1982 11 02 CCU AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular. meeting to be held at the La Quinta Community Center, 77-861 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, California. November 2, 1982 7:45 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business. When addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council meetings are recorded on tape. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A. A communication from Trish Klimkiewicz, President of the La Quinta Garden Club, regarding a recycling center. 5. COMMENT BY COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. HEARINGS A. A public hearing regarding Tract No. 1?765, E.A. #16485, Landmark Land Company, Applicant. 1. Report from the Planning Commission. 2. Motion for adoption. B. A public hearing regarding Plot Plan No. 1 and related environ- mental assessment for property located at T he intersection of the Washington Street Bridge and Avenida Ultimo, Landmark Land Company, Applicant. 1. RePort from the City Manager. 2. Communication from the Riverside County Planning Department. 3. COmmunication from Coach?lla Valley Water District. 4. Motion for adoption. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting of October 5, 1982. B. Resolution for adoption approving demands. 8 BUSINESS SESSION A. Proposed Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALI- FORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING FOR THE CITY, BY BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 UAGENDA-City Council] November 2, 1982 Page 2. C. Proposed Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALI- FORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 3.17 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING A FIRE AND POLICE FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT FUND AND A TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION FUND, AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF DEVELOP- MENT FEES TO BE DEPOSITED IN SUCH FUNDS. 1. Ordinance for adaption. D. Proposed Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALl- FORNIA, ADDING SECTION 6.04.025 TO THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, REQUIRING OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF DEVELOPED REAL PROPERTY TO SUBSCRIBE? FOR REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE. 1. Report from the City Manager. 2. Ordinance for introduction. E. Proposed Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALl- FORNIA, EXTENDING ORDINANCE NO. 12 RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS IMPOSED WITH REGARD TO NEW RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS AND HOUSES IN THE R-l ZONES. 1. Report from the City Y?anager. 2. Motion for adoption. 3. Ordinance for introduction. F. Proposed Resolution. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALl- FORNIA, DESIGNATING REPRESENTATIVES AUTHORIZED TO ACQUIRE FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY. 1. Report from the Ad?inistrative Assistant. 2. Resolution for adoption. G. Report from the City Manager regarding Lease Amendment No. 1, relating to the City Hall. 1. Lease Amendment No. 1. 2. Motion for adoption. H. Report from the City Manager regarding establishinent of a sphere of influence an(9 annexation of property in an area bounded on the west by the Washington Street section line, on the north by Fred Waring Drive, on the east by Jefferson Street and the City of Indio boundary, and on the south by the Whitewater Storm Channel and the Avenue 48 section line, excluding the Indian Springs Country Club formerly Westward Ho) 1. Communications from property owners. 2. Motion for adoption. I. Report from the City Manager re?arding various job specifi- cations. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U October 9, l9?2 The City Council City of La Quinta La Quinta, California Honorable Mayor o...f La Quinta and Council Members: October 23? is La Quinta Clean Up Day, sponsored by the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce. Desert Beautiful? has declared October kick off month for clean Up in the desert during Na- National Clean Up Month as designated by Keep America Beautiful, Inc. But clean up is not a matter of one day or even one month out of the year. There should be ongoing attention to the problem of trash control. Accordingly, the La Quinta Garden Club at our meeting October th, resolved to petition the City of La Quinta for earliest possible consideration of installation of a permanent recycling- cling station to accept bottles cans and newspapers as one relatively inexpensive way to address our deplorable trash Si- tuation. We suggest tI?t details may best be determined by the City. You may be aware the La Quinta Garden Club has already de- monstrated its concern for a more beautiful La Quinta through a s?bstantial donation to Coachella Valley Parks and Recreation this year with which a number of trees were purchased and planted in our park. Now some of our members are plan?. ning to propagate oleanders for use by the La Quinta Property Owners Association in their replacement program along Eisen- hower Boulevard. We hope to contin?e to foster or assist in projects to im- prove our community and invite all La Quinta resident? to join in these efforts.. We respectfully urge the City Council to augment such e?forts with a rec?cling station. Sincerely, TRISH I?KIEWICZ P]?IDENT L? QUINTA GARDEN?club dO M?.dero, La Quinta 56?+-?l55 BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 A Public Hearing has been scheduled before the La Quinta City Council to consider the applications described below. The Planning Department has tentatively found that the proposed projects will have no significant environmental effect and has tentatively completed negative declara- tion(s) The La Quinta City Council will consider whether or not to adopt the negative declaration along with the proposed project at this hearing PLACE OF HEARING: La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, Suite B La Quinta, California 92253 DATE OF HEARING: November 2, 1982 7:45 p.m PROJECT DESCRIPTION Tract No. 18765, E?A. No 16485, located in La Quinta, Calif- ornia, which proposes to divide 20+? acres into 108 unit statutory condominiums generally located: Westerly of Fisenhower Drive, northerly of Avenue 50 and south of Avenida Fernando Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Department before the hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the negative declaration and/or approval of this project at the time of hearing. The environmental finding, along with the proposed project application, may be viewed at the public information counter, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., at the Riverside County Planning Department, 46-209 Oasis Street, Room 304, Indio, California, 92201. PUBLISH: Saturday, October 23, 19?2 BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U Z &/I? /W%?//(?? C; C 1 *?/;,t.?Lh /'? 5/?? a, #` 2 s--s 4 E'<?, $;??>'? JJ w Ji I J 54%. 1 2? 4 t I 4 N, 4: I x V/(/'v/7Y MAP C T?A,;?4T,L,? TRAC?Ia?76? BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U p A 0< C- 0 H a a a a C'. n N) N) H dH 0 0 0 CD N) N) Cu h a 0 N) 0 N)c)> CD 0 0 0 0 H a 0? U a 0 H C 0H HCD'?? C) 0'CD C CD d h H' m a, aw;?jHnQj ZJW??0bj?tz. P 0 N) N) N) N) a a BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U 4 U1NTA CITY COUNCIL[L JRANSMIT??L TO: LA QUINTA C[TY C()UNCIL FROM: RIVERSIDE 0UNTY PLANNING? D[PARJM[NT DATE: October 25, 1982 SUBJECT: Tent. Tract Map #18765 And. #1 La Quinta District Landmark Land Company Fourth Supervisorial District Schedule A" Negative Declaration EA#16485 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Ordinance 348 and Riverside County Rules to implement the California Environmental Quality Act, the Planning Commission on October 12, 1982 conducted a public hearing on the subject Tract Map application and environmental assessment. Environmental Assessment #16485 was submitted by the applicant. An initial study was prepared by the Planning staff. Written cornr?nts were not received during the ten day comiient period. Public notification and advertisement for the application and environmental negative declaration hearing were performed pursuant t'?? effective City rules. The applicant is requesting approval of Tentative Tract Map #18765 Amended #1, a 19.23 acre site located westerly of Eisenhower Drive and south of Avenida Fernando within the boundaries of Revised Specific Plan #121-E, approved by the La Quinta City Council on September 12, 1982. A portion of the site, 9.2 acres, has been developed with 17 tennis courts; four additional courts are planned for the complex. Construction of the tennis courts prior to approval of the revised Specific Plan was permitted under Plot Plan #5829. The remaining ten acres of the site are still in a date grove, which, upon approval of Tract #18765 will be converted to 108 statutory condominium units. GENERAL PLAN In accordance with the previously adopted Specific Plan #l2l-E? the function of the revised Specific Plan #121-E is to serve as an implementation device for the Cove Communities General Plan. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the 19 acre site as Low Density Residential, 3-5 dwelling units per acre. Urban land uses are planned for the subject property in the Open Space and Conservation elements of the General Plan, Through the mechanism of a specific plan a transfer of densities can be accomplished so that clustered types of dwelling units and associated common recreation areas can be developed. The resulting density of the development initiated through Tract #18765 Amd. #1 will be 5.4 units per acre. The density is somewhat higher than the maximum allowed under the General Plan designation of low density residential, however, the density is made consistent through the allowance of 200 units for the site in the re- v?sed specific plan Pg. 1 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Con?mission and staff recommend ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for EA#16485, and APPROVAL of Tentative Tract Map #18765 Amended #1, subject to the attached revised conditions. aip Jeffrey D Mar??Supeising Planner Prepared by BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 UTent. Tract Map #18765 Amd. #1 Landmark Land Company Pg. 2. Change of Zone #3491, approved with Specific Plan #121-E, facilitated the R-? zoning designation necessary for the proposal. Change of Zone #3491 was approved by La Quinta City Council October 5, 1982. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT An Environmental Impact Report #41 was previously certified with approval of Specific Plan #121-E by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors in April, 1975. Based upon the Elk Environmental Assessment #15626 was adopted with approval of the revised specific plan. Environmental hazards and potential impacts identified in the ini- tial study #16485 particularly associated with Tract #18765 included the following issues: AIR QUALITY Short term air quality impacts of exhaust from construction equipment and dust from grading and construction would be experienced during the temporary construction period. These impacts would be minor in nature and can be adequately mitigated by watering of dust prone areas and confinement of construction activities to normal working hours. WATER Water services to the original hotel units and the previously existing portions of the golf course is provided by an on-site well owned and operated by Landmark Land Company. New construction will be serviced by the domestic water services of the Coachella valley Water District. SEWER ting development in the La Quinta Country Club area is con?ected via wet sewer lines to a septic tank and seepage pit system. The sewage is collected at a wet' well located at Avenue 50 and Eisenhower, and then transported to an interim treat- ment plant located at Adams and 52nd Avenue. After treatment at the plant, the treated effluent is spread over adjacent alfalfa fields. The interim treatment plant is operated by the Coachella Valley Water District. This facility is presently the only sewage facility other than individual septic tanks serving the La Quinta area. Although figures on the available capacity of the interim plant are unavailable, CVWD has stated that this facility was designed to accommodate all units planned within the Landmark Land Specific Plan and Revised Specific Plan. In response to concerns regarding adequacy of existing sewage capa- city for Tract #18765 and future developments by Landmark Land and other developers, CVWD officials claimed that they were not able to predict when the existing facility would reach capacity. However, they would provide sanitation service in accordance with our currently prevailing regulations governing sanitation service." A permanent sewage treatment plant for the La Quinta area is planned by CVWD. Previous efforts to find a permanent site have met with substantial coriTnunity opposition. Presently, CVWD is working on a draft EIR for two potential sites. The site preferred by CVWD is located just west of Lake Cahuilla. However, this site has encountered opposition from surrounding property owners. The second site is located at Thermal Airport. CVWD officials estimate that the permanent treatment plant for La Quinta will be built in two to three years. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 UTent. Tract Map #18765 Amd. #1 Landmark Land Company Pg. 3. Sewage service to the 108 units in Tract #18765 will be provided by the inte?im treatment plant until the permanent facility is constructed by CVWD. There is no assurance, however, that the temporary facility has available capacity to serve the new development for an unknown length of time. Staff maintains concern over the practice of continuing use of the interim facility for an indefinite period of time when the actual capacity of this facility is in question. Staff additionally maintains concern over approval of new tract maps with development dependent upon mitigation not currently available nor a foreseeable time frame for that mitigation. FIRE Fire protection is provided to the site by the Riverside County Fire Department. The nearest station is located at 78-136 Avenue 52 in?La Quinta. Although some additional services will eventually be required by the subject project, no specific additional manpower or equipment requirements have been mandated by the Fire. Department. FLOOD Shallow flooding could occur on the project property. However, no significant flood dangers will exist for the proposed development following construction of the La Quinta Evacuation Channel which is now in progress. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Tract #18765 Amended #1 is consistent with that as approved in Revised Specific Plan #lZl?E. 2. Tract #18765 is consistent with the Riverside County General Plan and compatible with the surrounding resort development. 3. Specific Plan #121-E was approved and the associated Final Environmental Impact Report #41 was certified in April, 1975 by the Board of Supervisors. Revised Specific Plan #121-E and the associated Negative Declaration was approved by La Quinta City Council September, 1982. 4. Environmental impacts and urban service demands of this project will be minimized by the nature of the development second and retirement homes). Ihese impacts can be mitigated and services can b, provided by incorporating the measures outlined in the Final Environmental Ifnpact Report #41. Tentative Tract #18765 Amended #1 is not subject to any significant environmental hazards, nor is it expected to create any significant environmental impact. 5. Existing sewer facilities may be inadequate for the build-out of this project in addition to the already approved developments and future units approved under the revised Specific Plan. Future perfnanent sewer facilities which would provide mitigation for the existing situation are still in the tentative planning stages with significant issues to be resolved. RECOM?ENDATION Therefore, the La Quinta Planning Commission recommends ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Environmental As?essment #16485; and APPROVAL of Tentative Tract No. 18765 Amended #1 subject to the attached revised conditions. The Planning Commission requests that the City Council of La Quinta delete Condition #6 of the Riverside County Road Department letter dated October l? 1982. S.K:ajp BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U Zoning District: La Quinta CITY OF LA QUINTA Fourth Supervisorial District Tract Map #18765 Amended #1 Related Files: SP#l2l-Revised EA#l 6485 CZ#3491 PC Hearing Date: 10/12/82 PP#5829 Agenda Item: RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT 1. Applicant: Landmark Land 2. Type of Request: 20 Acre statutory condominium with 108 Units 3. Location: West of Eisenhower Drive, north of Avenue 50 and South of Avenida Fernando 4? Parcel Size: 19.23j Acres 5. Existing Roads: Eisenhower Drive, Fernando and Avenue 50 6. Existing Land Use: Existing tennis clubs and date groves 7. Surrounding Land Use: La Quinta Hotel golf course and country Club 8. Existing Zoning: R-3 9. Surrounding Zoning: R-2 and R-3 10. General Plan Elements: Land Use: Low Density Residential 3-5 DUIAC.) Cove Communities Open Space: Urban Circulation: Eisenhower Drive and Avenue 50 Major 100' RIW 11. Sphere of Influence: Within the City limits of La Quinta 12. Letters: None received in support or opposition ANALYSIS The applicant, Landmark Land Company, is requesting approval of Tentative Tract #18765 Amended #1, a 19 acre parcel located westerly of Eisenhower Drive and south of Avenida Fernando within the newly incorporated La Quinta City limits and Revised Specific Plan #121-E. The 9.2 acres of the site have been deve?oped with 17 tennis courts; four additional courts are planned. Construction of the tennis courts prior to approval of the revised specific plan was permitted under Plot Plan #5829, approved 3january? 