1984 08 07 CCx AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting of the City Council to be held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. August 7, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business. When addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meetings are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited to three 3) minutes. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. Communication from James R. Forrest regarding gating and fencing in the La Quinta Golf Estates. B. Communication from Bruce C. Anderson regarding gating and fencing in the La Quinta Golf Estates. C. Communication from Arlene Turi regarding gating and fencing in the La Quinta Golf Estates. D. Communication from Joseph W. Connors regarding Office of the *ayor. E. Communication from the La Quinta Sports & Youth Association regarding baseball/ softball facilities. 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. HEARINGS A. Public hearing regarding Building Permit No. 0767, an Appeal of Conditions imposed pursuant to Permit No. 0767, construction of a block wall located at 78-199 Calle Fortuna, Louis S. Campagna, Jr., Applicant. 1. Report from the Community Development Director. 2. Communication from Louis S. Campagna, Jr. 3. Communications from affected property owners. 4. Motion for adoption. B. Public hearing regarding refuse collection and disposal service fees for residential property on the 1985 and subsequent years' tax rolls. 1. Motion for adoption. 2. Resolution for adoption. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 xA**A-City Council August 7, 1984 Page 2 C. Public hearing regarding placement of delinquent refuse collection and disposal service* fees for residential property on the 1984-85 property tax rolls. 1. bibtion for adoption D. P**lic hearing regarding proposed uses of general revenue sharing funds. 1. Report frcin the City Manager. 2. *tion for adoption 7. *SENr A. Approval of the Minutes of a regular City Council *t*eting held July 17, 1984. B. PROPOSED RESOLUTION A PROPOSED RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA Q*TA, CALIF**IA, ApP*VING DEMANDS*S. C. Acceptance of Final Tract Map No.20158 on a portion of Duna La Quinta, Clark Develo*t Corporation. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. PROPOSED ORDD*. AN ORDIN*N* OF THE CITY COOOCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CAU*RNIA, A**DING THE OFFICIAL Z*ING I**- FOR THE CITY, BY REZ*ING * PROPER* *EO To IN * OF CASE No. 84-008. 1. Ordinance for adoption. ROIL CALL) B. PROPOSED ORDr*CE. AN ORDIN*CE OF THE CITY *UNCIL OF THE CITY OF IA QUINTA, CAlJFO*IA, AME*DING THE OFFICIAL ZONING * FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING *AIN PROPERTY * To IN CGA* OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-010. 1. Ordinance for adoption. ROIL CALL) C. PROPOSED RESOLUTION A *SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O* THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFOI**, INITIATING P*EDINGS PK[ATIVE To ANNEXATION NO.2, PURSUANT To *VERN*EOT CODE SE*I'ION 35220. 1. Resolution for adoption. D. Report fran the City Manager regarding an Agre*t for Prosecution Services. 1. bbtion for adoption. E. Report fran the City Manager regarding *ard of bid for City Project No.84-4, Installation of Stop Signs at Various Locations. 1. *tion for adoption. F. Report fran the City Manager regarding Notice of Completion, City Project No.84-i, Resurfacing of Avenida La Fonda and Calle Estado. 1. *tion for adoption. G. Report fran the City Manager regarding Notice of Completion, City Project No.84-2, Cross Gutter Construction, *Westward * Drive & Jefferson Street. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x**ity Council *gust 7, 19B4 Page Three. 1. *tion for adoption. H. Continued Discussion regarding direct election of the Mayor. I. Report fmu the Doontown Planning Advisory Committee regarding future location of City Hall. 1. Rep*t fr*n Co*cil *er *lff. 2. *tion for adoption. J. Report fran the Community Development Director regarding the General Plan Advisory Q*'uittee. 1. *tion for adoption. K. Report fonn the City Manager regarding an Agreement with the Coachella Valley *Mosquito Abatement***nt District regarding tax incr*nent. 1. *tion for adoption. L. Other AI*OuRNEMENr BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x j P. 0. Box 187 48721 San Lucas St. La Quinta, CA 92253 July 2, 1984 Honorable Mayor Larry Allen and Members of the La Quinta City Council city Hall La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: * Proposed Fencing Tn La Quinta Golf Estates Gentlemen: The matter I submit for your consideration affects the appearance and economic value of property bordering on a major access route to our city. The president and members of the board of directors of the La Quinta r*olf Estates Community Association are canvassing certain property owners within the association boundaries, seeking permission to erect unmanned swinging gates at Coachella Drive and Eisenhower Drive, seeking permission to close both ends of Avenida Fernando with * so-called crash gates" and seeking permission to erect fences to limit access to a certain portion of La Quinta Golf Estates. The proposed plan contemplates the erection of chain link fencing along the rear property * lines of any unimproved lots facing Eisenhower and facing San Lucas Street which are back to back with unimproved lots along Avenida Fernando and Avenida El Nido see enclosed plot diagram). This proposal to erect fences, and especially chain-link fences along vacant lots, has evoked considerable concern and opposition by many property owners within and outside the proposed area to be enclosed. Our concern may be summarized as follows: 1) Chain link fencing is not only unsightly but also collects wind-blown debris. There would be a total of a*proximately 1000 feet of such fencing prominently within view of persons entering and leaving our town via Eisenhower, further diminishing the attractiveness of this approach route. 