CC Resolution 1982-037 Fees& RESOLUTION NO. 82-37 A RESOLUTION CF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE CERTAIN SCHEDULES OF FEES, PAYMENTS, DEPOSITS FOR PERMITS, INSPECTIONS, APPLICATION PROCESSINGS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS GOVERNMENTAL AND PROPRI- ETARY SERVICES. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does resolve as follows SECTION 1. With regard to services and operations which con- tinue to be performed for the City, by personnel, departments or agencies of the County of Riverside, the applicable fees, payments and deposits chargeable in connection with such services and opera- tions shall be the same as are established heretofore, and from time to time in the future, by County ordinances, resolution, rules and regulations, or otherwise, which are applicable for the same or similar services or operations performed in unincorporated areas of the County. SECTION 2. With regard to any other services and operations performed by or for the City of La Quinta not encompassed by Section 1 above, there is hereby adopted by reference the schedule of fees, payments, deposits chargeable for certain permits, inspections, application processings and other miscellaneous governmental and proprietary services, as set forth in Resolution No. i?189 of the City of Palm Springs, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and shall be applied insofar as the same may be made applicable to the services and operations of the City of La Quinta. SECTION With regard to services and operations performed by or for the City of La Quinta and for which the said Resolution incorporated by reference in Section 2 above does not provide a rate for a fee or charge, then in that event the fee or charge applicable under the County schedules referred to in Section 1 above may be applied. In the event none of the said schedules can be made applicable, then the City Manager is authorized to compute a charge or fee, and to make the same applicable, in an amount reasonably necessary and adequate to reimburse the City for the costs to the public of performing the particular service or operation which is involved. APPROVED and ADOPTED this Mj>jj? t'il#?, 1982. MAY ATTEST: V C?TLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO ONT?NT? TYATTORNEY CITY MANAGER BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 08:24:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 37-U02 & RESOLUTION NO. 13t89 U OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM SPRINGS, RESCINDING RESOLUTION 10805 AS AMENDED, AND ADOPT- ING A NEW COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS by Resolution No. 10805, the City Council established a Comprehensive Fee Schedule, prescribing the amount of fees, payments, deposits and the like chargeable for certain permits, inspections, appli&ation processings and other miscellaneous governmental and proprietary services; and WHEREAS Resolution No. 10805 has been amended numerous times', and WHEREAS the Staff has reviewed services performed in processing applications? permits, inspections, and miscellaneous governmental and proprietary services; and WHEREAS the Staff recommends revisions and corrections to the Comprehensive Fee Schedule, and WHEREAS it is desirable to adopt a new Comprehensive Fee Schedule, incorporating all changes to date; 40W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Palm 4 Springs as follows: Section 1. Resolution No. 10805, as amended, is hereby rescinded. Section 2. The attached Comprehensive Fee Schedule is adopted. Section 3. All fees become effective immediately, except sewer service charges which become effective on January 1, 1980. ADOPTED this 5th day of December 1g79* AYES: Council?mbers Beadling, Doyle, Field, Rose and Mayor Beirich NOES: Non? ABSENT: None ATTEST. CITY OF PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA /g/ J. Stimich /R/ flallas Ptic?k By___________________________________ Ac?ing City Clerk ActingCity Manager REVIEWED & APPROVED 1 *? BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 08:24:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 37-U02 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administrative