1981. The remaining ten acres are still in a date grove. These acres are the site for Tentative Tract #18765 Amended #1. As part of the tennis club, the ten acres will be developed with 108 statutory condominium units, The orientation of the condominiums feature the primary theme of the development as the tennis complex. Specific landscaping, parking, treatment of the perimeter walls and other design information is unavailable and, if required, will be submitted to the city at a later date. The developer has requested this latitude to retain flex- ibility of design. Specific Plan #121-E Revised, approved by the La Quinta City Council September 2, 1982, allowed for the addition of acreage and drainage facilities to the specific plan and subject to the density transfers. The 19.23 acre parcel. labeled not a art in the original 5pecific Plan has been included. A complex of tennis courts and 200 condominiums were approved in the revised specific plan site. The develop- ment proposed in Tr?ct #18765. will include. 21 tennis cQurts and 108 condo minium units. Pg. 1 BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 UJrdct 18765 Aiiiended #1 P.C. Hearif?g Date. 10-12-82 Page 2 G?N?RAL PLAN In accordance with the previously adopted Specific Plan 21-E, the function of?he revised Specific 121?E is to serve as an inipleinentation device for the Cove Communi- ties General Plan. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the 19 acre site as Low Density Residential, 3-5 dwelling units per acre. Urban land uses are planned for the subject property in the Open Space and Conservation elements of the General Plan. Through the mechanism of a specific plan a transfer of densities can be accomplished so that clustered types of dwelling units and associated cominon recreation areas can be developed. The resultinq density of the development initiated through Tract No. 18765 Amended #1 will be 5.4 units per acre. The density is somewhat higher than the maximum allowed under the General Plan designation of low density residential. how- ever, the density is made consistent through the allowance of 200 units for the site in the revised specific plan. Change of Zone 3491? approved with Specific Plan 121-E, facilitated the R-3 zoning designation necessary for the proposal Change of Zone 3491 was approved by La Quinta City Council October 5, 1982. ENV r RON MENTAL ASSESSMENT An Environmental Impact Report #41 was previously certified with approval of Specific Plan 121-E by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors in April, 1975. Based upon the EIR Environmental Assessment No. 15626 was adopted with approval of the revised specific plan. Environmental hazards and potential impacts identified in the initial study 16485 particularly associated with Tract 18765 included the following issues: SCHOOLS As a vacation and retirement home type development, the present project would have no significant impacts on the Desert Sands Unified School District which serves the area. However, should the school district file a notice of impaction, with the county, the developer shall be required to adequately mitigate school impacts prior to the issuance of the building permits. AIR QUALITY Short term air quality Impacts of exhaust from construction equipment and dust from grading and construction would be experienced during the temporary construction per- iod. These impacts would be minor in nature and can be adequately mitigated by watering of dust prone areas and confinement of construction activitie? to normal working hours. Froil a longer term prospective, the emissions from automobile traffic would consti- tute the major air quality impact for the life of the project. From a regional perspective, the additional air pollution would be relatively insignificant. Also, the nature of the project would lead to the greatest levels of traffic and pollution on weekends when permanent residents would be driven less. Peak" traffic volumes would be minimal because traffic would tend to be very spread out rather than BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 Urac? 1??b5 Amended 1 PC H?d?iIIy Date: 0/12/82 Pdy? 3 conc?? trated in a to and from work pattern i nhLrent in a devel opi?tent of permanent residcnts WATER Water services to the original butel units and the previously existing portions of the golf course is provided bv an on-site well owned and operated by Landmark Land Companv. New construction will be serviced by the do?estic water services of the Coachella Valley Water District. SEWER Existing development in the La Quinta Country Club area is connected via wet' sewer nes to a septic tank and seepage pit system. The sewage is collected at a wet' well located at Avenue 50 and Eisenhower? and then transported to an interim treat- ment plant located at Adams and 52nd. Ave. After treatment at the plant, the treat- ed effluent is spread over adjacent alfalfa fields. The interim treatment plant is operated by the Coachella Valley Water District This facility is presently the sewage facility other than individual septic tanks serving the La Quinta area. Although figures on the available capacity of the inter?m plant are unavailable, CVWD has stated that this facility was designed to accommodate all units planned within the Landmark Land Specific Plan nd Revised Specific Plan. In response to concerns regarding adequacy of existing sewage cap- acity for Tract 18765 and future developments by Landmark Land and other developers, CVWD officials claimed that they were not able to predict when the existing facility would reach capacity. However, they would provide sanitation service In accordance with our currently prevailing regulations governing sanitation service". A permanent sewage treatment plant for the La Quinta area Is planned by CVWD. Previous efforts to find a permanent site have met with substantial community opposition. Presently, CVWD is working on a draft EIR for two potential sites. The site preferred by CVWD is located Just est of Lake Cahuilla, however, this site has encountered opposition from surrounding property owners. The second site is located at Thermal Airport. CVWD officials estimate that the permanent treat fient plant for La Quinta will be built in two/three years. Sewage service to the 108 unitS in Tract 18765 will be provided by the interim treatment plant until the permanent facility is constructed by CVWD. There is no assurance however, that the temporary facility has available capacity to serve the new development for an unknown length of time. Staff maintains concern over the practice of continuing use of the Interim facility for an indefinite period of time when the actual capacity of this facility is in question. Staff additionally maintains concern over approval of new tract maps with development dependent upon mitigation not currently available nor a foreseeable time frame for that mitigation. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U dCt 1?765 AIfleyldLd 1 PC Hedrug dtC: 10/12/82 PdYC 4 FIRL Fire Protection is provided to the site by the Riverside County Fire Department. The i?earest station is located at 78136 Avenue? 52 in La Quinta. Although so?e ddditional services will eventually be required by the subject proAect? no spe- cific additional manpower or equipilient require?ients have been mandated by the Fire Department. FLOOD Shallow flooding could occur on the project property. However, no significant flood dangers will exist for the proposed development following construction of the La Quinta vacuation Channel which is now In progress. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Tract 1876? Amended #1 is consistent with that as approved in Revised Specific Plan 121-E. 2. Tract 18765 is consistent with Riverside County General Plan and compatible with the surrounding resort developijient. 3. Specific Plan 121-E was approved and the associated Final Environmental Impact Report #41 was certified in April 1975 by the Board of Supervisors. Revised Specific Plan 121-E and the associated Negative Declaration was approved by La Quinta City Council September, 1982. 4. Environmental impacts and urban service demands of this project will be min- imized by the nature of the development second and retirement homes). These impacts can be mitigated and services can be provided by incorporating the measures outlined in the Final Environmental Impact Report #41. Tentative Tract 18765 Amended #1 is not subject to any significant environmental hazards nor is it expected to create any significant environmental impact. 5. Existin9 sewer facilities may be inadequate for the build-out of this project in addition to the already approved developments and future units approved under the revised Specific Plan. Future permanent sewer facilities which would provide mitigation for the existing situation are still in the tentative planning stages with significant issues to be resolved. RECOMMENDATION ION Therefore, staff recoii?nends ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 16485 arid APPROVAL of Tentative Tract 18765 Amended #1 subject to the attached conditions. SK ejm BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U iv?,??IUL v?NlY I?LANNiN? Cf)MMIS?lC IkACT MAP GONULTioNS OF A?PkOVAL ILN1AII\1L kACI MAP NO. 18765 Amended #1 l?i? tLJLdLIV? ub??V1? loll II Culipi y jtIi tiL tdt? Lit L? Ii id Subdjvisio? Mdp Act di?d tLi t?ic r?qu bIL.l?t? of ki VLl? id? CuLiI?y O?d fldIILe 4bU, JL.??LduIe A u?l S5 mu? jd?d by th? CuiditiOls I l?tLd b?1u?. l??i'? ppi(]?L? U' Conditionally app?o?ed LLlltd?iV? iia? Wi I LxpiI? t?u yLd.i? dt tL? thL Budid uf upe?vi?U'? dppruvdl ddte pf uiile?? LXt?Id?d d? Ov jddd by Oidi??dIIc? 400. 