1984 12 04 CC Minutes$ MINUTBS CI?Y CIL CXTY OF IA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Ball, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. Decebeer 4, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. CAlL TO M?yor Cox called the La Qiunta City Council meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. A. The flag salute was led by Coou?ity Safety Coordinator Doug Brown. 2. LL CALL Present: Council nbers Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff and yor Cox, Absent: None. Also Present: City M?nager Usher, City Attorney Longtin, Administrative Services Coorcinator Jennings, c?rm?ty Develo?rr?nt Director Stevens, C?tm?ity Safety Coordinator Brown. 3. PUBLIC 1? The M?yor announced that this tirrE was set aside for citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business, and r?r?ded those present that a three 3) mirmite time limit on C?t!?nts wuuld be enforced. There ere no c?ments fr?n the public. 4. WRITT??? U?ICATiO?S 5. BY COUNC? A. Council Trber Wolff discussed placeeent of the t?tporary four-way stop sign which the City had placed at the intersection of Washington Street and Avenue 50, and stated that he had received rn?ny positive carm?ts from citizens relative to this stop sign. Council nber Wolff rec?ed that the Council direct staff to maintain the four-way stop signs at this intersection and that they not be r?t?ved following the c?letion of construction on Eisenhower Drive. The City M?nager indicated that he felt a traffic study should be cccpleted prior to a decision to maintain this stop sign on a pen?ent basis, but indicated that all parties were in agreement relative to the need for a perTranent stop sign at this location. It was moved by Council Wolff, seconded by Council Pena, to maintain a four-way stop sign at the intersection of Street and Avenue 50, peeding c?letion of a research study relative to pennnent plac?nent of the stop signs. Unaniuously adopted. B. rt was moved by Council Wolff, seconded by Council Etter Allen, to direct staff to research costs of a multi-use center and swirrrrt?n*g pool, and report back to the Council at their mid?January budget review session. Uaanimously adopted. C. Council Wolff discussed his report which rec?nded creation of a 7-meeber Hiznan Relations C?rn?issicn, but explained that he had been ixr?ressed with the presentation of ark ran, Executive Director of the Palm Springs Senior Center, explaining the concept of a nity Services C??ission. Council M?r?'er Wolff stated that a C?mission of this nature would constitute a re viable, functional, authoratative group. It was therefore moved by Council Wolff, seconded by BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:36:54AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 04-U02 1984-U02 $MINUThS City Council DeC?er 4, 1984 Page Two. Council Allen, to adopt die concept of a C?inuriity Services C?t?ssion a? outlined in Mr. ran' S n??randum, with added direction that the Council will actively reertut diversified m???ership reflective of the ca??ity S deg?aphi makeup, and instruct the City Attorney to draft the appropriate ordnance, and direct die City M?nager to study simjlar c?tmissions established by other Cities and report back to the Council. After discussion, Council r lff r?dified the rr?tion, which was acceptable to Council Allen, to state that the Connission will be reflective of the d?r??phic rflake?up of die c?rmL?ity. Uaanincusly adopted. 6. NS?T CAL?ND??R ved by Council M?rber Allen, seconded by Council M?er Wolff, to adopt the Consent Calendar. Poll Call Vote: AYES. Council rbers Allen, B?inenberger, Pena, lff and Mayor Cox. None. ABSENT: None. A. The Minutes of a regular meeting of the La QQinta City Council held Noverrber 20, 1984, were approved as su?initted. B. RESOLUTION NO.84-81. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY UNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFO?IA, APPI?VI??G DEM?NDS. C. A request to approve a one-year extension of tixr? in wcich to file a final map, Tentative Tract Map No. 18765, La QLiinta Tennis Villas', Landmark Iafld Applicant, was approved as requested. D. Acceptance of right-of-way and street ir??roveeents on Eisenhower?'er Drive, south of Avenida Fernando, dedicated by Landmark Land C?rPany of California, Inc., was approved as su?:xmitted. 