Staff to prepare an additional report concerning the A?ms Street circulation issue and to set the matter for public hearing as a separate matter for the Council meeting of November 20, 1984. This public hearing will be to consider public input and to detcxrine whether or not to initiate additional public hearings to air?nd the Circulation Element of the general plan. After discussion, with Council nber Baier dissenting and arguing in favor of a vote on the matter at this meeting, a Boll Call Vote was taken: Boll Call Vote: AYES: Council t?ers CCX, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES: Council Baier. ABSE??T: None. D. Mayor Allen discussed expiration of the U.S. Post Office, La Quinta branch, star route contract in Febrrary, 1985, and asked the Council if City involveeent in this issue was desired. It was the consensus of the Council to not involve th?nselves in postal business of this nature at the present tirr?. E. Mayor Allen expressed concern relative to the testing of fire hydrants being conducted in the Cove by the iverside County Fire Depart?t, and stated that this action had caused much dirt and debris to be washed onto the City roadways. The City Manager stated that many hydrants had nOt been tested recently and the City had been working with the Fire Departeent to encourage regular testing. He fuhther explained that if problems occurred as a result of the testing and damage due to the fact that streets in the Cove are not curbed and guttered, City staff would be requested to clean up the street and/or intersection following testing. 6. HEARi??GS A. The City Manager introduced public hearings regarding Change of Zone Case No. B. 84-014 and Specific Plan No. 84-04, a request for approval of a 1500 unit planned residential develo?r?nt with a 28-acre country club, two golf courses and 80 guest cottages on approximately 682 acres generally located between Avenues 48 and 50 and Washington and Jefferson Streets; The Grove Associates, Applicant. The City Manager stated that subsequent to prior Council action relative to Adams Street and discussion at the Council study session Noveeber 5th, staff was suggesting that the public hearings not be opened at this tin?, but continue teem to the next Council meeting to be held Nov?r?er 20, 1984. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:34:20AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 06-U02 1984-U02 $1INUTFS City Council Noven?er 6, 1984 Page Three. t was moved by Council lff, seconded by Council mber Henderson, to continue It?tis 6.A. and 6.B. to a public hearing to be held NOvebber 20, 1984, and to direct the City Clerk to conduct a public hearing relative to Adams Street and the City Circulation Element before the hearings on the ve described project. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council rr?ers Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Allen. NOES: Council Meb?r Bajer. ABSE?: None. 7. CCNSE? CALDUAR ved by Council Meeber Cox, seconded by Council Henderson, to approve the Consent Calendar, as corrected. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council rrbers Baier, COX, Henderson, lff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABS?: None. A. The Minutes of a regLilar City Cotincil rr?eting held October 16, 1984, were approved with correction ot Itern 4 A., indicating staff to furnish Applicant with a written report. B. The Minutes of an adjourned City Council/Planning Carmission r?ting held October 24, 1984, ere approved as s?nitted. C. RES?UTICN NO.84-75. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COU?CIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUIN??, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DE?NDS. D. Final map for act No. 18915, M.D. Janes Co., dba Reflections", was accepted as sUb?tted. 8. BUSIEESS SESSION A. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: ORDThIANCE NO. 64. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CO?3NCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINIA, CALIFORNIA, AMEM)I?Z THE OFFICIAL ZCN INC MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZCNING CEk'II? PROPERTY 10 IN CHANGE OF Z?F CASE NO. 84-012. bved by Council Meebe?r Cox, seconded by Council mber Henderson, to waive futther reading and adopt Ordinance Na. 64. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Co?ncil rs Baier, Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABS?: None. B. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: ORD???E NO.65. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA CALIFoRNIA, AME??INC THE LA QUINL MUNICIPAL CODE, PROHIBITING PAE?KIWC OF CERI? C?M?RCIAL VI??liCLES IN RESID?NTIAL AREAS. ved by Council Member Henderson, seconded by Council Member Baier, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 65. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Members Baier, Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABS?: None. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:34:20AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 06-U02 1984-U02 $ City Council November 6, 1984 Page Four. C. The City 4?nager presented a report frari the c?rirn?ity velopeent Director regarding adoption of the 1982 iform Codes, and stated that staff was requesti this matter be continued to the v?r?er 20, 1984, Council rr?eting. It was the consensus Cf the Council to continue this matter to v??nber 20, 1984. D. The Developeent Director presented an oral report regarding school impact tigation fees, and explained that staff was preparing a letter which will be delivered to the Desert Sands Uriif jed School District prior to their City of lndio Council meeting dnesday night. Mr. Stevens further reported that pursuant to the Council study session of bverr?er 5th, the City, as of 8:00 a.m. 6th, was subjecting any single family pei?r?ts on