1983 09 20 CC Minutes%F MINUTES CI?Y UNC]L CITY OF IA QUn?TA A regglar meeting of the City Council held at La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. Septebeer 20, 1983 7:30 p.m. 1. r?TT TO O?DER A. Mayor Baier presented a Minute Resolution to Rich Mcocwell, Jr., endig him for saving the life of Jared Wilson during heavy rainsto?? in August, 1983. B. The Irwocation was led by Kevin Manning. C The Flag Salute was led by Council Wolff. 2. LL CALL Present: Council M?ers Allen, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Baier. Absent: Cooncil D?t?r Cox. ved by Council Allen, seconded by Council ME???r Wolff, to excuse Council Cox. Unaniusly adopted. 3. PUBLIC The Mayor dicated that this tirr? was set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and explained that a three minute tirr? limit on ts would be enforced. No persons wished to Speak. 4 A. A c?m?cation fr? the La Quinta Prope? Owners' Association regarding a corceation to City staff for work done during rannstorms in August, 1983, was received and filed. B. A connni?tion fr? the La Quinta Chan? of C?m?ce regarding a c?m?ation to City staff for duties perforred during recent rainstorms was received and filed. C. The City Manager explained a ounication received fr?n the Coachella Valley Water District r?uesting Council su??ort in establishing a c?tmittee to develop a plan for a fringe toed lizard reserve hich would be c?tpatible with storrwater and flood protection concerns as outlined by CVWD. Moved by Council MEnber Wolff, seconded by Council M?r?er Henderson, to ruguest the Board of Supervisors of Riverside County to form a ccrmittee to study the concerns regarding the fringe toed lizard, and to CorOose the o?rrnittee of representatives fr? the County, Coachella valley cities, public agencies, utilities, business and ervironrental organizations, and State and Federal agencies. U??ly adopted. D. The City Manager presented a report regarding a c?rit?cation fr? Coachella valley Television, notifying the Council of its intention to be fr? rate regulation or control by the City of La Quinta, effective October 1, 1983. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:37:30AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 %FMINUTES City Council September 20, 1983 Page Two bved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council M?r?er Allen, to instruct the City Manager to request a test of Coachella Valley Television, pursuant to Section 53066 1, deeonstrating that a mini of five stations have sufficient signal strennth to be independently receivable in La QLiinta; and to notify the other Valley cities involved of this action and advise th?n of their rights in the matter of this test; to instruct the City Attorney to further investigate La QQiflta a options in this matter; and to authorize the Mayor to officially request, at the next CAAG n?ting, that CAAG assist the cities involved in this matter to determine what alternatives they may have. Unaniu?ly adopted. 5. tI[:I? BY COUNCIL MEMBERS A. Council lff expressed concerns regarding periodic and anonyrr?us posting of newspaper atticles on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Post Office which tend to reflect negatively on the City when taken out of context. B. Mayor Baier agreed with Council M?ber lff's concerns regarding the anon?us posting of newspaper articles on the bulletin board at the post office. 6. HEARINGS 7. CONSE?T CAL? ved by Council rber Henderson, seconded by Council lff, to approve the Consent Calendar, subject to correction to It?n 5 A. of the Minutes of Sept?ber 6, 1983. Unari?ly adopted by roll call vote. A. The Minutes of the City Council rr?eting held Septeber 6, 1983, ere approved with the following change: It?n 5.A. corrected to indicate Council Allen sgggested that the City Manager be directed to instruct the O??nity Safety Coordinator to nitor schcol bus stops during the first week of school. B. RESOLUTION No. 83-53. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA Cz?LIFORNIA, APP?VING DE?NDS. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager presented a report fr? the Principal Planner regarding an ordinance relating to mini size of dwellings in planned residential developeents, and read the title of the proposed ordinance, as follows ORD?NCE No.38. AN ORDI??CE OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF IA CAL?RNIA, AME??DING THE CITY?S Z??G ORDIN?? BY M)DIFy??G CETAIN REXEEATIONS THEREIN RELATING TO MINIMUM SIZES OF D?EILING UNITS IN PU? PESIDE??rIAL DEIEIoPM??TS The City Manager explained that the proposed Ordinance was presented to the City Council at their fleeting of August 16, 1983, and was presented to the Planning CCooission, where the C?tinission indicated agreeeent with the Council requested change in Section 5(d), which provides for flexibility relating to design. He furr explained that the basic intent of the ordinance, to establish mini ficor areas for planned residential develo?r?r??, was unchanged. ved by Council Allen seconded by Council er Henderson, to aive futheer reading and adopt Ordinance No.38. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:37:30AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 %FMINUTES City Council September 20, 1963 Page Three Roll Call Vote: AYES: cil Meeers Allen, Henderson, lff and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABENT: Council d?r C?c. ABST??: None. B. The City M?nager presented a report regarding a proposed Ordinance relating to false or misleading stat?t?nts filed at the tirtE of application to the P1anr?g or Building departeents. He explained that the filing of false or misleading infoi?nation in or with any application for a porrit, license or appr?al by the City ould be grounds for denial' for such application, but ould be to the City Council. The City Manager then read the title of the proposed Ordinance, as follows: O?DICCCCE NO.39. AN ORDIN??? OF THE CITY CONC? OF CITY OF IA QUINTA, l?ME??ING SE?TION 11.84.010 OF THE UNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING P?VIS IONS W?NG FALSE OR MISLEADING SI?TTTS CD? FOR DE??L OF APPLICATIONS FOR P?S, LICENSES, APP?V7? OR aIHE? ved by Council Henderson, SooOnded by Council ber 1ff, to waive further reading and aoopt Ordinance No.39. Roll Call Vote: AXES: Council r?r Allen, Henderson, lff and yor Baier. NOES: None. ABS?BT: C?imcil ABSTAIN: None. C. The City Manager asked the City Council to continue consideration of a report fr? the Building Official regarding an to the La Quinta Municipal Code relating to height and location of walls and fences because the Building Official has been ill and is unable to furher explain this report. ved by Council er Allen, seconded by Council D?r?ber lff, to continue It? B.C. to the next Council rt?eting to tain further clarification. Unani?usly adopted. D. The City Manager presented a report regarding Annexation No.1, and explained that U? had appr?ved this annexation at their r?eting on s?e? B, 1963. He stated that the final step in the precess u1d be to hold a public hearing allowing l?wners and registered voters to file itten protests. The City Manager re?rirEnded that the hearing be held Thursday, Octocer 13, 1983, and tion of the following resolution: RESOW?ICN NO. 83-54. A RES?LSTION OF THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF IA CALIFOI?ilA, INITThTING P?)?EDINGS RELATIVE TO N??ION NO.1, PORSU???? TO VE??EOT CODE SE??ION 35220. D?ved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council Alien, to set the date of the public hearing for Armexation No.1 for Thursday, October 13, 1963, at the La Cita Ro?ri, La Quinta Hotel, 49-999 Eisen?? Drive, La Quinta, and adopt Resolution No.83-54. Unaniusly ad?ted. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:37:30AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02 %FMINUTES City Council September 20, 1983 Page Four E. The City Manager presented a report regarding a lease acuuisition aqre?t for City offices He explained that the lease ac?uisition agreeeent provlde5 for aouuisition of the lease rights held by Ed?ard Hernandez relative to Suite A, 78-105 Calle Estado, at a cost of $2,000, and approval of this agre?ent. Moved by Council Allen, seconded by Council Meeeer Henderson, to approve the Lease Acquisition Agree?t between the City of La Quinta and Edward Hernandez, relative to Suite A, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. Unanimously ad?ted. F. The City Manager presented a report regarding a claim for damages fr?n Peggie M. Nish received Se?mber 13, 1983, relating to an incident hich occurred S?t?nber 6, 1983. He explained that the incident occurred heri the clajri&it drove over a large rcck in the roadway on Avenida Bentus and it is not kn?wn if the claimant might have had sufficient oppo?mjty' to avoid the rock, and that the City was not aware of the rock being in the roadway. The City Manager rec?tKended rejection of the claim by the City Council. Moved by Council M?r? 1ff, seconded by Council noer Henderson, to reject the claim of Peggie M. Nish dated Septeer 12, 1983. Unariusly adopted. G. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Resolution, as follows: RESOW?ICN No.83-55. A PE?UTI? OF THE C?TY OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA Q??TA, C??LIPORNIA, P?AIMING THE OF OCTOBER 9 Th1?UGH 15, 1983, FI?E PREV???ION WEEK IN LA Moved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council Allen, to adopt Resolution No.83-55. Unajusly adopted. H. The City Manager presented an informational report frc[n the Principal Planner regaiding a field trip relative to drought resistant plants which is scheduled for Sept?r?r 29 at 3:00 p.m., at the Desert Water Agency of fices in Palm Springs. The City Manager reported that interested council m?t??s should oontact Donna Velotta at City Hall. 9. Ot]RNME??T b'bved by Council Meo? lff, seconded by Council Henderson, to adjourTi the ireeting to Thursday, October 13, 1983, at 7:30 p.m., at the La Quinta Hotel, La Cita Ro?n, 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, California. unatiusly adopted. The regular rr?eting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 8:06 p.m., Tuesday, See?ber 20, 1983, to Thursday, October 13, 1983, at 7:30 pm., at the La Quinta Hotel, La Cita Ro?n, 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:37:30AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 09-U02 20-U02 1983-U02