CC Resolution 1982-014 Rules of Procedure& RESOLUTION? No. 62- 1? RESOLUTION OF THE CITY uNClL OF LA QUINTA, CALlFO??NIA, ADOPTINQ RULES OF PROCEDURE FC? C!L ETING? ANO RELATED UNCTIONS AND ACTIVITIES. WHEREAS Section 2.04.040 of the Municipal Code requires that the City Council adopt Rules of Procedure to govern the conduct of its meetings End ny of its other funct ions and act ivi tiCS, and regu lEt ions pertainin? thereto, 1'0. THEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta that Rules of Procedure for City Council meetings and related functions and act iv ties are hereby adopted, to read, as fol lows' PURPOSE: The purpose and intent of the City Council in adopting the within rules shall be to provide directory guide! meg relating to the conduct of the public business by or on behalf of the City Council, and in the event of any noncompliance with or violation of an,y provision herein, such will not be deemed to affect the validity of any action ta?en, unless otherwise specificallv provided by law. 1. ME E T I N G S 1.1 REGULAR MEETINGS. The City Council of the City of La Quinta shall hold regular meetings in the place specified in the Municipal Code, on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 P.M. When the day for a regular meeting of the Council fal Is on a legal holiday, no meeting shall be held on such holiday, but a regular meeting shall be held Rt the same hour on the ne?t succeeding day thereafter that is not a holiday. 1.2 ADQOURNED MEETINGS. Any meeting may be adjourned to a time, place, and date certain, but not beyond the next regular meeting. Once adjourned, the meeting may not be reconvened. 1- BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 & 1.3 SPECIAL ME?TINGS. Special Meetinqs may be called by the Mayor or majority of Counci Imembers on 24-hour not ice, as set forth in 5ection 54956 of the Government Code of the State of Ca I if or n i a. On y matter S Con t a in ed in the not i cc may be considered and no ordinances other than urgency ordinances) may be adopted. 1.4 STUDY SESSIO'IS. Members of the Council may meet in a requ lar Study Session at 11:00 a.m.in its regular place each fir?t and third onday of each month. See 10.1) 1.5 NOTICE ETlNGS. Notice of regular meetings or regular study sessions is not required. Mailed or personally delivered not ice is required of special meetings. Ma led and posted notice is required of meetings adjourned by the city clerk. Posted not ice is required of al other adjourned meetings. Section 54955 Government Code) 1.6 QUO?L?. Unless otherwise provided for in the Municipal Code, a majority of the Council shall be sufficient to do business and motions may be passed 2-1 if only 3 attend. The fol lowing matters, however, require three ff irm?t I ve votes.. a) adopt ion of ordinances, b) resolutions granting franchises and c) orders for payment of money. 1.6.1 Legally equired Participation If a majority of the Council shall be disqualified to vote on a matter by reason of actual or apparent conflict of interest, the Council shall select by lot or other means of random select ion, or by such other impartial and equitable means as the Council shall determine, that number of its disqualified members which, when added to the members eligible to vote, shall constitute a quorum. 1.7 MEETINGS TO B? PUBLIC. Study Sessions and all regular, adjourned or special meet ngs of the City Council shall be open to the pub Ii c provided, however, the Council may hold executive sessions from which the publI? may be excluded for the consideration of the following subjects: 2- BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 & 1.7.1 Personnel Matters: To consider appointment, employment, or dismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against such person or employee by another employee unless such employee requests a public hearing. The Council may exclude from any such executive session during the examination of a witness any or all other witnesses in the matter being investigated. 1.7.2 Attorney-Client Matters.. To consider possible or pending litigation in which the City is or could be a party. i.8 EXECUTIVB SESSION MINUTES Pursuant to Section 957.2 of the California Government Code, the city clerk of the City of La Quinta may be required to attend an executive session of the City Council and keep and enter in a minute book a record of topics discussed and decisions made at each meeting. The confidentiality of such minutes shall be maintained pursuant to said section of the Government Code. 2. 0 R D F R 0 F B U S I NE S S 2.1 AGENDA. The Order of Business of each meeting shall be as contained in the Agenda prepared by the City Clerk. The Agenda shall be a listing by topic of the subjects which shall be taken up for consideration in the following order: CALL TO ORDER Flag Salute ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENT WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CO??ENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS IEARINGS CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of Minutes BUSINESS SESSION ADJOURNMENT Except with majority consent of the Council, items may not be taken out of order. BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &* No matters other than those on the agenda shall be finally acted upon by the Council; provided, however, that matters not on the agenda but deemed to be emergencies or of an urgent nature by any Imember the city manager, or the city attorney, or such other matters which shall have been discussed at the preceding study session, may be submitted for Council cons iderat ion and action. 