CC Resolution 1982-016 Establishing Planning Advisory Committee& RESOLUTION NO. 8?16 A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE. WHFREAS, the City Council has not yet established an indepen- dent Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that it i? desirable to create an advisory committee that can assist the City Council in the initial development of land use policies for the City of La Quinta by performing such duties as may be provided for herein or assigned from time to time by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish a Planning Advisory Committee composed of voting residents of this City who will, on an interim basis, act as an investigatory and advisory agency to and make recommendations to the City Council regarding land use policies; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. Establishment. A Planning Advisory Committee hereby is created. SECTION 2. Tv*?e of Committee and Member's Qualifications. The Committee shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Its members shall be residents and electors of the City of La Quinta. If a member ceases to be a resident or elector of the City, his or her membership shall terminate and a replacement who is a resident and elector of the City shall be appointed. SECTION Functions. The Committee's functions shall include, but will not be limited to: a) coordination of the activities of the Riverside County Planning Commission and the East Area Planning Council, with the City Council of the City of La Quinta on those matters that require action by or review by the Commission or the East Area Planning Council; b) initiation of a review of Riverside County ordinances, rules and regulations relating to land use to determine those which should be reviewed or modified at an early date by the City Council; and c) other duties as may be assigned by the City Council. SECTION Or?anization. The Committee shall be comprised of five members. SECTION 5. Ar?ointment, Term of Office, Vacancies, Selection of Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and Removal. The members shall be appointed by the City Council. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council for an indefinite term. Vacancies BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:20:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 16-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-16-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 PLANNING-U06 ADVISORY-U06 COMMITTEE-U06 ESTABLISHING-U07 18TH-U08 DAY-U08 OF-U08 MAY,-U08 1982-U08 &on the Committee shall be filled by the City Council. The Commit- tee shall, at its first meeting, elect one of its members who shall act as Chairman, and one of its members who shall act as Vice- Chairman in those instances when the Chairman is not in attendance. Members may be removed by a majority vote of the City Council. sECTION 6. Meetin?s and Procedures. Regular meetings of the Committee shall be held on such days and at such locations as are determined by the Committee and may be adjourned from time to time as the Committee may deem appropriate. The Chairman of the Committee may call special meetings in the manner provided for by law. All meetings shall comply with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act and shall be structured so as to permit the broadest exchange of viewpoints and communication fo ideas between members of the Committee, members of the community and other interested parties. SECTION 7. I1inutes and R?orts. The committee shall forward minutes of its meetings to the City Council and City Manager as soon as is practicable after each regular and special session. Purther, the Committee may forward reports to the City Council and/or the City Manager as appropriate. SECTION 8. Staffin? Assistance. The Committee shall have reasonable access to, and cooperation of, all City staff as necessary to proper performance of the functions described above. Requests for additional professional staff and/or financial assistance shall be directed to the City anager and shall be subject to subsequent approval by the City Council. SECTION 9. TerminatiOn. The Committee's functions shall terminate and the Committee shall be disestablished upon the creation and establishment of a regularly functioning local City Planning Commission. SECTION 10. Comrensation. No member of the Committee shall receive any compensation for services rendered as a member of said Committee; provided, however, that the City Manager may provide for reimbursement of necessary expenses in such a manner and in amounts as are first approved by the City Council APPROVED and ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1982. MAYOR ATTEST $ CITY CIERK APPROVED AS TO FOR?: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT. M?<LL Y ATTORNEY CITY ANAGER 2- BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:20:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 16-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-16-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 PLANNING-U06 ADVISORY-U06 COMMITTEE-U06 ESTABLISHING-U07 18TH-U08 DAY-U08 OF-U08 MAY,-U08 1982-U08 &EXHIBIT A" page Two Var?ance revi?w a?thor?ity. 4. Conditional se permit review and authority. 5. Appeals from Admin?Strativ6 decisions. 6. Adv?sory to the City Council with respect to ITlatters of the zoning text. 7. Design review authority ien signs are a part of an overall project review. B. Subdivision egulations 1. Advisory Agency to the City Council in subdivi- s? on matters, i.e. tentative nap and parcel map review. 2. Advisory to the City Council in matters of specific plans for street right-of-?ay. BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:20:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 16-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-16-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 PLANNING-U06 ADVISORY-U06 COMMITTEE-U06 ESTABLISHING-U07 18TH-U08 DAY-U08 OF-U08 MAY,-U08 1982-U08 & E X_H I B I T B SbCTION I State Law equirements for D?ties of a lanning Agency/Commission A. It shall deve?op nd maintain a general plan. B. It shall deve?op such specific plans as may be necessary or desirable. C. It shall period?caily review the Capital Improve- nient Pro?ram of the City. D. it shall perform such other f?nctionings as a legislative Body, City Council) may provide. sFCTION TI The responsibilities of mdi ntai ring a General Plan are as follows: A. Authority and scope of General P]anS. 1. Fach p]anning agcncy/corrn].ssion shall prepare and dopt a comprehensive org-term General Plan for the City. 2. The General Plan sh?ll include territory out- side the City Limits, which in the City?s judgement, bears relation to it's plahning. 3. The required General Plan elements vhich must be adopted and maintained by the Commission are as follows: a. Land Use b. Circulation C. Ilousing d. Conservation and open space e. Seismic safety f. Noise g. Scenic llighway h. Safety SECTION III Current esponsibilitie5 of the Co?ission ith respect to duties assigned by the City Council as of this date the fol lowing are, to our knowledge, the current responsi- hi lities of the Coinissi on. A. Zoning Regulations 1. Advisory to the City Council with respect to Zone LhangeS j4nendlnents to the text of the Zoning regulations and General Plan A?erdment5. 2. Design rev]cw authority with respect to new de- velopinental projects within the City. BIB] 04-19-1996-U01 02:20:22PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 16-U02 RESOLUTION-U03 NO.-U03 82-16-U03 CITY-U04 COUNCIL-U04 CITYCLKDOCS-U05 PLANNING-U06 ADVISORY-U06 COMMITTEE-U06 ESTABLISHING-U07 18TH-U08 DAY-U08 OF-U08 MAY,-U08 1982-U08