1982 06 01 CC Minutes% MINUTE? CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-100 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. June 1, 1982 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. The flag salute was led by Pat Reilly. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Cox, Henderson and Mayor Wolff. Absent: Council Members Abbott and Bajer. Moved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Henderson, to excuse Council Members Abbott and Baier. Unanimously adopted. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT The Mayor indicated to the audience that this time was set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business and acknowledged citizens in the audience who wished to speak regarding the blowing sand problems of the last several weeks. Council Members Abbott and Baier joined the proceedings at this point in the meeting. Public comment was heard from the following citizens: A. George Phillips, 9-25O Avenida Fernando, La Quinta, representing the La Quinta Golf Estates Association, expressed concern over the blow sand problem of the last several weeks. B. Paul Perkins, I;8?9OO Avenida Anselmo, La Quinta, spoke also concerning this problem. C. Pat Reilly, 51-259 Avenida Diaz, La Quinta, asked that if the developers don't reply to nuisance charges, could the City charge them for the services and if not paid, place a lien on their property? The City Attor- ney replied that there were procedures for this type of action, but time constraints made their use unfeasible. The City Manager has been in contact with the County Building & Safety Department to solve this problem, as has Mayor Wolff. Mayor Wolff will be writing to the developers giving them a specific period of time in which to correct this situation. He assured the audience that the City will do all it can to alleviate this situation, and urged that they call the County Building Department themselves to provide verbal backup for the City's efforts. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 03:57:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 01-U02 1982-U02 %MINUTES City Council June 1, 1982 3. PUBLIC COMMENT, continued.. D. Lynn Layne, P.O. Box 1025, La Quinta, addressed the Council with sugges- tions for appointments to the Planning Advisory Committee. E. Paul Perkins addressed the Council concerning Able Cable's television franchise, and urged the City Council to exert pressure on the cable company to improve television services in La Quinta, or risk losing their franchise when it comes up for renewal. Mayor Wolff stated that the Council was in the process of adopting an ordinance which deals with cable television, and will hopefully rectify the situation. Attempts will be made to call attention to this situation and investigate available solutions. F. Larry Allen, 53-781 Avenida Herrera, announced a To?Hall meeting to be held June 16, 1982, 7:30 p.m., in the Community Center. This meeting will be for the purpose of setting priorities to direct the new City Council. Mayor Wolff invited all interested persons to attend. 8. BUSINESS SESSION Taken out of order.) A. Mayor Wolff stated that the City Council would appoint five members to the Planning Advisory Committee. Twenty-five applicants were screened during the application process and narrowed down to seven finalists. These finalists were given a brief question and answer period before the Council and a numerical vote was cast by each Council Member. Council Member Henderson questioned the fairness of the numerical vote system. After lengthy discussion, it was agreed to vote again with each Council Member voting for five persons. It was moved by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Cox, to appoint the following five persons to the Planning Advisory Committee: Paul Goetcheus, Judith M. Imkamp, John Klimkiewicz, Patricia Reilly and Thomas Thornburgh, with John Ryan as First Alternate and Dale Bohenberger as Second Alternate. Roll Call Ayes: Council Members Abbot, Baier, Cox and Mayor Wolff. Noes: Council Member Henderson. Mayor Wolff asked Patricia Reilly to serve as Acting Chairperson for the purpose of calling the first meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. A congratulatory communication from Frank M. Bogert, Mayor of Palm Springs, was received and filed. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 03:57:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 01-U02 1982-U02 %MINUTES City Council June 1, 1982 1+. WRITTEN C(?4MUNICATIONS, continued.... B. Mayor Wolff indicated the City had received a letter from William E. Burnett, developer of Plaza La Quinta, wishing the City well and announcing that the shopping center will be completed in September, 1982. C. The Mayor read a letter from the Riverside County Planning Department asking the Council S review of the Draft County Comprehensive General Plan and Environmental Impact Report. The Council should submit comments in writing on or before July 2, 1982, and was invited to attend one of three scheduled workshops for study of these draft reports. D. A letter from the Coachella Valley Mosquito Abatement district was received, requesting designation of a Council representative to serve on their Board of Trustees for a two year term. Moved by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Henderson, to appoint Council Member Cox to a two year term as La Quinta's representative on the C.V. Mosquito Abatement District's Board of Trustees. Unanimously approved. 