Minor Modifications A~tenna {outside) Permits Appeals Board Heartng Fee Architectural Approval Over IO acres Under lO acres Minor Architectural Approval Attendant Parking Building Permits 1.O0 to 500.00 total valuatlon 501.00 to 20OO.00 COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE 2OO1.00 to 25,OOO.OO 25,0Ol.OO to 50,0OO.00 50,OO1.OO to 100,OO0.OO 1OO,OOl.OO to 500,000.OO 500,001.OO and up Strong-Motion Instrumentation Program Tax on Bldg. Permits 60.00 10.00 100.OO 560,00 510.00 55.00 1~0.00 5.00 5.00 for first 500 + 1.OO for each additional 100.OO or fraction thereof, to and including 2000.00. 20.00 for first 2,000.00 + 4.00 for each additional 1000.OO or fraction thereof, to and including 25,000. I12.00 for first 25,000.00 + 3.O0 for each additional 1,O00.O0 or fraction thereof, to and including 50,000. 187.00 for first 50,000.00 + 2.DO for each additional 1,O00.O0 or fraction thereof, to and including lOO,O00. 287.00 for first 100,O00.00 + 1.50 for each additional 1,000.OO or fraction thereof, to and including 500,000. BBT.O0 for first 500,000.00 + 1.00 for each additional 1,O00 or fraction thereof. .07 per each 1,000.00 of building valuation (Min. of .50) COf(PREHENSIYE FEE SCHEDULE PAG£ 2 - COF94UNiTY OEYELOPMENT (cont'd.) Plan-Checking Fees: I and d Occupancies All Other Occupancies Bicycle License Fees Issuance or replacement of 11cerise Change of Zone Application Fee Conditional Use Permit Construction Permits Barricades Cross Gutters Curb Oemolttlon Driveway Approach Conmmrctal Residential Manholes, Catch Basins, Clean-outs & Saddles Minimum Permit Fee Pavement (New) 50 to 5,000 sq. ft. S,O00 sq. ft. or more Pavement (Remove & Replace) Penalty Fee Pump Stations Sewers & Storm Drains Sidewalks Coo~erctal Residential Spandrels 1/2 of the above building permit fee when the valuation exceeds 1,O00.OD. 65% of the above building permit fee when evaluation exceeds 1,O00.O0. 1.00 (applicable until State Law and/or local ordinances mandate otherwise). 525.00 685.00 (In addition to Architectural Review Fees) 6.00 each plus the Following: 17.00 each 17.00 each + .17 per lineal ft. over 50 ft. .17 per lineal foot 29.00 29.00 17.00 17.00 each 17.00 31.00 .006 sq. ft. 29.00 77.00 290.00 each .23/lineal ft. .OS sq. ft. .06 sq. ft. 17.00 each COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE PAGE 3 - CO~MUHITY DEVELOPMENT {Cont'd.) Street Cuts for Utilities For sewer laterals Street Ltghts Structures Electrical Permits Fixed Appliances 1110 Volt) Light Fixtures Meter Loop Motors Not over 1 HP I HP to 3 HP 3 HP to 8 HP 8 HP to 15 HP 15 HP to 50 HP 50 HP to 100 HP All Outlets 1110 Volt) Temporary Construction Servlce Temporary use of permanent service prior to final Inspection Traller Spaces 220 Volt Outlets Inspection for retnstallation of meter re~ved by utility company Encroachments Annual deposits, bond for continuing use & add. bond Encroachment Deposits Encroachment Permtts Environmental Documents Full or Major Study Special Negative Declaration (Minor Study) Filing fee for Appeal of Determination .06/lineal ft. 17.00 17.00 each 17.00 each 4.00 each + the following: .50 each .25 each 2.00 each 1.00 each 1.50 each 2.00 each 2.50 each 3.00 each 5.00 each .25 each S.O0 each $.00 each 2.00 each 1.O0 each 5.00 each Deposits & bonds set individually. Fee determined by individual circumstance. 14.00 710.00 Min. or 12% of consultant cost, whichever is higher. 240.00 Staff administrative and Review fee, plus Consultant fees and printing cost. 15.00 COe~PREHENSIVE FEE SCHEO~ILE PAGE 4 - COF~UNITY DEVELOPMENT (Cont'd.) Fled Control For those properties within Coachella Valley County Water District: Tentative land division map Tentative statutory condominium subdivision Revised tentative land division map filed within g years of date of approval Revised tentative land division map filing after 2 years Revised tentative statutory condominium subidivsion map filing after 2 years For those properties within Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District: Tentative Subdivision map Tentative statutory condominium subdivision map Tentative parcel maps Mobile I4~ Parks/Travel Trailer Parks General Plan Amendment Grading Permits 50 cu. yds. or less 51 to 100 cu. yds. 101 to 1,000 cu. yds. 1,001 to 10,000 cu. yds. 10,001 to 100,000 cu. yds. 100,001 cu. yds. or mere Grading Plan-Check Parcel Size: 0 - 10,000 sq. ft. 10,000 sq. ft. - 1/2 acre 1/2 acre - 1 acre 1 - S acres S - 10 acres 10 * acres I00.00 + 1.50 per lot lO0.O0 + lO.O0/gross acre No fee lO0.O0 + 1.50 per lot or paroel lO0.O0 + lO.O0/gross acre 200.00 + 2.00 per lot + 2.00 per lot plan check fee. 200.00 + 12.50 per gross acre + 4.00/gross acre plan check fee. 125.00 + 2.00 per lot 150.00 + 2.00 per lot. 480.