1993 09 21 CCing -> 15L C z CITY COUNCIL AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBER 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting September 21, 1993 3:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No.93-73 a. Pledge of Allegiance Ord. No.235 b. Roll Call CONvIRM?ON OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 16, 1993 May 11, 1993 May 25, 1993 June 22, 1993 June 29, 1993 July 6, 1993 August 3, 1993 August 17, 1993 August 24, 1993 September 7, 1993 ANNOUNCEMENTS 000001 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LPRESENTATIONS Presentation of Plaque to Tom Hartung, Building and Safety Director for Employee of the Month for the Month of July. Presentation of Plaque to Betty Sawyer, Planning Department Secretary for Employee of the Month for the Month of August. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for a public hearing. Please complete a request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. wRrI.n?:N CORRESPONDENCE a. Petition from Residents of Yucatan Peninsula Area regarding creation of cul-de-sacs. b. Letters from residents of Rancho Ocotillo regarding proposed Forecast Homes. C. Letter from Sharon Kennedy resigning from the Community Services Commission. d. Letter from Indian Wells Garden and Community Club, Inc. regarding a fundraiser for the YMCA of the Desert Child Care Program at Eldorado Polo Club on November 6, 1993. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Consideration of Special Advertising Devices SAD 93-031) for the 1993 La Quinta Fine Crafts, Wine and All That Jazz Event at the Downtown Community Park November 26-28, 1993. Applicant: La Quinta Art? Foundation. a) Minute Order Action 2. Report of Planning Commission Action on Public Use Permit 934)16 for the La Quinta Sculpture School and Park Located at 57-325 Madison Street. Applicant: Bernard Gouthier. a) Minute Order Action. Th I Th Page 2 00002 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L3. Consideration of Request to Solicit Bids for the Repair of Tennis Court Lighting at Fritz Burns Park. a) Minute Order Action. 4. Consideration of Award of Consulting Contract for the Jefferson Street Alignment Study to The Keith Companies. a) Minute Order Action. Consideration of Award of Contract for Senior Center Sitework. a) Minute Order Action. 6. Consideration of Award of Contract for Landscaping Maintenance of Avenue 54, Madison Street, Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street. a) Minute Order Action. 7. Consideration of Award of Contract for Landscaping Maintenance of Eisenhower, Avenue 50, and Avenida La Fonda. a) Minute Order Action. 8. Consideration of the Creation of a City of La Quinta Volunteer Program. a) Minute Order Action 9. Consideration of Appropriation for Additional Printers. a) Minute Order Action. 10. Consideration of Approval of Contract Change Order 92-1-01 for Completion of Storm Drain Facilities. a) Minute Order Action. 11. Consideration of Appointment of Voting Delegate and Voting Alternate for League of California Cities Annual Conference in San Francisco, October 16-19, 1993. a) Minute Order Action. HA Page 3 000003 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L12. Transmittal of Treasurer's Report July 31, 1993. a) Minute Order Action. 13. Second Reading of Ordinance No.234 Fe: The Quarry Change of Zone. CONSENT CAu?NDAR Note: Consent Calendar Items are considered to be routine in nature and will be appToved by one motion. 1. Approval of Demand Registers Dated August 17, September 7, and September 21, 1993. 2. Adoption of CResolutiThon Authorizing Closure of Streets for the Chamber of Commerce 10-K Run. I 3. Adoption of?solutio?uthorizingCl6sure of Avenida Montezuma for the Art Foundation's Fine Crafts, Wine and All That Jazz. 4. Approval of U.S.D.A. Distribution Agreement. 5. Approval of Settlement Agreement with Greenwich Capitol Markets Inc. and Michael Howe. 6. Approval of Agreement with Riverside County Office on Aging for Title IIIB. 7. Acceptance of Grant of Easement Deed for Right-of-Way Parcel Located in Desert Club Drive Alignment DodcoIVeatheringill. 8. Acceptance of Right-of-Way within Tentative Tract 23971 La Quinta Del Oro, United Say? Bank. 9. Acceptance of Right-of-Way for Washington Street Bridge Project. 10. Approval of Associate Member Agreement with Under?und Service Alert of Southern California. 11. Approval of Overnight Travel for Mayor Pena and Council Member McCartney to Attend the League of California Cities Annual Conference in San Francisco October 16-19, 1993. Pagc 4 000004 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LSTUDY SESSION Note: The following are study session items; however, action may be taken on any or all of these matters. 1. Discussion of Proposed Development Standards and Restrictions for the Installation of Communications Towers and Related Structures. 2. Discussion of On-Street and Off-Street Parking Alternatives in Vicinity of Avenida Bermudas/Calle Tampico Intersection. 3. Discussion of Temporary Grand Opening't Banners and Their Related City Fees for New Commercial Businesses. REPORTS AND INFORMATION ITEMS a. Planning Commission Minutes of May 25, July 13, July 27 and August 24, 1993 b. Design Review Board Minutes of June 2, June 23 and August 4, 1993 c. Art in Public Places Minutes of July 12 and July 20, 1993 d. Community Services Commission Minutes of June 28, July 12, July 29, and August 23, 1993. e. Project Area Committee Minutes of July 21, 1993 f. Investment Advisory Board Minutes of July 23, 1993. g. CVAG Committee Reports h. SunLine Reports I. C. V. Mountains Conservancy j. C. V. Recreation & Park District Minutes of July 7, 1993 DEPARIMENT REPORTS a. City Manager None b. City Attorney Status of AB1290 C. Administrative Services Director Report and Consideration of Civic Center Dedication Ceremonies d. Building and Safety Director None e. Finance Director Transmittal of Statements of Financial Position July 31 and August 31, 1993 f. Planning and Development Director None g. Public Works Director None h. Sheriff's Station Commander None Page 5 OOOO()5 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS ITEMS 1. Discussion and Consideration of Purchase of Embroidered Badges. Perkins) 2. Discussion of Minimum House Sizes. Sniff) 3. Discussion and Consideration of Possible Residential Permit Moratorium. Perkins) RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECESS tjITL 7:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS Presentton of IA Qwuita &ouuftel Awards IAndscaped for Ecology" Bruce Galvanek, 54-430 Avenida Morun? for the Mouth of June Michael & Julie Reeske, 54415 Avenida Vullejo, for the Month of July Michael & Sunute Dewidrea, 53-745 Avenida Menloza, for the Month of Auglist PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for a public hearing. Please complete a equest to speak form and limit your comment to three minutes. PUBLIC REARINGS 1. Public Use Permit 9?15 to Attach Antenna Equipment to an Existing Tower for Cellular Communications and Construct a 484 sq. ft. Equipment Structure at 81-600 Avenue 58. Applicant: PacTel Ceilul?r??fl? a) J?eitit?t?rrj<ction. Page 6 O()OOO(; BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L 2. Tentative Tract Map 23995 On?Year Time Extension on a Previously-Approved Subdivision Map Which Allows 1,036 Units on Approximately 133 Acres Located South of Miles Avenue, East of Washington Street, West of Adams Street and North of the Whitewater Wash in the R-1 One Family Dwelling), R-3 General Residential) and C-P General Commercial) Zone. Applicant: A. G. Spanos Cons?ruction, Inc. a) Resolut??io?n;Action. 