1983 11 29 CC Minutes%h MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REDEVELOPME:NT An adjourned regular icing meeting of the City Council and La Q':iinta Redevelop?t Agency to be held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. Nov?r?r 29, 1983 7:30 p.m. 1. C'?X To ORDER The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. A. The Flag Salute was led by Mayor Baier. 2. POOL CALL Present: Council nbers Allen, Ccx and Mayor Baier. Absent: Council Meo?s nderson and Wolff. Also Present: City Manager Usher, Assistant to the City Manager Jeniings. ved by Council M??er Allen, seconded by Council ber Cox, to excuse council m?r?ers Henderson and Wolff. Unani?ly adopted. 3. PUBLIC The Mayor indicated that this tirt? v?as set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and explained that a three 3) minute time limit on uld be enforced. C?ent was heard fr?rL the following persons: A. Mr. arles White, Owner La Quinta Builder's supply La Quinta, California Mr. White stated that he was speaeing as the representative of owners of cial preerty and businesses located within the bounaaries of the La Quinta Redevelo?it?t Project, who wished to again go on record in o?pasition to the inclusion of the business section of La Quinta in the redevelo?xt?nt project boundaries. A ritten stat?t of Mr. White 5 o?r?ts are on file in the City Clerk?s Office. 4. ONI?IONS 5. I[:?? UNCIL in:i?? 6. 7. SE? CAI??AR 8. BUS?ESS SESSION A. The City Manager presented a report regarding an agree?t amoung the City of La Quinta, the La Quinta Redevelopeent Agency and the Coa?ella Valley Water District regarding the La Quinta Redevelo??t Project. He explained that the agreeent had been reviewed by both Water District staff and City staff and meets the needs of the Redevelo?ir?t Agency and the requir?r?ts of the Coachella valley Water District. The City Manager r?coended approvol of the agreeeent by the Council. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 11:00:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 29-U02 1983-U02 %hMINUTES City Council November 29, 1983 Page Two ved by Council MEtber Cox, seconded by Council Allen, to approve an Agre?t?nt for Cooperation between the City of La Qiunta, the La Quinta Redevelopr?nt Agency and the Coachella Valley Water District regarding the La Quinta Redevelopeent Project. Unaniusly adopted. B. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Ordinance, as follows: ORDI?I? NO.43. AN OF THE: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA Q?3INTA, CZ?LIFORNIA, APP??G AND ADOPTINC THE L? FOR THE LA QUI?? REDEVEL??4E?? P?JE?T The City Manager responded to ccents presented by Mr. Charles hite and explained the protections hich are available to property owners through Certificates of Confornn?e. Mayor Baler explained that the City would be rr?eting with representatives of the local businesses regarding the redevelopeent project. Council MEtter Allen expressed willingness for the City to work with local businesses regarding redevelopeent, with understanding and cooperat ion by all participants. ved by Council ter Cox, seooneed by Council MEnber Allen, to waive fether reading and aoopt Ordnance No.43. Roll Call Vote: A?S: Cooncil M?rters Allen, Cox and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABSST: Conncil Henderson, Council lff. C. Council Cox discussed a mailing to La Quinta residents to assess needs of senior citizens in the and requested council in?r?ers su?rt. It was the consensus of the Council to mail a Senior Citizens Needs Assesseent questionnaire and enclose a self-addressed, starrped return errvelope for easier return maiiing by senior citizens. 9. A?u?NNT t?ed by Council Allen, seconeed by Council er Cox, to adjourn. The adjourned regular neeting of the City Council Redevelopment Agency was adjourned at 7:46 p.m., Tuesday, Noveter 29, 1963, at City Hall, 76-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 11:00:39AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 11-U02 29-U02 1983-U02