1984 12 18 CC#cD A1'L6. Law'**nce S. * 5W4 #* * * *2253. D*c**be* 13,1984. To * r**A o* * * Cou'icLL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF IA QUINT** A regular *r*etig of the city Council to be held at City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. December 18, 1984 7:30 p.m. 1. CALL To ORDER A. Flag salute 2. BoIL CALL 3. PUBLIC * This is the tiu* set aside for citizens to address the Council on matters relating to City business items *hich are listed on the Agenda). *en addressing the Council, please state your naxt* and address. The proceedings of the Council meetings are recorded on tape and * of each person shall be ljini ted to three 3) minutes. Persons wi*ing to address the Council regarding an Agenda item should use the forms provided. Please o**plete one form for each Agenda ite[u you intend to address and return the form to the clerk prior to the beginning of the meeting. N*: C*!*r*ts relative to items on the Agenda are limited to *:: 2) minutes. Your name will be called at the appropriate tixr*. 4. ijJ***1A:' **ICATIONS A. C*Nunication fr*n Lawrence and Jean *Meyran regarding a *public library for La Quinta. B. Q* cation from Mrs. Marie E. Reading regarding traffic control devices in the Point Happy area. 5. * BY CDUNCIL MEMBERS A. C*!inuni.cation from Council *Wolff regarding team building. 6. CONS!* CA*AR A. Approaal of the Minutes of a regular Council meeting held Decebeer 4, 1984. B. PBoPOSED RESOLUTI(*. A I*ESOLUTION OF THE CITY *COL OF THE CITY OF LA * CAL*I*IA, APP*VING DEMands. BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD IL 78-450 Crestview Terrace La Quinta, CA 92253 November 28, 1984 Honorable Judith Cc::, Mayor CITY OF IA Q(JINTA P.O. B* 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Honorable *ers of the Council: I am writing to bring a most Serious problem to your attention, one that will only get worse as tilt* passes. I am a property owner and live in the area immediately adjacent to Point Happy, south of Highway 111 and west of Washington Street. There are two entrances/exits from Washington Street to our neighborhood, Singing Palms Drive to the north and Highland Palms Drive to the south. It is extremely difficult, particularly during the morning and evening rush hours, to enter or exit onto or across Washington Street due to the heavy northbound and southbound traffic. Plaza La Quinta, nice and convenient as it is, only adds to the problem by increasing the traffic flow, as will planned future developments*r*nts along Washington and other areas in La Quinta. Sone sort of traffic control device is desperately needed at either Singing Palms Drive or Highland Palms Drive. Following are two alternatives: The first, while admittedly ex**sive, is the more preferable the installation of a trip" signal on Washington at either of the two streets. This would stop traffic on Washington only when cross traffic is present. The signal could be installed at the intersection of Singing Palms/Simon Drive & Washington, which is relatively close to Highway 111, but it would also slow the traffic from the south before reaching Highway 111. If Singing palms/Simon Drive is not preferable, then Highland Palms Drive should be considered. The second, which is less desirable since it would require traffic on Washington to stop at all times, would be the installation of a stop sign at one of the two streets. Thank you for your attention and our neighborhood greatly appreciates any action taken by the La Quinta City Council to alleviate our problem. If a petition signed by property owners in our area is desired, please advise. I have followed with interest the planned develop:ents for La Quinta and they sound very exciting. Happy Holidays to all Pespectfully, Mrs. Marie E. Reading 1 cc: All Council M**bers BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD IL Audrey Ostrowsky P.O. Box 351 La Quinta, CA 92253 December 4, 1984 RECEIVED*F* 51984 Mayor Cox City Council Members City Manager For City Council Meeting Agenda During the La Ouinta City Council Meeting of November 20, one of the council persons said very hostily to me, 11why don't you go down and bother the city council in Palm Springs, etc., etc. This incident happened after I had complained about being unable to hear what was said at the study meeting. Our City Manager repeated what he had said previously, that this was a study meeting and it was not necessary for the people in the audience to hear. As this is an open hearing where representatives of the press as well as concerned citizens are present, I felt that the City Council was required to be heard. But all I got was insults and ridicule. Why do the council members not speak up when one council member is only expressing what appears as a vendetta, which gives the impression that they are all in agreement? It seems that the City Council members have not learned anything from the Joe Conners incident in which the Desert Sun editorialized