1. All udd Ld?dIILlIL? b? ut t?rLd tur dLdlCdt oil to t?L pub? ic and shdl I coiltinue I i tOrL? uliti tie yovL?liIflY body acc?pt5 or dbd?ldUli? ULkI off?rs. All dedications id1 1 be f'ee troll all eculibrances as approv?d by thL Coo?ity Road CO'iuiijssioner. Str?Lt IdILS iial be ubject to the Ru?d Coiuiii?sioI??r. La?eiiiei?t5. wIie? required for roadway slope?, drailidyc facilities? utjljti??, tc.. shall be ho?n u? the final iiap if within th? land division bound?ry. All offers of dedication shdll be provided for non-exclusive public rodd and utility access. All ea?eiients? offer? of dedications and conveyances shall be subuitted *nd recorded by the IRi?erside County surv?yor. 3. L?Jdl access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided froili the tract flap boundary to a County aintained road. 4. All delinquent property taxes shall be p?id prior to recordation of the final flap. 5. if any grading is proposed? the subdivider shall submit one print of 4 comprehensive grading plan to the Riverside County Surveyor's office. The plan hall coiply ith the Unifon? Building Code. Chapter 7O? as amended by Ordinance 457. A grading perit shall be obt?ined from the Uepartment of Building and Safety prior to coijienceijient of any grading outside of County iiaintained right-of-way. proposed grading in excess of quantles indicated in OrdinanCe 457 may require environ'Ilental assessment approval from the Planning Uepart'uent prior to acceptance of the plans by the Building epartment. One mylar copy of the approved grading plan shall be submitted to the Departicilt of uilding and Safety for tralishittal to the Road Department. 6. The subdivider shall submit one copy of a soils report to the Riverside County surveyor's Office vid two copies to the Department of Building and Safety. The report shall address the soils stability and geological condition? of the site. Wdter aid sewerdge dispo?dl facilities shall be installed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Riverside County Health Departl'kent4s letter dated September 8? 1982 a copy of which is attach8d). 3. Ihe subdivider shall comply with tie street improvement recounendations outlined in the County Road Department's letter dated October 1982 a?copy of which is attached). 9. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance ith Schedule A of Ordinance 460 and/or 546. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 UTentative Tract ap #18765 Amended #1 CONDITIONS Pg. 2. 10. The flood control conditions, as marked by the X below, shall apply: X Prior to the recordation of any permits, the applicant must submit evidence that plans for the construction of drainage facilities which will provide for adequate drainage from the 1/100 year frequency storm have been approved by the Coachella Valley Water District, and thereafter, reviewed for adequacy by the Director of Building and Safety. The drain- age plans shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. l?. The subdivider shall comply with the recommendations of Coachella Valley Water District set forth in their letter dated September 3, 1982, copy attached. 12. Lots created by this subdivision shall be in conformance with the development standards of the R-3 zone. 13. An application shall be processed through the Lc??l Agency F???tior Commis3ipn for a new street lighting district or for annexation to an existing lighting district if street lighting is proposed to be installed, or if street lighting is to be installed on any street which is or will be dedicated to public use. Any such application shall be filed concurrently with the submittal of street improvement plans to the Road Commissioner. 14. Treatment of the boundary walls, sidewalks, and/or landscaping shall be consistent the approved treatment of Tract #14496. Said landscaping shall be shown on the parking and landscaping plan and subject to the approval of the Director of Building and Safety and the Planning Department. 15. Pathways through the landscaped open areas shall connect dwelling units. and lead to the pool and recreation areas. 16. The emergency access shall be designed so as to preclude all vehicular traffic except that of a truly emergency nature. 7 Prior to recordation of the subdivision map, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department the following documents which shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the County that the open space area will be maintained in accordance with the intent and purpose of the approval: a. The document to convey title; b. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded; c. Management and maintenance agreement to be entered into with the unit/lot owners of this land division. The approved Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall be recorded at the same time that the final subdivision map is recorded. A homeowners association, with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance cost shall be established and con- tinuously maintained. The association shall have the right to lien the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments. Such lien shall not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first deed of trust, provided such deed of trust is made in good faith and for value and is of record prior to the lien of the homeowners association. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 UTentative Tract Map #18765 Amended #1 CONDITIONS Pg. 3. 18. Prior to the issuance of building pe?its c?uion open space area improvements plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. 9. The co?on open space area shall be shown as a numbered lot on the final map and shall be managed by a tract homeowners association and improved with suit- able turfing, tree planting, landscaping, automatic irrigation, and user amenities as approved by the Planning Department. 20. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contem- plated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the following public agencies: Environmental Health Fire Protection Road Department Planning Department Water quality Control Board #7 Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety at the time of the issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated. 21. Street trees shall be planted along all road frontages in accordance with Street Tree Planting Ordinance No. 457.19. A landscaping, lighting, amenities, trash storage, walkway layout, swimming pool equipment and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to issuance of a building permit. The landscape plan shall include a substantial number of full-size trees. A minimum of one tree per unit, no smaller than 10 feet in height, shall be planted and maintained. Parapet walls shall be no less than the height of any air conditioning equipment placed on the roofs of the units. No final inspection or occupancy shall be given by the Building Department to this project until the aforementioned approved plans and construction shall have been completed. 22. Construction of the development permitted hereby may be done progressively in stages, provided adequate vehicular access is constructed for all dwelling units and further provided that such stage development conform substantially with the intent and purposes of this approval for provision of open areas, recreation facilities and off-street automobile parking. Ph?sing for this land division shall be subject to Planning Department approval. 23. A post sign shall be placed in the vicinity of Lot 108 stating that the road is not through and will dead end. 24. All of the p?rking spaces can be deleted between Lots 31 and 35 on the final map. 25. Curbs and gutters shall be installed on all private streets within the subdivision, excluding driveways. 26. Prior to occupancy, applicant shall comply with parking requirements of Section l8?5, Ordinance No 348 which requires 1 parking spaces for every one-bedroom unit and 2? parking spaces for every two bedroom unit. The parking spaces shall be provided as shown on the approved Tentative Tract #18765. The parking area BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 UTentative Tract ap #18765 AllIended #1 CONDITIONS Pg 4? 26. shal? be surfaced jth aspha?tic concrete compacted to a minimum depth of two 2) inches. No recreational vehicle storage shall be permitted. Required parking shall be shown on the parking and landscaping plan 27. Each dwelling unit shall have a minimum of 750 square feet. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-105 Calle Estado, Suite B La Quinta, California 92253 A Public Hearing has been scheduled before the City Council to consider the application described below. The City Manager has tentatively found that the pro- posed project will have no significant environmental effect and has tentatively completed negative declar- ation. The City Council will consider whether or not to adopt the negative declaration along with the proposed project. Place of Hearing: 78-105 Calle Estado, Suite B La Quinta, California 92253 Date of Hearing: Tuesday, November 2, 1982 7:45 p.m. Project Description: Plot Plan No. 1 and related environmental assessment located in the City of La Quinta, which proposes a golf course equipment storage building to be established by Landmark Land Company on Lot 13 MB 21/61 Desert Club Tract Unit 5. This project is generally located at the south?ast corner of the intersection of Avenida Ultimo and Washington Street bridge embankment. Any person may submit written comments to the City before the Hearing or may appear and be heard in support or opposition to the adoption of the negative declaration and/or approval of this project at the time of hearing. The environmental finding, along with the proposed project application, may be viewed at the City Hall, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: October 29, 1982 Subject: Golf Course Equipment Storage Building The subject facility would be located on a lot with R-i zoning, on the south side of Avenida Ultimo and the east side of Washington Street. The intersection was closed because of the change in grade caused by the Washington Street bridge immediately to the north. Access to the area is from the east on Avenida Ultimo. Property immediately adjacent and in the surrounding area is vacant. Immediately to the north are Coachella Valley Water District and Imperial Irrigation District facilities. Access to the golf course is adjacent to these facilities. The Riverside County Planning Department, in a letter from the Assistant Planning Director, has indicated that the construction of this type of facility would be permitt?d en the subject site with the present zoning. The County Planning Department would interpret that the site is adjacent to the golf course. Landmark Land Company has requested that this public hearing be held so that all surrounding property owners may provide input. It is respectfully recommended that the Council approve the subject plot plan. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 !U iVE??iDE COUfl?LU? PLAflfliflE DEPA??LrnEn?L Indio Adnimistrative Center PLANNING OOMMSSION 46-209 Oasis Street RM 304 FAJRCANEMEJH A CP RONALD w. SULLIVAN Ohe'.??? L,st'.ct Indio Cal if 92201 P ANN N D HEC CR KAY H. OLESEN Vice Ch?ir??? 4th DtsIict 714) 342-8277 JACK ERESSON 1?t Dtslhct ELtt[R M. KATZENSTEIN 2?d D'.sIhcI RICHARD D. STEFFEY 3? D'.?tRcI RUSSELL F. CAMPBELL 4th sI?tct ROHARD S. PURVIANCE 5th DsthoI October 28, 1982 RS:8618 DO Frank Usher City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, Calif. 92253 RE: Golf Course Maintenance Building Dear Frank, Per the request of Landmark Land Co. I am writing this letter to confirm our opinion of the proposed maintenance building on the private golf course. We feel that the use is incidential to and a appropriate go?f course use and with the approved plot plan we forsee no problem with the location of the structure. If you have any further questions p?ease do not hesitate to call. Si ncere?y, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia Nemeth, A.I?C.P. Planning Director Roger S. reeter, ssistant Planning Director BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 "U STABLI5HED IN 918 AS A PUBLLC AGENCY g COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFIC? BOX 1058 COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 T?LSP 0 E 714 39B??651 DIRECTORS OFFJCERS RAYMOND R. RUMMONDS. PRESIDENT LOWELL 0. WEEKS, GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF EN(,'INEER TELLS CODEKAS. VICE PRESIDENT B?RNA?L?NE SUTTON, SECF,LTAAY JOHN P. POWELL VOTOP 8. HARDY. ALSOITOR PAUL WV. NICHOLS October 14, 1982 EDWlNE AND SHERRILL. ATTORNEYS STEVE D. BUXTON File: 0121.319 Andy Vossler 1 B 1982 Landmark Land Company Post Office Box 1000 La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Mr. Vossler: Re: Desert Club Tr?ct Unit No. 5, Lot 13 As part of the construction of the bridge on Washington Street across the La Quinta Evacuation Channel, it was necessary for the District to acquire Lot 13 of the Desert Club Tract No. S because the easterly slope of the southerly ramp encroached on the property leaving it in an unusable condition as a residential lot. We are agreeable to selling this lot to you. We understand that you intend to utiliz? it to construct a storage facility for your project. We do not object to this use and believe that it may be a very compatible use considering the District1s irrigation booster station and well site, and the Imperial Irrigation District's substation are located just north of this lot. If you have any questions or desire additional information? please Contact Tom Levy at 714) 398-2651. Yours very truly, Manager-Chief Engineer TEL:ra TRUE CONSERVATION USEWATER WISELY BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 #U RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as sho?n on the Demand/Warrant Register dated November 2, 1982. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of 1982. MAYdR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED A? TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: QRKEY? BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 $U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 %U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 &U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 'U ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR T?E CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PARCELS OF PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE CASE NO. 3491. The city council of the City of La Quinta does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4.1of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 which was adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29, 1982) and La Quinta District Anended Official Zoning Plan Map No. 14, as aniended, are further ainended by rezoning from R-5 to R-2 and W-1, R-2 to P-S, W-1 to R-2, and R-l to R-3, those certain parcels shown and depicted for such rezonings on the map which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance, and which att?ched map is labeled Exhibit A'. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall b? in full force and effect thirty 30) days after passage. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at east the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on 1982, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MAYOR ATTEST: CIIY CIER? APPROVED AS TO ORM APPROVED AS TO jm?,yLE? IPY AfTORNEY BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 (U 0k1i1NANC? NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 3.28 TO THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING A BUSINESS LICENSING SYSTEM. The city council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follo?s: SECTION 1. A ne? chapter, to be numbered 3.28 hereby is added to the La Quinta I?1unicipal Code, to read as follows. Chapter 28 BUSINESS LICENSES Sections: 3.28.010 Enforcement. 3.28.020 Business license required. 3.28.030 License subject to other regulations and fees. 3.28.OLPO False statements. 3.28.050 True names on reports 3.28.060 Illegal occupations. 3.28.070 Refusing license. 3.28.080 Grounds for denial. 3.28.090 Real party in interest. 3.28.100 Grounds for revocation. 3.28.110 Forfeiture of fee. 3.28.120 Ne? license. 3.28.130 Keeping insurance etc. in force. 3.28.1?0 Administrative enforcement. 3.28.150 Compliance ith laws required. 3.28.160 License and penalties constitute debt to city. 3.28.170 Remedies cumulative. 3.28.180 Definitions. 3.28.190 Separate license for each place or type of business. 3.28.200 Information confidential. 3.28.210 Exemption?-Cenerally. 3.28.220 Exemption--Charitable and non-profit organizations. 3.28.230 Exemption--Disabled veterans. 3.28.240 Exemption--Newspapers, maga?ines and periodicals. 3.28.250 Exemption--Businesses subject to franchise, etc. 3.28.260 Exemption--Limited income. 3.28.270 Fee adjustments required in cases of interstate commer?e. 3.28.280 Application-?Contents of license. 3.28.290 Statement of gross receipts. 3.28.300 Statements not conclusive. 3.28.310 Failure to file or correct statement. 3.28.320 Appeals. 3.28.330 Additional power of collector. 3.28.340 No license transferable; Amended license for changed location. 3.28.350 Duplicate license. 3.28.360 Posting and keeping licenses. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 )U 3 28. 7O t? t t,? 1 3.28.3?? FL?na1tie3 for failure to pay fee when due. 3.28.390 License fees; Gross receipts basis. 3.28.?00 License fees--Persons without fixed place of business in city. 3.28.410 License fees--Flat rate. 3.28.420 Coin operated machines. 3.28.430 Waiver or reduction of taxes or penalties by city council. 3.28.440 Fules and regulations. 