indjvidual lots to the school ippact mitigation fee, and staff was adding that as a standard condition on singl?family residential plot plans. L. The Develope?t Director presented a report regarding a rr?djan landscaping program, and explained the pursuant to the Council's review of plans at the Council's study session, staff was requesting authorization to prepare specifications and place the lafldscaping of islands on Calle Estado, Avenida La Fonda and Avenida Be?Tmdas out to bid as soon as possible ved by Council tiber lff, seconded by Council Cox, to authorize staff to prepare specifications and proceed with for!nal bid procedures relative to a downta?? rr??ian landccaping program. t?animously adopted. F. The c?rrnity Safety Coordinator presented a reoort regarding Fire M?rshal services Mr. explained that current Fire shai services as provided by the County were inadequate due to the large area which must be covered by one person He further explained that the City of Cathedral City was interested in sharing a Fire Marshal position with la Quinta, which uld pro?ide a higher level of fire prevention and plan checking seevices for both cities. Mr. Brown stated that the cost to the City for a Schedule A" fire marshal would be approximately $27,500 per year, and that costs for a Sch?e C" fire marshal would be slightly less. He rec??nded adoption of a letter of intent to be sent to Cathedral City, which would be subject to mid-year budget review prior to authorizing participation in this prggram. After discussion, it was moved by Council r Cox, seconded by Council 4?nber Baier, to direct staff to sign a Letter of Intent to Cathedral City, to participate in a Fire Marshal program, subject to mid-year budget review in January, 1985, to determine adequacy of funds both in terms of expenditure as well as fee collection. Unaniusly adopted. C. The Cart?unity Safety Coordinator presented a report regarding purchase of a City watering truck, and explained the seevices which would be provided by City purchase of this equiprnt, such as street cleaning, watering of City trees and shr\:ibs and dust control during Periods of weed abat?t?rit or right-of-way maintenance. Mr. Brown further explained that the City had test driven a used water truck, hich would cost approximately $14,000, and that another $5,000 would be needed to bring the vehicle up to City specifications. He further reported that annual savings to the City following purchase of this truck would be approx?tely $8,000 $12,000 for services which would not have to be contracted out. Mr. Brown Council authorization to proceed with purchase of a water truck. After discussion, it was moved by Council M?er lff, seconded by Council rriber Heneerson, to authorize staff to Proceed with the purchase of a water truck, and to return to Council vember 20, 1984, with a fonr?1 resOlution of appropriation. Ufl??sly adopted. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:34:20AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 06-U02 1984-U02 $ INUTES City Council November 6, 1984 Page Five H. The Car[uaity Safety Coordinator presented an infonnational report regarding ocopletion of the Cove stop sign program. Mr. Brawn explained that this project was c?leted on Cctober 30, 1984. He further explained that the street striping necessary for c?letion of the project had also been ocopleted, at a total cost of $25,048.00. Mr. Brown stated that the r?inder of City stop signs would be installed by City personnel Upon arrival of inaterials, and that public react ian to the new stop signs was extr?ly positive. I. The ccounity Safety Coordinator presented a report regarding a req?est for a extension of a par?dic study. He explained that due to the possibility of two or three new Council n?rs at the Nav?nber 20, 1984, meeting, he was requesting continuance of this item to allow all new Council rbers the pcrtunity to receive the information at one t?. It was the consensus of the Council that Mr. Brawn report to the Council on this matter at the ireeting of D?c?nber 4, 1984. J. The City M?nager presented a report regarding refuse collection fee refunds, and explained that it ould be necessary to issue refunds for delineuent refuse collection fees hicn were inappropriately placed on tax bills. Mr. Usher explained that this would be dnne on a case by case basis, and upon evidence of payTnent of the jirproperly assessed delinquent charges. K. The City M?nager presented a report regarding credit cards fran Security Pacific National Bank, and re?ended Council authorize the City Manager to sign the corporate resolution. ved by Council r?er Cox, seconded by Cooncil r?er Henderson, to authorize the City anager to sign the corporate resolution to obtain credit card acc? dations with Security Pacific Nati?al Bank. Uhan?usly adopted. L. The City M?ager presented an oral report on prggress at the Highway 111/ Washington Street intersection, and explained that he had met with Fred Sirr?n regarding c?t?letion of the sigaal at this location. Mr. Usher reported that roveeents to the south side of Washington Street and Highway 111 would be borne primarily by Fred Sirr?, and that Mr. S?n would be letting a private contract, with the City Bhgineer working with Mr. Sjir?n' S engineer on a striping plan for Washington Street. M. It was rr?ved by Council r?er lff, seconded by Council Cox, to direct staff to prepare a Sphere of Influence report and study for presentation to the Council at their Ireeting of Decebber 4, 1984. Unanmously adopted. 9. ved by Council n?r Baier, seconded by Council M?r Henderson, to adjourn. The reguar Ireeting of the City Council of the City of IA Quinta was adjourned at 8:43 p.m., Thesday, bverber 6, 1984, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:34:20AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 06-U02 1984-U02