1983 09 06 CC Minutes%@ MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY CF LA A regglar meeting of the City Council held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. Sep?er 6, 1983 7:30 p.m. 1. TY To ORDER A. The Inv?tion was given by Mayor Baier. B. The Flag Salute was led by Mayor Baier. 2. T C'?T.T. Present: Council D?!tters Allen, Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Baier. Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Ott, Assistant to the City Manager Jennings. 3. PUBLIC CZI1L?? A. Paul Seltzer, attorney for Best, Best & Krieger, representing Sunrise Cop?y, addressed the Council regarding a desert reserve for the fring?toed lizard, and requested Council adoption of a resolution establishing a Coachella Valley Fringed?oed Lizard reserve. B. Stanley Sniff, P.O. Box 1414, La QLiinta. Mr. Sniff reported that he had suuuitted a request to City Manager Usher on Friday, Sep?ber 2, 1983, conti?g suggestior for dealing with Southern California Water aoy, pursaant to the reeent P.U.C. decision regarding a rate increase for S.C.W.C. He suggested the Water C?r?any be placed on notice that La QLiinta residents and City officials are not abandoning the fignt, but are actively seeeing better service. He presented an updated water service request and asked the Council to consider staff support for distribution of these forms sing for citizen docw?tatiori of water probl?ns. A. A C?mnication fr?n the Coachella Valley Association of Ga?Ternents was rooeived regard? staff sharing. ved by Council nber lff, seconded by Council r?r Cox, to t'nwucate to the Executive Coccittee that La Quinta is not prepared to offer staff for their assistance, and to re?oeod that L??r fulfill the vacant position on its staff for a Research Specialist. Unaniusly adopted. B. A c?tiunication fr? Sunrise aoy was received regarding a prpposed desert reServe for the Fringed?oed Lizard. tved by Council t?r lff, SOconded by Council Henderson, to table this matter pending receipt of further information. Unanixvously adopted. 5. BY UNCIL BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:36:31AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 %@MINUTES City Council September 6, 1983 Page Two A. Council Allen suggested the Council ask the City M?nager to direct the catlm?ty safety Coordinator to nitor the school bus stops in La Quinta for possible unsafe conditions during the first week of school, beginning Septetoer 8th. B. Council Henderson reported that he and Mayor Baier had attended a Back to School.' rr?eting of the Desert Sands Unified School District. He reported that the District has plans for a school in La Quinta, to be cons?cted during the next 1-2 years. He also reported that street repairs, potholes, and other road damage is being handled by the Riverside County Road Depa?t, but due to r?rgency repairs caused by the August rains, these repairs are being done on a priority basis. C. Mayor Baier also reported on the Desert Sands School District rreeting, and acknowledged that the District is anticipating constructing an eleeentaay school in La Qtiinta. D. Council t?er lff City staff, p?cuiarly Frank Usher and Doug Brown during the eeergency work done during the August 17-18, 1983, rains. 6. HEARINGS 7. CAI???R ved by Council rd,er Allen, seconded by Council Henderson, to approve the Consent Calendar. Roll Call Vote: A?S. Council M??ers Allen, Cox, Henderson, lff and Mayor Baier. NOES None. None. ABS?. None. A. The Minutes of the City Council rr?eting held August 16, 1983, ere approved as suumitted. B. S?LJTION No.83-50. A PESOL?ICN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IA CALIFOFNIA, APP?OVING DE?NDS. 8. BUS?ESS SESSION A. The City Manager presented a report frem the Assistant to the City Manager ragarding Transportation D?velopeent Act Claim, Fiscal Year 1983-1984, and stated that staff is re????nding authorization to file this claim. ved by Council D?tt?r lff, seconded by Council er Cox, to authorize the City Manager to file a claam for the Fiscal Year 1983-1984 allocation of Transportation Deeelopnent Act funds, in the arr?unt of $50,546.00. Unani?ly ted B. The City Manager presented a r?ort fr? the Principal Planner regarding an to the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to issuance of license and permits, and reported that staff is rec?ending introduction of the proposed ordinance, as follows: BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:36:31AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 %@MINUTES City Council September 6, 1963 Page Three P?POSED ORDIW?. AN O?DICCNCE OF THE CITY UNCIL OF THE CITY OF IA QUINTh, C?L??iIA, AME??DING SE?TION 11 84.010 OF THE LA Lm?ICIPAL CODE BY ADDING P??7ISI?S KING FALSE OR MISUADfl? ITS GEUJNDS DENThL OF APPLIC?TIC?S FOR PEMITS, LICENSES, APP??ALS OR OT?IR ENT??S. He further stated that a procedural outline relative to hew this Ordinance would be used is to be P?red by staff per the Council s request ved by Council Meeer Heeeerson, seconded by Council Meeer Ccx, to waive furher reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance. UnaIu?usly