on the imnaturity of our city representatives when there is any disagreement. The past election reflected that Joe Conners was right! Yesterday, at the study meeting, I was happy to observe that they are now using the microphones and can be heard. The issue remains that the Council Members and the City Manager feel they have a right to intimidate anyone who may disagree with them, and even when they are proved wrong, they do not have the common courtesy to apologize. I have asked them and I am asking again for a public apology to me. When will these elected officials stop repeating their mistakes and using intimidation as a form of controlling the people of La Quinta? Few people have the courage and stamina to attend the City Council and study meetings lately, as is reflected by the small number when very important issues are being decided which can detrimentally effect the value of their homes. But as a small entrepreneur I feel that I must continue protecting my hard earned investments, as is my right as an American citizen. I hope that our City officials will recognize why they were elected, namely to protect the rights of all citizens. BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cDa'. 78-035 Calle ESt*do LA QUINTA, CA LOCATED BETWEEN CITY HALL AND OST OFFICE Mailing address: P.O. Box 1185 La Quinta, CA 92253 Tel: 619) 564 6464 December 14, 1984 City of La Quinta La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Mayor Cox, Council Members & City Staff Since moving to La Quinta in 1984, I have been impressed by your dedication and service to this community. Each of you seem to closely survey the present, gaze optimisti- cally into the future, carefully deliberate end results as much as possible without a crystal ball), and coura- geously lend your individual appraisal to each issue for final decision making. And you do this with a singular goal the general welfare and growth of the community. The history of this city shall certainly note this de- di cation. Congratulations to all of you for your contributions to what promises to be the outstanding cove city in our desert. A *lic* Bay les P.S.: My sonaithanks to you for your assistance to me during *heer past year. BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD CITY OU I NT* City Council Memorandum 04 Su*gestion* For Action D*TE: Dec. 11. 19*4 FROM: Fred Wol++ ij*'i SUBJECT: Team Building lAle have talked about having team building early next year. *t a Lea*League of California Cities conference I heard Sandy Pokras speak arid was quite impressed. He is a pro+essional in this +ield. I le+t m>' card with him. and have heard +rom his oroanization a couple 0+ times. * couple 0+ weeks a*o I asked them to send us some material which would provide in+ormation about them. The attached +olders were the Ir response. May I suQoest you review these* and then we can discuss team buildino at our next study session. Please understand. I'm not promotino this Qroup: it's Just one I heard and which impressed me. Perhaps some 0+ you know 0+ others. But I do think team buildin0 would be very valuable +or us. To whatever extent it involves ooal settinci* it really should preceed bud*et planninci +or next year. Let's talk about it. Thank you. BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD I, COMMUNICATION TRAINING & MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS December 3, 1984 Mr. Fred Wolff Council Member City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1016 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Wolff: The seven copies of the material you requested are enclosed. Each brochure contains background material, references, and a sample outline on Team Building." Now that the City of La Quinta is almost three years old, with two new council members, it is time to build the council into a team that will work together effectively and efficiently. You mentioned that the council is composed of individuals committed to working together in a professional manner to insure that the City of La Quinta gets the best possible leadership. We would like to help by sharing our experience and knowledge. We custom-tailor the workshop to the specific objectives and backgrounds of the participants. This guarantees that the time is spent on real issues and not on generalities* We avoid gimicks'1 and concentrate on results. Spending time and effort planning the workshop allows the workshop itself to go directly to the purpose. Perhaps the best way to proceed is the following: 1. At your December meeting, have the council members check I those items on the Team Building Program handout that they feel are the most important. 2. Have them add objectives they would like to achieve and also list what they believe are the major concerns of the City of La Quinta. 3. Decide who else should attend the team building. Have those individuals add comments and list concerns. 