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 for first 100 yds. + 7.00 for each additional · 100 yds. or fraction thereof. 78.00 for first 1,O00 yds. + 6.00 for each additional l,OOD yds. or fraction thereof. 132.00 for first lO,O00 yds. + 27.00 for each additional lO,O00 yds. or fraction thereof. 375.00 for first lO0,O00 yds. + 15.00 for each additional 10,000 yds. or fraction thereof. 110.00 125.00 165.00 185.00 200.00 200.00 per 10 acres. COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE PAGE 5 - CO~IUNITY DEVELOPMENT House Novtng RPpltcation 155.00 House Hovtng Inspection Fee 50.00 + 15.00 per sectton. In-Lieu-of-Parking Fees 7,200.00 per space Lot Ltne Adjustments 80.00 Mechanical Permits Install or relocate forced-air or gravity furnace or burner to and 1nc1. 100,000 gTU. 4.00 Over 100,000 BTU 5.00 Air handltng unit to and incl. 10,000 cfm including attached ducts. 3.00 Over lO,O00 cfm. 5.00 Evap. cooler (non-portable). i 3.00 Vent fan connected/single duct. 2.00 Ventilation Syste~not part of heattng/a.c, system wtth permit. 3.00 Hood served by mechanical exhaust including hood ducttng. 3.00 Repair, alter, or add to heating appliance, refrigerator, etc. 4.00 Install, relocate, or replace appliance vent not included in appltcance permit 2.00 Install or relocate boiler or coepressor to and incl. 3 HP or absorption system to and incl. lO0,O00 BTU. 4.00 To and incl. 15 HP or to and incl. 500,000 BTU. 7.50 To and incl. 30 HP or to and incl. l,O00,O00 BTU. lO.O0 To and incl. 50 HP or to and incl. 1,750,000 BTU. 15.00 Over 50 HP or over 1,750,000 BTU. 25.00 Appltcance or equip, regulated this Code: No category listing 3.00 Mobilehome Installations Application Flltng Fee 5.00 Installation Permit Fee 35.00 Re-Inspection Fee 30.00 Plan Check Fees for Improvements, including street plans, water plans and sewer plans for improvements constructed in the public right-of-way or on-site Planned Oevelopment District .65/lineal ft. of Improvement, measured along centerltne of the street, sewer, or waterpipe. 50.00 Min. 775.00 COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE PAGE 6 - CO~94UNITY DEVELOPMENT (Cont'd.) Planning Cae~tssion Items Agenda only - yearly Complete package - yearly Complete package - per meeting Minutes only - yearly Plumbing Permits: Bathtub, lavatory, toilet, urinal, laundry tray, shower, sink, garbage disposal, dishwasher, auto washer, drinking fountain, water piping, water heater, other drain & trap units. Gas Outlets Leach pits : Butldtng or trailer park setmr Private sewage disposal system (Res. 12895) Sprinkler, irrigation system, including piping Rainwater drains Inspection for reinstallation of gas meter removed by utility company. Searchlight Permits Sewer Connection Fee (exclusive of street main charges or street lateral fee) a) Residential uses (including single family dwellings, apartments, co-op apartmentS, condominiums and mobile home park spaces) Residential units existing, or for which a building permit has been issued as of dune 23, 1978 and connecting during the periods: New residential units, for which a building permit is issued on or after duly l, 1979 b) Commercial & Industrial existing, or for which a building permit has been issued, as of June 23, .1978 (including coe~ercial facilities in hotels) and connecting during the periods: 10.00 230.00 lO.O0 60.00 2.00 each 1 - 5, $2.00, over 5 $2.00 + .40 for every outlet over five. 5.00 each 5.00 each lO.O0 each basic system, $5 each additional component 2.00 each 2.00 each S.O0 each 25.00 7/1/77 - 6/30/78 $250 per unit 7/1/78 - 6/30/79 $300 per unit 7/1/79 - 6/30/80 $350 per unit 7/1/80 and thereafter $400 per unit $1,120 per unit 7/1/77 - 6/30/78 7/1/78 - 6/30/79 ' 7/1/79 - 6/30/B0 7/1/BO and thereafter $ 8.00 per fixture unit $ 9.50 per fixture unit $11.00 per fixutre unit $12.50 per fixture unit COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE PAGE 7 - CO~IVlUNITY DEVELOPMENT (Cont'd.) Commercial and industrial units for which a building permit is issued on or after July 4, 1979 c) Hotel (as defined in the Zoning Ordinance) rooms without kitchens and a recreational vehicle park use, existing, or for which a building permit has been issued, as of June 23, 1978 connecting during the periods: d) Hotel units for which a building permit is issued on or after July 4, 1979 Hotel (as defined in the Zoning Ordinance) rooms existing or for which a building permit has been issued, with kitchens, connecting during the the periods: Hotel units for which a building permit is issued on or after July 4, 1979 e) Existing premises (all existing premises not otherwise provided for herein) f) Shall pay the sewer connection fee in effect at the time a permit for connection is secured. Exceptions: Premises existing as of June 23, 1978 and served by a capped sewer/dry sewer. Shall be exempted froe the sewer connection fee provided connection occurs within 90 days after official notice by the City that said capped sewer has been made operable and available for connection. Should a permit not be secured within the time frame set forth herein, the connection fee to be paid shall be that fee in effect at the time a permit for connection is secured. $35.45 per fixture unit 7/1/77 - 6/30/78 7/1/78 - 6/30/79 7/1/79 - 6/30/80 7/1/80 and thereafter $279.85 per unit 7/1/77 - 6/30/78 7/1/78 - 6/30/79 7/1/79 - 6/30/80 7/t/80 and thereafter $559.65 per unit $ 62.50 per unit $ 75.00 per unit $ 87.50 per unit $100.00 per unit $125.00 per unit $150.00 per unit $175.00 per unit $200.00 per unit COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE PAGE 8 - COMMUNtTV DEVELOPMENT (Cont'd.) g) Assessment Otstrtcts The sewer connection to be paid for premises with service nmde available by an assessment district shall be the fee in effect at the time a petition representing 60% sufficiency is filed with the City, provided said connection occurs during the course of construction but in no event later than 30 days after filing of notice of completion of the assessment district. Should a permit not be secured within the time frame set forth herein, the connection fee to be paid shall be that fee in effect at the time the permit for connection is secured. h) New Construction New construction shall pay the sewer connection fee in effect at the time a building permit ts issued by the City and said connection fee shall be paid prior to the granting of a building permit. ; Properties adjacent to City Properties outside of the City shall pay a sewer connection fee equal to twice the rate established for properties within the City limits. J) Said connection fees shall be deposited in the Sewer Fund. Sewer Inspection Sewer Street-cut Fees a) A fee of seventeen dollars ($17.00) shall be charged for each permit for street-cuts made for the purpose of a sewer installation. b) Said stroet-cut fees shall be deposited in the General Fund. 40.00 17.00 COHPR[HENSIV[ FEE SCHEDULE PAGE g - COtgqUNITY DEVELOPMENT (Cont'd.) Sewer Street Main Charges a) In addition Lo the inspection fee and any other applicable fees, when a property connecting to a City sewer has not paid its share of the cost of said sewer, there shall be patd a street main charge. Said street main charge shall be determined by the Butldtng Division, based upon one of the following formulae, whichever ts the greater: (1) Eight dollars ($8.00) per lot front foot along said sewer, or (2) at the rate established In a set, er reimbursement agreetnent adopted by resolution of the City Council for sewers constructed by a developer, or (3) At the rate established by resolution of the City Council for sewers constructed by the City in a specified applicable area. ? b) Said street main charges shall' be deposited In the Se~eer Fund, except for those charges collected through a sewer reimbursement agreeement wherein the original costs are reimbursed to the second party of said agreement. Sign Permits Special Purpose Fees Code Compliance Inspc. and Report fee Rene~al of exptred Building, Electrical, Plumbtng or Hechantcal Permit wtthtn one.year. Permit penalty for Building, Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work started without required permit. Retnspectton calls exceeding one repeat accon~nodation Rerooftng permit Street & Easement Vacation Street Name Change 8% of the value of sign - min. $2.00. 