2) Whereas it is proposed that such chain link fencing is to be temporary until the affected lots are improved, the rate of such improvement has been so slow as to project a long life for such fencing. 3) The erection of gates and fences to seal off a portion of the area depreciates the value and desirability of property immediately outside the enclosed area to the debatable enhancement of property within the enclosure). In this case the property immediately outside the proposed enclosed area is along a major route into downtown La Quinta, as well as to the La Quinta Hotel and to Santa P*osa Cove development. Many of the owners of property adversely affected by the proposal are denied a vote in this matter by the interpretation given to the Association CC*R's by the current slate of Association officers.) I respectfully urge that the La Quinta City Council review the planning and design of gates*and enclosures proposed to be erected in the La Quinta Golf*Estates area with the view toward denying permits to erect any fencing or other installations which might threaten to depreciate the aesthetic and economic value of property along a major approach to our city. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 xAs a homeowner in La Quinta for the past seven years and now a permanent resident, I assure you that the efforts of our new city government to improve and beautify our area is greatly appreciated by most residents. Those of us who enter via Eisenhower Drive have become increasingly concerned with the apparent neglect of their property by certain absentee property owners. Any further lessening of the attractiveness along the route from Washington St. to the hotel will certainly tend to be a disincentive for absentee owners to improve their property. * * Forrest End. EXHIBIT 11A", Letter to members from Philip Nichalove, president of La Quinta Golf Estates Community Association, dated June 1, 1984. Note especially page 2) EXHIBIT B", Area map describing borders to be fenced blue) and gated orange). CC: Nr. Ernie Vossler, Vice President Landmark Corporation Santa Rosa Cove Office BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x 48700 San Lucas Street La Quinta, California 92253 July 11, 1984 Honorable Mayor Larry Allen and Members of the La Quinta City Council City Hall La Quinta, CA 92253 Gentlemen: The purpose of this letter is to express my opposition to a proposed fencing and gating of a portion of the La Quinta Golf Estates. The property involved includes Avenida Fernando and Coachella Drive. For a further description, please see Exhibit B to Mr. James R. Forrest's letter to you dated July 2, 1984.) In the exercise of your responsibilities toward the orderly development of the City of La Quinta, I hope you will agree with my position. The area along Eisenhower Drive between Washington Street and the La Quinta Hotel is one of great promise for the City of La Quinta. In order to optimally fulfill these expectations, I feel that it is important for the area to develop a uniform, high quality character; and not become a potpourri of some good and some unsightly properties the latter of which will tend to drag, even the originally more highly valued p*operties, down to a lower level. The erection of 1) a gate of Coachella Drive and 2) a chain link fence to enclose certain properties inside" of Eisenhower Drive and along Avenida Fernando will be unsightly in and of itself. But of even greater and longer run impact will be the polarization of the area within the enclosure and the area immediately outside of it. The ultimate result will be, I am sure, not in the best interest of the City of La Quinta. Curiously, this gating and fencing is being done to enhance the security of the homes within the proposed enclosure. This objective raises a number of questions: Is our security now that bad? Does the City agree that this is the best way to cope with a perceived lack of security? Will it be effective in improving security, or will it serve only to enhance some property values at the expense of others? I hope that the City Council will view this proposed enclosure as inconsistent with the orderly development of La Quinta. Beyond that, I hope that the Council will carefully evaluate the impact upon all of the property in this part of the City in whatever actions it approves or permits. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter of considerable concern to me. Very truly yours, BRUCE C. ANDERSON BCA:sbq BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x *i Arlene Turi QUINTA,* * BOX 1094 LA CALIFORNIA 92253 U.S A 17 July 1981 Ion C.ayor L*rrv * len & embers of the La Quinta Cot Co*cil City r*ll 2 La Quinta, Ca. 9??53 *e: rO)Osed x*eflcing in La Quinta, Estates *oad deviations etc. *ent1e*en: ou*d li*:e to draw vour attention to a chain-*in1' fencing gating *roblei;i we are havin** here in our h*eo'*er's assoc- iation. As fa* as I can deternine, less then lQ; of the *eo*1e are for this *roject. any li1*e myself * Q-efinitelv against it for rason_ T *Qi1l state below, others are re*uctant to voice an o*inion, but stating that they will be forced to sell their hones in order to esca*e such a *roject, and most of us feel it ill be an *u&n an eyesore that our realestate values will be greatly reduced and the lovely community w* urchased with our ho*es, will be gone corn*letely. 1) firstly there is absolutely no *roof that a ro*er vote for this *ro ject has been done. sc'.eondlv they are only alloving a chosen fraction of the-- *er*bers in our homeo'*er's association to vote. *) they intend to t1**o* 6 ft. chain 1in*: fencing over the entrance, and I night add the main road leading b*hrough oU* Fstates, which is *ernando. *his s a U sha*eo road running through our *ro*erites from which a* 1 other ro*ds sten, with the exce)tion ol the cul-d-sac roads. *) without the *ernission of those *eople living on the eu1- d-sac roads, thcv intend to shut out by a 6n ugly chain lin* fence, lil-ened to the other side of the tracks. *) *hey have calculated and *resented figwres and cost* to the *eo-*le far below *hat such a *roject could be done and maintaineci. 6) they have also assured the *eoTh1le of our area that this will end all crime in the area, whereas statistics have roven otherwise. **any of our grou* have the im*ressiOn that thev will no longer need any sort of security systems, or guards. rf*ey will be shocked to kno" that in addition to the escala*ng costs of this *oject, they will also have to *ay for security systems that most of us now have. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x 7) tifre * bc *1ei*'*cr* i**volycc* sith b1oc**-*-u* t;r*ffic on *isenhov;er an* thir.' traffic 171 bC *tc*d1*y increa".**n*,. Our r* any vsor]-*cn an& naintenance *eo*le ssill have difficulty in enterinb*, an(1 who is to jud*e thiJ* constantly chan*in* flow of ersonalii*s who wor: In thi*s area. *;. any resiCtents are not here all of the time, and these *eo*le have to enter without a chec*- call or a card. I *ersonally would find this fencin* so uns.i.*t1y that I will feel forced to sell my hor.*e *lon* with the many ot;'iers who feel li?:ewi se. Please consider carefully befox*e *ivinj**e-n*ission to such a *lan and the *os*ible ensuinF,le.*al suits brought by irate homoowners who feel that a very 2cw-*resus***tuous men are trying to force our lovely, peaceful coiY(.'*.nit*r i*to a costlv and ridic- U Ops irrev*r*i L*le situation * *ou for your considera-'*ion in t*is *att Cr. re*ain ours tru**r, * *rle** *u*i o;*er of house and lot 8800 v. PernanCo and lot 3 *an i*cas BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x 4 La Quinta, Ca. July 23, 1984 TO THE LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL: The Mayor of La Quinta, Larry Allen, has used his office of Mayor, while sitting on the dais at the City Council meeting* on July 17, 1984, to slander me. In my opinion he has disgraced the office of M*y*or, also his position as City Councilman. Therefore, the City Council should call a special council meeting* and have him step down from his offices. This action should be done as soon as possible and should be done with a Roll Call vote of the Council. Should the Council choose not to do so, it is assumed one and all condone his actions. I would like a written reply to this letter from the full City Council. Very truly yours, JOS CONNORS BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x LA *UINTA SPORTS AND YOUTH ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE Box 262 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CITY OF LA QUINTA JULY 3O,198* CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEM FOR COUNCIL MEETING OF 8-7-8'i Jo YOUR HONORABLE MAYOR ALLEN AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: WE WOULD LIKE TO BE PLACED ON YOUR AGENDA FOR THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 7TH TO EXPRESS OUR URGENT NEEDS FOR BASEBALL/ SOFTBALL FACILITIES. As YOU PROBABLY KNOW WE HAVE AN EXTENSIVE BASEBALL/SOFTBALL PROGRAM HERE IN LA QUINTA INVOLVING OVER 350 PARTICIPANTS THIS LAST SEASON, WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONABLY NICE PLAYING FIELD AT OUR LOCAL PARK, HOW- EVER, AS OF AUGUST 1ST WE WILL NO LONGER HAVE THE PRACTICE FIELDS FOR THE FOLLOWING SEASON. WE HAVE BEEN USING THE EXISTING PRACTICE FIELDS ON A YEARLY LEASE BASIS. THE OV*NERS HAVE INDICATED THEY WILL DISCONTINUE THIS LEASE ARRANGEMENT, AS THEY HAVE OTHER PLANS FOR THE PROPERTY. WE PLAN TO CONTINUE OUR FINE SUCCESSFUL BASEBALL/SOFTBALL PROGRAM WE OFFER THE YOUTH IN LA *UINTA. WE WANT TO EXPAND OUR PRESENT PROGRAM, HOWEVER, WE NEED TO SHARE WITH YOU OUR IMMEDIATE NEEDS AND ELICIT YOUR SUPPORT FOR CONTINUING, AND EXPANDING THIS PROGRAM* RES C FULLY, **-_L*; * U I S*Z*tLREZS;:j:D E NT LA *UINTA SPORTS & YOUTH LP/LB BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x FAUSEL w FARMS August 2, 1984 Miss Ann Jennings Assistant to City Manager P. 0. Box 1504 La quinta1 California 92253 Attention: City Council City of La Quinta Subject: Gating of La Quinta Country Club Estates Members of the Council: I would like to have this letter placed on file as: Against the Gating of La Quinta Country Club Estates." There are many reasons why the area should not be gated. Most important to residents of the City of La Quinta Is the traffic con- gestion and potential fatal accidents that the gates will cause on Eisenhower. Anytime you have as much traffic entering one gate off of a street as well travelled and, travelled at high rates of speed as Eisenhower) you will have occasional backups. The proposed gate is on a curve and visibility will be limited as to any backups and this un- doubtedly will cause accidents. I have been a resident of *Quinta for almost ten years and if the traffic increases just half of what it did in that period over the next ten years you don't want a gated entrance bordering on Eisenhower. The most important reasons to the residents living there are: 1) We do not fe* that a majority vote was given to the project and an ill9gal election vote was counted. 2) Permanent residents such as I do not want to go through gates six to seven times every day, we settled here be- cause there were no gates. 3) The area is serviced by at least 10 pool companies and 15 gardeners all of which are in and out of the area continually. 4) We will have a continued problem of cleaning up the wind-blown mess in front of the fence that will go around the area. RQ Box * La Ouinta, CA 92253 71415644343 BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x FAUSEL w FARMS 2- and many ot*er& in the area hope you will give serious consideration to not giving approval to this project. Charl***f<usel Its RQ Box 920 La QuirtB, CA 92253 7WI564*343 BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and member of the City Council From: Frank Usher, City Manager Date: August 3, 1984 Subject: Detachment from Coachella Valley Recreation and Park* District, dates regarding transfer of revenue. The County Auditor Controller has informed me that the deadline for completion of detachment action would probably be December 31, 1984, if the City was to receive property tax revenue, now going to the district, in fiscal year 1985-1986. However, Howard did want to check the law on this to be sure. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 !x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 "x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 #x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 $x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 %x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 &x MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Maeers of the City Council From C*r[unity Development Depar*t Date: August 7, 1984 Subject: PE*MIT No.0767 APPE** OF C*DITIONS Location: 78-199 Calle Fortuna Applicant: Louis Canpagna Request: * Appeal Conditions of Approval Established in Conjunction with the Above Referenced Building Permit Relative to Drainage. The appellant has su**tted the enclosed letter, dated July 23, 1984, requesting that conditions established in conjunction with Building Permit No.0767 be deleted* In response to Mr. Cairpagna S cceee*ts, at the City Council ineetihg of July 3, 1984, the Cc[rmunity Developeent Depaitrent prepared a letter, which is also attached, explaining the basis for the inposition of drainage requirements on the above referenced permit. In * the permit conditions are necessary to prevent damage to adjacent property and to allow existing, natural drainage to flow through Mr. Capagna's property. These conditions have been inposed after review by the City Engineer and are considered both necessary and reasonable to assure coipliance with appropriate State drainage laws. Staff is aware, based on its own experience and observation, that during certain flooding situations natural drainage does flow through and across Mr. Capagna' S property, as well as surrounding property. This experience was also taken into consideration in establishing the permit conditions. It is certainly recognized that such conditions do not resolve the drainage probleis, but assure that drainage flows in a manner which will minimize detrimental effects to all affected property. *ile it may be possible to consider other drainage solutions, that inposed in conjunction with the permit appears rost reasonai*le in light of the proposed construction and nature of the problem. If other alternatives were considered, one that may be appropriate would be to secure a drainage easement fran Mr. Cair**gna and direct drainage along one of the side property lines through to Calle Fortuna. This would require sane improvement of the channel, but would essentially route the drainage along a side property line rather than through the property. It is, however, a n*re expensive proposition than would be appropriate under the current conditions. The City Council should also be aware that there has been both correspondence and inquiries fran other affected property owners in the area. Staff has included the written correspondence received on this matter for Council' S infonnation. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 'xST* I**PORT City Council *ugust 7, 1984 Page 2. STAFF F**dEND**TION It is the reca*ndation of the C*ru*ity Develo**ent Director that the appeal be deni* and that the conditions ir[posed on Permit *. 