3. Tentative Tract 27840 Subdivision of 55 Acres into 127 Residential Lots and Miscellaneous Lots in tRancho La Quinta11 Located South of 48th Avenue and East of Washington Street. Appikani: Th Desrt Develoonmt chuck Strolber). a) Resolutio??Action. 4. Environmental Assessment 9?261 Consideration of Adoption of Negative Declaration Prepared for the Fritz Burns Park Improvements Located at the Southeast Corner of Avenida Bermudas and New 52nd Avenue. Appik?nt: City of La Quinta. a) #msolutionction. \ 5. Environmental Assessment 9?262 Consideration of Adoption of Negative Declaration Prepared for the Proposed Palm Royale Park Located on the West Side of Adams Street, Between Miles Avenue and Fred Waring Drive. Applicant: City of La Quhita. Note: To be Continued to October 19, 1993. CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of on-going litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Riverside County Interpleader Action Case No.234997 DECL?ON OF POSTING I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council Meeting of September 21, 1993 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce on Friday, September 17, 1993. Da?:SePtwem?bypyr179?? City of La Quinta, California Page 7 000007 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the?ity Coune? FROM: Steve Speer, Assistant City Enginee? DATE: September 21, 1993 SUBJECT: Resident Petition for Cul-de sac Streets in Yucatan Area The cost estimates stated in the memorandum dated 9/21/93 should be considered cost reductions not cost additions to the Phase 5 project, noted as 1ows: Alternate #1 deduct $50,000 Alternate #2 deduct $44,000 Alternate #3 deduct $12,000 Staff's recommendation to adopt Alternate #3 remains unchanged. id 000008 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L c/c: C August 27, 1993 Sharon D. Kennedy 77-350 Calle Arroba La Quinta, CA 92253 The Honorable John Pena La Quinta City Council 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Mayor Pena and City Council Members: It is with regret that I submit this letter of resignation as Community Service Commissioner. I am eager to resume my profession as a classroom teacher on a full-time basis. It takes a great deal of time and energy to make a classroom a pleasurable, learning environment. If is for this reason, I have selected to devote my time and enthusiasm to y career and to lighten my extracurricular activities. I have enjoyed serving as La Quinta?s Ccmmuni:y Serve Commissioner, especially this last year. The present Commission is a goal-oriented group that is eager to work with Ci?y zunci o-rio the citizens in keeping La Quinta--the Gem of the Deser?. Sinoerel y SHARON KENNEDY cc CSC 000014 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L i'?s&?cJ?i?2 September 6! 1993 Mayor John Pena The City 0+ La uinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Ouinta, CA 9225:. Dear Mayor Pena Once again the Indian Wells Garden and Community Club will be presenting our annual +und-raiser to support the Family YMCA 0+ the Desert Child Care Program. As you well know last year we had a wonder+ul Masquerade Ball. This year the guests can look +orward to a Southwest Roundup 6oin? Polo on November 6, 1993 at the ldorado Polo Club in Indio. It will have the +lavor 0+ the Southwest, a Western Band, A Polo Match, dinner, gambling, a live Auction and many surprises. The Family YMCA 0+ the Desert is currently providing be+ore and a+ter school care at nine sites throughout the Coachella Valley. Fees are determined on a sliding scale, and in some cases waived completely. The women 0+ the Indian Wells Garden and Community Club believe that by +ostering this child care program, we are helping local +amilies preserve their +amily unit. Hope+ully The City 0+ La uinta will support this worthwhile cause by buying at least one table 0+ eight $75.00 per person) +or the event. At this point attendance is 0+ the utmost importance in order to be success+ul. Last year approximately 300 guests enjoyed the evening. This year with the help 0+ The City 0+ La uinta, and also 0+ the surrounding cities in the Coachella Valley we will reach our go?l and hope+ully more. Last year Palm Springs Li+e +eatured the event in Around Town. We were also +eatured in Jan Curran's column in The Desert Sun and in Joan Boiko's column in the Desert Post. Radio station KWXY +eatured the event on Valerie Jean Hume?s VJ Corner and Colony Cable News did a special +eature on the event. We anticipate additional coverage this year through television, advertising and radio interviews. Through your attendance and generosity you will experience a gi+t that we can not c'ive that 0+ knowing that through your generosity. you have made a di++erence in the lives 0+ our local children as well as their +amilies. I am sure you will want The City 0+ La inta well represented. Should you have any questions, +eel +ree to contact me at 619) 773-4744. Checks +or the event can be sent to Indian Wells Garden and Community Club +und-raiser, 75-355 St. Andrews Ct. Indian Wells, CA 92210. Very truly yours? Nancy C. Thomas 00002rj BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L * COUNCIL MEETING DATh: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING BUSINESS SESSION: I DEVISES FOR THE 1993 LA QUINTA FINE CRAFTS, WINE AND ALL THAT JAZZ EVENT. CONSENT CALENDAR: SAD 93-031) STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION S??4ARY: The La Quinta Arts Foundation is requesting special advertising devices be located throughout the City. The signs Will advertise and provide directional signage for the Fine Crafts, Wine and all that Jazz event to be held on November 26-28,1993, in the downtown Community Park. FISCAL IMPUC?ONS: None APPROVED BY: RECO?IENDATION: It is recommended the Council approve the La Quinta Arts Foundation's request. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: J RRY ERMAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR ROBERT L. RUNT, CITY MANAGER 000026 C BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L#COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: ACCEPTANCE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS SESSION: REPORT OF ACTION ON PUBLIC USE PERMIT 93-016 FOR THE LA QUINTA SCULPTURE SCHOOL AND PARK LOCATED AT 57-325 CONSENT CALENDAR: MADISON STREET STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: BERNARD GOUTHIER SUMMARY: This request was considered by the Planning Commission at its meeting of September 14, 1993. The Planning Commission approved the permit. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion 93- move to accept for file this report of action taken by the Planning Commission. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: +\t? RY R PLANNING DIRECTOR ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER OOOO3? 