1984 12 18 CC Minutes$ MINUTES CITY CIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular ireeting of the City Council held at City iall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Q\:iinta, California. Dec?r?er 18, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL To ORDER Mayor Cox called the La Quinta City Council ir?ting to order at 7:30 p.m. A. The flag salute was led by Ann Jennings, Ad?istrative Services Coordinator. 2. POLL CALL Present: Council rrbers Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. Also Present: City Attorney longtin, C?TTrEr?ty Developnent Director Stevens, Acninistrative Services Coordinator Jennings and Carirunity safety Coordinator Brown. 3 PUBLIC I?i The Mayor announced that this time was set aside for Citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business, and reminded those present that a three 3) minute t?ir? limit on cceeents would be enforced. C?r[?ts re heard fran the following persons: A. Jacques be1s, 49-990 Avenida ntero, La QLiinta, stated that he was the represen- tative for the City of La Quinta on the Coachella valley Recreation & Park District Board of Directors. Mr. Abels stated that if at any time the Council has concerns and or cc?r1nents regarding matters involving the District, to please contact him. Mr. Abels further explained progress on several projects at La Quinta Park, including the pad for ballpark bleachers, with the bleachers to be erected prior to the starL of baseball season. Council nber lff stated that he was very pleased with District operations at the present time and appreciated receiving copies of their Board minutes and meeting agendas. Council Wblff also congratulated District General Manager Frank Guerrero on his acc?lishnents since appointeent. B. Bob Davis, 52-400 Avenida Navarro, La Quinta, cited probl?ns encountered since his recent i?ve to La Quinta with street names, such as Avenida Navarro or Calle Ensenada. Mr. Davis asked the Council to onit the Avenidas and Calles and rennne the streets in a manner nore easily reoo?zed and understood. Council Allen explained that all streets with an Avenida" designation were north-south Streets, and all streets with a Calle'? designation were east-west streets, and stated that the Council was aware of pr?l ems encountered under the new 911 rergency system involving street names. Council Meeer Allen further stated that these problems were being investigated. Conninity Safety Coordinator Brown explained that he had spoken to a Sheriff's Department representative and was told that the 911 canputer was being reprograirr? to elimjr?te street name recognition problems in the future. Cquncil nber lff expressed concerns regarding a fire which occurred in La Quinta on Decebber 18th, and the lengthy tirt? it took for the Fire De??t to respond, which was caused by difficulties in the 911 system. Council Wblff asked the Council to take formal action and instruct City staff to send a letter of protest to the parties in Riverside in charge of the 911 system. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:38:07AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 $ilNUTEs City Council Dec?nbcr 18, 1984 Page C. Alice Bailes, P.O. Box 1185, La Quinta, stated that she had utilized 911 several weees ago to report a prowler, and was left holding on the system for approxim?tel 15 minutes. It was the consensus of the Council to direct staff to send a formal letter of protest to officials adninistering the 9-1-1 program, and to direct the C?rrr?ity Safety Coordinator to report back regarding details of a fire which curred in La Qilinta on 18, 1984. UNICATIONS A. A carr[nunication from Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Meyran regarding support for a public library in La Quinta was received and filed. A short reponse was to be Sent by staff indicating that a library was one of the projects being considered by the City Council. B. A cc?r??icatiOn fr? Marie E. Reading was received regarding a traffic problem in the Point Happy Area. The Car?ty Develo?rr?nt Director rec?rrnended the letter be received and filed, and that Staff prepare a letter to Yrs. ading * indicating that her concerns will be evaluated as part of the Washington Street Specific Plan and the restriping program along that portion of Washington Street. C. A c?nication from Audrey Ostrowsky regarding City Council conduct was received and filed. D. A carinur?cation fran Alice Bailes regarding c?rrr?tion of the City Council was received and filed. 