2.2 D?LlVERY OF AGENDA. Barring insurmountable difficultie?, the Agenda shall ordinarily be delivered to Counci Imembers each Friday preceding the Tuesday meeting to which it pertains. The Agenda shall also be avEi lable to the general public at the time it is delivered to the City Council 2.3 ROLL CALL Before proceeding with the business of the Council, the city clerk shall cal I the roll of the Counci Imembers and the names of those present shall be entered in the minutes. The order of roll cal I shall be alphabetical with the Mayor called last. 2.4 APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Unless requested by a majority of the City Council, minutes of the previous meeting may be approved without public reading if the clerk ha? previously furnished each Counci Imember With a copy thereof. 2.5 PUBLIC HEARINGS. Generally, public hearings, other than those of a quasi-judicial nature, shall be conducted in the following order: Staff review Questions of Staff by Council Hearing opened by Mayor If desired, hearing closed Questions by Council Discuss ion by Council Act ion by Council Questions or corTrnents from the public shall be limited to the subject under cons iderat ion. Depending upon the extent of the agenda, and the number of persons desiring to speak on an issue, the Mayor may, at the beginning of the hear mg, limit testimony, but in no event to less than 5 minutes per individual. Any person may speak for a longer period of 4- BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &time, upon approval of the City Council, when this is deemed necessary in such cases G5 when a person is speaking as a representative of a group or has graphic or slide presentations requiring more time. uasi judicial hearings shal I be conducted in accordance with the principles of due process, End the city attorney shall advise the City Counci in this reg?rd. 2.6 PUBLIC a3??NTs: Any person may address the Council on any subject pertaining to City busihess, whether listed on the agenda or not, during the Public Cormients portion of the meeting. A limitation of 3 minutes shall be imposed upon each person so desiring to address the Council during the first Public CorrTnents designation on the agenda. Members of the public may speak at greater length at the end of the agenda. 5ee 5.2) 2.7 SENT AC?NDA Items of rout inc nature, and non-controversial, shall be placed on the consent agenda. All Items may be approved by one blanket motion Upon unanimous consent. Prior to, or following rev jew of, the consent agenda by the city manager, any Counci Imember may request that any item be withdrawn from the consent agenda for separate consideration. However, any Counci lr?ember may abstain from voting on any consent agenda item without requesting its removal from the consent agenda, and the city clerk shall be instructed to record such abstentions in the minutes. 2.8 PRESENTATl()?? BY v?BERS THE UNCIL: The mayor or any Counci Imember may bring before the Council any new business under the Report and Requests portion of the Agenda. These matters need not be specif ic?l ly I isted on the Agenda, but formal action on such matters shall be deferred until a subsequent Council meeting unless deemed to be of an urgent nature or unless discussed at the study session preceding such Council meeting. 3. PRES ID INC OFFICER 3.1 PRESIDING FICER: The Mayor shall be the Presiding Officer at all meetings of the Council. In the absence of the Mayor, the Mayor pro tern. shall preside. In the absence of both the Mayor and the Mayor pro tern., the Council shall elect a 5- BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &temporary presiding off icer to serve unt I the arrival of the Mayor or Mayor pro tern. or until adjournment. In accordance with Government Code Sect ion 36B01 the Council shall meet on the Tuesday after each general municipal elect ion and choose one of its number as mayor and one as mayor pro tern. Each select on sha I I be by three or more affirmative votes, and a failure to achieve such total of affirmative votes, shal be deemed a select ion of the incumbent(s) to remain in office. Each person so selected s h a II serve un t i I a S u c ce 55 or i S chosen at any time) by three or more affirmative votes, provided, that at the first regular meeting in April of each odd numbered year, the office of mayor and mayor pro tern. shall automatically be reconsidered by the Council. 3.2 CALL TO O?DER: The meeting of the ounci I shall be cal led to order by the Mayor Cr, in his absence, by the Mayor pro tern In the absence of both the Mayor and the Mayor pro tem. the meeting shall be called to order by the City ClerLc, whereupon the City Clerk shall irmiediately call for the select ion of a temporary Presiding Officer. 