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL M?MBERS A. Council Member Baier apologized for neglecting to submit his nominees to the Planning Advisory Committee within the time deadline. B. The Mayor stated that he has tried very hard to get more cooperation from the Riverside County Sheriff's?Office in resolving the burglary problems. Mayor Wolff met with Sheriff Ben Clark and was told the bottom line was that services were to remain 1as is". The Council will therefore be exploring alternatives to providing better law enforcement in the comunnity. C. The Mayor said he has written a letter to the Riverside County Assistant Administrative Officer asking by what statutory authority the County is withholding La Quinta's property taxes. He stated that $120,000 is involved. 6. HEARINGS 7. CONSENT CALENDAR After a brief explanation by Mayor Wolff as to the nature of the Consent Calendar, and several additions to the Demand Register by the City Manager, it was moved by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Cox, to approve the Consent Calendar. Unanimously adopted. A. The Minutes of the regular City Council meeting of May 18, 1982, were approved as submitted. B. RESOLUTION NO. 82-21. A R?SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DENA?S. It was moved to adopt Resolution No.82-21. Unanimously adopted. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 03:57:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 01-U02 1982-U02 %MINUTES City Council June 1, 1982 8. BUSINESS SESSION B. The Mayor read a memorandum outlining a Plan of Action for priorities to be discussed at the June 16, 1982, To?all Meeting. C. The Mayor reported that the City received an invitation to participate from CVAG. The cost for Fiscal Year 1982-83 would be $?,235. Moved by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Henderson, to approve execution of the CVAG Joint Powers Agreement. Unanimously approved. D. The City Manager presented a report regarding change of time and location of City Council meetings. Due to construction of City offices, it will be necessary to hold regular meetings in the Community Center on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, at 7:45 p.m. The City Manager read the title of an ordinance, as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 4. AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ThE TIME AND LOCATION OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Moved by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Baier, to waive further reading, introduce and adopt Ordinance No. 4. Unanimously adoptE E. The City Attorney presented a report regarding adoption of certain County ordinances and various codes by reference, and read the titles of the ordinance, as follows: PROPOSED ORDINANCE: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE CERTAIN ORDINANCES OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO E?IN IN EFFECT AS ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. The ordinances to be adopted by reference are as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 340. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, REQUIRING A PERMIT TO DRILL A WATER WELL AND REQUIRING THE FILING OF A REPORT THEREOF. ORDINANCE NO. 348. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PROVIDING FOR LAND USE PLNNNING AND ZONING REGULATIONS AND RELATED FUNCTIONS. ORDINANCE NO. 369. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DEPOSIT OR DISCHARGE OF SEWAGE AND OTHER WASTE MATTER IN THE UNINCOR- PORATED TERRITORY OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, REQUIRING PERMITS THEREFOR, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 03:57:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 01-U02 1982-U02 %MINUTES City Council June 1, 1982 E. Continued.... ORDINANCE NO. 1+21. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING CERTAIN EXCAVATIONS TO BE COVERED. ORDINANCE NO.1+31. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND CONTROLLING THE LOCATION AND OPERATION OF HOG RANCHES AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF P??S FOR SUCH BUSINESSES AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. ORDINANCE NO. 51+. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGULATING THE INSTAM?ION AND MAINTENANCE OF APPARATUS FOR THE STORAGE AND DISFENSING OF FLA??LE LIQUIDS USED AS MOTOR FUEL AND THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WASTE?OIL STORAGE TANKS. ORDINANCE NO. 1+58. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGULATING FLOOD HAZARD AREAS AND IM?LNNNTING THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. ORDINANCE NO. 1+60. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGUIAATING THE DIVISION OF LAND. ORDINANCE NO. 1+61. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ADOPTING STANDARDS FOR I??ROVEMENTS TO BE INSTALLED IN SUBDIVISIONS. ORDINANCE NO. 1+63. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PROVIDING FOR A HOUSE NUMBERING SYSTEM. ORDINANCE NO. 1+6?. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SANITATION, SAFETY AND CLNANLINESS OF PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. ORDINANCE NO. 1+68. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO PROVIDE FOR CONTROL AND ERADICATION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN LIVESTOCK AND TO REGULATE CORRALS, STOCKYARDS AND FEEDYARDS. ORDINANCE NO. 1+71. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO RIDERS1 AND HIKERS1 TRAILS. ORDINANCE NO. 1+81+. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FOR THE CONTROL OF BLOOING SAND. ORDINANCE NO. 1+92. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGULATING FOOD ESTABLISNNNTS R THAN RESTAUNNNTS. ORDINANCE NO. 521. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGULATING THE TRANSPORTING OR CONYYYING OF FOOD FOR COM??CIAL PURPOSES IN WHOLESAAE FOOD VEHICLES AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PEEFITS FOR SAID VEHICLES WIThIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 03:57:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 01-U02 1982-U02 %MINUTES City Council June 1, 1982 E. Continued.... ORDINANCE NO. 522. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGULATING AND LICENSING OUTDOOR FESTIVALS. ORDINANCE NO. 523. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE RELATING Ta THE CONTROL OF FLIES. ORDINANCE NO. 52?. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGULATING OVERSIZE AND OVERWEIGHT HICLES AND LOADS. ORDINANCE NO. 525. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGULATING THE INS?ECTION, MAINTENANCE AND TESTING OF WATER RACK?OW PREVENTION DEVICES. ORDINANCE NO. 527. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF REVERSIDE RELATING TO THE CONTROL OF FLIES. ORDINANCE NO. 531+. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PROHIBITING THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF DOMESTIC FOWLS OR DOMESTIC ANIMALS OTHE? THAN DOGS OR CATS AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR IMPOUNDING. ORDINANCE NO. 4o. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PROVIDING FOR REGISTRATION OF PERSONS CLEANING CESSPOOLS AND SIMILAR FACILITIES. ORDINANCE NO. 51+3. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PR?IBITING PUBLIC EXPOSURE OF i?AT.Ti. BREASTS AND PRIVATE PARTS. ORDINANCE NO. 51+7. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE IMPU??ING THE UIST-PRIOLO SPECIAL STUDIES ZONES ACT. ORDINANCE NO. 551. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE RELATING TO THE CONTROL OF BEES. ORDINANCE NO. 551+. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ESTABLI?ING HEALTH SERVICE FEES. ORDINANCE NO. 555. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE MPLE?ING THE SURFACE MINING AND RECLAMATION ACT OF 1975. ORDINANCE NO. 565. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ESTABLISHING HAALTH SERVICE FEES RELATING TO COMMERCIAL POULTRY RANCHES ORDINANCE NO. 567. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGULATING FOOD HANDLERS. Moved by Council Member Abbott, econded by Council Member Cox, to et a Public Hearing regarding the propo?ed ordinance for Tuesday, July 6, 1982, at 7:1+5 p.m., at the Community Center, and to waive further reading and to introduce the proposed ordinance. Unanimously adopted. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 03:57:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 01-U02 1982-U02 %MINUTES City Couticil June 1, 1982 8. E. PROPOSED ORDINANCE: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE WITH CERTAIN AMENDMENTS) RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 57.57 ENTITLED: tAN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1+57 RELATING TO BUILDING REQUI?NTS AND ADOPTING THE 1979 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE; THE 1979 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, INCLUDING THE APPENDIX AND STANDARDS; THE 1979 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE; THE 1976 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, INCLUDING THE APPENDIX AND STANDARDS; THE 1979 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, INCLUDING THE APPENDIX AND STANDARDS, AND THE 1978 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE?. Moved by Council Member Bajer, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to set a Public Hearing regarding the proposed ordinance for Tuesday, July 6, 1982, at 7:1+5 p.m., at the Community Center, and to waive fLirther reading and to introduce the proposed ordinance. Unanimously adopted. E. PROPOSED ORDINANCE: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1979 EDITION. Moved by Council Member Henderson, seconded by Council Member Cox, to set a Public Hearing regarding the proposed ordinance for Tuesday, July 6, 1982, at 7:1+5 p.m., at the Community Center, and to waive fLirther reading and to introduce the proposed ordinance. Unanimously adopted. F. The City Manager presented a report regarding the budget for Fiscal Year 1981?2 May and June). Moved by Council Member Cox, seconded by Council Member Baier, to adopt. the 1981?2 budget as presented. Unanimously adopted. G. The City Manager presented a report regarding a lease agreement between the City of La Quinta and Mrs. Frances Hack relative to City Hall, 78-100 Calle Tampico. Moved by Council Member Baier, seconded by Council Member Abbott, to approve the proposed lease agreement between the City of La Quinta and Mrs. Frances Hack, with changes as noted by the City Attorney, subject to final approval by the City Attorney. Unanimously adopted. H. OTHER 9. ADJOURNb?? Moved by Council Member Abbott, seconded by Council Member Cox, to adjourn. Unanimously adopted. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of La Quinta was adjourned at 10:25 p.m., Tuesday, June 1, 1982, at the City Council Chambers, 78-100 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. BIB] 03-19-96-U01 03:57:23PM-U01 CCMIN-U02 06-U02 01-U02 1982-U02