4. Select a date from these possibilities: January 24, 25; February 13, 14, 15; March 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19. 5. Send the material back to me and we will prepare a proposal for your approval. Thank you for your interest in the Viability Group. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely Loren L. Kensinger Marketing Vice President PDSt Ot*ice Box 591 Havward Califoenia 9454* BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD 5. CITY OF ou I NT* City Council Memorandum 04 Su**e*tion* For *ction D*TE: Dec. 11. 19*4 FROM: Fred Wol*4 jj*i SUBJECT: Team Building We have talked about havinQ team buildino early next year. *t a Leaoue o* Cal i+ornia Ci ties con+erence I heard Sandy Pokras speak and was quite impressed. He is a pro+essional in this +ield. I le*t my card with him. and have heard *rom his or*anization a couple o* times. * couple 0+ weeks a*o I asked them to send us some material which would provide i n+ormat i on about them. The attached +ol ders were their response. May I suoqest you review these. and then we can discuss team buildino at our next study session. Please understand. I'm not promotinQ this oroup; it's just one I heard and which impressed me. Perhaps some 0+ you know 0+ others. But I do think team buildino would be very valuable +or us. To whatever extent it involves Qoal settin*. it really should preceed budoet planninQ +or next year. Let's t*lk about it. Thank you. BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD C * TY O* ou I NT* Cit* Council Memorandum 04 suggestions For Action D*TE: December 14. 19*4 FROM: Fred Wol++ SUBJECT: Fiscal Reports* We just received the fiscal report for the period 7/1/84 to 1O/31/B4. I think there are several issues to note: 1. Some totals are inconsistent: Exampi es: General Fund Receipts on +irst paqe are $840,794 In Statement 0+ Revenues" they are 344.992 In Statement 0+ Expenditures" the total +or +or General Funds *ppropriations is $2!127!597 Yet* the budQet amount +or General Funds is $1 931.371. What does all that mean? 2. What happened to Community Services" and Capitol Improvements"? 3. Most importantly. the total 23 paqe document really doesn*t mean much to me. I have to diO around to oct the simple in+ormatiori: How much did we qet?, How much did we spent?. and How much is le+t? I pulled to*ether the attached statement, based on the data in the 23 paQe document. This summary provides me with the in+ormation needed as a decision-maker. I+ my +ellow Council Members agree, I suggest we direct sta++ to provide this on a monthly basis. It is really very simple to prepare. Thank you. NOTE: 12/17 Just received the November Report and added the data +rom that one also to the attached +orm. BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD IL ra-as.., Q4I* * 78.105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 619) 564-2246 December 17, 1984 Mr. Terrance Loughran Riverside County Office on Aging 647 N. Main Street, Building *3 Riverside, California 92501 Dear Terry: La Quinta is in the process of establishing an information and referral office as a beginning step in the process of creating a system of services and programs to meet the needs of our seniors. The attached proposal indicates the amounts we feel are necessary to fund the project on a bare necessity" basis. Since La Quinta is a relatively new City with limited means to provide programs to its 558 seniors over the age of 65, we are asking that the Office on Aging assist us by financing one-half the total amount of the budget for six 6) months with the City financing the remainder. It is hoped that opportunities for additional assistance in such areas as grants, inclusion in the 85-86 program through Riverside County, City involvement and community participa- tion will be provided in the County's Fiscal Year budget 85-86). Thank you again for your suggestions. Your assistance and the efforts being made by your Office are greatly appreciated. **\Sincer;l*;4/y//*, * Mayor JAC/aj cc: City Council MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated December 18, 1984. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 18th day of December, 1984. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY 0.B. BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: ihe Honorable Mayor and Members of the City *ouncil From: Community Development Director Date: December 18, l9*4 Subject: ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE 52-470 AVENIDA MADERO NOEL & ELAINE JENSEN On November 20, 1984, the City Council conducted a public hearing on this matter and continued it to December 18, 1984, to allow Staff to: Prepare a Resolution declaring a public nuisance, but which suspends abatement if a schedule to complete the project is maintained. Meet with the Applicant to establish a construction schedule. Staff has met with the Applicant on this matter. The following summarizes that meeting: zoning Approval Applicant to submit Plot Plan application by December 21. This will allow Planning