1983 12 06 CC Minutes%k MINUTES C? COUNC?L C?rY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council held at City Hall, 78-105 Caile Estado, La Quinta, California. Deceeber 6, 1983 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDE?R Mayor Baier called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. A. The flag salute was led by Mayor Baier. B. Assistant to the City Manager Jennings presented the irrvocation. 2. c'?.T Present: Council Mee?s Allen, Cok, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Bajer. Also Present: City Manager Usher, Assistant to the City Manager Jennings, City Attorney Ott. 3. PUBLIC The Mayor indicated that this time was set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business, and explained that a three 3) minute t]?r? ilmit on ts would be enforced. No persons wished to address the Council. 4. ONlCATIGNS 5. By A. Council Meeeer Allen discussed the formation of a La QLiinta Historical Ccoooittee, as suggested recently by Patricia Reilly. Council Allen reported that he felt the Council should appoint to a Historical C?tmittee and that it would serve as a valuable tool in preserving and recording La Quinta history, including in?rporation materials and memories of long-time La Quinta residents. Council er Allen asked the Council to consider possible n?nees to such a trnittee and asked that this it?n be brought up at a future study session. B. Mayor Baier concurred with Council 4?tter Allen, and suggested Francis Hack as a possible runnee to the Historical C?mittee. Mayor Baler then read a letter he had written to Southern California Water eny requesting the Ccp?y to ad?ise the Council of any ir?roveeent prggram for reconstruction or pez?ianent riiair to the storage Structures and water distribu- tion syst? in La Quinta. He stated that once the Council receives a reply fr?L Southern California Water, the Council can take more affirmative action regarding the Water C. Council ber Cok reported on a senior citizens Needs Assessment Questionnaire?' to be sent to ererryone in the City, with return envelopes provided for seniors to return the questioniiire to City Hall. Council ber Cox stated that it is hoped that a als on Wheels? program will be functioning by the first of the yaar. D. Council M?er Wolff endorsed the idea of a Historical Cc?rmittee, and stated that he too would like to see positive action regarding Southern California Water BIB] 03-19-96-U01 11:01:15AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 %kMINUTES City Council December 06, 1983 Page Two 6. HEZ??GS The Mayor opened a public hearing regarding Change of Zone Case No. 83-004, a request for a change of zone frc?n R-2-8000 and R-1-12,000 to R-3-2800, R-3-20,000 and R-5, Indian Wells Villas, Applicant. The Mayor then asked the City 4anager to present his re?rt. The City Manager reported that the property is located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive, and explained that the Planning Carmission had considered this change of zone request at their Novenber 30th meeting, and that th Planaing C?rmission had voted for approval at that ti"e. The City Manager further explained that this develo?rr?t had been under the County' 5 planning process and had received all approvals f?n the Board of Supervisors exoept for adoption of the zoning ordinance. He reported that the developeent calls for 354 units, with an 18-hole golf course, and a 5 acre lot located at the corner of Fred Waring Drive and Waihington Steeet proposed for a saall professional office building. Based upon the findings contained in the staff report dated Dec?riber 6, 1983, staff Council approval of Change of Zone Case No. 83-004, in accordance with E?dijbit A". The City Manager introduced Mr. Jack Dahistram, Attorney and Project Coordinator for Indian Wells Villas. Mr. Dahlstr? stated that Indian Wells Villas will seek plot plan approval of a golf course storage facility so"?ti"'e in the future. Mayor Baier opened the hearing to public No persons wiseed to on the proposed developp,?t. After discussion, it was rr?ved by Council Allen, seconded by Council ber Cox, to waive further reading and intooduce the proposed ordnance. The City Manager read the title of the proposed ordinance, as follows: POSED N ORDICCNCE OF THE CITY OOUNCZ OF T'HE CITY OF LA QLm?, CALI?D?IA, AME??DING THE OFFICThL Z?ING FOR ThE CITY, BY REZCNI??G P?S OF PPOPER? TO IN OF ZONE CASE NO. 83-004. Unani?usly adopted. 7. SE?T ved by Council Henderson, seconded by Council M?r? lff, to adopt the Consent Cal?. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council bers Allen, Cox, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. ABSE"T: None. A. The Minutes of the regular meeting held Nov?r?er 15, 1983, were approved as sui?nitted. B. RESOLUTION NO.83-75. A RESOW?ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY LA QUINT?, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DENNNDS. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. The City Manager presented a report regarding Final Tract Map No.14496-4, a portion of Santa Rosa Cave, an approved 589 unit planned residential develo? rr?nt located on the west side of Eisenhower Drive at Avenue 50; La Ouinta Joint Venture, Applicant, and Council approval of the final tract map. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 11:01:15AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 %kMINUTES City Council December 06, 1983 Page Three bbved by Council nber Cox, seconded by Council M?nber lff, to approve Final Tract Map No.14496-4. Unaniusly apopted. B. The City Manager presented a report regadding Final Tract p No.18765-i, a portion of La Quita Tennis Club, an approved 106 unit cond?lnium project located at the scutheast corner of Avenida Fernando arid Avenida Mazatlan; LML Developeent Corporation of California, Applicant, and reCcoOended approval of the final tract map and acceptance of bonds. D?ved by Corincil tber lff, seconded by Council nber Cox, to approve Final Tract No.18765-i and accept the bonds, noting the correction to the staff report of 106 cond?lnium units, instead of 103 as previously listed. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Council D?t?rs Allen, Cox, lff and Mayor Baier. NOES: None. SlN: Council Henderson. NT: None. C. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Resolution, as follows ESOLUTICN NO. 83-7E. A RES(?UTICN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA AM???:NG RESOLUTICN NO. 63-23, DESI?ING SE?uRlTY PACIFIC N?I?AL BANK As AN AUTHORIZED DEPOSITORY FOR CITY FUNDS AND DES I?ING AUTHORIZE? SICEETUEES. bved by Council M?r?r Allen, seconded by Council Mae? Henderson, to adopt Resolution No.83-76. Unaiusly aoopted. D. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Resolution, as follows: RESOLUTION NO.83-77. A RESOUJTI? OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF IA c??L?:ED?IA, RESCINDIMG RESOLUTI? NO. 82-71, AND A?I??ORIZING DEPOSIT AND WITHDR??? Ib? THE rA? LOCAL A&E??CY INVESIM?? FUND. ved by Council er Cox, seconded by Council Allen, to adopt Resolution No.83-77. Unaniusly adopted. E. The City Manager read the title of a proposed Resolution, as follows: ES?tY?ION NO.83-78. A RESOLTICN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, ADOPTI??G UNTING POLICY RElATING TO THE MINIMUM OF A CAPI?L OUIU?Y'. t?ed by Council er Henderson, seconded by Council r?'er Cox, to aocpt Resolution No.83-78. Unani?ly adopted. F. The City Manager presented a report fxan the City Attorney regarding an au?ndrt?nt to the Uniform Sales and Use Tax Ordinance ad?stered by the state Board of Equalization, and ested the Council waive her reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance. bbved by Council r?er Cox, seconded by Council iber Henderson, to v?ve further reading and introduce the proposed Ordinance. Uflani?usly adopted. G. The City Manager presented a report regarding a claim fran Mr. Joseph bell, and re?en? a rr?tion to deny said claim. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 11:01:15AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 %kMINUTES City Council December 06, 1983 Page Four by Council Cox, seconded by Council 1L? lff, to deny a claim fr? Joseph Caapbell in the amount of $622.23. Unafli?usly adopted. H. The City Manager presented a report fr?n the Assistant to the City Manager regarding a contract for street tree maintenance, which rec?tEded award of the contract to Palm Desert Landscape & Maintenance in the amount of $8,500 for first year maintenance and $12.50 per hour on-call maintenance services. by Council M?er lff, Seconded by Council nber Henderson, to award a oontract for annual maintenance of seecified City street trees and on-call l?cape maintenance services to Palm Desert Landscape & Maintenance. Council M??er lff re?uested clarification regarding Specific services to be ded. Assistant to the City Manager Jening5 explained that the annual bid price of $8 500 included trimning and clean-up of debris of Specified palm trees along Avenida Obregon, Eisenhower Drive and the perirr?ter of the La Quinta Park which are in the City right-of-way. Motion made as above unanaao??ly adopted. I. The City Manager presented a report regarding an advance of fnnds to the La QLiinta Redevelopeent Age?, and read the title of a proposed Resolution, as follows: RES?LJTIGN No.83-79. A ESOLUTION OF THE CITY LTh?CIL OF THE C? OF LA Qtm?IA, CALIFO?IA, APP?'1NG AN AGREE????T IVE To AN ADVA? OF FUNDS THE CITY OF LA QU? To THE LA REDEVEW? Moved by Council iL? Ccx, seconded by Council Meeeer Allen, to adopt Resolution No. 83-79 Unani?usly adopted. J. Council ber lff reported on discussion at the Council study session and stressed the Council 5 need to receive fiaancial data on a rugular basis. Moved by Council lff, seconded by Council Ccx, that the Council be provided a quarterly fiscal report within 30 days of the end of a quarter. unani?ly adopted. 9. Moved by Council Allen, seconded by Council ber Henderson, to adjourn. The regglar meeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, was adjoned at 8:05 p.rn., Tuesday, Decemer 6, 1983, at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 11:01:15AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02