1984 11 20 CC Minutes$ MINUT?S CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A reqillar eting of the La Quinta City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California Novebber 20, 1984 7:30 p.in. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Allen called the La Quinta City Council n?eting to order at 7:30 p.rri. A. The flag salute was led by Dale Bohnenberger 2. C?T.T. Present: Council rs Bajer, Cok, ll?nderson, lff and Mayor Alien. Absent: one. Also Present: City Manager Usher, Adrr?istrative Services Coordinator Jennings, car?ity Development Director Stevens. A. Special Presentation by the Mayor 1) Mayor Allen announced that the City would be celebrating the birthdays of Naoii Willougbby arid Baier during a recess in the rt?eting, and cake and coffee would be available to the audience. 2) Mayor Allen presented plagues to ert L. Baier and John L. Henderson expressing appreciation for their service to the City during their ter?ns of office beginnnng May, 1982, and ending Nov?rber, 1984. 3) Mayor Allen presented signed Resolution to bert L. Bajer and Bert Klein, announcing the intention of the Council to catn?rate the flood control project in their naries, with brass plaques to be installed following carplet ion of the project. Mrs. Jean Klein accepted Mr. Klein1 s resolution in his behalf. 3. REPO? OF EL??ION ESULTS The City Clerk presented a report regarding election results of the eneral Municipal Election held Noverber 20, 1984. Mr. Usher reported that Riverside County Elections Deparuaent had certified the election returns this date, with a final count of Votes for the three successful candidates being Judith Cox, 926 Votes John Pena, 803 vOtes and Dale Bohnenberger, 720 votes. A. The City Clerk reguested the newly-elected council rn?r*)ers to stand, and adrrLinistered the Oath of Office to Judith A. Cox, John J. Pena and Dale V. Bohnenberger. B. Following seating of the newly-elected council m?rbers, the City Clerk conducted reorganization of the Council, and asked the Council for naninations for the office of Mayor. 1) Council Mebber lff n?ninated Judith Cox for Mayor. There being no further non?tions, the City Clerk declared the n?inations closed. Judith Cox was voted Mayor by a unanjrr?us vote of the Council, with no oes and no abstentions. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:35:28AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 $ ZNu'ES City Council November 20, 1984 Page 2) Mayor Cox opened nominations for the Office of Mayor Pro-?n. Council M?nber lff nominated John J. Pena, and Council nber Bohnenberger noninate lawrence 0. Allen for Mayor Pr?Tern. There being no further nominations May Cox declared the nominations closed. Rcll Call Vote: Pena: Council Tnbers Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. Allen: Council ers Allen and Bohnenberger. It was xr?ved by Council M?ber Allen, seconded by Council er that the vote for John Pena as Mayor Pro-Tern be unanizr?us. UnanTh?usly adopted. Council rr?er Allen congratulated Mayor Cox upon her election as Mayor, and presented her with the Mayor 5 gavel. 4. PUBLIC Mayor Cox indicated that this tirne was set aside for citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business, and reminded those present that a three 3) minute tirre l?mit on c?rrr??ts would be enforced. C?rrnerits were heard fr? the following persons: A. H. Dyer, P.O. Box 1484, La Quinta, guestioned the Council regarding approval of a master plan which would serve as a reguireeent to standardize fences, walls gates, etc., within the City of La Qtiinta, and if so, asked for a brief conclusion as to how this was authorized by the City Council. The City Manager stated that preparation of a General Plan was currently underway and explained the crrrent process for review of walls and fences. He further explained that a special Study of all fence reguireeents was being conducted as pertains to private c??ities, particularly relating to homes in the Eisenhower curve area. B. Ardrey Ostrowky, P.O. Box 351, La Quinta, expressed strong objection to not being able to hear the proceedings of the Council study session on Ncv?rber 19th adegu?tely, and objected to the salary paid the City Manager. 5. RITTE?? Q?4UNICZ?TI?S A. The City Manager presented a cci??ication from the Youth Service Team of Coachella Valley regarding mendation of Frank Mazza and Steve Kochell for their rk with youth teams in cooperation with the Youth Service Team of Coachella Valley. B. The City Manager presented a ication fr?n Beverly ntgmmery, announcing her resignation from the La Quinta Human Pelations Connittee. Mayor Cox thanked Mrs. ntgomery for her service on this ccooittee. C. The City Manager presented a carrrm?ication from the La Quinta Sports & Youth Association regarding City financial Support of recreation programs. Mr. Usher reported that the tepporary ball fields, under the City' 5 agreeeent with Landmark, have now been turfed and the grass was growing, with the safety fence installed. He further reported that the items reguested in the letter were in need of furthe? review by staff, with a report to Council provided at the next Council reeting to be held Decenber 4, 1984, which would include additional infonnation and staff reacirrr??tions relative to funding. 