Commission review on January 8, l9*5. Applicant shall be required to meet all current standards. o Building Permit Applicant to submit permit application, including plan check fees immediately after Planning Commission action. Permit could then be issued no later than February 1. o Construction Schedule Applicant agreed to comply with the schedule contained in the Resolution. That schedule requires final inspection no later than November 1, l9*5. This allows ten months to complete which is more than reasonable. o Financial Security Applicant did not know how the construction would be financed ti.e., bank construction loan, out-of-pocket, etc.). Staff made it as clear as possible that the Applicant should make sure that the financial resources were available to complete the project within the schedule in order to avoid abatement and that lack of funds would not be sufficient grounds to extend the schedule or stay any BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD IL STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL December l*, 1984 Page 2. It is iny understanding that the Applicant is fully aware of and accepts the terms outlined in this memo and the Resolution. PREPARED BY: APPROVED Lawrence L. Stevens, AICP *AS TO CONTEN*. Community Development Director *OR CITY COUNCIL MEETING LLS:dmv OF Atch: Resolution BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: City Manager/Community Development Director Date: December 18, 1984 Subject: HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN DRAFT) COACHELLA VALLEY FRINGE-TOED LIZARD CVAG has requested that each City affected by the Habitat Conservation Plan HCP) for the Coachella Valley Fringe-Toed Lizard CVFTL) conduct a hearing to take public testimony on the plan prior to the CVAG Executive Committee Meeting on January 9, 1985. It is expected that the City Council will, based on public comments and their own analysis, establish a list of proposed changes if any) for consideration at the CVAG Executive Committee meeting. The Executive Committee is then expected to adoot the final version of the HCP, a related contract, and an application for a 10(a) permit for submission to the County and affected Cities for their final approval. Attached for your information are the following: Executive Summary of Draft HCP includes map of mitigation fee area) CVAG Executive Committee Recommendation includes some changes to the Draft HCP) A copy of the entire Draft HCP document is available for review in the Community Development Department. Within La Quinta, under the proposed HCP, it is expected that a *600 per acre mitigation fee to be reduced to $100 per acre after $7-million is collected) will be required to be paid prior to issuance of a grading and/or building permit for the 30-year duration of the lOta) permit. This fee will be applied to the area shown on the map enclosed in the attached summary which, within La Quinta, generally includes all of the land area north of Avenue 50 between Washington and Jefferson Streets, plus the northwesterly corner of Washington and Eisenhower Laguna De La Paz and the vacant land north of it). You should be aware that the small parcel shown on the map south of Avenue 50 has been recommended for deletion from the mitigation fee area. BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cD I. STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL December l*, 1*84 Page 2. As you are aware, the process of developing a plan for tfle CVFTL has been underway for some period of time. *tatf has been actively involved in that process and has worked to develop a plan which best protects the City's interests and needs. The current proposal, with its recommended amendments, is acceptable and represents the best that can be reasonably expected. while there are still some outstanding issues which the County and other Cities are involved in, including agricultural lana and bound- ries, most of these do not have a direct effect on La Quinta. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council advise its member of the CVAG Executive Committee to support the Draft HCP as currently proposed, including the twelve 12) recommendations of the CVAC Executive Committee. PR*ARED BY: *enceL'. 