28.010 Enforcement. a) The city manager shall have the responsibility and po?er to enforce the provisions of this chapter, and the police chief shall render such assistance in the enforcement thereof as may from time to time be required. b) The city manager or his designee, who way act through deputies or duly authorized assistants, may examine or cause to be examined, all places of business in the City to ascertain whether the provisions of this chapter have been complied with. c) The city manager or his designee, who may act through deputies or duly authorized assistants, shall have the power and authority to enter, free of charge, at any reasonable time, any place of business required by the provisions of this chapter to be licensed and demand an exhibition of the license certificate. Any Derson having such license certificate theretofore issued in his possession or under his control who wilfully fails to exhibit such certificate on demand shall be guilty of an infraction and subaect to the penalties provided for by Section 1.01.230 of this Code. 3.28.020 Business license re?uired. Subject to the pro visions of this chapter, all businesses engaged in or carried on in the city shall pay annual business license fees in the ounts as provided in this chapter. It is unlawful for any person to commence, transact, engage in, or carry on any business in the city without first having obtained a valid license and paid the license fee therefor, or without complying with any and all applicable provisions of this chapter. Compliance with such requirements shall not be construed to be a condition precedent to engaging in any business or corporation within the city where the imposition of such a condition precedent would be contrary to law. When any person shall by use of signs, circulars, cards, telephone book, or newspapers, advertise, hold out, or represent that he is in busin?ss in the city, or when any person holds an active license or permit issued by a governmental agency indicating that he is in business in the city, and such person fails to deny by a sworn statement given to the collector that he is not conduct- ing a business in the city, after being requested to do so by the collector, then these facts shall be considered prima facie evidence that he is conducting a business in the city. 3.28.030 License subaect to other re?ulations and fees. Persons required to pay a license fee for transacting and carrying on any business under this chapter shall not be relieved from the payment of any fees for the privilege of carrying on any similar or related activity required under any other ordinance of the city and shall remain subaect to the regulatory provisions of other ordinances. No person shall be entitled to a business license and 2- BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 *U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 +U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 ,U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 -U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 .U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 /U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 0U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 1U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 2U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 3U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 4U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 5U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 6Ufl *? MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: October 29, i982 Subject Business License Requirements and the Planned Community Art Festival At the City Council meeting of October 5, 1982, Council requested the establishment of an exemptions procedure for business license requirements involving business activities relating to City sponsored events. The proposed ordinance does provide for the reduction or waiver of fees as follows: Section 3.28.?3O A?waiver or reduction of taxes or penalties by city council. The city council, for good and satisfactory cause shown may order the issuance of a license for less than the fees herein provided or with- out the payment of any fee whatsoever. I believe that this provision gives sufficient latitude to meet the desire of the Council. 2 BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 7U f-c ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 3.17 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING A FIRE AND POLICE FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT FUND AND A TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION FUND, AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF DEVELOPMENT FEES TO BE DEPOSITED IN SUCH FUNDS. WHEREAS, the La Quinta Council has determined that future developments within the City will contribute to the need for, and Tnake necessary, the acquisition of additional fire and police facilities and equipment, and the installation of additional traffic signalization projects, and WHEREAS, a method to finance such facilities, equipment and projects must be established; and WHEREAS, a fee collected at the time of issuance of building permit will provide the rnost equitable and least burdensome method of securing additional funding for the aforesaid critical needs for the public safety of the people; NOW, T?F??FORE, the City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. A new chapter, to be numbered 3.17 hereby is added to the La Quinta Municipal Code, to read as follows: ChaDter 3.17 FIRE AND POLICE FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT FUND, AND TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION FUND. Sections: 3.17.010 Created. 3?l7.020 Development fees. 3.17.030 Exemptions or credits. 3.17.040 Allocation of fees collected. 3.17.010 Created. a) There is hereby established in the city treasury a special fund to be known as the Fire and Police Facilities and Equipment Fund for providin9 sites, facilities, and equipment which will be required by the demand for services from new developments in the City of La Quinta. b) There is hereby established in the city treas?ry a special fund to be known as the *?Traffic Signalization Fund' for providing signalization of additional intersections which will be required by the traffic safety demands resulting from new develop?ents in the City of La Quinta. 3.17.020 Development fees. Prior to issuance of a building permit in connection with development of any new residential unit or of any non-residential construction or addition, there shall be paid a development fee computed as fol]ows: BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 8U 1) For newly constructed residential units not including later modifications or additions) based upon square footage of structure under roof including garages and patios under roof) A) 0 1000 square feet $150.00 B) 1,001 2000 square fcet $300.00 C) 2,001 3000 square feet $450.00 D) For each additional increment of square footage up to 1,000 $150.00 2) For non-residential construction, including additions or modifications which add square footage, based upon square foota9e of structure under roof, plus any additional retail sales area not under roof, the fee shall be computed in the same fashion as in 1) A) B) C) and D) above. 3.17.030 Exemptions or credits. In the event a developer has been required, as a condition of approval of a protect, to install, provide or separately finance any traffic signalization on a public street or any fire or police facilities or equipment not generally required of all developers of residential units or non-residential construction, then the cost of the item(s) so specially required shall be allo?ed as a credit against that por- tion of the development fee otherwise payable on account of the public need for the category of facilities or equipment for which the developer has incurred special requirement expense as stated above. The maximum credit shall be in accordance with the allocation indicated in Section 3.17.040. 3.17.040 Aliocat?on of fees collected. Of the fees collected pursuant to Section 3.17.020, one-third shall be deposited in the Traffic Signalization Fund and two?thirds shall be deposited in the Fire and Police Facilities and Equipment Fund. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE OATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty 30) days after passage. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordi- nance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on 1982, by the following vote: Ayes Noes: Absent: BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 9U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 :U ORDINANCE NO. Jy AN ORDINANCE OF T?E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 6.04.025 TO THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, REQUIRING OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF DEVELOPED REAL PROPERTY TO SUBSCRIBE FOR REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICE. The city council of the City of La Quinta, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. A new section, to be numbered 6.04.025 hereby is added to the La Quinta Municipal Code, to read as follows: 6.04.025 Refuse collection service--Mandatory. a) Every person who owns, and every person who occupies, any developed real property within the city, whether at a residen- tial location or otherwise, shall make or cause to be made, with a garbage or rubbish collector holding a permit to engage in such business pursuant to this chapter, appropriate arrange- ments for regular refuse collection services, and it is unlawful for any such person to fail, refuse or neglect to do so. An occupant of property shall be deemed to have complied with this subsection if the owner of the property has caused to be made such appropriate arrangements for collection of refuse upon all portions of the property occupied by said occupant. An owner of property shall be deemed to have complied with this subsection If an occupant or occupants has or have caused to be made such appropriate arrangements for collection of a]l refuse upon all portions of said property. b) It is further unlawful, and a public nuisance, for any person to occupy or inhabit any property within the city for which appropriate arrangements have not been made and kept in full force and effect for regular refuse collection services, in compliance with subsection a) of this section. c) Whenever the city manager shall determine that any person having a duty, pursuant to subsection a) of this section, to make or cause to be made arrangements for regular refuse collection services, has failed, refused or neglected to do so, then in such case the city manager shall be author- ized to do so for and on behalf of such person, and thereafter such person shall be liable for payment of the appropriate service fees and charges therefor to the same extent and at the same times, irrespective of whether such person has or hds not made the appropriate arrangements for collection services in compliance with subsection a) of this section. Whenever the fees or charges for such services have not been paid when due, all of the persons mentioned in subsection a) shall be jointly and severally liable for payment thereof together with any applicable penalties and interest) irrespective of which person may have made any existing arrangements for collection services, provided that an occu- pant of only a portion of a parcel of real property or premises shall be deemed liable only for the fees or charges, or uortion thereof, attributable to collection services for BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 ;U refuse produced or to be produced or accumulated or to be accumulated by said occupant, and dlSQ upon all portions of the property Occupied by said occupant. d) Persons owning premises which have been unoccupied by any human habitation and upon which no refuse has been produced or accumulated other than landscape debris such as clippings, branches, leaves and the like, which has been promptly removed by personnel doing gardening work on the premises) for twelve consecutive months or more, shall be e?empted thereafter from having to comply with subsection a) of this section for as long as the premises remain so unoccupied without refuse being produced or accumulating as stated. Disputes as to whether particular owners are entitled to such exemption shall be determined and resolved by the city manager or his designee upon investigation of the facts involved and hearing the contentions of any owner claiming the right of exemption provided for in this subsection. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty 30) days after passage, and shall be operative on December 16, 1982. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after the passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the 3 public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held this day of 1982, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: NAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM A>?ROV?T;4;2? AT(ORN# BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 <U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 =U ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, EXTENDING ORDINANCE NO. 12 RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS IMPOSED WITH REGARD TO NEW RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS AND HOUSES IN THE R-l ZONES. WHEREAS, this City Council did, on August 3, 1982, en?ct pursuant to Section 65858 of the California Government Code, an interim ordinance No. 12) invokin9 certain restrictions regarding the processing or approval of applications for building permits for or related to development of new resi- dential projects or single-family houses, in the P-i zones of the City; and WHEREAS, the purpose of said Ordinance No. 12 was to pro- hibit or control the development of new residential projects or houses in the P-i zones which may be in conflict with con- templated zoning proposals and development control proposals, studies in connection with which were and are currently being conducted by the City Council, the P?anning Commission and the Planning Department; and WHEREAS, the said studies and contemplated zoning proposals and development control proposals are complex and complicated and have not yet been completed so as to enable their Dresentation to this City Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, it would be inimical and highly detri?ental to the public interest if, in the interim time necessary to process such proposals and zoning ordinance amendments to adoption and taking full effect, there were to be established, constructed or commenced any land use or structure which would be in conflict with, and nonconforming to, the said proposed amend?ents; and WHEREAS, the effective period of said Ordinance No. 12 is currently due to expire on December 2, 1982, but pursuant to provisions of Government Code Section 65858, this City Council has authority to extend said ordinance for an additional eight 8) month period,' and WHEREAS, this City Council has, pursuant to Government Code Section 65858, held a public hearing, after notice pursuant to Government Code Section 65856; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Ey authority of Section 65858 of the Government Code of the State of California, Ordinance No. 12, adopted by this City Council on ugust 3, 1982, is hereby extended for an eight 8) month period, commencing December 3, 1982, and shall remain in effect for such period unless sooner repealed or otherwise modified. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 >U SECTION 2. This ordinance is adopted as an ur?urgency measure pursuant to the authority of Section 65858 of the Government Code as well as pursuant to the authority of other law, for the i?ediate preservation and protection of the public safety, health and welfare, and shall take effect irnrnediately upon its adoption and passage by at least a four-fifths vote of the City Council. The declaration of facts constituting the urgency is as Set forth in the recitals of this ordinance. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after the passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was adopted at a fleeting of the City Council held 1982, by the following vote: AYES: NOES ABSENT: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO EQEM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: XITY ATTORNEY CITY MANACER BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 ?U MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable ayor arid embers of Council From: Frank Usher, City anager Date: October 29, 1982 Subject: Extension of Plot Plan Rev1e? Requirement for Development of P?1 Residences The proposed ordinance ould extend for an additional eight noriths the plot plan revie? requirement for development of Ri residences. This ill provide sufficient time for planning staff to develop permanent ans?ers tc problems relating to R-1 development. It ould appear that there ould be no adverse impact from this extension. At this time, there has been only one request for plot plan revie?. Introduction and, after hearing on November 16, 1982, adoption of the proposed ordinance Is res?ectf?iily reconmended Th< /</?? BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 @U C?Ijforn?j- Statc Dcp&rt?eni of Edijaition Off?? of urpIu' operty 721 C?p)toI Mall. S??a,?enio, CA 9??I4 No.202 4?2) RESOLUTION NO. S2-60 BF IT RESOLVED by the Governing oard, OR by the Chief Administrative Officer of those organizations which do not have a governing board, nd hereby ordered that the offlcial(s) and/or employee(s) whose name(s), title(s), and signature(s) are listed below shall be and is are) hereby authorized as our representative(s) to acquire federal surplus property frotn the California State Agency for Surplus Property under the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side of this form." NAME TITLE SIGNATURE Print or tyf?.) Frank N. Usher City Nan?ger Ann Jennings Admin. Ass' t/Seoretary PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 19 by the Governing Board of by the following vote. Ayes: Noes: Absent:?. I, Clerk oft/ic Goieri?ing Board of k hereby certifi that the foregoing is a full. 1r??e, and Correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board at a r?ieeting thereof held a' its regular plac? of meeting at the date a?id by the ote aboi'e stated. which resoli?tion is on file in the office of lie B?ard. Nd- ric of or??