30.00 + 5.00 for each additional unit on same property. One-half original fee Double normal fee lO.O0 payable in advance ¢0.00 or standard building permit fee, whichever is greater. 330.00 llO.O0 COHPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE PAGE 10 ' COM~UNZTY DEVELOI~ENT (cont'd.) Street Number Change Subdivision Maps Ftnal Subdivision Maps Parcel Maps & Records of Survey Maps Revision of Tentative &Ftnal Subdivision Maps Tentative Parcel Maps Tentative Subdivision Maps Sub-surface Sewage Disposal Review Fee Survey Inspection Work Swimming Pool Construction Pemtts Swishing Pool Oratntng Permits Variance Application Fee (includes sign variance) 25.00 375.00 + 10.00 per acre 325.00 1/2 of fee for original subntsston 355.00 355.00 + 5.00 per acre 15.00 per untt 65.00 per hour Based on valuation as indicated in Building Permit schedule + Plan Check + Plumbing Permit + Electrical Permit 2.50 190.00 COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE PAGE - I1 CO~94tlNIl~ SERVICES )' 2, 3, 4, & 5 Angels Stadium Non-profit Use (Daily Rate) Co~ercial Use (Daily Rate) Frey, Or. J. C. Building Non-profit Use (Daily Rate) Conm~rcial and Private Group Use Golf Course Keys, deposit for Let sur~ Center Non-profit Use (Datly Rate) Co,mercial Use (Oatly Rate) (Daily Rate) 100.00 + $5S.00 if alcoholic beverages are served. 200.00 + $110.O0 if alcoholc beverages are served. 16.50 meetings, $33.00 parties, dances, dinners, etc. + $22.00 if alcoholic beverages are served. 33.00 meetings, 66.00 parties, dances, dinners, etc. + $22.00 if alcoholic beverages are served. Rates, fees & regulations as prescribed by Res. 12794 as amended, shall prevatl. 5.00 20.00 meeting, ~ltl-purpose Room; $40.00 parties, dances, Multi-purpose Room; $20.00 Kitchen; $6.00 for each hour exceeding four hours. 50.00 meetings, Multi-purpose Room; $70.00 parties, dances, Multipurpose Room; $50.00 kitchen; $10.00 for each hour exceeding four hours. COHPREH[HSIV£ FIE SCHEDULE PAGE 12 - COFf'IUNITY SERVlCES (Cont'd.) Lfbrery F~ nes*Fees-Cha~es-Reg ~ stra tion ~ge Charges - all 11brer~ ~tertals: Assess~nts for da~ged or defaced llbrary ~tertals are to be dete~tn~ by the City L~brarlan but shall not exceed: Fines, fees and cha~es - Circulating "~n-prtnt" (Audiovisual) ~tertals Rese~e ~uests Non-returned 1rems Overdue 16~ ftlms Overdue sltdes Overdue sltde/sound sets Overdue filmstrips Overdue f~lmstrtp/sound sets' Overdue 8mm & super 8n~n ftlms Overdue super 8~tn sound f~lms Overdue soundrecordtngs, dtsc Overdue soundrecordtngs, tape Overdue art prlnts Overdue sculpture repltcas Overdue circulating equipment: Cassette Player Fflmstrtp projector Sllde Projector 51tde viewer SHde sorter 8n~/Super 8m ftlm projector 2.00 + replacement cost .15 per tftle 2.00 per Item + replacement cost 1.00 per hour up to 3.00 per day per title .10 per day per tttle .10 per day per tttle .10 per day per title .10 per day per tJtle .10 per day per title .10 per day per tttle .10 per day per t~tle .10 per day per t~tle 1.00 per day per ite~ 1.00 per day per tte~ 1.00 per day per fte~ COMPREHENS]VF FEE SCH[DULE PAGE 13 - COMMUNITY SERVICES (Cont'd.) Fines, fees and charges - Circulating "Print" materials Overdue books and periodicals (up to replacement value + $2.00) Overdue reference materials Reserve requests Non-returned items Selected rental materials Borrowing without presenting a card (registered borrowers only) Registration Initial registration and renewals for resident borrowers Initial registration and renewals for non-resident borrowers Replacement of lost or stolen borrower's