4 APPROVED Stevens, AICP TO CONTENT. Community Development Director W;<OR CITY COU OF $*,MFE2ETIA LLS:dmv Atchs: As Noted CiTY *AGER BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c!D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c"D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c#D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c$D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c%D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c&D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c'D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c(D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c)D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c*D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c+D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c,D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c-D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c.D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c/D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c0D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c1D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c2D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c3D Ii ESTABLISHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1058. COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236. TELEPHONE 819) 39&2651 DIRECTORS OFFICERS RAYMOND R. RU*4MONDS, FRESOENT LOWELL 0. WEEKS, GENERAL MANAGERCHIEF ENGINEER TELLISGODEKAS,VICEPRESIDENT December 12, 1984 BERNAR*NESLWrON,SECRETARY JOHN P. POWELL KEITH N. AINSWORTH, A*STANTGENERAL MANAGER*AUCUTOR PAULW. NICHOLS REDWINE AND SHERRIL* ATTORNEYS STEVE 0. BUXTON File: 0460.46 RECEIVED DEC 121984 City Council City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 Madam Mayor and Gentlemen: Subject: Southern California Water Company We are aware of the problems your community is having with the water system serving the Cove area. The concerns you and your citizens have about the reliability of the system and the high cost of service have received considerable press. We thought you might be interested to know that we are proceeding with an investigation into the acquisition of the system from Southern California Water Company. As you know, we provide domestic water service to most of Coachella Valley. The area served by Southern California Water Company is also within our district boundaries. We currently provide domestic water service to the lower part of La Quinta, from the country club-hotel area and north. We now provide more than 34,000 domestic water customers with high quality well water delivered through pressurized systems to meet modern fire flow requirements. We also serve as the contracting agency to provide supplemental imported water to most of Coachella Valley. A Coachella Valley Water District domestic water user in La Quinta with 3/4-inch meter the normal size for homes) currently pays $5.50 per month plus 47 cents per 100 cubic feet of consumption. Average water use this time of year in La Quinta is about 1,550 cubic feet. A typical December bill from Coachella Valley Water District is less than $12.80. On the other hand, a user with the same consumption from Southern California Water Company would pay $18.14, 42 percent more. We are quite capable of providing high quality of water service to the cove area, but before we undertake a feasibility study to determine a course of action leading to the upgrading of domestic water service in the upper portion of La Quinta, we need to have your comments or specific concerns to aid us. TRUE CONSERVATION USE WATER WISELY BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c4D 5, K*.'**;.t **q * *1'*'*tI 11 m'i IL*1* Inn * * * me B=*I'** * * * me *!*- * * i * *:i * K C fI*f* 0 * I U, 0 c* C, * m **- * 1 * CD * w * * * BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c5D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c6D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c7D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c8D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c9D fr& MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: December 13, 1984 Subject: Temporary prohibition of Parking Bob Hope Classic As has been done in past years, the Riverside County Sheriff's Department has requested the City ban parking on Washington Street, Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50, along the perimeters of the La Quinta Country Club, during the Bob Hope Classic1 January 9, 1985, through January 13, 1985. The accompanying resolution will provide the legal authority for the City to place barricades and No Parking signs in the above areas, and also provides for tow-away of vehicles which may be parked in violation during this period of time. Enforcement will be carried out by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. Any additional costs which arise will be paid by the Bob Hope Classic. RECOMMENDATION Adoption of the attached resolution is respectfully recommended. BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c:D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c;D IL MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and **rs of The City CounCil From: James Longtin, City Attorney Date: December 13, 1984 Subject: Ordinance Establishing a Community Services Commission At its regular meeting of December 4, 1984, the City CounCil directed The City Attorney to prepare an ordinance establishing a C*rn*ity Services Carinission and outlinlng its functions, pa*ers and duties. The attached ordinance, which is self explanatory, responds to Council direction. Respectfully suhuitted ames Tonqtin, City Attorney AP*ROVED TO CONTENT *OR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF CITY AGER BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c<D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c=D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c>D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c?D IL MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Lawrence Stevens, Community Development Director Date: December 14, 1984 Subject: Proposed Ordinance adopting various Uniform Codes establishing building and construction regulations. Material regarding item 8.D. on the Agenda will be furnished to the Council on Monday, December 17, 1984. %A4**ic* 4#. Lawrence L. Steven Community Development Director LLS/dc BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #c@D 5 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: *norable Mayor and D***ibers of the City Council From: Ann Jennings, *drninistrative Services Coordinator Date: December 12, 1984 Subject: Palm Tree Trimming*ng In November, 1983, the City contracted to have palm trees within the City public right-of-way areas triittned. The triir*ni*ng was accomplished by formalized bidding procedure at a cost of $8,500.00. Trees were trimeed along Avenida Obregon, Eisenhower Drive, Avenida *ntez*ina around La Quinta Park), the islands along Avenida Bennudas and a few other trees at various locations. The trees were in poor condition, and the tr*ng cost of $8,500.00 was expected to be lower in future years after the trees were brought into better condition. Recent informal bids obtained indicate the cost for trinmjng this year to be $7,000.00. Palm tree maintenance can be accomplished in several different ways, depending upon the look desired and *unt of funds expended. In several valley cities Palm springs and Palm Desert most notably), palm trees are tr11r[t* and skinned to give a smooth, manicured look to various streets and drives. In other cities the top fronds only are trbr[fled, leaving a rough tree trunk with clusters of dead fronds attached similar to our trees along Obregon and Eisenhower If the City Council decides that they would like to have City palm trees trTh!rled annually, I would appreciate receiving direction indicating the manner and extent to which this work should be accomplished. Formal bids specifications can be prepared by staff to request a base bid for trir*ng of the top fronds only, and an alternate bid which would include reroval of the clusters of dead fronds frcm the entire trunk of certain trees skinning). In this manner, if costs for skinning were extraordinarily high, only the base bid for top frond removal would be accepted. pE**CCATI* It is respectfully reccomended that the Council authorize Staff to proceed with preparation of plans and specifications for palm tree trirv*ing and/or skinning, and authorize Staff to go to bid for same. 1 APPR0*D TO CONTENT. Ann Jennings Administrative Services Coordinator WFOR CITY COUN,CILMjETING 0* * *NAGER BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cAD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cBD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cCD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02 #cDD IL F-F MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and M*r*ers of the City *uncil From * Develop:*t Director Date: December 18, 1984 Subject: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL ALLOCATION The FY84-*5 Budget makes provision for one Planning Assistant Range 40). A review of current work projects and priorities indicates that additional statfing is needed to more adequately respond to service requests fr*n various sources. I have recently co::pleted interviews to fill the Planning Assistant position and have several ca:ndidates to select fran. Hawever, the best available candidate exceeds our minimum qualifications and available salary. Based on the above, it appears that the best im*iate solution to the staffing concerns is to hire two planners with one as a Planning Assistant Range 40) and the other as an Associate Planner Range 46). The new Associate Planner Range 46) position would be half-way hetween the Planning Assistant and the Principal Planner Range 51). The attached *esolutions are intended to: o Transfer funds fran Engineering to Planning to cover costs for the Associate Planner position o EstabliSh an Associate Planner position within the approved personnel schedule It is my *pectation that these increases in staffing will allow us to improve our services to the public and to respond in a more timely manner to Council and Planning **ssion desires. **NITY DEVEL*PMENT DThE*R PEC**NDATION It is my recar!t*ation that the attached Resolutions be adopted to: Establish an Associate Planner position o Allocate funds to that position APPROVED *s TO CONTENT L***ce L. Stevens, AICP *OR CITY COUNCIL MEETING c*trnunity Developeent Director OF IiS:drr!*T CITY *AGER BIB] 10-09-1997-U01 11:09:01AM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 18-U02 1984-U02