5. Il111? BY UNCIL A. Council Allen asked the Council to think about the possibility of changing the t?ine of Council meetings from 7:30 pin. to 7:00 p.m., and stated that he woLild like discussion of this matter in the future. B. Council tber Bohnenberger clarified concerns regarding possible conflict of interest relative to his lcyeent with the Coachella valley Water District. Mr. Bonenberger asked the City Attorney to explain the matter further. City Attorney L?gtin stated that a conflict of interest exists when a public official makes a g?vernr??tal decision which will have a material effect on the offical's financial interest." Council Bohnenberger is loyed by Coachella valley water District." M?ny develo?t approval decisions by the City have the effect of creating reeenue for the District seer & water hookups)." If employment was private industry, Councilman Bohnenberger would have a conflict because his saIrry incar? gives him a financial interest in his decision, however because the District is a governmental entity, there is no conflict for two reasons: 1) the salary Cf a local gov?ent loyee is excluded from definition of income for determinlng officials financial interest; and 2) a local gcv?ental entity is not a business entity for such purposes because it is not operated for profit. The City Attorney explained that the above explaination was defined by the Fair Political Practices Ccooissiari, and conclusively states that no conflict of interest has or will occurred due to Council rrber Bohnenberger' 5 employeent with Coachella valley Water District. C. Council lff discussed a future team building session and materials which he had distributed earlier relative to this matter. Mr. lff stated that it had been the consensus of the Council that he and yor Ccx fo?m a c?rrnjttee of two and investigate various possibilities and firms to perform this service, and report back to the Council. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:38:07AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 $ INUT?S City Council Dec?nber 18, 1985 Paqe Three. D. Council Wolff discussed a process to ixrpleeent carputerization of City Hall, and indlcated that it had been the consensus of the Cauncil to direct staff to request proposals from several canputer consultants to assist Staff in a c?uter needs an4ysis and equi?r?nt r?c?rrr?ridati?. Administrative Services Coordinator Jerinings stated that Staff would return to the Council with a recar???dation at the January 15, 1985, Council meeting. E. Council rrber Wolff requested that the City S financial consultant prcvjde Council with a financial recap sheet, Similar to the one worked up by Council Wolff. C?rrm?ity Develo?r?nt Director Stevens stated that Staff would instruct Ray Wood in this regard. F. Mayor Cox asked Council to select a Council to serve on the Sunline ansit Agency Board of Directors, to replace the vacancy created by Council Henderson. ed by Council Allen, seconded by Council Bohnenberger, to appoint Council M?er Wolff to the Sunline ansit Agency Board of Directors. Unanimously adopted. G. Council rter Cox asked if the Council had reviewed the materials distributed at the study session which related to a senior citizens referral office in la Quinta. and requested Council support and authorization for the Mayor to send a letter to Riverside County Office on Aging asking for financial support $5,000). The Council discussed location of an office for this referral service, and Mayor Cox explained that it was possible that a building would be donated, but was not certain at the present time. Council rber Cox explained the prograrrL, and stated that if lxflpleeented, a senior citizen would be hired to tnan the telephones at this office and provide a referral service to seniors needing essential services, and that the office would be open eight hours per day. ved by Council Allen, secooded by Council Wolff, to authorize Mayor Cox to proceed with this program and direct Staff to irrpleeent the mechanism to accomplish the program. Unanimously adopted. H. The Car???ity Develo?znent Director stated that Council had discussed the idea of cancelling the January 1, 1985, Council fleeting, and if they desired to do so, a rr?tion would be necessary. ved by Council MEr?er Wolff, seconded by Council nber Pena, to cancel the Janurry 1, 1985, City Council neeting. annnously adopted. 6. CONSE? CAL?NDAR ved by Council r Wolff, seconded by Council M?nber Allen, to adopt the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council M?bers Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena, Wolff and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABSE?: None. A. The Minutes of a regular City Council fleeting held Decebber 4, 1984, were approved as sukinitted. B. ES??ION NO. 84-84. A RESOLU?ICN OF THE CI?y CO?CIL OF Th:E: CITY OF LA UINr?, CALIFO?IA, APP?VING D?5 HEA?GS BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:38:07AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 $ Cjtv Council Deceeber 18,1984 Page Four. A. The C?tit?ty Development Director introduced a public hearing regarding the Abateeent of a Public Nuisance located at 52-470 Avenida Madero and an appeal of the proposed abat?ent action by Noel and Elaine Jenson. Mr. Stevens presented the Staff report, and explained that at their meeting Noveeber 20, 1984, the Council conducted a public hearing and continued the hearing to this date to allow Staff t? to prepare a resolution declaring the inc?r?lete