3.3 PARTlCIPATI? OF PR?SIDINC FICER The Presiding Officer may move, second, and debate from the Chair, subject only to such limitations of debate as are imposed on Eli Counci Imembers, and he shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Counci Imember by reason of his acting as Presiding Officer. However, the Presiding Officer is primarily responsible for the conduct of the meeting. If he desires to personally engage in extended debate on questions before the Council, he should consider turning the Chair over to another member. 3.4 U?STI? TO STATED. The Presiding Officer shall verbally restate each quest ion i?ediateIy prior to calling for the vote. Following the vote the residing Officer shall verbally announce whether the quest ion carried or was defeated. The Presiding Officer may also publicly state the effect of the vote for the benefit of the audience before proceeding to the next i tern of business. 3.5 SIGNING L*??NTS: The Mayor, or Mayor pro tern., in the absence of the Mayor, shall sign ordinances adopted by the City Council. BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &The City Clerk, or Deputy City Clerk, shall attest to the Signature of the Mayor or Mayor pro tern. 3.6 lNTENANCE OF CRDER: The Mayor or Presiding Officer is responsible for the maintenance of order nd decorum at Eli times. No person is BI lowed to speak who hR5 not first been recognized by the Chair. All questions and remarks shall be addressed to the Cha i r. 4. R U L S, D E C OR U M, A N D 0 D E R 4.1 POINTS OF CRDER. The Presiding Officer shall determine all Points of Order subject to the right of any member to appeal to the Council. If any Bppeal is taken, the question shall be, Shall the decision of the presiding Off i?er be susteined?" in which event a majority vote shall govern and conclusively determine such question of order. 4.2 DECO??LE? AND CRDER COUNC I BERS a) Any Co unc i Imember desirIng to speak shEll address the Chair End, upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, shall confine himself to the question under debate. b) A Counci Imember desiring to question the staff shall address his question to the city manager or city attorney, in appropr i ate cases, who sha I I be ent it led either to answer the inquiry himself or to designate some member of his staff for that purpose. c) A Counc i Imember once recognized, shall not be interrupted while speaking unless cal led to order by the Presiding Officer; unless a Point of Order is raised by another Counci Imember; or unless the speaker chooses to yield to questions from another Counci Imember d) Any Counci Imember cal led to order while he is speaking shall cease speaking immediately until the question of order is determined. If ruled to be in order, he shall be permitted to proceed. f ruled to be not in order, he shall remain silent or shall alter his remarks so as to comply with rules of the Council e) Counci Imembers shall accord the utmost courtesy to each other, to city employees, and to the public appearing before the Council and shall refrain at all times from rude and derogatory remarks, ref lect ions as to 7- BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &inte?ri ty, abusive corTrnents and statements ES to motives and personalities f) Any Councilmember may move to require the Presiding Officer to enforce the rules and the affirmative vote of a m?jority of the Counci shall require him to so act 4.3 DEQ??? AND CF?DER LOYEE5? Members of the administrative staff and employees of the City shall observe the same rules of procedure and decorum applicable to members of the Council. The city manager shall insure that all City employees observe such decorum. Any staff members, including the city manager desiring to addreSs the Council or members of the public shall first be recognized by the Chair. All remarks shall be addressed to the Chair and not to any one jndividu?l Counci Imember or member of the public. 4.4 D?C(??I? AND RD?R PUBLIC Members of the public attending Council meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Council. Any person making impertinent and slanderous rem?rks or who becomes boisterous wh i le addressing the Counci? or while attending the Council meeting shall be removed from the room if the sergeant-of-arms is so directed by the presiding Officer, and such person may be barred from further audience before the Council. Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of feet, whistles, yel Is and similar demonstrations shall not be permitted by the Presiding Officer, who may direct the sergeant-of-arms to remove such offenders from the room. Aggravated cases shall be prosecuted on appropriate complaint signed by the Presiding Officer. 4.5 NFORCE?NT OF The head of the City's police agency or his designee shall be ex-off icic sergeant-of-arms of the Counci He shall carry out all orders and instructions given him by the Presiding Officer for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum in the Council Chambers. Upon instruct ions from the Presiding Officer, it shall be the duty of the serge?nt-of-arms or his representative to eject any person from the Council Chambers or place him under arrest or both. As set forth in overnment Code Section 54957.9, in the event that any meeting is willfully interrupted by a group or groups of persons so as to render the orderly conduct of such meeting unfeas ible End order cannot be restored by the removal of individuals who are willfully interrupting the 6- BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 & meeting, the members of the Council may order the meeting room cleared and continue in session. Only matters appearing on the agenda may be considered in such a session. Duly accredited representatives of the press or other news media, except those participating in the disturbance, shall be a I I owed to at tend any session held pursuant to this section. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the Council from establishing a procedure for readmitting an individual or individuals not responsible for willfully disturbing the orderly conduct of the meeting. 4.6 PERS?AL PRIVILEGE. The right of a member to address the Council on a question of personal privilege shall be limited to c?ses in which his integrity, character, or motives are assailed, questioned or impugned. 4.7 CmFLICT OF INTEREST: All Counci Imembers are subject to the provisions of California Law, such as Chapter 7, Title 9, of the California overnment Code, relative to conflicts of interest, and to conflicts of interest codes adopted by the Council. Any Counci Imember prevented from voting because of a conflict of interest shall refrain from debate and voting. Such Counci Imember may choose to leave the Council Chambers during debate and voting on he issue. 4.6 L1MITATI? OF DE?ATE: No Counci Imember normally should speak more th2n once upon any one subject until every other member choosing to speak thereon h?s spoken. No member shall spe?k for a longer time than five minutes each time he has the floor, without the approval of a majority vote of the Council. 4.9 DISSENTS AND P?OTESTS. Any member shall have the right to express dissent from or protest to any action of the Council and have the reason entered in the minutes. If such dissent or protest is desired to be entered in the minutes, this should be made clear by language such as, *?I would like the minutes to show that I am opposed to this action for the following reasons 4.10 PRCCEDURES IN ABSENCE OF RULES: In the absence of a rule herein to govern a point or procedure, Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Rev ised, shall be used as a guide. 9- BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 & 4.11 RULING5 OF AIR FINAL UNLESS OVERRULED: In presiding aver Council meetings, the Mayor, Mayor pro tem. or temporary Presiding Officer shall decide RI! quest on S of inter p ret st ion of these r U Ic S p0 in t S of order or 0th e r q u e 5 t On S of pro cc d U r e req U i r I n g r U I I n g 5. Any such decis ion or ruling shall be final unless overridden or suspended by a majority vote of the Counci Imembers present and voting, and shall be binding and legally effective even though clear ly erroneous) for purposes of the matter under consideration. 5. A D D R E S S I N G T H E S 0 U N C I L 5.1 M?NER OF A?>DRESSlN? THE CX)UNCIL'. Any member of the public desiring to address the Council shall proceed to the podium and wait to be recognized by the Presiding Officer. After being recognized he sha I I state his name and address for the record. All remarks and questions shall be addressed to the Chair and not to any individual Counci Imember staff member or other person. During a public hearing, all remarks shall be limited to the subject under consideration. No person shall enter in?o any discussion without being recognized by the Presiding Officer. 5.2 TIME LIMITATIC?'?. Any member of the public desiring to address the Council shall limit his address to five 5) minutes unless further time has been granted by the Presiding Officer in the individual case, or in accordance with Section 2.5. 5.2.1 E?ception. A limit of three minutes is imposed during the Public Corrrrent? portion of the Egenda. See 2.6) 5.3 ADDRESSl?G THE m?CIL AFTER MOTION S MADE: After a mo t i on has been made, or after a pub I i c hearing has been closed, no member of the pub I Ic sha I I address the Council without first securing permission by a majority vote of the Council. 5.4 LIMITATIONS REGARDINC PUBL!C NTS AND REPCRTS The ma?ing of oral corTTTIuniCEt ions to the Council by any member of the public during the Pub I ic Co?ents" andi ia BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &or Public Reports end Requests'? portions of the agenda shall be subject to the fol owing I imitations. 5.4.1 At any time, before or after the oral corryrlunication is coiwnenced, the Presiding Officer may if he deems it preferable, direct that the Corrrflunication be made instead either to the city manager or other appropriate st?ff member during regular business hours, or in writing for subsequent submi tt?l to Counci Imembers pursuant to Section 5.5. 5.4.2 No speaker shall be permitted to address the Council on a topic which is currently before or about to be submitted for cons iderat ion by a City comniss ion, board or other agency before wh ch the speaker should make his presentation, until that latter body has completed its del iberat ions and taken its final act ion. In case the speaker should have followed an otherwise available appeal procedure, the Presiding Officer shall not allow oral comnunicBt ion to the Council outside that procedure. 