card; resident and non-resident Multipurpose Room Use Fees ~: Non-Profit Use (Daily Rate) Comoerctal or Private Group Religious group services - Flat charge per use Park and Playtrteld Reservations and Use Picnic Area Reservation Pla~i~telds .10 per day 1.00 per day .15 per title 2.00 per item + replacement cost .10 per day .25 per day No cost 5.00per year .50 adult .25 minor (under 18) 8.25 for 4 hours or less; 16.50 for more than 4 hours per day. 16.50 for 4 hours or less; $33.00 for more than 4 hours per day. 50.O0/day 5.00 up to 50 people 10.00 over 50 people 10.00 reservation and bases 15.00 lights, DeMuth Park 10.00 lights, Angel Stadium Practice Field. COiMPREH£NSIYE FEE SCHEDULE PAGE 14 - CO~tUNITY SERVICES (Cont'd.) Pavilion Non-profit Use (Daily Rate) (after 8 hours of use, excluding set-up and take down, add $6.00 per hour of additional use) {after 8 hours of use, excluding set-up and take down, add $12.00 per hour of additional use) Conmmrclal and Private Group Use (Dally Rate) Hall (after 8 hours of use, excluding set-up and take doWn, add $12.00 per hour of additional use) i' (after 8 hours of use, excluding set-up and t~ke down, add $24.00 per hour of additional use) Shownobtle Application Fee - Not refundable Non-profit Organization/ Coma~rctal & Political Organizations 27.50 meetings 1/3 of hall, $55.00 2/3 of hall, $82.50 Complete Hall + hourly charge at cost of Custodian/ Rental Man; $82.50 Parties, Dances, Dinners, Banquets 1/3 Hall; $2g0 Complete Hall; $300 over 1000 people + hourly charge at cost of Custodian/Rental Man. If alcoholic beverages served, add $30 for 1/3 hall, $80 for cor~lete hall, $110 for over 1000 people. 55.00 Meetings 1/3 Hall; S110 2/3 Hall; $165 Complete + hourly charge at cost of Custodian/Rental Man; $22S parties, dances, dinners, banquets 1/3 hall; $700 Complete Hall + hourly charge at cost of Custodian/ Rental Man. If alcoholic beverage is served add $50 for 1/3 hall $I$0 for complete hall. A flat fee of $200 per day will be charged in place of the regular rental rate for those days exhibitors will be charged 7( per sq. ft. of space used. Total footage 12,DUO sq. ft., allowing 2,000 sq. ft. for aisles, lO,O00 sq. ft. of exhibit space is available for use. Charge will be made on the basis of the amount of footage used or the regular rental rates, whichever is greater. Maximum charge not to exceed $700 for 1/2 of hall. 10.00 6S base fee for 3 hrs. + I hr. set-up and take-doWn time + $10 per hr. for each hour over 4 hours. 100 base fee for 3 hrs. + 1 hr. set-up and take-doWn time + $20 per hr. for each hour over 4 hours. ~PREHENSIYE FEE SCHEDULE ,GE IS - COi~UHITY SERVICES (Cont'd.) Securtty Deposit - Refundable Swim Center Rental Fee Non-profit local group fee (Swim Parties and Special Events) Co~mmrctal group fee (Swim Parties) Swimming Feets Amateur Athletic Union Meets (Sponsored by P.S. Swim Club and City) Pa~teur Athletic Union Meets (Sponsored by the City) Other Swimming Feets and Special Events (Not conducted by City or Palm Springs Swim Team) Tennis Center (per court/hr.) 100.00 75.00 per each 2.5 hours, for 0 - 50 people. + 50~ per person for each person over 50 people. 150.O0 per each 2.5 hours, for 0 - SO person. + $1.00 per person for each person over 50 persons. After normal operational cost for offlctals and other minimal costs are deducted from gross of entry and admission fees, 35% of the net is paid to A.A.U.: the remaining 65% of the net income is split 50-50 between the City and the P.S. Swim Club. A fee agreed to by the City but not less than $100 per meet or 50% of the gross income. 50% of gross entry and admission fees but not less than $100 minimum rental rate for every 1 1/2 hours. ~OV-MAY ~UNE-OCT WEEKDAYS (Men thru Frt) ADULTS $6.00 $3.00 JRS. (age 16 & under) 3.00 2.00 LIGHTS 1.00 1.00 SAT-SUN-HOLIDAYS ADULTS $8.00 $3.00 JRS. (age 16 & under) 3.00 2.00 LIGHTS ' 1.OO 1.OO COHPREHEHSIVE FEE SCHEDULE PAGE 16 - C01~UNiTY SERVICES (Cont'd.) Resident Identification Card Maximum ~ates Discount Ticket Books Other Potential Rentals Other Co~mnuntty Services facilities and rooms may be rented using the existing fee resolution as a guideline for charges. 