construction at the subject site as a public nuisance, but to suspend actual abatement if the schedule to c?lete the project is maintained. Mr. Stevens explained that a resolution to that effect had been prepared and contained the construction schedule which was developed in a meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Jenson. Be further explained that the schedule had subsequently beerL reviewed with the Jensons, and that Mr. Jenson indicated that he could work within the confines of the schedule stipulated in the resolution. xt was Staff's rec?m?dat ion that the Council adopt the proposed solution. Mr. Stevens further explained that Mr. Jenson would be reqLiired to sign his c?ent to stipulations of the Pesolution prior to issuance of a building permit. Mayor Cox asked if there would be a presentation by the Applicant. The ccuhity Development Director stated that Mr. Jenson had said that he would not attend. Mayor Cox opened the hearing to o?tir?nt fran the public. No caeent was heard. Mayor closed the hearing. It was tr?ved by Council tt?r Wolff, seconded by Council Meeber Allen, to adopt the following Pesolution: U?ION NO. 84-85. A sa?uri? OF THE CITY COU?C?? OF THE CITY OF LA Qt?I??A, C?LIFO?IA, DE?LARING P?)? To BE A PUBLIC NUISANAE ND O?ERI??G THE F 52-470 AVEN?? W?D?). U??njit?'usly adopted. B. The Catt?ty Development Director introduced a public hearing regarding the Draft Habitat Conservation Plan for the Coachella Valley Fringe-Tbed Lizard, and presented the Staff report. Mr. Stevens explained that the hearing was being held to consider public testiocny and Council OOent on the Draft Habitat Conservation Plan for the purpose of reporting to the Executive Conittee on January 9, 1985, and stated that other Valley cities were conducting similar hearings. It is the intent to develop the final Habitat Conservation Plan at the January 9th n?eting, with input fr? all agencies involved. Mr. Stevens further explained that C?uricil had received the E?c?tive S?i!rna?? of the Draft HCP, which included a irap of the mitigation fee area and the Thr. Executive Catinittee recaTTnendation, hich included sae changes to the Draft HCP. Be stated that within La Quinta, under the proposed HCP, it is expected that a $600/acre mitigation fee to be reduced to $100/acre after $7 million is collected) will be required to be paid prior to issuance of a grading and/or building permit for the 30-year duration of the 10 a) permit. Mr. Stevens further explained that the fee will be applied to the area which includes all of the land area north of Avenue 50, beteeen Washington and Jef ferson Streets, plus the northwesterly corner of Washington and Eisenhower Laguna Deea Paz and the vacant land north of it). Mr. Stevens explained that the current plan had been reviewed extensively by staff and was acceptable and representative of the best which could reasonably be expected. It was the Staff reo?t?dation that the Council advise its meeber of the C?AC Executive CaTmittee to support the Draft HCP as currently propased, including the twelve 12) rec?rrr?ations of the C??G ecutive Ccooittee. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:38:07AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 $1INuTES City Council Decebber lB, 1984 Page Five. Mr. Stevens further explained that at the Study Session, there was Council concern expressed relative to how the nonies collected would be managed, and that if Council was agreeable, he had prepared language which would nodify Item 7. on Page 2 of the Executive CcOOittee's proposed changes, as follows: Policies regarding accounting for funds raised by the mitigation fees: That a financial rnanageeent plan, including an annual accounting, be provided to each gov?ental agency on how the Fringe-Toed Lizard funds it raises are to be administered and dispersed" M?yor Cox aske? if the? would be a presentation by the Applicant. There was no presentation at this time'. yor Cox opened the hearing to coeeent fran the public. No caeeents were heard fran the public. yor Cox closed the hearing. After discussion, it was rr?ved by Council Allen, seconded by Council MEr?er Bohnenberger, to support the Draft Fringe?bed Lizard Habitat Conservation Plan as currently proposed, including the twelve 12) recattriendations of the CV? Executive C?t!rkittee, except for it? 7.A. including substitution of the new language to this it?n as above. Unanuso?ly adopted. 8. BUSINESS SESSI? A. The ooity Developeent Director presented a report regarding a c???r?cation fr? the Coachella Valley Water District regadding possible acquisition of the Southern California Water He explained that the letter asked if the Council interested in this matter, and that C.V.W.D. was investigating this acquisition. Mr. stevens explained that the City Manager had drafted a response to Mr. Week's letter, and stated that it was Staff'S rec?tirandation to authorize trarrrittal of this letter to C.V.W.D. tved by Council Allen, seconded by Cooncil Pena, to authorize the City Manager to transnit a letter of sppport to C.V.W.D. relative to possible acqLijsition of Southern California Water Unaniuuusly adopted. B The C?tn?ity Developeent Director presented a report from the City Manager regarding tppporary prohibition of parking during the Bcb Hope Classic, and recatrr??? Council adoption of the following Resolution: I?SOLU?ICN No. 84-86. A EES?UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUTh?, CALIB?RNIA, ESTABLI?ING ThM??RA?? PAR???G Z?ES EISEN??? DRIVE, SHIN?CN AND AVBNUE 50 DURING A S?IAL EVENT HE HELD JANUA??. 