5.4.3 The Presiding Officer may limit the number of speakers heard on non-agenda topics at any single meeting. Those whose presentations are postponed shall be given priority at the next meeting during the Public Corrrnents" or Public Reports End Requests' port ions of the genda). 5.4.4 If it appears that several speakers desire to speak regarding a single topic, the Presiding Officer may reasonably I Lmit the number speaking as to each side of an issue. In this regard, preference may be given to Speakers who represent groups of persons who have designated a spokesman. 5.4.5 No oral comnunication shall be allowed to include charges or complaints against any employee of the City, regardless of whether such employee is identified in the presentation by name or by any other reference which tends to identify him. All charges or complaints against employees shall be submitted to the city manager for appropriate action, and may also be submitted to members of the Council by written comnunicat ion. 5.5 ITTEN Oy?RESPC?D?NCE: The city manager is authorized to receive and open all mail addressed to the Council as a whole and give it imnediate attention to the end that all administrative business referred to in said cormiunicat ions, and not necessarily requiring Council act ion, may be disposed of between Council meetings. A copy of such corirnunicat ion shall be sent to each Counci member marked Information On I y 11 BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &Any oriynunicat ion relat ir,g to a matter pending, or to be brought before the City Council shall be included in the agenda packet for the meeting at which such item is to be consIdered. Let t e r 5 of app e a I from a dm1 n I S t rat I v e or corrmi 55 ion decIsions shall be processed under appi icable provisions o? the Municipal Code, or other ordinances. Copies of all other corwnunicat ions sent to the Council will be transmitted to them. 5.6 PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO BE WITHIN PLATFO? No person except City officials shall be permitted Wi thin the platform area in front of the Council table WIthout the invi tat ion or consent of the Presiding Officer. 6. MO T I ON S 6.1 PR?SSlNO OF MDTIONS: When a motion i S made end seconded, t sh a I I be stated by the Presiding Officer before debate. A motion so stated shall not be withdrawn by the mover without the consent of the person seconding it. 6.2 MOTI?S OUT OF ORDER: The Presiding Officer may at any time, by majority consent of the Council, permit a member to introduce anordinance, resolution, or motion out of the regular agenda order. 6.3 D!VISI? OF QUESTION: If the quest ion contains two or more divisionable propositions, the Pres I ding Officer may, Rnd upon request of a member shall unless appealed), divide the same. 6.4 PRECEDENCE OF TIONS: When a motion is before the Counci no motion shal be entertained except the following, which shall have preceden?e in the fo I I ow ng o?der a. Adjourn b. FI? hour of adjournment c. Table d. Limit or terminate discussion a. Amend f. Postpone 12 BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 & 6.5 MOTICN TO AD3OLRN. not deb?table) A motion to adjourn shall be in order at any time, except as follows! a. When repeated without intervening business or discussion. b. When made as an interruption of a member while speaking. c. When discussion has been ended, and vote on motion is pending, and d. While a vote is being taken. A motion to adjourn to another time' shall be debatable only as to the time to which the meetin? is adjourned. 6.6 DTI()? TO FIX IOI? OF AD?Li?N?NT: Such a motion shall be to set a definite time at which to adjourn and shall be undebatable and shall be unamendable except by unanimous vote. 6.? MOTIC? TO TAB\: A motion to table shall be used to temporarily by-pass the subject. A motion to table shall be undebatable and shall preclude all amendments or debate of the Subject under consideration. If the motion shall prevail, the?matter may be taken from the table" at any time prior to the end of the next regular meeting. 6.8 TI? TO LIMIT C? TERMINAT? DISCU5SI?. Such a motion shall be used to limit or close debate on, or further amendment to, the main motion and shall be undebatable. If the motion fa ii S, debate shall be reopened; if the motion passes, a vote shall be taken on the main mo t on. 6.9 TI? TO ND. A motion to amend shall be debatable only as to the amendment. A motion to amend an amendment shall be in order, but a motion to amend an amendment to an amendment shall not be in order. An amendment modifying the intent ion of a motion shall be in order, but an amendment relating to a different matter shall not be in order. A substitute motion on the same subject sha I I be acceptable, and voted on before a vote on the amendment. Amendments shall be voted first, then the main motion as amended. 