adopted. C. The City Manager presented a report regarding an to Agre?t for Law Fnforceeent Services. He explained that the City has budgeted for the addition of one-half patrol car for FY 1983-84, which was to c?m?nce 9-1-83. He explained that it is expecbed st of the additional service will be allocated to traffic enforc?ent and related services. The City Manager the Council approve the Aqre?r?nt and authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary docu?ts ved by Council Meeer Cox, secnded by Council 4?r Henderson, to appr'e the 1?ndrrent to Agreegant for law Enforc?r??t Services and authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary dDcu?ts. Unaniusly adopted. D. The City Manager presented a report regaiding the Initial Redevelo?n?nt Authorization among the County of Riverside, the City of La Quinta, and the La Quinta Redevelopeent Aqency. He explained that Council reapproval of this eeent was necesSary due to minor language changes requested by the Board of ervisors hich uld r??ve any preconception that the land would be annexed to the City of La Quinta. Moved by Council lff, seconded by Council MeOer Cox, to approve the Initial Redevelopeent Authorization Aeeeeeent among the County of Riverside, the City of La Quinta and the La Quinta developeent Agency. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Meebeers Allen, Cox, lff and Mayor Haier. NOES: None. ST None. AB?ABN Council Heederson. R?STI? NO. 83-51. A RES?ION OF THE CITY COU??CIL OF CITY OF IA QUINT??, C?LIFO?iIA, AP??ING THE INITIAL E?EVELDPME?? AUT???RIV?TION AGREE??E??T THE CONOY OF RIVE?IDE, THE CITY OF LA QU:IIA ND ThE IA REDE',EwPME??r A'?Y E. The City Manager introduced It? 8.3., appoints to the La Quinta Human Relations C?tmittee. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:36:31AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 %@MINUTES City Council September 6, 1983 Page Four Council M??er lff expressed concerns regarding appointeents to the Human Relations C?tmittee, and stressed the need for applicants are minority and have eeeerience in the area of hwnan relations. He stressed the need for further recruiteent of applicants fran all segments of the OOity, and asked Council consideration in postponing recruiteent for one month for the purpose of actively seeeing minority applicants. ved by Council t?er lff, to postpone the inteents for one rronth and actively recruit meners of different groups for this C?rinittee. Council M??er Allen stated that he uld second the motion to get it on the floor for discussion. Council I?L? Allen stated that he felt that if the Council recruited poople to apply, it would constitute *`handpi?dng' the applicants. He furr stated that he believed applicants shoLild be volunteers who desire to serve. Council er Henderson stated that since six applications had been received, he felt a bad precedent would be set by not selecting the C?mittee fr?n the applications received and felt that five of the six applicants ould make a good Cocittee. After further discussion regarding the rr?tion by Council lff, Council Meber lff asked for a roll call vote: AXES: Council MEtber lff. Council D?ers Allen, Cox, Heeeerson and Mayor Baier. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. The City Manager asked the Council to vote on members of the Human Relations Carmittee by a show of hands vote. Votes cast were as follows: Sybil F. Jaffy 1 Vote D??id Jones 5 Votes Marilyn J. Knecht 3 Votes Elizabeth 4azza 4 Votes Beverly 4 Votes John J. Pena 5 Votes The City Manager announced that the following persons are appointed to the Human Relations C??ttee: David Jones, Marilyn J. Knecht, Elizabeth Mazza, Beverly J. and John J. Pena. F. The City Manager presented a report fr? the Assistant to the City Manager regardi Notice of Intention to Approve a Contract Between the P??blic Eployees Retire?t Syst? and the City of La Qtiinta, and rec?t?t?nded adoption of the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO.83-52. A RESOLUTION OF INT?NTION TO A CONTROOT HET?E?? HE OF AI:?4INISTRATI( OF THE PUHLIC E?PIDY?S RETIRE??INT SYSTE?4 ND THE OF ThE CITY 0 IA QLJINT?. ved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council er Allen, to adopt Resolution No.83-52. Unani?usly adopted. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:36:31AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 %@MINUTES City Council September 6, 1983 Page Five C. The City Manager presented a report frarn the Eujiding Official regarding a proposed aee?t to Ordinance No.32, Section 18.40(c), relative to Height and location of walls and fences. After discussion, it was the oonsensus of the Council to ask the Building Official to attend the Study Session scheduled for nday, Sept?rber 19, 1983, to furr explain the proposed arr?n?t. 9. A?DLm???T ved by Council M?t?,er Allen, seconded by Council t?er Ccx, to adjourn. The regular n?eting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 8:41 p.m., Tuesday, Septcber 6, 1983, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:36:31AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 06-U02 1983-U02