9, 1985, ROU:?Ei J;?NUA? 13, 1985, I?USIVE. ved by Council Bohnenberger, seconeed by Council Pena, to adopt Resolution No. 84-86. Uaaniuo'usly adopted. C. The Car?m?inity Develo?r?nt Director presented a report fran the City Attorney regarding establis?in??t of a Ccuuunity Services C?TTnissi?. The City Attorney explained the proposed Ordinance which had been drafted pursuant to Council direction at their ir?eting held Deceeber 4, 1984. After discussion, it was moved by Council rber Bohnenberger, seconded by Council MEt?er Allen, to continue consideration of the proposed Ordinance to the Febrarry 5, 1985, meeting. After further discussion, Council Bohnenberger arreneed his tion, with Council Allen?s consent, to continue this matter to the Januaty 15, 1985, Council Ireeting, to allow Staff further ti to research the irripact the proposed Ordinance might have on present and/or future staff ing needs. 3?nirously adopted. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:38:07AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 $MINUTES City Council December 18, 1984 Page Six D. The C?T?runity Develo?rnent Director presented a report regarding adoption of various Unifa?:in Codes establishing building and construction regulations, and explained that due to t?xne constraints, Staff was requesting continuance of this it? to the January 15, 1985, Council meeting. It was the consensus of the Council to Continue this m?tter to the City Council meeting of January 15, 1985. E. The Adrmnistrative Services Coordinator presented a report regarding palm tree trirrTning, and asked for Council authorization to proceed with preparation of bids and specifications in this regard. It was ir?ed by Council M??er Allen, seconded by Council Bchneriberger, to authorize Staff to proceed with preparation of bids and specifications regaring palm tree trjitt??g and/or skinning. L?ninously adopted. F. The Car?m?ty Developeent Director presented an additional report regarding C??ty Developeent Depar?t personnel allocations. Mr. Stevens explained that the 1984-1985 budget provides funds for one 1) Planning Assistant position for the entire year, and that Staff had recently c?leted interviews for this position. Mr. Stevens stated that upon canpletion of the interviews, two candidates for the Planning Depar?t had one of which would be qualified as a Planning Assistant, and one wno was more qualified, to be hired as an Associate Planner, which be a position qualified between the current Planning Assistant position and the Principal Planner position. Mr. Stevens that Council adopt the following proposed resolutions which would transfer funds from Engineering to Planning to cover costs for the Associate Planner position and uld establish an Associate Planner position within the approved personnel schedule. E?QL?Y?ION No.84-87. A SOLUTI? OF THE CIT? L!?CIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, C?IFD1?IA, AM???ING OF OFFICERS AND YEES No.84-49) TIVE To FOR PERS??L POSITIONS. LU?ION No.84-88. A RFS?CN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA Q??TA, CALIFO?4IA, APPPOPRllIIN? UNDS, ThANSE?I?RIN? $1,572.00 To UNT NO. 01-4240-0100, c?luNITY SAIAIES, RE??R, tlNT No. 01-4311-0100, INEE?ING, sA??-?LAR. ved by Council Pena, seconded by Council Bahnenberger, to adopt solution No.84-87. Unaniuously adopted. ved by Council I.6?L,?r BOhnenbrger, seconded by Council Pena, to adopt solution No. 84-88. Roll Call Vbte: AYES: Council D?rbers Allen, Bahnenberger, Pena, lff and Mayor Cox. NOES: None. ABS?T: None. G. Th? AdrrLinistrative Services Coordinator explained that Staff was currently involved in negotiations with the o,wner of property directly west of City Hall, at which tiie this property would be leased and tepporary offices erected to house an expanding City Hall staff. She futheer explained that the Council would be kept apprised of developeents. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:38:07AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 $ INUTES City Council December 18, 1984 Page Seven 9. ved by Council M?ber Allen, seconded by Council nber lff, to adjourn to an ecutive Session for the purpose of discussion potential litigation. Unan?usly adopted The regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was adjourned at 8:36 p.in., Tuesday, Dec?rber 18, 1984, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-14-96-U01 10:38:07AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02