1982 04 27 CC Minutes%z MINUTES CF MEETING
APRIL 27, 1982
The meeting of the La Quinta City Council Elect was held
at the Desert Club on April 27, 1982 at 10:45 a.m.
City Council Members Elect present:
Eugene Abbott
Bob Baier
Judy Cox
John Henderson
Fred Wolff
Moved by Mrs. Cox, seconded by Mr. Bajer, to approve the
Minutes of April 24, 1982. Unanimously adopted.
The Chairman announced that $500 was being donated to the
City for the purchase of office furniture through the good
offices.of Paul Goetcheus. The Chairman also cautioned all
Council Members Elect regarding making individual
commitments on behalf of the City.
The City Attorney reviewed the actions prepared to be taken
at the first official Council meeting on May 1, 1982.
The City Manager indicated that the resolution appointing
The City Manager/City Clerk would be changed to reflect the
interim nature of the appointment, and that the agenda order
would be changed in the procedural resolution. Also, it was
agreed that the time of study sessions on the Monday before
regular Council meetings would be 11:00 a.m.
he City i?anager presented a report regarding collection oi
transient occupancy tax, indicating his intention to begin
direct collection on a monthly basis effective Way 1, 1982.
The City Manager presented a report regarding the continuance
of County services. Mr. Abbott suggested the preparation of
an overlay map showing the overlapping service areas of special
Mr Abbott reported that the La Quinta Hotel had donated $1000
to La Quinta Youth and Sports. and that the following persons
have made donations to the Inagural Committee:
Tom Thornburgh, $500; Palm Springs Savings and Loan Richard
Arthur, $500; 001. Sherman A. Smith, USMO Retired, 200;
M. C. Brennan, $100; Naomi and Roscoe Willoughby, $100;
George Marzicola, $100
The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.