1983 07 19 CC Minutes%) MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A reg\:iLar meetin? of the City Council held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. July 19, 1983 7:30 p.m. ATT. TQ G?D? A. The flag salute was led by Mayor Pro T?n Henderson. 2 ROLL r?T.T Present: Council M?nbers Cox, lff and Mayor Pro Tern Henderson. Absent: Council Allen, Mayor Baier. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Ott, Assistant to the City Manager Jeniings Moved by Council ber Ccx, seconded by Council Meeber lff, to excuse Council Meeber Allen and Mayor Baier. Unaniusly adopted. City Manager Usher stated that due to the absence of Mayor Baier, Mayor Pro T?n Henderson would chair the meeting. 3. PUBLIC C??NT Mayor Pro Tern Henderson indicated that this tune was set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and explained that a three minute time limit on ent would be enforced. Coocent was heard fr?n the following person: A. Stanley Sniff, 52-150 Avenida Madero, La Quinta, reguested that the Council respond to presentations fr? the public under the Public Coee?t portion of the agenda. 4. RIT'?? I?TI?S A. The City Manager presented a report regarding a uoication fr?n the League of California Cities relative to a voting delegate designation for the annual League Conference to be held in October, 1983. He explained that it is standard Council procedure to designate the Mayor as Voting Delegate, with the Mayor Pro T?n as Voting Alternate. ved by Council M?ber Cox, seconded by Council nber *)lff, to name Mayor Baier as Voting Delegate and Mayor Pro Tern Henderson or a Council M?r?er as Voting Alternate. Unanimously adopted. 5. IE?? BY COUNCIL MEXBERS A. Council Ma? Henderson responded to cornents made by Stanley Sniff regarding Council response to public ent, and explained that replies by the City Council to public rrment are norrrLally made during the Ccoment by Council rs portion of the agenda. He further explained that to reply to each public ent could beocce curr?ersame during certain meetings when large nubbers of the public address the Council. 6. HE??GS BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:32:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 07-U02 19-U02 1983-U02 %)MINUTES City Council July 19, 1983 Page 2 A. The City Manager explained a public hearing regarding the proposed vacation Cr a portion of Desert Club Drive, and explained that Council had received a repor from the Principal Planner which re??ed that Council approve the resolutic of intention to vacate a portion of Desert Club Drive located Airrediately southerly of its intersection with Calle migo, in accordance with the findings contained in the staff report dated July 19, 1983. yor Pro T?n Henderson opened the hearing to public tment. There being no public c?rment, the yar Pro Tem closed the hearing. ved by Council M??er Cox, seconded by Council Henderson, to adopt the followin? resolution: RE?Lt?ICN NO. 83-36. A RESOLUTICN OF THE CITY COUNC?? OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTh, CALIE??IA, ORDERI??G VACATION OF A POPTION OF DESEI? UB DRIVE lOCATED IMMEDIA?E?Y SOumE??LY OF ITS ION WITH AMIGO. tion adopted with two aye votes, one abstention by Council nber Wolff, two absent. B. The City M?ager introduced a public hearing regarding the proposed vacation of Avenida ntero and Calles Felipe, Orense, Se?na, Huerta and R?. He stated that the Council had received a report from the Principal Planner which re?rtended approval of the resolution of intention to vacate Avenida ntero and associates streets and adoption of the Negative Declaration for the environmental assesgnent. The City Manager flirther explained that the proposed vacations are consistent with the La QLiinta General Plan and are supported by the City Engineer and affected public utilities. However, staff?s r?nang concern is that the property owners of 11 of the 66 lots have not su?initted petitions agreeing to the proposed vacations, and explained that this is the justification for reguiring the Applicant to obtain title insurance protecting the City in case of lawsuits. The City nager explained that a letter was received fr?n Mrs. Mary Ann Sebey, expressing concern regaiding a lack of information to the involved property owners from the ntero Estates Association relative to costs and assesseents for maintenance. The M?yor Pro Tem opened the hearing to public ant. rr!?t was heard from the following persons: 1. Dr. DeOreo, 78-483 Calle Huerta, La Quinta, representing the ntero Estates H?eowher 5 Ass?n., explained that a preliminary meeting had been held and have written a letter addressing Mrs. Sebby 5 concerns. He stated that the letter also included proxys for election of officers for the ntero Estates wners Association. He further stated that upon action by the City Council, the letter would be mailed to affected h??owners within 24 hours. 