10.00 (valid for 2 years) providing a 33[ reduction in court fees at all times except prime times. Prime times are those established by the Concessionaire with the approval of the City Manager. Applicable to adult rates only. The rates identified above for use of the Tennis Center are maximum rates. Upon approval by the City Manager, the Concessionaire may impose user charges as less than these amounts. As may be provided in the City's concession agreement for operation of the Tennis Center, the Concessionaire may issue discount ticket books consistent with the ter~ of the concession agreement. 3HPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE ~GE 17 INANCE Btngo Permit Fee (tntttal issuance or renewal) City Council Chamber Dance Application Fee Cosual Dances Oog License - See Police 0epartment Handbt11 Distribution - Permit Fee Restaurant Sanitary Grade Posting Fee Sale of Maps & PubltcaUons (subject to sales tax) Census Report City Clerk Certification City Council Agenda City Council Minutes General Plan Maps Mobile Homes Maltiple E)welltng Ltst (IBM print-out) Nuntctpel Code Municipal Code Pages Municipal Code Service or Maintenance Charge National Electrical Code Reproductions per page Sewer Master Plan Sign Ordinance Standard Plans for Public Works Construction Standard Specifications - APWA 50.00 (6 month period or less) 15.00 for four hours or less; 30.00 for more than four hours; time limitation 11 p.m. Use of facility shall be limited to non-profit organizations for meetings which are open to the general public; and available only as an alternative to other City facilities. {See Footnote #5) Exception to fee: School Otstrtct 75.00 No Fee 50.00 + 15.00 per distributor 22.83 (See Res, 11740 re: County collections) 1.O0 2.50 each 6.25 {annually) 18.00 {annually) 2.75 2.25 15.00 65.00 .10 per page lO.O0 (annually) At current cost to City .10 15.O0 2.75 3.75 At current cost to City :OHPREH£NSIVE FEE SCHEDULE 'AGE 18 - FINANCE (Cont'd.) Statistical Handbook Subdivision Ordinance Uniform Building Code Uniform Code for the Abatement of Oangerous Buildings Uniform Fire Code Uniform Housing Code Uniform )4echantcal Code Uniform Plumbing Code Zoning Map Zoning Ordinance Zoning Ordinance Service or Maintenance Charge Sales Permits - Hot Refundable Auction Sales Permits - Application Fee Closing Out Sales - Filing or Renewal Fee dewelry Sales Investigation Fee - See Police Sewer Service Charges (Monthly Rates)6 a) Residential Uses (including single-family dwellings, apartmonts, co-op apart- merits, condominiums) b) Commercial and Industrial Uses (including commercial facilities in hotels) c) Hotels (as defined in the Zoning Ordinance) rooms without kitchens d) Hotels (as defined in the Zoning Ordinange) roo~ns with kitchens e) Pebtle Homo Parks (as defined in the Zoning Ordinance-one bill to park operator) f) Properties adjacent to City g) Recreational Vehicle Parks (as defined in the Zoning Ordinance-one bill to park operator) 5.00 3.75 At Current Cost to City At Current Cost to City At Current Cost to City At Current Cost ~o City At Current Cost to City At Current Cost to City 2.25 10.50 6.00 (annually) 85.00 85.00 4.00 per residential unit per month .40 per fixture unit 6per month with min. charge of $4.OO. 4.00 + 1.37 per hotel unit per month 2.60 per hotel unit per month 4.00 per mo~tle home unit per month + .40 per fixture unit o for conmmntty facilities. Properties outside of the City shall pay a sewer service charge equal to 1.5 times the rate established for properties within the City limits. 1.00 per space per month + .40 per fixture unit 6 for conm~ntty facilities. ~PREHEHSIVE FEE SCHEDULE ~E 19 - FINANCE (Cont'd.) h) Cesspool Dumptng Fee t) Said sewer service charges shall be deposited tn the Sewer Fund. 10.00 for each load not tn excess of 1,250 gallons from properties within the Ctty ltmtts. $20.00 for each load eot in excess of 1,250 gallons from properties outside the City limits. :(~tPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE AGE 20 OLICE Alar~ Bustness Per~lt Processing Fee Alarm Agent Per. ti Processing Fee Alarm Agent IdentiFication Card Replacement Fee Alarm System Permit Processing Fee ANI~ALS: A~tmal Oatly Ca~ Charges Cats DOgs, Small Animals Large Animals Animal impound Fees Cats Dogs Large Antemls Small Animals (parakeets, chickens) Additional Impoundtngs Dogs impounded on Atrport p~operty Antmal Placement Fees7 Puppies (under Four months) Dogs (over Four months) Cats Charge for pick-up oF animals Otsposal of l]ead Animals 5mall animal Hedtum animal Large animal 25.