6. I:I? BY COL]NCIL MEMBERS BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:35:28AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 $1:NDTES City Council Nov?nber 20, 1984 Page Three A. Council nber Allen stated that he had tried very hard to be a visible' yor, and had made himself available to the ccunity by spending four hours per day at City Hall, along with many hours on the telephone at his h?ne. Mr. Allen further stated that he had enjoyed his experience as Mayor, and expressed his feelings relative to the til!?-consi??ing duties which are included in being Mayor. B. Council M?er Bohnenberger congratulated Bob Bajer and John Henderson an their achievements during the past several years, and expressed eagerness to get to work on City projects and activities. C. Mayor Pr?r? Pena thanked the voters of La Quinta for their interest in the cappaign, thanked his amily and friends for their patience and work on his CapPaign, and thanaed Beverly for her efforts torrrds his election. Mr. Pena also stated his eagerness to get to work". D. Council er lff stated that he felt that Larry Allen had worked very hard during his tenure as Mayor, and had been responsive to the ccmu?ity. Mr. Wolff congratulated Council nber Allen, and stated that he felt the new Council would be an excellent team or the next twO years. E. Mayor Cox thanked everyone for their confidence in her, specifically Bob Bajer and John Henderson during the last two years. Mayor Cox welcoeed Council ebers Bohnenberger and Pena to the Council. 7. HEARINGS A. The City nager intooduced a public hearing regarding the Aba?eent of a Public Nuisance located at 52-470 Avenida Madero and an appeal of the proposed abatement action by Noel and Elaine Jensen, and asked the C?r[ruriity Development Director to present the staff report. Mr. Stevens reviewed the background history of the subject property, as descrieed in the staff report dated Novebeer 20, 1984, and explained that the property was in the same stage of construction inc?rplete garage structure) as it had been in 1977. Following a detailed description of the permit history, previous abatement actions, current abateeent action and applicable ordinances, it was staff's re??dation that the public hearing on the nuisance abatement be continued to the meeting of Decebeer 18, 1984, and that the Applicant be given the opportunity to suk?nit a plot plan application along with financial management information which would show that the Applicant has the resources to c?lete the project in a timely manner, and a detailed schedule of con5trrction. Mr. Stevens further recomeended that if Applicant does not c?ly, or the financial rnanageeent program insufficient, teen the Council should direct Staff to proceed with the abatement action at the meeting of Decebber 18, 1984. The Applicant, Mr. Noel Jensen, addressed the Council and descrieed problems encountered in past years which delayed c?letion of the house, and explained that he would be rr?ving to La Q\:iinta in Decenber in order to c?lete the house. Mayor Cox opened the hearing to c?ro,ent from the public. There being no public c??nt, Mayor Cox announced the public hearing closed. bved by Council M?r?er Wolff, seconded by Council flber Allen, to Continue the public hearing and support staff's reccco,eation relative to the public nuisance, to a public hearing to be held Decebeer 18, 1984. The City Attorney stated that the Applicants had a right to have this matter heard within a 30 day period from the date of notice of the hearing, and asked Applicant if he would agree to a continuance of the hearing to Decebeer 18, 1984. The Applicant, Mr. Jensen, stated that he agreed to waive his right to a 30 day hearing period, and agreed to a continuance to Decebeer 18, 1984. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:35:28AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 $ City Council Nov?nber 20, 1984 Page Four. tion to continue the public hearing to Decebber 18, 1984, unani?ly adapted. Mayor Ccx stated that the Council would adjourn for approxirately 15 ninutes in order to celebrate the birthdays of Na?ni Willoughby and Bob Bajer. Council reconvened at 8:47 p.m. B. The City Manager introduced a public hearing regarding whether or flat to add Adarris Street beteeen Avenues 48 and 52 to the Circulation Eleeent of the General Plan; initiated by the City Council, and asked the Ccoounity Developeent Director to present the Staff report. The C?t?unity Developeent Director explained that the Staff report presented had been prepared pursuant to Council direction to consider the circulation issues separately fr?n Specific Plan No. 84-004, with the intent to the report to provide a less technical analysis than previous traffic Studies reviewed by Council) of the circulation issues, and to sur[narize the m?in points affecting area-wide circulation. Mr. Stevens explained existing conditions relating to crrrent raad i'r?rov?r?ts and general plan designations, past action relative to recent developeents in la QLiinta, alternatives open to the Council relative to north/south raad configurations and additional design considerations, and reviewed jor issues and related factors. It was the staff reo?ndation that the Council direct Staff to initiate hearings to consider art?nding the General Plan Circulation Eleeent to add Adaxns Street, beteeen Avenues 48 and 52, and that any developeent projects which are affected by this potential General Plan change be withheld fr?n further processing until the General Plan Circulation issue is resolved. yor Cox opened the hearing to c?ttr?nt fr?rt the public. Those speaking in favor of including A?ins Street in the Circulation Eleeent were as follows: 1. uis Cappagna 3. Stanley Sniff P.O. Box 1286 P.O. Box 1414 La Quinta, CA. 92253 La Quinta, CA. 92253 2. Audrey Ostrowsky P.O. Box 351 La Cuinta, CA. 92253 Those speaeing in opposition to having Adams Street included in a future Circulation Flerr?nt were as follows: 1. Charles Criff ith 4. David Howe rton 54-650 Avenida ero 260 California Street La Quinta, CA. 92253 San Francisco, CA. 94111 2. Jacques Abels 5. George D. Taylor P.O. Box 1416 Box 1373 La QLiinta, CA. 92253 Ttle Beach, S.C. 3. Alice Bailes P.O. Box 1185 La Quinta, CA. 92253 It was noted for the record that Mr. Cappagna presented a petition signed by 84 persons, requesting that Adams Street not be closed. There being no further public coeeent, ayor Cox closed the public hearing at 10:02 p.m. Following lengthy discussion by the Council, it 5 ved by Council rt??r Allen, seconded by Council M?nber Ccx, to not amend the Circulation Eleeent of BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:35:28AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 $ City Council Noven?r 20, 1984 Page Five. the General Plan to add Adarn? Street sauth of Avenue 48. Poll Call Vote: AYES: Council Mabbers Allen, Peria and Mayor Ccx. NOES: Council Members BOhnenberger and lff. ABSThIN: None. ABS?: None. Mayor Cox declared a five minute recess at 10:34 p.m. Mayor Cox declared the Council meeting reconvened at 10:53 p.ni. C. D. The City Manager introduced concurrent public hearings regarding Change of Zone Case No. 84-014, a request to change the existing zoning fran R-2-3000, R-2-4800, R-2-9000, R-5, C-P-S, 1 and w-2 to R-2, to allow for a planned residential Developeent generally located beteeen Avenues 48 and 50 and Washington and Jefferson Streets and Specific Plan No. 84-04, a request for approval of a 1500 unit planr? residential developeent with a 28-acre country club, two golf courses, and 80 guest cottages on approximately 682 acres; The Grove Associates, Applicant. Mr. Usher then asked the anity Developeent Director to present the reports from the Planning C?rmission and Staff. The Cacaunity Developeent Director presented reports on both Change of Zone 84-014 and Specific Plan No. 84-04. It was Staff?s rec?daticn, following presentation of conditions of approval, that Change of Zone Case No. 84-014, as revised and in accordance with the E?d?ibit entitled Staff i?ccnnnnded Zoning??, be approved, and that Specific Plan 84-04 be tabled and that the Applicant be requested to su?:mit revised plans which make provision for a north-south corridor street generally along the aligneent of Adams Street. Mr. Dave Howerton, speaeing for the Applicant, presented the Applicant's report, and explaieed that Applicant was in agreeeent with the conditions as proposed by Staff. Mayor Cox opened the hearing to Ent from the public. There being no ents from the public, Mayor Cox closed the hearing. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that the Applicant agree, by an added condition, to participate in an assessm?t district formed to improve Washington Street to its ultimate designed width. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: P?POS? ORDIN?CE. N O?IN??CE OF ThE CITY CO?CIL OF ThE CITY OF IA QUIN??, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR CITY, BY REZONING P?PE,,? IN CANGE OF Z? CASE NC. 84-014. ed by Council M?ber Allen, seconded by Council Bohnenberger, to waive further reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance. Unan??usly adopted. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Resolution, as follows: RESOL?I? NO. 84-77. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF QUINT??, CALIFORNIA, APP?VING, WITh m?ITIONS, SPECIFIC PLAN No. 84-004, FOR CE??AIN P?PERFY IN THE CITY. ed by Council er Allen, seconded by Council M??er Bohnenberger, to adopt Resolution No. 84-77, including recceeended changes from Staff, as well as those rec?rt??ed by Council Mebber Wolff and Council Mamber Bohnenberger. Urianirrously adopted. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:35:28AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 $MI?UTES City Council November 20, 1984 Page Six 8. mNsB? ved by Council Mee?r lff, Seconded by Council Allen, to adopt th? Co?is?ri Calendar. Poll Call Vote: AYES. Council M?r?ers Allen, BChnenberger, Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABS?: None. A. The Ninutes of a regular xt?eting of the City Council held Nov?nber 6, 1984, were approved as sui:rrkitted. B. PESOLUTION NO.84-78. A RESOLUTICN OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA CALIFOPNIA, APPI?OVING DE?ANDS. C. Approval of Public Use PerrrLjt Case No. 84-002, subject to conditions attached in the staff report dated Nov?nber 13, 1984. 9. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager presented a report fr?n the Camuflity Safety Coordinator regarding award of bid for purchase of a utility vehicle for the Street Inprovement rker, and rec?rrr?nded awrrd of bid to Frjtts Ford of Riverside in the amount of $17,270.25. ved by Council M?r?er lff, seconded by Council Allen, to award a bid for purchase of a utility vehicle to Fritts Ford of Riverside in the amount of $17,270.25. L?a?ly adopted. B. The City Manager presented an inforrn?tional report f?n the Administrative Services Coordinator reaarding the results of a public opinion survey conducted in conjunction with publication of the October, 1984, City newsletter. Mr. Usher reported that it as the consensus of the Council at study session to consider the results for another two weees and discuss further at their eting to be held Decerrber 4, 1984. C. The City Manager presented a report fram the Administrative Services Coordinator regarding purchase of a water truck for City services currently contracted, and recceeended adopted of the following proposed solution of appropriation: PESOLUTION NO.84-79. A PESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA CALIB??IA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS, TRAN?EFNG $19,000.00 To ACCOUNT 01-4190-4300, N?-DEPARIMENrAL-EQU?IENT, VEHICLE, THE S??PLUS, FUND. ved by Council M?er Bohnenberqer, seconded by Council Mbb?r Allen, to adopt Pesolution No. 84-79. Unanimously adopted. D. The City Manager presented a report regarding reappointeent of City Treasurer Becky Kochell, and reac?ed that Ms. Koccell S tenri as City Treasurer be extended for another year. ved by Council Allen, seconded by Council M??er lff, to reappoint Becky Kochell as City Treasurer. Unanimously adopted. E. The City anager presented a proposed Pesolution, arr??ing the Council kiles of Procedure, which would allow Consent Calendar itens to be held prior to Hearings on future Council agendas, and read the title of the proposed Pesolution, as follows: PESOLUTION NO. 84-80. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF LA QUmr??, A??INC COUNCIL OF BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:35:28AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 20-U02 1984-U02 $ INUTES City Council November 20, 1984 Page Seven ELAT?VE To O?ER OF BUSINESS. ved by Council Bohnenberger, seconded by Council Pena, to adopt eso1ution No. 84-80. Unanirt?us1y adopted. F. bved by Council rrber Bohnenberqer, seconded by Council Wolff, to direct City staff to begin work on the formation of an Assesseent District or other similar funding mechanism, for the purpose of inproving Washington Street complete with all necessary signalization, curb & gutter, etc., fran Highway 111 to Avenue 52, such construction to be complete within two 2) years. Unaaao?1y adopted. G. The Carrunity Development Director presented an inforni?tional report regarding closure of Eisenhower Drive frem Dec?n?er 3-7, 1984, for the purpose of completing street irr?roveeents 10. ved by Council Wolff, seconded by Council ME?r Allen, to adjourn to an tive Session following the Redevelopment Agency meeting. Unan???usly adopted. The regular rr?eting of the City Council of the City of La QLiinta held esday, November 20, 1984, was adjourned at 12:01 a.r?., at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:35:28AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 20-U02 1984-U02