1983 08 16 CC Minutes%; MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF A Regular M?eting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. August 16, 1983 7:30 p.?. 1. TT. O?ER Mayor Baier called the ting to order at 7:43 p.m. A. The Irwocation was given by City Manager Usher. B. The flag salute was led by Mayor Pro Tern Henderson. 2. TT. CAIL Present: Council Mebeers Allen, Henderson and Mayor Baier. Absent: Cour?il M?xbers Cox and lff. bved by Council t?er Allen, seconded by Council Henderson, to excuse Council MEt?,ers Cox and lff. Unani?ly adopted. 3. PUBLIC i?i:? The Mayor indicated that this tiltE was set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and explained that a three minute tirt? limit on oents ould be enforced. Coeants wrre heard fr? the following persons: A. Steve Sixt?nsen, 54-665 Avenida Rarnirez, La Quinta, expressed concerns regarding possible loyeent of the Mayor by Land?k Land and requested Mayor Baier to state for the public record his intentions in this regard. Mayor Baier responded, and stated that he has absolutely no plans to loyed by Lar?k, and further stated that he will retire at the end of his current Council term of office, as he will be 72 years of age at that tirr?. 4. UOIC?I?S 5. IL?i BY COUNCIL ME??BERS A. Council M?r?,er Allen presented a report regarding uireeents for underground utilities for new residential nstruction, and stated that he would like to propose an ordinance to require all future singl?family hoces in La Quinta to have rrrond utility hookups. He explained that in checking with the various utility c??es, he was given the faots and figures irrvDlved for underground hookups which would result in an additional cost to the builder or of $150-200 per house. The telephone c?t?y and cable coop? are both currently using buried cable, and will place their cable in the saae trench as the electrical service if desired. He explained that urderrround utilities would result in increase neighborhood safety, and would require less maintenance by the utility c?r??es. Mayor Baier stated that he felt this would be an excellent idea, and is fully in support of such an ordinance. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:35:15AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 16-U02 1983-U02 %;MINUTES City Council August 1?, 1983 Page Two 6. HEARINGS The City Manager introduced a hearing regarding a proposed ent to Municipal Land Use Ordinance No.348, an?ning Section 18.5 and 18.11 regarding mlmlturL size of dwellings in planned residential developeents; City initiated. He reported that the proposed ordnance establishes a 750 sq. foot mini for planned residential developeents cond??ums and other similar develo?ts) and requires that no rr?re than 20 percent of a proposed developeent shall have less than 800 sq. feet of floor living area; no re than 40 percent of the total ni??er of dwelling units shall have less than 1,000 sq. feet of floor living area; and the average square footage of living area in a planned residential develo?u??t shall be no less than 1,000 sq. feet. He further explained that if the dwelling unit is multi-bedro?n, it shall have not less than 900 sq. feet, and bedrods shall have no less than a 10 ft. width or depth. The City Manager fuither stated that staff was proposing the ordinance be introdueed with changed language to it?n 5. d) relative to stadards stating en exoeptions could be granted by the City Council for specific projects, as stated in the staff report dated August 16, 1983, and rec?tended intooduction of the proposed ordinance, with the change to it? 5. d) Mayor Baier opened the hearing to public ccooent. ere being no public o?rrr?nt, Mayor Baier closed the public hearing. After discussion, it was rrDved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council r?er Allen, to waive furter reading and intreduce the prpposed ordinance, with the change in language incorporated in it? 5. d), as detailed in the Principal Planner 5 staff report dated August 16, 1983. Unani?usly adopted. The City Attorney explained that the proposed ordinance ould now be referred back to the Planning Ccmjssion between now and the tirr? it is adopted, for m?nts on the change in language. 7. CALEAAAR wed by Council M??ter Henderson, seconded by Council M?er Allen, to approve the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: YES: Council bers Allen, Henderson and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABSE??: Council r??rs Cox and lff. A. The Minutes of the adjourned regular Iteeting held July 25, 1983, ere approved as s?tted. B. The Minutes of the regular ting held August 2, 1983, were approved as subuitted. C. The Minutes of the adjourned regular ting held August 4, 1983, were approved as s?tted. D. NO.83-46. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUIN??, CALIB?RNIA, APP?VING DEOOO?. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:35:15AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 16-U02 1983-U02 %;MINUTES City Council August 16, 1983 Page Three 8. BUSIN?SS SESSI? A. The City Manager read the title of a proposed resolution, as follows: SOLLffI? No. 83-47. A RESO?I? O?' THE C? OF THE C? OF LA QUINm, E?UESTIN? THE MUNICIPAL JUDGES TO ILIZE THE IN PE?L CODE SE?TI?S 37?. ND 374b.5. To LITTERERS ND DUMPERS To PERFORM SER?71CES PI?ING UP L?TTER 1?ND STE ALONG OADSIDES I? LA ved by Council er Allen, seconded by Council Henderson, to adopt Resolution No.83-47. unani?usly adopted. B? The City Manager read the title of a prpposed Resolution, as follows: S?13TICN NO.83-48. A ES?UTION OF THE C? UNCIL OF THE C?TY OF LA QLDITA, CALIFO?IA, UT?ZING THE EXI??ICN OF A COOPER??ICN WTTH THE LA QIIIN?? REDEVEtDPME?? He explained that the eeeent provides that administrative services for the Reevelo???nt Agency be provided by City staff and provides that the Agency, at a future ti!t? when the Agency has reeejved n?nies, will reiuuurse the City for the cost of these services as well as for the oost of any expendi- tures or aavance of funds the City may have provided the Agency, and rec?cceded adoption of the Resolution approving the Cooperative Agre?t. ved by Council er Henderson, seconded by Council er Allen, to approve the Cooperative Agreeent beteeen the City of La QQinta and the La Qtiinta Redevelo?rtEnt Agency. Unani?ly ted C. The City Manager presented a report fr? the Assistant to the City Manager regarding street sweeping services, and explained that the initial agre?r?nt provides for a 60?day trial period with SCA Services foreerly Houston 5 Country Club sweeping), at a cost of $36.10 per hour. He further reported that this proposal will provide street sweeping for all areas of La Quinta, including the Cove area, and is expected to be a significant ixrproveeent in service to the entire b?ved by Council Allen, seconded by Cauncil Meb? Henderson, to approve the proposal by Palm Desert DiSposal, Inc., for street sweeping services for a 60?y trial period at a cost of $36 10 per hour Un?i?ly adopted. D. The City Manager presented a report regaiding the redeveloeeent Project Area C?rtnittee, and explained that California cunity RedEvelopeent Law reg?s that a project area ccooittee be foz?rEd if a substantial nim?r of low- and r?oderat?inc? families will be displaced by a redevelo?ir?nt project. The law also reguires that if there will be no such displac?nt, the Agency will consult with and obtain the advice of residents arid c?r[cunity organizations. The City Manager adoption of the following resolution, and stated that it directs that a project area c?mittee not be foi:u?d, and directs the establi?t of public tt?etings with residents and c?rm?ty organizations regarding the proposed redevelopeent plan. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:35:15AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 16-U02 1983-U02 %;MINUTES City Council August 16, 1983 Page Four S?DTICN NO. 83-49. A RESOUlTI(? OF THE C?ry COUNCIL OF ThE C? OF LA C?LIF??IA, DEIERMININ? A P?3ECT AREA C?M?IEE Z[?TT. BE FORMED IN NE?rION wmi ThE LA QUINTA RE?EVEWPME??T PI?Ecr. ved by Council Me? Henderson, seconded by Council Allen, to adopt Resolution No.83-49. Unani??ly adapted. E. The City Manager presented a report regaxdig financial assistance for rede?lop?t, and explained that the Redd'el?r?nt Agency is expected to need approximately $50,000 for start-up costs. He explained that the Financial Assistance eeent provides for the advance of fnnds to the Redevelopeent Agency. The City Manager further explained that these funds constitute a loan to the Agency, to be repaid upon adoption of the redevelop- ment plan and sale of bonds, with a 10% rate of sinpie interest, and appraaal of the Aqre?t?nt of behalf of the City. Moved by Council Allen, seconded by Mayor Baier, to approve the Agreeeent for Financial Assistance on behalf of the City. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council MEt?er Allen, Mayor Baier. NOES: None. Council Cox and Wolff. AIN Council Henderson. 9. A?URNME??T Moved by Conncil Mbber Heeeerson, seconded by Council Allen, to adjourn Unanimously adopted. The reguar meeting of the City Council of the City of La Qtiinta, California, was adjorrned at 8:30 pm., Tuesday, August 16, 1983, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:35:15AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 08-U02 16-U02 1983-U02