CC Resolution 1982-033& RESOLUTION NO. 82-?3 A RESOLUTION CF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING THE CITY ATTORNEY. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION i. Raymond B. Ott is appointed City Attorney for the City of La Quinta, effective August 1, 1982, to serve at the pleasure of the city Council, as a regular employee of the City. SECTION 2. His initial salary, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment shall be as outlined in Chapter 2.16 of the Municipal Code, and in that certain letter from him dated July 15, 1982, a copy of which is, and shall remain, on file in the office of the City Clerk. SECTION 5. This Resolution supersedes Resolution No. 82-2 adopted on May 1, 1982. APPRO?D and ADOPTB? this 20th day of July 1982. ATTEST: 7 CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: A 7\ 7< TT< ORNE ITY MANAGER BIB] 04-23-1996-U01 02:26:14PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 33-U02 & July 1 1982 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council of La Quinta P. 0. Box i?o4 La Quinta, California 92253 FROM: Raymond E. Ott, Interim City Attorney SUBJECT: Offer to Serve as Regular City Attorney Now that the City has been successfully inaugurated and has passed its initial 2? months of official existence, I wish to take this opportunity to offer my services as your regular City Attorney. I propose that I be hired as a part-time employee, upon terms and conditions as follows, which are exactly the same relatively) as my present time employment as City Attorney for the City of Cathedral City: i. Hours: I anticipate the services required of me would entail approximately 41-time or ten hours per week. This would involve attendance at all Council meetings and regular study sessions, and office work at the City Hall or other locations, subject to scheduling to meet the needs of the City Manager and of the City administration in general. 2. Salary: The same as I have been receiving as interim City Attorney: $1,250.00 per month. This would be firm for at least the remainder of 1982. It may thereafter be subject to renegotiation, with the desire on my part to maintain a parity in the future with the terms of my employment with Cathedral City. 3. Vacation: Three weeks paid vacation per year accrual rate of 14' days per month of service). Accrual shall commence effective May 1, 1982, with five days beginning credit to account for work performed prior to that date. 4. Expenses: There shall be reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties for the City. 5. Sick Leave: One day entitlement paid leave) for each month of service, cumulative, but usable only for actual sickness or physical dis- ability. 6. Frin?e Benefits: If and when these are established for employees who work less than 21-time, I will be included as a participant in programs and fringe benefits such as but not limited to) retirement, BIB] 04-23-1996-U01 02:26:14PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 33-U02 &Letter to City COufloil, 7-15-82 Page 2 life or disability insurance, income continuation insurance, automobile allowances, and the like. 7. Duties.' To serve principally as house counsel" for the City Gcv?rnment and legal advisor to the City Council, performing in general the duties pre- scribed in Chapter 2.16 of the Municipal Code. Other than such minor, routine and rudimentary litigation in Municipal Court as can be handled within the basic time employment framework prescribed in #1 above, I will not be able to handle any litigation in which the City might become involved. Such litigation will need to be contracted out to law firms equipped and staffed to handle such litigation. If Council decides to employ my services, I shall prepare an appropriate resolution for action by Council at a regular meeting. Sincerely, ND F. OT?? BIB] 04-23-1996-U01 02:26:14PM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 33-U02