1 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L$ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L% NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L) NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L* NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L+ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L0 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L1 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L2 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L4 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L5 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L6 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L9 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L: NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L; NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L> NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LA NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LB NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LC NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LE NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LF NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LG NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LH c-I CJ?.,IJ,1?fg5?D? z V OF COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: Request to Solicit Bids for the Repair of Tennis Court Lighting BUSINESS SESSION: at Fritz Burns park. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: Council Member Bangerter has requested that the Council consider repairing the tennis court lighting on courts one through four at Fritz Burns Community Park due to several requests from citizens and based on the current intensive use which the courts receive well into dusk. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Repair of the lighting on courts one through four was previously estimated at $10,400. Funds an be allocated from the Fritz Burns Park Construction Fund. Staff estimates that the cost for the project will be less than $10,000. Repair of the lighting is part of the proposed phase I improvements. APPROVED BY:_________________ RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council direct staff to solicit bids and to proceed with the repair of the lights on tennis courts one through four. Submitted by: Approved for submission to Clint Bohi en, City Council: Parks & Recreation Manager ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER 000072 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LI NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LJ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LK NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LL NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LM NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LN NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LO 0 I 7 0 * OF COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: I?EM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: C6nsideration of Award of Consulting Contract BUSINESS SESSION: for the Jefferson Street Alignment Study, The Keith Companies CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: The alignment of Jefferson Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 62 became an issue during the entitlement process for The Quarry g?f club project. Landowners in the vicinity of this unimproved segment of Jefferson Street indicated concern with the current alignment. In response to their concern, The Quarry project was conditioned to pay for an alignment study to resolve the issues. The developer for the project is anxious to proceed with the alignment study since the study results are needed by the developer to complete offsite street and utility plans for the project. The study w?l be City sponsored, but funded by the developer. The Council formed a consultant selection committee for this contract at its June 5, 1993 meeting. Committee members included Council Member Bangerter, Council Member Perkins, the City Manager and the Public Works Director. The committee met on August 5, 1993 and decided that the most qu?ified firm to perform the alignment study is The Keith Companies. The Keith Companies has submitted a detailed proposal for the alignrnent study. In consu]tation with The Keith Companies, it has been reviewed, refined and incorporated into the City's standard professional services contract format. The contract work is proposed to be performed on a time and materi? basis not to exceed $91,196. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: The alignment study will have no impact on the City budget. The developer for The Quarry project will deposit sufficient funds with the City to cover the contract costs. Payments to The Keith Companies will be made from the developer's deposit. RECOMMENDATION: Award a contract to The Keith Companies to prepare a street alignment study of Jefferson Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 62 subject to receipt of $91,196 from the developer of The Quarry Project. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: L??. Signature Robert L. Hunt City Manager RV/rv 00079 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LP NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LQ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LR NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LS NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LT NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LU NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LV NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LZ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L[ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L^ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15La NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lb NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lc NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Ld NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Le NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lf NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lg NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lh NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Li NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lk NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Ll NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lm NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Ln NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lo NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LpCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider Award of Contract for Senior Center Sitework BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SIJN?MARY: One bid was received on September 16 for the Senior Center sitework in the amount of $392,289 from James T. Dunphy Company. However, an error in two of the extended amounts of unit prices for Site Improvements, Items 10 and 11 Attachment A), changes the actual bid amount to $393,899 FISCAL INIPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: 7 Available in the project budget is $98,207. Total cost, with contingency, is $4l3?594, therefore, an additional location of $315,387 will be required from the Infrastructure Fund Reserve of $1.1 million to provide for the contract amount plus contingency. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Award a contract to the James T. Dunphy Company in the Amotint of $393,899. 2. Authorize allocation of $315,387 from the Infrastructure Fund to the Senior Center project fund. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: nat Robert L. Hunt, City 00hz BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lq NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lr NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Ls NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lt NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lu NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lv NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lw NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LxCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: Septeniber 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Award of Contract for Landscape Maintenance Services Avenue 54, Madison BUSINESS SESSION: Street, Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: 5UT?IMARY: Three bids were received, two of which were considered to be responsive The low bid was submitted by Mentone Turf Supply in the amount of $55,992.96. FISCAL 4PUCATIONS: APPROVED BY: 7 A total of $65,000 was budgeted for these projects in the Lighting and Landscape budget. RECOMMENDATION: Award a contract to Mentone Turf Sup?y in the amount of $55,992.96. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: k?ku Robert L. Hunt, City FRRIld OO1??0 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Ly NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lz NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L OF COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21,1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Award of Contract for Landscape Maintenance Services Eisenhower Drive, BUSINESS SESSION: Avenue 50 and Avenida La Fonda. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: Three bids were received, two of which were considered to be responsive. The low bid was submitted by Mentone Turf Supply in the amount of $11,400.00. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: It wi? be necessary to transfer funds into the Lighting and Landscape Distr?t budget RECO?ENDATION: 1) Award a contract to Mentone Turf Supply in the amount of $1 1,400.00. 2. Authorize a transfer of $30,000 from the Civic Center Building Operations budget to the Lighting and Landscape budget Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: sign? I+LiI?? Robeit L. Hunt, City FRR/ld U00123 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: Creation of a City of La Quinta Volunteer Program. BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: The August 3, 1993 staff report to the Council entitled Discussion of the Creation of a La Quinta Volunteer Program introduced the concept of developing a volunteer program which would provide assistance to City departments. The Council reviewed the proposal, provided staff with comment, and directed that the program be revised and returned for the Council's consideration. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Budget has been established at $2,000. If approved, it is recommended funding be allocated from the Special Projects Contingency Account in the Legislative Budget. To date, the account has $13,700 in unexpended funds. APPROVED BY:________________ RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council reviews the proposed City of La Quinta Volunteer Program and approve the program for implementation. Submitted by: Approved for submission to Clint Bohlen, City Council: Parks & Recreation Manager ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER 000126 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L J?Th? COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC COMMENT: ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Approval to Purchase BUSINESS SESSION: Capital Equipment Three Laser Printers. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: BACKGROUND: Staff is recommending the purchase of three 3) new laser printers for City Hall. The move into the new Civic Center has created minor printing problems related to the capabilities of existing computer equipment. There are a number of other computer needs and requests that will be addressed later this year as part of the Mid-Year Budget Review Report); however, this request is related to the existing equipment printing capabilities that were impaired by the move. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: Funds of $2,100 are available for this expense in the account created for the move to the Civic Center. The purchase of the printers will reguire a budget transfer from the above referenced account to the Civic Center Capital Equipment Account to appropriately track capital expenditures. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the purchase of three 3) laser printers estimated at a cost not to exceed $2,100 and the required appropriation transfer. Submitted By: Approved for submission to City Council ROBERT L. HUNT FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Approval of Contract Change Order for Completion of Storm Drain IFaci]ities. BUSINESS SESSION: /0 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: To complete the storm drain facilities in a cost efficient manner, it is prudent to consider installing the remaining facilities under the current contract for the Phase V project. The proposed contract change order, if implemented, will complete the storm water collection system in the Cove area. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: The existing amount in the project's storm drain contingency account is $269,549. Since the amount required for this work is $292,670, an additional $23,121 will be need to be appropriated to cover this contract change order in addition to an appropriation of $149,408 to establish a new 5% contingency amount. A total of $172,529 needs to be appropriated from current year RDA Project Area No. 1 reserves of $1.398 million. RECO?ENDATION: Recommend approval of contract change order No.92-1-01 in the amount of $292,670 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $172,529 to the Phase 5 RDA Constn'edon Account from the RDA-1 Fund Reserves of $1.398 million. Submitted by: Approved for Submissioii to City Council: WgnattVe Robert L. Hunt, City JMF/ld i 000148 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L 0 z COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 2?, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING CONSIDERATION OF VOTING DELEGATE AND BUSINESS SESSION: II VOTING ALTERNATE FOR LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: The League of California Cities Annual Conference will be held in San Francisco October 16-19, 1993. At this tirne, Mayor Pena and Council Member McCartney are planning to attend. In the event that either individual is able to attend the business meeting on Tuesday, or in the event, that a special meeting is called during the conference, it's necessary to appoint a voting delegate and alternate who will be entitle to vote on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY RECOMMENDATION: Council's Pleasure Sub i ed by: Approved for submission to City Council: AUNDRA L. JU A, CITY CLERK ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER CC?14 000151 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE SEPTEMBER 2?, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT FINANCE DIRECTOR CONSENT CALENDAR: TRANSMITTAL OF TREASURER1S REPORT STUDY SESSION: Transrnital of July 31, 1993 Treasu:cer1s Report. I certify that this report accurately reflects all pooled investments and is in coinpilance with California Government Code Section 53645 as amended 1/1/86; and is in conformity with City Code 3.08.010 to 3.08.070 Investment of Moneys and