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 35.00 per animal 5. O0 Double original impound Fee on the second impoundment tn 1 year, triple original fee on each succeeding impound- ment wtthin 1 year. 25.00 (depending upon severity oF violations) 5.00 10.00 5.~ 1. O0 5.00 10.00 12.O0 3MPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE kGE 21 - POLICE (Cont'd.) Dog License Fees One-year license fee: Late fee Concealed Weapon Permit Renewa 1 Employee Registration Fee Fingerprint Processing Fee - All Applicants Jail Use Fee dewelry 5ales Investigation Fees Police Reports Soundtruck Permt ts Training Center 8.00 4.00 4.00 for unspayed unneutered dogs for spayed, neutered dogs B. OO 5. O0 2.00 9. O0 8.00 per day 135.00 2.00 10.00 7.50 for each 1/3 for 4 hours or less; $15.00 for each 1/3 for mere than 4 hours; + $5.50 flat fee for setup and take down. Use of the facility shall be limited to non-profit tax exempt institutional educational uses which further the purposes of the Police Department, i.e., colleges, junior colleges. Educational uses by public schools for classroom purposes, other than one day seminars, shall be subject to the fee. C O~4PREHENSIV£ FEE SCHEDULE AGE 22 IRE DEPARTMENT Blasting Permits 100 lbs. or less More than 100 lbs. Certificate of Fitness for 8lasting 35.00 40.00 ~0.00 OOTNOTES: The word "resident' as used in the description of fees pertaining to Cm~nuntty Services shall be defined as an inhabitant of Palm Springs es evidenced by: a. Voter's registration with City of Palm Springs address, or b. A driver's license with a City of Palm Springs address, or c. Proof of land ownership within the City, or d. A lease agreement or copies of utility bills, or other documents demonstrating that the person resides in Palm Springs for continuous twelve-month periods of time. Fee Except Groups: The following groups will be exenpt fro~ payment or rental fees: City sponsored and co-sponsored activities; Palm Springs Unified School District Programs (Schools within the Palm Springs City limits); all such school programs must be authorized by the School Principal or his representative. 3 Fee Exceptions Regarding Rental/Person Custodian: A Custodian/Rental person may not be required if the Community Services Director or his representative determines that the rental use does not warrant this person's prescence. 4 Minimum Rates: The City ~nager through his designees may negotiate different rental contracts from those set forth above tf it is reasonable anticipated that higher income to the City will be generated. Such different rent is to be applied primarily for rentals where admission is charged and rent as a percent of gross receipts would be preferable. $. Non-profit rates are applicable only to those non-profit tax exempt organizations which are open for membership to any person regardless of his race, color, religion, sex, creed or mattonal origin; and to groups chartered as a non-profit corporation by a State. 6 (Ftxture Unit Equivalents) Fixture unit equivalents to be used in conjunction with the sewer service charge rate schedule are deter- mined as follows, based on the amount and type of flow through the given fixtures: HPREHENSZYE FIE SCHEDULE ~G[ 23 - FOOTNOTES (Cont'd.) Fixture Unit Fixture Type Equivalent Bathtub 2 Lavatory 1 Toilet 6 Laundry Trays 2 Shower 2 Sink 2 Dishwasher Residential 2 Coernerctal 25 ~tomatic Washers i2 Co~unity Facilities {each l0 lb. capacity) Laundry or Co~rnercial Laundry 7 {each l0 lb. capacity) Drinking Fountains 1 Urinal 2 Garbage Disposal Residential 6 Commercial 28 ~imal Placement Fees: Any of the animal placement fees may be waived in whole or in part by the Ctty Manager under special circumstances as he may determine, where the public and City's interest may be served thereby.