7. HEARINGS A. The City Manager introduced a public hearing regarding Tentative Tract Map No. 18765, Revision No. 1, La Quinta Tnnnis Villas', a request to approve a revision to an approved tentative tract map, reducing the nueber of dwelling units fran 108 to 72, and increasing the nueber of tennis courts frcm 21 to 36, Landmark land pany, Applicant, and asked the C?rrnunity Developeent Director to present a report fran the Planning C?r?ssion. Mr. Stevens reported that die Planiing C?rTnission had conducted a public hearing Nov?nber 13, 1984, on this matter, and had unanirr?usly recarmended approval of the revised tract map subject to conditions contained in the staff report dated Noveeeer 13, 1984, with revisions. Mayor Cox opened the hearing to ent from the public. There being no cceeent from die public, Mayor Ccx closed the hearing. Mr. Kevin Manning, P.O. Box 1000, La Quinta, representing Landmark Land addressed die Council and stated that the Applicant was in agreement with all conditions as stated by Staff. ved by Council M?r Wolff, seconded by Council Allen, to approve Tentative Tract Map No. 18765, vision No. 1, La Quinta Tennis Villas", a revision reducing the nueber of welling units fran 108 to 72, and increasing the nueber of tennis courts fran 21 to 36. Uaan?usly adopted. 8. BUSINESS SESSION BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:36:54AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 04-U02 1984-U02 $ * City Council ebber 4, 1984 Page Three. A. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: O?IN?NCE NO.66. AN O?DI??CE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA CALIFO?IA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZCNING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZCNING P?PE*TY IN CAAN? OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-014. ved by Council er Allen, seconded by Council M?er Bohnenberger, to adopt Ordi?e No. 66. Roll ll Vote: AYES: Cotricil M??rs Allen, Boonenberger, Pena, lff and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABS?T: None. B. The City Manager described the process which uld be utilized regarding appoint- t of one to the La QLiinta Plaiiing Cc?ssion, and explained that the applicants uld present a brief oral presentation, followed by n?ninations by the Council and secret balloting. Mayor Cox called on each applicant to address the Council. A presentation was heard fran the following applicants: Jchn Clausen, Caarles Griffith, Sybil Jaffey? and Lucia Moran. Mayor Cox furter announced that two applicants, Garey Nelson and Eugene Dyer, bad withdrawn their applications fr?? consideration. Following presentation by the applicants, Mayor Cox opened the n??tions for one to the La Quinta Planing ccooission. Council Mer Allen n?ninated Lucia Moran, and Council lff n?ni?ted Sybil Jaf fey. There being no further noniations, Mayor Cox closed the noninat ions, and asked the Council to cast one vote for a nclinee. Following the casting of paper ballots, Administrative Services Coordinator Jennings announced that Ms. Lucia Moran had been selected as the new of the La Quinta Plann?g Ccooissjon. C. The City Manager presented a report regarding appointment of two m?r?s to the Hu*a? Felations Ccooissjon, and explained that it bad been the consensus of the Council to defer this matter until such t? as an ordinence establishing a C?rr?ity Services Connission was returned to the Council. D. The ounity Safety Coordinator presented a report regarding street n? signs, and explained that it had been the Council's decision to obtain signs which were reflective, with a green background and white lettering. Mr. Brwwn reported that $5,000 bad been budgeted in the current year, and Council would need to det?ine whether to place a portion of the signs each year, or allocate rr?re funds to c?lete the job in total. It was noved by Council lff, seconded by Council E?r?er Allen, to direct staff to establish the cost of placing the street signs where needed, and have a report on costs available at the mid-January budget study session. Ubaninously adopted. E. The City Manager presented a report regarding La Quinta postal delivery area reali?ent. Mr. Usher stated that the City had requested the Indian Springs postal delivery area be converted to a La Quinta designation, and that a reply bad been received which indicated that the Postal Depart?t was unwilling to acccoplish this request. He further reported that Staff uld prepare a letter to Congress*nan McCandless to deternie if s? assistanc? may be obtained in adjusting the postal service areas. F. The ity Safety Coordinator presented a report regarding approval of a repeater site rental agreeeent, and recorm?nded Council approval. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:36:54AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 04-U02 1984-U02 $Y?INUmS City Council Decenber 4, 1984 Page Four. ved by Council lff, seconded by Council Bohnenberger, to approve an Agreeeent between ccunicatioris Associates of California and the City of La Quinta, for use of antenna space from January 1 1984, to Decebber 31 1985. unanirr?usly adopted. C. The City Manager presented a report regarding R.S.V.P. participation, and explained that a recent takeover of RSVP by C?G had resulted in increased costs, and re?tconded that the Council approve the following resolution of appropriation: RESOLUTION NO. 84-82. A RES?UTION OF THE CIrY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF LA UINTh, CALIFO?IA, APP?PRIAT? FUUDS, NSFER? $141.00 UNT NO. 01-4191-1013, OUNITY SE?71CES-R.S.V.P., U??PPOPRI?? SURPLUS, GE?ERAL FUND. bved by Council Allen, seconded by Council Bohnenberger, to adopt Resolution No.84-82 and approve the Agreeeent between L.Th? and the City of La Quinta relative to sponsorship of the R.S.V.P. program. unaniusly adopted. H. The City Manager presented a report regarding participation in the update of the CV? Master Ehvir?ental Assesseent, and r?cended approval of the following resolution of appropriation: RESOLLITION NO.84-83. A E?LUTION OF THE CITY COU??CIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, C?LIFDRNIA, APP?PRIAT? FUNDS, TRANSFII?G $717.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 01-4240-1100, N?ING, SER?ICES OOL THE UMAPPROPREEIED SU??LUS, GE?AL FUND. ved by Council D?!?er Bohnenberger, seconded by Council lff, to adppt Resolution 84-83. niuusly adopted. I. The C?riccity Safety Coordinator presented an inforinational report regarding an experimental code enforceeent program whereby l?ees utilize a warning system for such nuisances as nuisance abateeent and vehicle abatement. Mr. Brown reported that the program was rking very well, with 19 property nuisances and six vehicles having been abated in 20 days with this rr?thod. J. The C??truuity Safety Coordinator presented a report regaiding a paradddic/ ait??ulax?e study v?ich detailed definitions of terrinology in these fields, the present status qua of an eeergency services system for La Quinta, listed options available to the Council and presented a reco?rrr?ndation relative to these services. It was Staff's recoeeendation that the Council utilize Option 2, as detailed in the Staff report dated N?v?r?er 30, 1984. K. The ounity Safety Coordinator presented a report regarding a crosscountry bicycle race to be held in La Quinta on Saturday, Febrrrry 23, 1985, and explained that funds raised uld be used for relief efforts in Ethio?ia. L. The City Manager presented a report regarding a Sphere of Influence for the City, and rec?r![?nded that Council direct Staff to prepare a Sphere of Influence application, with a boundary as itemized in the Staff report dated Novebber 30, 1984, to the Local ency Formation Corrmission. ved by Council r?r Allen, seconded by Council Mebber Pena, to irect staff to su?init a sphere of influence application to the Local Agency Formation CcOOission pursuant to the Staff S recorrtr?ndation. Unanaaously adopted. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:36:54AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 04-U02 1984-U02 $MINUTES City Council December 4, 1984 Page Five 9. OLm??T ved by Council Allen, seconded by Council M?rber lff, to adjourn to an E?eautive Session following adjo?t?t of the Pedevelo?x?t Agency meeting. Unarnnbusly adopted. The reglar meeting of the La Qtiinta City Council s adjourned at 8:52 pm., Tuesday, Decerr?er 4, 1984, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:36:54AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 04-U02 1984-U02