13 BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 & 6.10 TI? TO TINU?. Motions to continue to a definite time she! I be amendable end debatable as to propriety of postponement end time set. 7. V 0 T I N C P R 0 C E D U R E 7.1 VOTING PRCCE[)LRE In acting upon every motion, the vote shall be taken by voice or roll call or any other method by which the vote of each Counci Imember present can be clearly ascertained. The vote on each motion shall then be entered in full upon the record. The order of voting shall be alphabetical with the Mayor voting last. The Clerk shat call the names of all members seated when a roll call vote is ordered or required. Members shall respond aye', no' or abste in' provided that when a vote is collectively taken by voice or when a method of voting other than by voice or roll cal I is used, any Counci Imember not audibly and clearly responding * no' or abstain' or otherwise registering an objection shall have his vote recorded as aye *7.2 ROLL CALL VOTING: E?ery ordinance and any resolutions or o?ders for franchises or payments of money require three ff irmative votes. A roll call vote shall be used for these changes. Any other quest ion before the Council shall not require 9 roll call vote unless demanded by any member. It sh?al I not be in order for members to explain their vote during roll call. Any member may change his vote before the next order of business. 7.3 FAILLRE TO VOTE. Every Counci Imember should vote unless disqualified for cause. A Counci Imember who abstains shall' for purpose of the i tern under cons iderat ion, be considered as if absent. 7.? RE?S?DERATI?. ji Any Council member who voted with the rnajor;(ty may move a r cc on S i de rat i on of en y act ion at the same meet i ng. After a motion for reconsideration has once been acted upon, no other mo t ion for a r e cons i de rat i on thereof S hal I be made without unanimous consent of the Council. 14 BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 & 7.5 TIE VOTES. Tie votes shall be lost motions. When all Counci Imembers are present, a tie vote on whether to grant an appeal from official act ion shall be considered a denial of such appeal, unless the Council takes other action to further consider the matter. If a tie vote results at a time when less than all members of the Council are present, the matter shall automatically be continued to the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Council, unless otherwise ordered by the Council. R E S 0 L U T I 0 N S 8.1 DEFIN?TI?S: As a rule of thumb, it can be said that legislative acts of the City Council usually a rule of public conduct for long-term application) are taken by ordinance, whereas more r?utine business and dministrat ive matters usually more temporary and trans i tory in nature) are ac comp I i shed by resolutions". The term resolution" in its general sense will denote any action taken affirmatively via a vote of the Council, other than one taken by ordinance. As used in this City, however, three terms are in general use to denote such non-ordinance) act ions. resolution", minute order", and mot ion" thereafter recorded by minute entry). Technically, all three are equally as legally effective and binding; they just vary in the formality of respective memorialization. The most formal is referred to locally as a resolution". This, in addition to being referenced in the minutes, will be recorded by a separate document, numbered in sequence and pre5erved in a separate set of books. Such resolutions" are used in this City for various reasons, such ES when specifically required by law, when needed as a separate evidentiary document to be transmitted to another governmental agency, or where the frequency of future reference b Bc k to i t S con ten t 5 war rant 5 a sep a rate document with the add it jona I whereas" explanatory material it often recites) to faci I itate such future reference and research. A minute order" as used locally denotes a separate document which is also maintained in a separate set of books, under a system of sequential numbering, and is referenced in the minutes; however, the minute order" is drafted far more briefly than a reso I ut i on" and is distinguished from a mere minute entry only by the need, in general, to have a separate document to facilitate certain administrative processes to which it pertains 15 BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &The mot ion" assuming it was one which passed) is a Council action which is recorded simply by an item entry in the minutes of the meeting at which it was accomplished? and no separate document is made to memorial i ze it. 8.2 RESOLUTICNS PREPARED IN ADVANCE.. Where a resolution has been prepared in advance, the procedure shall be. motion, second, discussion, vote pursuant to methods prescribed in Sect ion 7.1, and result declared. It shall not be necessary to read a resolution in full or by title e?cept to identify it. Any member may require that the resolution be read in full. 8.3 RESOLUTlO??S NOT PREPARED IN ADVANCE. Where a resolution has not been prepared in advance, the procedure shall be to instruct the city manager or the city attorney to prepare a resolution for presentation at the next Council meeting. 