0767 r*nain Th force. ppEp*T*'fl. BY: Ai4* Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP Co*ccnity Deve1o*nent Director Atchs: APPP.OVED TO CONTENT *oR CTY COb*C L MEETING OF_ BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 (x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 )x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 *x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 +x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 ,x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 -x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 .x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 /xReport pursuant to Section 5473 of the Health and Safety Code of California. DATE: July 25, 1984 TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF LA QUINTA FROM: FRANK M. USHER, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REPORT OF REFUSE COLLECTION CHARGES SUMMARY Pursuant to Sections 5473 of the Health and Safety Code of California, this report has been prepared and filed with the City Clerk of La Quinta on July 25, 1984. The report contains a description of each residential parcel of real property within the City as recorded by the Riverside County Assessors Office. It does not necessarily reflect the present zoning of any particular parcels.) The report also contains copies of Ordinance No. 58, Resolution No. 83-39, and the Minutes of the City Council meetings in which such ordinance and resolution was passed as well as any other report or documents germane to this action. DISCUSSION In order to abide by the City's franchise agreement for refuse collection and to implement such ordinances passed by the City Council, the $5.85 per month charge on each developed residential property within the corporate limits of La Quinta is to be placed on the 1984-85 Tax Roll by resolution of the City Council of La Quinta. All other commercial or industrial properties or units which are not identified or described in this report as having residential use will be billed separately and individually by SCA Services, Inc. All such residential units which, under the terms of the franchise agreement and provisions of these ordinances and resolutions, are discovered or are newly constructed subsequent to the date of this report, are to be recorded and placed on the 1985-86 tax roll by resolution of the City Council in the following fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the report and approve the charge for each parcel as described in the report and adopt a resolution to place such charges on the 1984-85 Tax Roll. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT. *OR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF CITY MM(AGER BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 0x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 1x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 2x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 3x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 4x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 5x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 6x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 7x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 8x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 9x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 :x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 ;x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 <x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 =x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 >x NOTICE OF HEARING RE ASSESSMENT OF RESIDENTIAL PARCELS WITHIN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR DELINQUENT WASTE DISPOSAL FEES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of La Quinta Will hold a public hearing on August 7, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California, pursuant to Section 38790.1 and 25831 of the Government Code of the State of California. The purpose of the h*aring is to consider any objections or protests, if any, to the Report of Delinquent Waste Disposal Fees, which report includes delinquent fees to be assessed against your parcel of real property on the 1984-1985 tax roll, which delinquent fees will be collected in the time and manner as other taxes and assessments on said tax rolls. A copy of said report upon which the hearing will be held is on file and available for public inspection during business hours in the City Clerk's office of City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. An opportunity will be given for all interested persons to be heard at the hearing. DATED & MAILED: July25 1984. Frank M. Usher City Clerk BY:)& Deputy City Clerk NOTE: Questions regarding delinquent waste disposal fees should be directed to: SCA Services 36-711 Cathedral Canyon Drive P.O. Drawer LL Cathedral City, CA. 92234 619) 324-1741 BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 ?x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 @x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Ax NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Bx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Cx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Dx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Ex NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Fx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Gx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Hx MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: August 3, 1984. Subject: Proposed Uses of *enera1 Revenue sharing Funds On July 25, 1984, an administrative hearing was held regarding the planned uses of general revenue sharing funds. No persons appeared or desired to speak. In fiscal year 1984-85, expenditure from revenue sharing funds is expected to be $61,184. It is planned that all revenue sharing funds will be used for capital equipment. The equipment includes a utility vehicle, a tractor with trailer and tractor accessories, an air compressor, two micro computers, a cash register and miscellaneous office equipment. Approval of the expenditure of revenue sharing funds in the amount of $61,184.00 for these purposes is respectfully recommended. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Ix RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated August 7, 1984. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 1984. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAG BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Jx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Kx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Lx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Mx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Nx 7$ MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and M*ers of the City Council rrom **ity Developeent Deparbnnt Date: August 7, 1984 Subject: FIN**L ThA* * NO. 20158, AMENDED NO. 1 IDcation: Northwest Corner of Washington Street and the La Quinta Storrrwater Channel Applicant: Clark Developer*t Corporation I*quest: Approve Final Pecord Map and *cept *tter of Credit Guaranteeing C*xr*letian of Irrproveeents for a 54-Unit Statutory Condominium. The Staff reaccoends that the City Council approve Final *act Map No. 20158, *r*nded No.1, and accept the letters of credit guaranteeing the construction of street, drainage, grading, water, seeer and related public jitprov*nts. The final map consists of a 54-unit, statutory condominium project on 8.69 acres and is part of the Duna La Quinta Specific Plan. The City Engineer has certified that the final record map and i::prcveeent plans are consistent with the design and conditions of Tentative Tract Map No. 20158, Amended No.1, as approved by the City Council on July 17, 1984; that it carplies with all provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act and La Ouinta I*d Division Ordnance; and that the final map and inprovenent plans are technically correct. The City Engineer has also approved the estimates for i:prcveeent costs used for the letters of credit. PRE*ARED BY wrence L. Stevens, AIOP *unity Deve1o**t Director Lis:dmv E<ASTD C()**L**T *CITY*CJ*LW>ING OF_ CiTY MA*EP BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Ox ORDINANCE NO. 61 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-008. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4.10 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 which was adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29, 1982) and La Quinta District Official Zoning Plan Map No. 30, as amended, are further amended by rezoning from R-l-12,000/PD to R-l-ll,000/PD, those certain parcels shown and depicted for such rezon- ings on the map which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance, and which attached map is labeled 1Exhibit #1, Change of Zone Case No. 84-008". SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty 30) days after its adoption. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and, shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered into the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this 7th day of August 1984, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Baier, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Cox. * MAYOR ATTEST: * *I(*CLERK APPR6A'*D AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY T ER BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Px NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Qx fig ORDINANCE NO. 62 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 84-010. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4.10 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 which was adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29, 1982) and La Quinta District Official Zoning Plan Map No. 30, as amended, are further amended by rezoning from R-l-12,000/PD to R-l-1l,000/PD, those certain parcels shown and depicted for such rezon- ings on the map which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance, and which attached map is labeled Exhibit #1, Change of Zone Case No. 84-010". SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty 30) days after its adoption. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and, shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered into the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this 7th day of AuQust 1984, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Baier, Henderson, Wolff and Mayor Allen. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Cox. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Rx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Sx f-cd RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, INITIATING PROCEEDINGS RELATIVE TO ANNEXATION NO. 2, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 35220. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: a) LML Development Corporation being the owner of approximately 100% of the assessed valuation of land in the proposed Annexation No. 2 has submitted a petition requesting annexation to the City of La Quinta. b) Annexation No. 2 consists of approximately 1,665 acres generally bounded on the north by 54th Avenue on the south by 58th Avenue, on the east by Madison Street and on the west by Jefferson Street and is referred to as LAFCO No. 84-31-4. C) The area proposed to be annexed is uninhabited, there being no registered voters residing therein. d) The annexation is proposed to provide additional municipal services by the City of La Quinta to the territory to be annexed. e) There are no extraordinary terms and conditions contained in the Commission's resolution making determinations. f) The public hearing on the proposed annexation shall be held Tuesday, September 18, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. g) Any owner of land within the territory may file a written protest against the annexation with the City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, P.O. Box 1504, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California 92253, at any time prior to the conclusion of the public hearing. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 1984. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK 8. C. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Tx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Ux b f-Th/ MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA Q*o To; Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From; Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date; August 3, 1984 Subject; Agreement for prosecution Services We have received the accompanying agreement regarding prosecution services with the rates which the Council has accepted. The agreement period is extended through June 30, 1985. It is respectfully recommended that the agreement be approved. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Vx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Wx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Xx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Yx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 Zx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 [x MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: August 3, 1984 Subject; Installation of Stop Signs, Award of Contract Bids for the installation of stop signs in La Quinta cove have been received. The bids were as follows: Safety Striping Service, Inc. $22,705.00 Masscon, Inc. $24,139.00 Alcon Fence Co. $26,290.00 The estilnate of cost and amount budgeted for this project is $25,000.00 It is respectfully recommended that the contract be awarded to Safety Striping Service, Inc., at the bid amount of $22,705.00. Coinpietion tiine is eight weeks. a. j BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 \x MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA * To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: July 26, 1984 Subject: NOTICE OF COMPLETION City Project No. 84-1 RESURFACING OF AVENIDA LA FONDA AND CALLE ESTADO The City Engineer has advised that effective July 25, 1984, the work associated with City Project 84-1, Resurfacing of Avenida La Fonda and Calle Estado, has been substantially completed by the contractor and accepted. It is, therefore, appropriate for the City to file a Notice of Completion for this job with the Riverside County Recorder's Office. On May 1, 1984, the City Council awarded the construction contract for City Project 84-1 to the firm of D & D Asphalt Maintenance Company. On May 17, 1984, a Notice to Proceed was issued to the contractor with an effective contract start date of June 5, 1984. With a twenty 20) calendar day construc- tion schedule provided for in the contract, the final completion date was July 2, 1984. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council authorize and direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion for work associated with City Project 84-1, Resurfacing of Avenida La Fonda and Calle Estado, with the County Recorder's Office. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 ]x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 ^x f*C7 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: July 26, 1984 Subject: NOTICE OF COMPLETION City Project No. 84-2 CROSS GUTTER CONSTRUCTION, WESTWARD HO DRIVE & JEFFERSON STREET The City Engineer has advised that effective July 17, 1984, the work associated with City Project 84-2, Cross Gutter Construction, Westward Ho Drive and Jefferson Street, has been substantially completed by the contractor and accepted. It is, therefore, appropriate for the City to file a Notice of Completion for this job with the Riverside County Recorder's Office. On May 1, 1984, the City Council awarded the construction contract for City Project 84-2 to the firm of Curb Corporation. On May 17, 1984, a Notice to Proceed was issued to the contractor with an effective contract start date of June 5, 1984. With a thirty 30) calendar day construction schedule provided for in the contract, the final completion date was July 17, 1984. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council authorize and direct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion for work associated with City Project 84-2, Cross Gutter Construction, Westward Ho Drive and Jefferson Street, with the County Recorder's Office. BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 _x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 `x 4 Property Owners Association August 06, 1984 Mr. Mayor and Members of the La Quinta City Council, At the July 1?, 1984 city council meeting you were made aware that the La Quinta Property Owners Association was polling its membership on the Direct Election of Mayor" lb Our July newsletter carried arguments pro" by Stanley Sniff, President of LQPOA, and con" by Larry Allen1 Mayor of La Quinta. This effort was undertaken to inform and solicit the opinion of our membership on this current topical issue. At this time we are pleased to make the just completed survey results available to you with the sincere hope they will be of value in your decision making process. The results are' *% infavor of direct election of Mayor 4S% opposed to the direct election It is obvious that a majority of our membersh*p would like to vote directly for their mayor. Our recommendation to you based on this survey and the one reported to you July 1?. 1984 that in the spirit of the Democratic Process" that the direct election of mayor be placed on the November 06, 198h ballot so all the voters within the City of La Quinta may have the opportunity to express themselves and make this decision. *s*ctful*$*1 * * President BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 ax NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 bx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 cx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 dx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 ex MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable **yor and D*tibers of the City Council From: The Doontawn Planning Advisory committee Date: August 7, 1984 Subject; L*ATI* OF *URE CITY HATI FACILITY At their ireeting on July 25, the Downt***n Planning Advisory C*rinittee uaanin*usly, with the Cosunity Development Director abstaining, requested that the City Council endorse the position that the future location of City Hall be within the traditional downtown area. It was the consensus that keeping the City Hall in this area was both beneficial and essential to maintaining the viability of the area. A separate * which is attacked, has been prepared by Council M***er *lff relative to this subject. BY: Tawrence L. Stevens, AICP cc*r't*ty Develo*nent Director LLS:dflw Atch: * Council * *lff) APPROVED II AS TO CONTENT. LOR C*TY COUNCI* MEETING OF *AGER BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 fx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 gx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 hx MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and *r*s of the City Council From Cc:o:unity Develo**t Director Date: *gust 7, 1984 Subject: ESTABLISHMENT OF GENERAL PU*N AD*JISORY *MIT*I*E The proposal for the General Plan envisions the use of a General Plan M*jisory Carinittee to provide guidance and review ideas and concepts during the preparation of the General Plan. The task basically would require seven 7) meetings. It should, ho*ever, be understood that the Committee is advisory in nature and has no approval authority. It is envisioned that this Catinittee should be copposed of ten 10) to t*elve 12) rn*r*rs. I anticipate that one representative fran the Planning *mission and one fran the City Council should be included in the rn*riL*rship. In addition, it would se*n desirable to include representatives fran utility ocoanies in the area especially CVWD and I'D), the school district, possibly the recreation district, and a representative fran the developeent industry. The r*naining * it is suggested should be general public rn*t**ers. It would be desirable to get a reasonable mix within the entire group, possibly including a senior, a renter, a residential property owner, a business owner and persons with similar characteristics. The staff has not made any efforts to contact groups or individuals to determine interest in serving on this **ttee. Depeeding upon City Council's direction, we can make the necessary contacts to determine that interest. It is essential, fran staff's point of view, that this C*ittee be appointed and in place no later than the Council's neeting on *ugust 21st, in order to facilitate the current ti:ne established with our General Plan Consultant. *wrence L. St*ens, MCP * Development Director L;Ls:dmv APPROVED I*<AS Ta CO*TENT E*<R CITY COUNC L MEETING OF BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 ix NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 jx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 kx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 lx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 mx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 nx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 ox NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 px NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 qx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 rx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 sx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 tx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 ux NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 vx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 wx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02 xx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-02-1997-U01 03:53:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 08-U02 07-U02 1984-U02