2. iristopher Blaisdell, 70-560 Camelia Court, Rancho Mirage, attorney for the ntero Estates eowners Association, retained by the ntero Estates H/O Association to accooplish vacation of the streets. Mr. Blaisdell reported that several meetings had been held to determine that all the concerns of the City have been rr?t, and that Ray Ott had pointed out that when the resolution was passed, it would be subject to several very strinqent conditions, including a 5-year policy of insurance. Mr. Blaisdell BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:32:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 07-U02 19-U02 1983-U02 %)MINUTES City Council July 19, 1983 Page 3 explained that his clients were waiting on the Council 5 decision before icating with the affected h?r?wners, So as to be sure that all info?tation given was correct. The City Attorney reported that conditions pertaining to reqiir?rents are contained in Section 6 of the proposed resolution. 3 Allen Sedqwick, 78-451 Calle Seama, La Quinta, stated that he had sent a letter out one yaar ago to all affected homeoners which detailed costs and rr?nthly maintenance fees. He explained that his asSociation needed definitive action by the City Council so that his group could proceed with their plans. He further explained that if, upon adoption of this resolution by the Council, the ntero Estates Association was unable to ply with the stipulated conditions, the vacation would not proceed. Council nber lff questioned whether the proposed resolution ould in effect, abandon the streets. City Attorney Ott explained that it would not abandon the Streets until all conditions are met. Staff would be required to make sure all conditions are c?nplied with, and upon coopletion of the conditions, the City Clerk would record the resolution. The vacation would then take place POfl the act of recordation with the County. 4. Jack Abels, 49-990 Avenida M'ntero, La Quinta, stated that he has not spoken personally with anyone who is opposed to the vacation of these streets, and believes all parties to be in accord. There being no further o?rrm?ts, the yor Pro Tern declared the public hearing closed. ved by Council Cox, seconded by Council Enber lff, to adopt the following resolution and approve the Negative Declaration. RESCLUTION No.83-37. A RESOLUTIO? OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA C?LIFDPNIA, OFDERING TION OF A?IDA TF' E??IPE, T.TF SE?, TT.P HUERT??, AND ATT.? Un?niusly adopted. 7. L?AR ved by Council M?ber Cox, seconded by Council lff, to approve the Consent Calendar. Unaniit?usly adopted by roll call vote. A. The Minutes of the City Council meeting held July 5, 1963, were approved as su?injtted. B. RESOLUTI? NO.83-38. A ESOL?ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA CALIFORNIA, APP?VING DE?DS. 8. BUSINESS SESSI? A. The City riager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: ORDI?? NO.35. AN O?DINCE OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINT?, a?:?RNIA, AMENDING 6.04 OF ThE LA QUIN?A ICIP??L DE RELATIN? TO R?LJSE DISPOSAL. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:32:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 07-U02 19-U02 1983-U02 %)MINUTES City Council July 19, 1983 age 4 Mvved by Council tter Wolff, seconded by Council Cox, to waive futher reading and adopt Ordinance No. 35. unaniso?ly adopted by the following vote AYES: Council nber5 Cox, Wolff and Mayor Pro T?n Henderson. NOES: None. ABSE??: Council M?nber Allen, Mayor Baier. B. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: ORDI??CE NO.36. AN ORDI??CE OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUITTA, CALIFO?IA, AMEND???G 2 04 050 OF LA MUNICIPAL CODE P??VIDING FOR ENSATICN AND REIMBURSE?dE??T ME??ERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. ved by Council Wolff, seconded by Council MEnber Cox, to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 36. unaaaously adopted by the following Vote: AYES Council t?ers Cox, Wolff and Mayor Pro T? Henderson. NOES: None. ABSE?: Council Allen, Mayor Baier. C. The City Manager presented a report regarding refuse collection service rates, ad explained that this action is necessary in order to provide for residents who do not pay for the service. With passage of this resolution, the City will have the authority to place the unpaid fees for refuse collection on the property tax bill. tved by Council Cox, seconded by Council nber Wolff, to adopt the proposed resolution. Unaniusly adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 83-39. A RESOLUTI? OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFO?IA, ESTABLISHING REFUSE C?CTI? SERVXCE RATES FOR CITY-FU??ISHED REFUSE DISPOSAL CES ThROGOHOUT THE CITY. D. The City Manager presented a report regarding lease of additional office space, and reo?rraded approval of Lease A??ndrnent No.2, between the City and M.C. Brennan and Alhrt Wild. He further explained that furids for this lease were provided for in the 1983-84 budget. tv? Council Wolff, seconded by Council Cox, to approve Lease Arnerdrnent No.2 beteeen the City of La Quinta and M.C. Brennan and Aeert Wild, ncing July 1, 1983. Unaniusly adopted. E. The City Manager presented a report fr?n the Assistant to the City Manager regarding rental of an eguipeent storage facility, to be used for the purpose of storage for City vehicles and equi?ment. He further explained that the proposed resolution provides for appropriation of funds for the rental of this property. Council Wolff questioned whether a new insurance policy would be necessary. The City Manager explained that staff would infonn the City 5 insurance carrier, who would detennine if coverage is necessary. ed by Council I'?'? Wolff, seconded by Council M?ber Cox, to approve the rental agreeeent between the City of La Quinta and Triad Enterprises for the lease of a e?uipeent storage area located at 77-895 Avenida ntez?ina, and to adopt the followinq resolution: BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:32:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 07-U02 19-U02 1983-U02 %)MINUTES City Council July 19, 1963 Page 5 RESOLLY?I? NO.83-40. A RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNC? OF ThE CITY OF LA QUIN??, CALI??RNIA, APP?PRIATING FUNDS, TRANSF???G $900 TO AC?OUNT NO. 01-4190-160, OF??ICE, ECOM THE UNAPPROPRIAIIO SURPLUS, GENERAL FUND. Una?aaaously ad?ted. F. The City Manager presented a report regarding designation of a Redevelopment Survey Area. He explained that the proposed resolution designates the redevelopment survey area and requests the County Board of Supervisors to adopt an ordinance authorizing redevelopment in unincorporated territory. D?ved by Council Cox, seconded by Council tL? lff, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 83-41. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT?, CALIE??I?, DESIGNATING REDEIEIOPME??? EY AREA FOR STUDY PURPOSES AND UESTI??G RIIIRSIDE UNTY BQ?RD OF SUPER??SORS TO ADOPT N ORDD?CE AUmORIZ?G RED?PME??T IN U??INCORPORA?ED TERRITO?Y. ROLL rAT.T \?aI?. AYES: Council M?ber Cox, lff. NOES: None. ABSE?: Council Allen, Mayor Baier. ABSTAIN: Council Henderson. G. The City M?ager presented a report regarding engineering services relative to annexation and sphere of influence. He reported that staff is re?rine?g retention of J.F. Davidson Associates for professional engineering services, preparation of maps and legal descriptions and preparation of applications and documents perta?g to annexation and adoption of a Sphere of influence for annexation of land owned by Land?k Land He further explained that inclusion of this land and the Landmark Oak Tree st project is necessary in order to provide a sound financial base for the flood control project. ved by Council M?nber Cox, seconded by Council lff, to retain the J.F. Davidson Associates for professional engineering services. After discussion, th? rr?t ion was tied by the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Cox. NOES: Council tter lff. ABSIIN: Mayor Pro T?n Henderson. ABSE?T: Council r Allen, Mayor Baier. ved by Council r?r Cox, seconded by Council Henderson, to continue Item 8. G. to an adjourned regular n?eting to be held b'bnday, July 25, 1983, at 7:30 p.rn., at City Hall. The Irotion was passed by the following roll call Vote: AYES: Council Cox, Mayor Pro Tern Henderson. NOES: None. Council lff. ABSNNT: Council Allen, Mayor Baier. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:32:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 07-U02 19-U02 1983-U02 %)MINUTES City Council July 19, 1983 Page 6 Council 1ff re?uested that the City Manager furnish Council with a repcrt regarding the ssible annexation of territory at the adjourned meeting nday night. 9. ved by Council M??- Cox, seconded by Council lff, to adjourn the meeting to next nday evening, July 25, 1983, at 7:30 p.m., at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta. unaniao?ly adopted. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 8:58 p.m., uesday, July 19, 1983, at City Hall, 78-105 Caile Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:32:14AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 07-U02 19-U02 1983-U02