8.4 UR?ENCY RESOLUTIONS: In matters of urgency, a resolution m?y be presentad verbally in motion form together with instructions for wr I t ten pr e pa rat on for I e t e r e Xe c u t i on. After the resolution has been verbally stated, the voting procedure in 8.2 above shall be followed. Urgency r e so I Ut i on S sh a I I be a V 0 l d e d except when a bso I ut e I y necessary; and shall be avoided ent rely when resolutions are required by law, in improvement acts, zoning matters, or force account work on public projects. Where the resolution has been drafted in written form, either before or during the meeting, this paragraph shall not be deemed applicable. 9. 0 R D I N A N C E S 9.1 INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION CY ORDINANCES. Ordinances shall not be passed within five days of their introduction, nor at other than a regul?r meeting or at an adjourned regular meeting. However, an urgency or d nan c e may be pa 5 Se d e d i ate I y upon intro duct i on and either at a regular or special meeting. E?cept when, after reading the title, further reading is waived by regular motion adopted by unanimous vote of the Counci Imembers present, all ordinances shall be read in full either at the time of introduction or passage. When ordinances, other than urgency ordinances, are altered after introduction, they shall be passed only at a regular or at an adjourned regular meeting held at least five days after alteration. 16 BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &Corrections of typographical or clerical errors are not alterations within the meaning of this section. 9.2 E?FECTIVE DATE. All ordinances, except as provided in Sect ion 36937 of the overnment Code, shall take effect 30 dEys after adopt ion, but may be made opetat ive at such later date as may be designated in the ordinance. 9.3 PUBLISHINC. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to post or publish all ordinances in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code within 15 days after adoption. 9?4 URGENCY DlNANCES. All urgency ordinances must receive four 4) Eff irmat ive votes to be adopted and to become effective irmiediately. If such an ordinance fails to receive a 4/5 majority it may thereafter be considered and passed in the same manner as regular ordinances. 10. S T U D Y S E S S I C N S 10.1 SCHEDULE OF STUDY SESSIONS. ose Counci Irnembeps who are able to attend Wi I I meet in the r?gular meeting place of the Council every first and third Monday dt 1??oQ a.m. for the purpose of reviewing the a?enda for a Counc i I meeting and meeting and confer r i ng Wi th City corrrflissions, civic organizations and City officials relative to pending City business. The time for study sessions as specified above may be altered by the Council or by the Mayor on individual occasions when appropr late to the convenience of the Counci Imembers provided that when this occurs, written not ice of the change shall be delivered per son?l ly or by mail to each local newspaper of general circulation, radio or television station at least 24 hours before the study session to be held at the changed time. Each Counci Imember shall be notified of the changed time personally or by wh?tever means the Mayor o? city manager deem appropriate. 10.2 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Study Sessions shall at all times be open to the public and the news media, except fop. executive sessions held at such times pursuant to Government Code Section 54947.6 whereat the Council meets with its 17 BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &designated representatives prior to end during consultation and discussions with representatives of employee organizations; and b) executive sessions to consider possible or pending litigation in which the City is or could be a party. 10.3 PLRPOSE Study Sessions are not intended to constitute a meeting of the City Council and they shall be carried on regard less of the number of Counci Imembers in attendance. At said Study sessions, no formal action shall be taken, no motions shall be offered, no arguments entered into; the sole purpose of said meetings being to provide background information to members of the Council and to allow Counci Imembers to as? questions and to express personal opinions. This shall not, however, be deemed to apply with respect to executive sessions referred to in section 10.2. 10.4 AGENDA: The city manager shall be responsible for preparing an agenda of items for discuss ion at each study session. 11. 5 T A N D 1 N C C 0 M M J T T E E S 11.1 FINANCE ITTEE There shail be a standing corrrnittee of the City Council nown as the Finance Cotrrni ttee, whose duties shall be those as prescribed in the La QUinta Municipal Code or as otherwise assigned by the City Council. The Committee shall consist of two members, one of whom shall be the 16 BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09 &Mayor, who shall also Serve as its Chairperson, and the other shall be a Counri Imember appointed by the City Council ADOPTED THIS 1st day of May, 1982. MAYOR ATTEST / CITY APPROVED AS TO FCRM. APPROVED AS TO CC?TENT. x NEY ITY MANAGER 19 BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:13:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 14-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-14-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 RULES-U06 OF-U06 PROCEDURE-U06 FUNCTIONS-U07 ACTIVITIES-U07 GUIDELINES-U08 1ST-U09 DAY-U09 OF-U09 MAY,1982-U09