1983 10 13 CC Minutes%K MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA An adjourned regular fleeting of the City Council held at the La Quinta Hotel, La Cita Room, 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, California. October 13, 1983 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 1. The flag salute was led by Council Member Cox. 2. The Invocation was led by Council Member Henderson. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Allen, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Baier. Absent: None. Also Present: City Manager Usher, City Attorney Ott and Ass't. to the City Manager Jennings. 3. PUBLIC CO??ENT The Mayor indicated that this time was set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and explained that a three 3) minute time limit on comments would be enforced. No one indicated that they wished to speak. 4. WRITTEN COMUUNICATIONS 5. COMMENT FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS A. Council Member Allen extended a welcome to the audience and those present who reside in the area of Annexation No. 1. 6. HEARINGS A. The Mayor opened the public hearing regarding Annexation No. 1, and asked the City Manager to present his report. The City Manager reported that the Local Agency Formation Commission LAFCO) approved La Quinta Annexation No. I at their meeting held September 8, 1983, and that the next and final step in the annexation process is the public hearing tonight, which will allow landowners and registered voters the opportunity to register their views and file written protests. The City Manager further reported that the City had received five written communications in favor of the annexation, and one against. He stated that 54 percent of the registered voters and 58 percent of the owners of assessed valuation of land have filed petitions favoring annexation to La Quinta. The City Manager recommended adoption of the proposed resolution at the close of the public hearing, and pointed out the boundaries of the proposed annexation areas as revised by LAFCO. The City Manager expressed appreciation on behalf of the City staff, to certain individuals in the annexation area who circulated petitions asked for support of their neighbors and friends for the City of La Quinta. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:38:20AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 13-U02 1983-U02 %KMINUTES City Council October 13, 1983 Page Two The Mayor opened the hearing to comment from the public. Comments were heard in opposition to the proposed annexation from the following persons: 1. Mr. B.L. Meek 79-955 Westward Ha Drive Indio, California 2. Mr. Leonard Henderson 80-020 Vista Grande Indio, California Mr. Henderson presented 36 petitions opposing annexation to the City. Comments were heard in favor of the proposed annexation from the following person: 1. Marion Elison 80-082 Palm Circle Drive Indio, California The Mayor called for a five 5) minute recess in order to count the names received from the petition presented by Mr. Henderson. The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 7:48 p.m. The City Manager reported that there were a total of 32 signatures representing registered voters and 57 signatures representing property owners, and that this number of signatur? did not constitute 25 percent of the registered voters nor 25 percent of the property owners owning 25 percent of the assessed valuation of land in the annexation area. He therefore recommended the Council adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 83-56. A RESOLUTION CF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNEXING CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY TO SAID CITY UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATION ACT OF 1977, WHICH PROCEEDINGS ARE DESIGNATED AS ANNEXATION NO. 1. Moved by Council Member Wolff, seconded by Council Member Allen, to adopt Resolution No. 83-56. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council Members Allen, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. Following adoption of the resolution, Council Member Wolff welcomed new property owners and residents of Annexation Area No. 1, to the City of La Quinta. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved by Council Member Allen, seconded by Council Member Henderson, to adopt the Consent Calendar, showing Warrant Nos. 1943 and 1945 be amended to indicate training seminars for the Principal Planner. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:38:20AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 13-U02 1983-U02 %KMINUTES City Council October 13, 1983 Page Three Roil Call Vote: AYES: Council Members Allen, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. A. The Minutes of the regular Meeting of September 20, 1983, were approved as submitted. B. RESOLUTION NO. 83-57. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMNNDS. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager presented a report from the Community Safety Coordinator recommending adoption of a resolution appointing Douglas A. Brown or Clifford A. Brooks to be authorized to execute and file application for Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act. This will allow the City to be reimbursed for up to 75 percent of monies expended for flood mitigation measures during the rains of August 15-18, 1983. RESOLUTION NO. 83-58. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE COMMUNITY SAFETY COORDINATOR TO EXECUTE AND FILE AN APPLICATION UNDER THE DISASTER RELIEF ACT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. Moved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Allen, to adopt Resolution No. 83-58. Unanimously adopted. 9. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Council Member Allen, seconded by Council Member Cox, to adjourn. Unanimously adopted. The adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjourned at 7:56 p.m.. Thursday, October 13, 1983, at the La Quinta Hotel, La Cita Room, 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-15-96-U01 11:38:20AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 10-U02 13-U02 1983-U02