Funds. As Tiea?ure1 of the City of La Quinta, I hereby certify that sufficient investment liquidity and anticipated ieveiiues aie available to meet next month's estimated expenditureb TsJeill; Da City Treasulel RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council I' signature ROBERT L. HUNT CITY MANAGER uOO15? BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L BUSINESS SESSION: I? ORDINANCE 234 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE 93A)75 AND CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL D?RMIN?ON CASE NO. CZ 93A)75 WINCHESThR ASSET MANAGEMENT OR LA QUINTA GOLF PROPE?ES) The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SE?ON 1. Section 4.1 of Riverside County Ordinance No.348 which was adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance S, operative August 29,1982) and La Quinta District Official Zoning Plan Map 14, as amended, are further amended by rezoning from H-C Hillside Conservation) to R-1-20,O00 and R-5. The parcels shown and depicted for such rezoning on the map which is attached to and made a part of this Ordinance, and which attached map is labeled Exhibit A", Change of Zone 93?75. SE?ON 2. ENVIRONMENTAL. The Change of Zone has complied with the requirements of The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended and adopted in City Council Resolution 83-68), in that the Planning Director conducted an initial study and has determined that the proposed Change of Zone will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. SE?ON 3. EFFECTIVE DAm. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty 30) days after its adoption. SECTION 4. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. The foregoing Ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this day of 1993, by the following vote: ORDDRFT. O?4 1 000162 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of temporary closure BUSINESS SESSION: of streets for the Chamber of Commerce 10K Run CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: DEPT. REPORT: BACKGROUND: To facilitate a temporary closure of streets, for a special event. This proposed temporary closure has been reviewed by the Engineering Department, Riverside County Sheriff, and the Fire Department. None have voic?d any objections to the closure. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: None RECOMMENDATION: Recommend adoption of the attached resolution. Submitted by: Approved f6r submission to City Council: Maer?? Tom Hartung Robert L. Hunt, City Building & Safety Director ang?? BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L opA?%utt,aj COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of temporary closure BUSINESS SESSION: of Avenida Montezuma for the Art Foundation's Fine Crafts, Wine CONSENT CALENDAR: 3 and All That Jazz STUDY SESSION: DEPT. REPORT: SUMMARY: To facilitate a temporary closure of a street for a special event. This proposed temporary closure has been reviewed by the Engineering Department, Riverside County Sheriff, and the Fire Department. None have voiced any objections to the closure. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: None RECOMMENDATIQN: Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: mHartung/ Robert L. Hunt, City Manage Building & Safety Director ART.JAZZ U00169 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L $Aq-$ itQo?A?uiKt&J COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: Demand Register AUGUST 17, 1993 CONSENT CALENDAR: I STUDY SESSION: BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants 16035 16063? $42,906.40 15964-967,16028-034,11064-072 $31,100.52 P/R 8828 8923 $58,205.51 PIR 8925 8979 $55,106.07 Payable Warrants 16102 16238 2,581,207.12 $2,768,525.62 FISCALIMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: Demand of Cash $2,768,525.62 RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Demand Register Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council ROBERT L. HUNT CITY MANAGER u00173 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L 0 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Agreement with Survive Food Bank for distribution BUSINESS SESSION: of U.S.D.A. commodities. CONSENT CALENDAR: Lb STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: The Survive Food Bank Agreement is for distribution of U.S.D.A. commodities butter, flour, canned meat, etc.) at the Senior Center. Distribution has been located at the Senior Center for several years; however, the State of California Department Qf Social Services Food Distribution Bureau has requested that new agreements be completed for each site. The Agreement sets forth regulations for storage, distribution, record-keeping, and eligibility requirements pertaining to the U.S.D.A. commodities. There is no term to the Agreement; it may be terminated by either party with thirty 30) days written notice. The attached Agreement is the standard form sent to all distribution centers by the U.S.D.A. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement with Survive Food Bank for distribution of U.S.D.A. commodities and authorization for the Mayor to sign same. Submitted by: Approved for submission to PAMELA LICALSI City Council: Administrative Analyst y?7?' re ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER t,OO19? BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L Cl iIii1?A'1IP1?(JilILiTh COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Approval of Settlement PUBLIC HEARING: Agreement with Greenwich Capital Markets Inc. and Michael Howe BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: Attached is a Settlement Agreement between Greenwich Capital Markets Inc. and the City of La Quinta arising out of one of the third party wymer litigation matters. The proposed Settlement Agreement will provide La Quinta with a $50,000 payment. Because this settlement was negotiated prior to the Iowa Trust settlement, it will not be subject to the Iowa Trust splitting of recoveries as outlined in the Iowa Trust Settlement Agreement. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Receipt of $50,000 as provided for in the Agreement will be allocated as follows: $23,000 to the Redevelopment Agency and $27,000 to the City pursuant to theAgency/City loss ratio of 46%/54%). APPROVED BY: 7< RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Settlement Agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency and City of La Quinta. Submitted by: Approved for submission to Thomas P. Genovese, City Council: Assistant City Manager ature ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER 000198 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L I z OF COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Approval of Agreement with PUBLIC HEARING: Riverside County Office on Aging for Title III B BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: The Title III B contract provides funding for the Senior Outreach and Referral Services up to the amount of $4,681. The Information and Referral Service is provided Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the La Quinta Senior Center. The Outreach Program is generally 3-4 hours per week in response to referrals and requests. The goal of the program is to improve the well-being of older persons in our community. This contract has been in place with the County for several years. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: In accordance with the contract, the City pays a portion of the Senior Center Director's salary and the County provides matching funds up to the amount of $4,681. The grant funding is currently budgeted in the FY 1993-94 Budget. APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Title III B Agreement with Riverside County Office On Aging and authorize the Mayor to sign same. Submitted by: Approved for submission to Thomas P. Genovese, City Council: Assistant City Manager i?; I.. Signature ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER o?ooo BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L C *%4 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Acceptance of Grant of Easement Deed for Right-of-Way BUSINESS SESSION: Parcel Located in Desert Club Drive Alignment, Dan & Cheri Featheringill Dodco Construction) CONSENT CALENDAR: 7 STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: The existing half-width right-of-way for Desert Club Drive is only 25-feet wide on the east side. In order to achieve the width required by the General Plan, the City conditioned the property owner to dedicate the necessary right-of-way to the City for street purposes when Plot Plan 92-485 was approved June 16, 1993. The property owner has complied with the General Plan and has deeded the City a 5' x 80' parcel with corner cut back at the Desert Club Drive I Calle Fortuna intersection. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council accept the Grant of Easement Deed from Dan & Cheri Featheringill Dodco Construction) and direct the City Clerk to have it recorded. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: S ig?nature Robert L. Hunt City Manager RVIrv UOO?i? BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: September21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Acceptance of Right of Way within Tentative Tract 23971, BUSINESS SESSION: I? Quinta Del Oro United Savings Bank CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUbIMARY: Ownership of la Quinta Del Oro, the former Deane Homes tentative tract located at the northeast corner of Washington and Miles, has reverted to the developer's lender, United Savings Bank. Only the first phase, 23971-1, has been substantially completed. The remainder of the property remains unimproved. As approved by the City Council on January 19, 1993, the lender will complete all punchlist items for 23971-1 and will construct a street connection to the nearly-complete Tract 23268 Thornburgh) to the east. The street connection will improve traffic flow in and out of both tracts. In exchange, the City will release existing security for completed improvements on Washington Street and within Tract 23971- 1, for Miles Avenue off-sites, and for a percentage of the park/retention basin security equal to the percentage of the tentative tract that has not been subdivided. The Miles Avenue off-sites and the remainder of the park/retention basin, not completed at this time, will be secured at the time of approval of the next phase of the development 23971-2). The attached document provides the dedication of the right of way necessary for the roadway connection to Tract 23268. Acceptance of the right of way is required prior to recordation of the deed. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: None. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the right of way and authorize staff to proceed with recordation. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Robert L. Hunt City Manager 0024"\ Pfllfh BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: September21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Acceptance of Right of Way BUSINESS SESSION: for Washington Street Bridge Project CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: Bridge, street and waterline improvements associated with the Whitewater/Washington Street bridge widening require additional right of way between the Whitewater channel and Miles Ave. All adjacent property is owned by a single property owner who has cooperated with staff in dedicating the needed right of way and easements to the City, Riverside County, and the Coachella Valley Water District. The attached deeds grant the City an additional 20 feet of street right of way along the east side of Washington Street from the bridge to Miles Avenue. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: 7 None. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Washington Street right of way and authorize staff to proceed with recordation of the deeds. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Is Robert L. Hunt City Manager U0024 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: September21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Approval of Associate Member Agreement with BUSINESS SESSION: Underground Service Alert of Southern California CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: California State Assembly Bill No.73, effective January 1,1990, requires that public agencys operating or maintaining subsurface installations belong to their regional Underground Service Alert USA). USA alerts the agencies when excavations are scheduled for areas containing known subsurface installations. Agencies can then mark the locations of their installations thus avoiding damage to the installations and danger to excavator's employees. The City operates and maintains storm drains, underground traffic signal conduits, irrigation lines, and electrical wiring for landscape lighting and irrigation control systems, and is therefore required by law to join USA. The attached is USA's standard agreement for Associate Membership. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: Present USA membership costs are $273.00 per year plus $1.25 FAX fee per notification received. Staff does not know at present how many notifications the City will receive, but estimate an average of 20 per nionth at an annual cost of $300. Sufficient funds are available in the Public Works' Contract Services Account to cover the estimated total annual cost of $573. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to execute the Associate Member Agreement to join USA and to expend $273 for the first year's membership dues. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: L??-L. Robert L. Hunt City Manager UOO23r??? i-? BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L z OF COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING AUTHORIZATION FOR OVER-NIGHT TRAVEL FOR BUSINESS SESSION: MAYOR PENA AND COUNCIL MEMBER MCCARTNEY TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CONSENT CALENDAR: CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE. STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: The League of California Cities Annual Conference will be held in San Francisco October 16-19, 1993. At this time, Mayor Pena and Council Member McCartney are planning to attend. The registration fee is $195.00 each, the airfare $150.00 round-trip and the hotel accomodations run about $140.00. The additional costs would include meals and parking $20.00 per day). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: $900 per person APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: That Council authorize Mayor Pena and Council Member McCartney to attend the League of California Cities Annual Conference in San Francisco October 16-19. Sub itted by: Approved for submission to City Council: AUNDRA L. OLA, CITY CLERK ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER CC#14 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L 4 0 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND BUSINESS SESSION: RESTRICTIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF COMMUNICATIONS TOWERS AND RELATED CONSENT CALENDAR: STRUCTURES. STUDY SESSION: APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA SUMMARY: The City of La Quinta does not have any policies concerning the siting of communications equipment. At Council direction staff has prepared a draft ordinance addressing this issue. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: 7 RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests Council authorization to route the ordinance for comment and to schedule public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RRY MAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER CC#4 00027C) BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L# NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L$ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L% NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L'COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Septeinber 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of On-Street and Off-Street Parking Alternatives in Vicinity of Avenida BUSINESS SESSION: Bermudas/Calle Tampico Intersection. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: In July, the owner of Ace Hardware requested the City to consider the possibility of allowing angle parking on the west side of Avenida Bermudas near the hardware store. Staff has prepared for Council consideration, two angle parking alternatives in response to the business owner's request; Exhibits A and B. A third alternative regarding parking near the hardware store is now possible as a result of the recent realignment of Calle Tampico. The northerly relocation of Calle Tampico created a vacant area of excess right of way that is approximately 185' long by 70' wide. Exhibit C has b?en prepared to show one possible configuration for a parking lot in this vacant area. Currently, there is sufficient space for five 5) parallel on-street parking spaces on the west side of Avenida Bermudas. Alternative A provides nine 9) 450 on-street angle parking spaces. Alternative B provides seven 7) 450 on-street angle parking spaces. Alternative C provides twenty-six 26) off-street parking spaces plus several additional on-street parking spaces on Avenida Bermudas and Calle Tampico. This study session item was prepared in response to a request for more parking near the hardware store. However, before the City initiates a significant effort to solve a parking problem, staff recommends a village parking and funding analysis be performed. Additionally, constructing a parking lot in the vacant right of way north of Ace Hardware is one alternative for that property. There are other possibilities such as landscaping the area). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: 7 If alternatives A or B are implemented, the estimated cost is $1,000 if performed by City maintenance crew? The ost to design and construct the parking lot proposed by Alternative C is approximately $75,000 to $105,000. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council provide direction to staff on which alternative the Council prefers. Staff wil? report back to the Council with an item in the future if so directed. Stibmitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: Si nature Robert L. Hunt, City Manager SDSIld u@0295 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L) NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L* NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L+ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L0 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L1 z COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21,1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING DISCUSSION ON TEMPORARY GRAND OPENING" BUSINESS SESSION: BANNERS AND THEIR RELATED CITY FEES FOR COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES. CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: 5 SUMMARY: On June 28, 1993, the City received a request from the Chamber of Commerce to waive the application fees for Grand Opening" signs to encourage economic dev?opment and reduce the start up costs associated with opening a new business. The current fee is $80.00 and can be issued for a 30-day period. The permits are reviewed by the Planning and Development Department as a standard sign permit application. flSCAL IMPLICATIONS: Loss of $80.00 per application. APPROVED BY: 7 RECO?NDATION: It is recommended the Council direct staff to include consideration of Grand Opening banners in the Zoning Ordinance update. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RY R AN, PLANNING DIRECTOR ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER cc#20 uOO3:3? BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L2 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L3 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L4 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L5 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L6 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L7 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L8 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L9 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L: NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L; NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L> NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LA NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LB NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LC NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LD NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LE NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LF NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LG NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LH NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LI NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LJ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LK NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LL NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LM NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LN NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LO NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LP NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LQ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LR NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LS NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LT NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LU NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LV NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LW NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LX NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LY NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LZ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L[ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L^ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15La NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lb NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lc NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Ld NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Le NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lf NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lg NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lh NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Li NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lj NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lk NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Ll NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lm NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Ln NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lo NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lp NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lq NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lr NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Ls NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lt NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lu NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lv NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lw NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lx NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Ly NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15Lz NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L 7 MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM ThE: PUBLIC HEARING I APPROVAL OF PUBLIC USE PERMIT 93-015 TO BUSINESS SESSION: ATTACH ANTENNA EQUIPMENT TO AN EXISTING TOWER FOR CELLULAR CONSENT CALENDAR: COMMUNICATIONS AND CONSTRUCT A 484 SQ. FT. EQUIPMENT STRUCTURE AT 81-600 AVENUE STUDY SESSION: 58 ID COMPLEX) APPLICANT: PACTEL CELLULAR SUMMARY: This request was approved by the Planning Commission on July 27, 1993. The City Council, at its meeting of August 3rd, considered the ap?ication as a business item, but after discussion decided to hold the case for public hearing. FISCAL U?IPuCATIONS: No fiscal implications wifl be imposed on the City. APPROVED BY: RECOMNIEM)ATION: By Minute Motion 93- move to approve Public Use Permit 93-015, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Submitted by Approved for submission to City Council: RMAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER cc#17 H/7 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: PUBLIC HEARING ON TENTATIVE TRACT MAP BUSINESS SESSION: 23995 TO ALLOW A THIRD ONE YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SUBDIVISION MAP WHICH ALLOWES 1,036 UNITS CONSENT CALENDAR: ON APPROXIMATELY 133 ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF MILES AVENUE, EAST OF WASHINGTON STUDY SESSION: STREET, WEST OF ADAMS STREET & NORTH OF THE WHITE WATER WASH. THE PROPERTY IS ZONED R-1 ONE FAMILY DWELLING), R-3 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL) & C-P GENERAL COMMERCIAL) APPLICANT: A.G. SPANOS CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY: In 1989, the City Council approved the subdivision of approximately 133 acres for the ultimate development of 1,036 units and a commercial site since deleted by adoption of the new General Plan in 1992). In 1991 and 1992, the Applicant received one year extensions of time pursuant to the City's existing subdivision ordinance requirements. The Planning Commission reviewed the developer's third extension of time request on July 27, 1993, and voted unanimously to recommend an additional one year period of time provided the Conditions of Approval were modified to meet current City standards. The minor amendments are noted in the attached draft Resolution. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Move to adopt City Council Resolution 93 approving a one year extension of time for Tentative Tract 239?(Third Extension of Time) per the attached Conditions of Approval. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER /57 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21,1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING ON TT 27840 SUBDIVISION OF 55 ACRES BUSINESS SESSION: INTO 127 RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND MISCELLANEOUS LOTS IN RANCHO LA QUINTA" LOCATED SOUTH OF 48TH CONSENT CALENDAR: AVENUE AND EAST OF WASHINGTON STREET. APPLICANT: TD DESERT DEVELOPMENT CHARLES R. STUDY SESSION: SThOTHER) SUMMARY: This tentative tract map is a part of the project previously known as *The Pyrarnids". The project will consist ultimately of two golf courses, a maximum of 1500 dwelling units, and 80 guest cottages. To date, one golf course has heen constructed. The applicant has recently obtained the property and begun improvements to the property. This tentative tract inap is a remap of a portion of Tentative Tract 24545 which was previously approved. The Planning Cornmission considered this item at Its meeting of September 14, 1993, and unanimously 4-0, Comnissioner Adolph absent) recommended approval subject to conditions. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: By adoption of Resolution 93- approve Tentative Tract 27840, subject to the attached conditions. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RY H AN, PLANNING DIRECTOR ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER cc#14 BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: 4' CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE BUSINESS SESSION: DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 93-261 PREPARED FOR THE FRITZ BURNS PARK CONSENT CALENDAR: DEVELOPMENT STUDY SESSION: SUMMARY: The Planning & Development Department has completed Environmental Assessment 93-261. Based upon this assessment, the Fritz Burns Park project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment. A Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared for City CQuncil consideration. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None relating to the consideration of Negative Declaration. APPROVED BY: 7 RECOMMENDATION: Move to adopt Resolution 93- to certify the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 93-261, Fritz Burns Park Development, subject to mitigation measures. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RY ERMAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15LCOUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE BUSINESS SESSION: DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 93-262 CONSENT CALENDAR: PREPARED FOR THE PROPOSED PALM ROYALE PARK LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ADAMS STUDY SESSION: STREET, BETWEEN MILES AVENUE AND FRED WARING DRIVE. APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA SUMMARY: On June 15, 1993, the City Council approved the authorization to enter into agreement with T 1. Maloney, Inc. for design services and construction drawings for this park. These plans have not been reviewed by the Design Review Board, Planning Commission, or City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None relating to the consideration of the Negative Declaration. APPROVED BY: 7 RECOMMENDATION: Move to continue the Public Hearing on Environmental Assessment 93-262, to the City Council meeting of October 19, 1993. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: t/?L? J RRY MAN, PLANNING DIRECTOR ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER CC#2 uo? BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02 ing -> 15L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 04-07-1999-U01 03:14:59PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 09-U02 21-U02 1993-U02