-nizaijon P.C. Box 1504 M,-??jn? ddr?? La Cuinta Riverside 92253 Signed] C??y Coo?ty ZIP oode OR A?llORlZED this day of_________________ 19 by: Fr?nk N. Usher City N?nager Name. of ct?iet adn?iiistraIi?ve omcer Tile City of La Cuinta Name of orn-aoi,-.ation P.O. Box 1504 M?iiuf dd?e,? La Quinta Riverside 92253 Signed] coa??y ZIt Codc BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 AU Califc'rnia St ite I)t-part'ntnt I A Ojice of S?rpl?? I'??p?rt? 721 Capitol M?4L. t:A 9.??t4 STATE OF CAU?OFLN1A OSP Fortn No. 201 8-82) APPLICATION FOR EUGIBILITY FEDERAL SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY PROGRAM Before preparing this apphcation, please read carefully the definitions given under Part B. Fill out all applicable ttions. P?t A. Legal name oforganliation CTTY OF LA OUINTA T?lephone(7l4)56?-2246 Address P?fl 1?fli City L? Oui?ta County Riverside ziP 92253 1. Application is being made as a please check One) a) Public agency or b) Private, nonprofit and taxexempt educational or public health organization n. Please provide evidence that the organization is a public agency or enclose a copy of th letter.Or certifict:e from the United States Internal Revenue Service evidencing taxexemption under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. 2. Check type of agency or otganization and attach a supplement to this application describing the program o?rations and acti'ities. For private, nonprofit organizations, the following additional information is equired: a) For educational institutions, include a detcription of the curriculum, the number of days in the school year, and the number and qualifications of the faculty or staff,' b) If a public health institution or organization, include a description of the health services offered, qualifications of staff and, if applicable, the number of beds, number of resident physicians, and number of re?stered nurses on the staff. P?BLlC AGENCIES: Check either state flor local X NONFROFIT INSTITIITION OR ORGANIZATION: 0 Conservation fi Education 0 Economic de?'clopment Grade level Pr???hool, o?,'?ert?ty) 1] Education Grade Enrollment l?r??cbool u?i?e?st'?y) No. of school sites Enrollment fi School for the mentally or physic?t'y handicapped No- of chool sites fi Educatiorial radio or television station 0 Parks and recrcation fi Museum 0 Public health 0 Library 0 Public safety 0 Medical institution 0 Two or more or above 0 Hospital Other specify) t 0 Health center C] Clinic 0 Other specify) 3, Check if the applicant program is approved 0 accredited 0 or licensed 0. Enclose evidence of such a,'p?oval, accreditation, or liccnsing. If the applicant lacks evidence of formal approval, accreditation, or licensing, check here 0 and refer to the enclosed instructions. 4. Are the applicant's services available to the public at large??. If only a specified group of people is se',.*ed, please indicate who comprises this group. 5. Checklist of attachments submitted with this application: 0 Evidence that applicant?s program is a public agency or exempt from payin? taxes under Section 501 of the IRS Code of 1954 0 Description of program operations and activities C] Evidence of approval, accreditation, or licensing or information submitted in lieu thereof SAS? Form No, 202, Resolution," properly signed, designating representatives authorized to bind the ap:..licant to the terms and conditions goverrting the transfer of federal surplus personal property SASP Form No.203, nondiscrimination compliance assurance Statement concernint applicant's needs, resources, and ability to utilize the property 0 Other statements or documcntation reqtu'red, as specified in the instructions, for ccrtaiO categories of applicants. latite: Signed: Title: Cit? d?-?er FOR STATE AGENCY USE Application approved: Application disapproved: Comments or additional information: Date: Signed: Director BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 BU ft$-z MEMORANDUM CITV OF LA QUINTA To: Frank M. Usher, City Manager From: Ann Jennings, Administrative Assistant D?e: October 29, 1982 Subject: City Participation in State Surplus Property Program The attached Resolution and accompanying application would enable the City to participate in the State of California Department of Education Surplus Property Program. This Program is available to all public tax-supported agencies and private non-profit educational and public health agencies. Donated surplus property comes from Federal agencies, State agencies, local agencies and business/industry sources. It is available at minimal cost, which usually include only a small handling fee. Equipment includes such large items as vehicles and heavy machinery, boats and aircraft, to small items such as office furniture and equipment and hand tools. All materials may be viewed before acquisition, and arrive in as is" condition. This program is widely used by public agencies and school districts, and is a very good source for obtaining equipment at minimal cost. Participation in this worthwhile program is respectfully recommended. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 CU MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA 41OF To: Honorable ayor and embers of Council From: Frank Usher, City Mana?er Date: October 29, 1982 Subject: City Hall Lease Amendment No. 1 The sub?ect Lease Amendment provides for the lease of Unit B at City Hall. This lease will enable us to establish the Council Chamber at City Hall. It is expected that the Chamber will be ready by early December. Approval is respectfully recommended. Terms and conditions are identical to the previously apo?oved lease. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 DU LL-As:? k?E??T 30. 1 1. Heference s ade to lease dated July 7, 1982 bet?een C. BR:?\Th??& ALB:HT ILD, Lessor, and CITY o? LA QUINTA, Lessee, re?ardin? lease of floor space in office buildin? at 8-105 Calle stado, La Quinta, CA. 2. Th15 Ainendment No. 1 e?ecuted Noveji?er 2, 1982, to the above referenced lease, is as follows: Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee rents fro? Lessor one additional roon, r?ely Suite E" co!:prisin? approxi?ately 500 sq. ft. of floor space i? above ref?re?ced office buildin?. 3. ne term for the additional Suite E shall be for three years com?encing on the lst day of December, 1982 and endin? on the 30th day of ove?ber, 1985 at the in?tial onthly rent of 300. 4. ne total monthly payments shown on the schedule of the referenced lease, plus the addition of the monthly rent for Suite Z?'?, shall be adjusted as follows: Comencin? Dec. 1, 1982 the tot?l s?m of 1,200 Suites B, C, D, E) CoLQmenCin? Dec. 1, 1983 the total sum of 51,320 Su?tes Con?encin? Dcc. 1, 198? the total sim of 1,452 Su?tes 5. Tne total rent of the referenced lease plus the addition of A?endmert Vo. 1 is hereby djusted to $?2,50?. Lessee snall pay the utility char?es for electric Leter 7. n' event of holdover of the referenced lease and this A-.?end?ent 1, the onthly rental shall be &i,?52 8. All other provisions of the referenced lease snall spply to the rental of Suite Z?, i? the same m ner s the? apply to Suites B, C, & D ci7? o? C]TY Q? L O? AL???1 ILD Lessor Seal) L?S C BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 EU /i MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and embers of Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Wanager Date: October 28, 1982 Subject: Establishment of Sphere of Influence and Annexation of Land Northerly from the City I have received written and oral expressions of interest from property o?OWNERS in an area northerly frorn the City relative to possible annexation to the City of La Quinta. These persons are c?ners of land in an area bounded on the est by the Washington Street section line, On the north by Fred Waring Drive, on the east by Jefferson Street and the City of Indio boundary, and on the south by the White?water Storm Channel and the Avenue 48 section line, excluding the Indian Springs formerly West?ward Ho) Country Club. This area, as sho?n on the attached map, could more reasonably square-off the boundaries of the City of La Quinta. Authorization is respectfully requested to: 1. Contact property o?OWNERS and res]dentS regarding their desires relative to annexation. 2. etain an engineer to prepare necessary maps and legal descriptions. Apply to LAFCO for the establishment of a sphere of influence regarding the sub?ect area. *. Apply to LAFCO for annexation of the subject area. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 FU NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 GU 1 1]?? z?j J?. t()1IZl;2(? I?. *??L'?l Ito,- Brnker Bu?: 714)340-4331 Res: 714) 568-?:?26 October 28, 1982 Mr. Fr?nk Usher City Manager, La Quinta Re: SW corner of Miles Ave. Dune Palms Road Dear Mr. Usher: This letter will serve to indicate my Clients' interest in annexation to the City of La Quinta of the 0 acre 37.06 net) parcel on the SW corner of Miles Dune Palms. I would welcome the opportunity to sit down with you any council members to discuss the proposed zoning, services, etc. The Assessor's Parcel Number of the above referenced parcel is 61 3--tl31007. Looking forward to being of service. Real Estate Broker for: Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Smith Mr. Richard DiBona % Wm. J. McAndrews Counsellor at Law 32 Main Street Hastings on Hudson, New York, N.Y. 10706 cc: Harold J. Smith a 73941 HWY. 111, SUITE 8, PALM DESERT, CA 92260 BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 HU PALM DbSERT October 28, 1982 Mr. Frank Usher City Manager: City of La Quinta Dear Mr. Usher This letter will serve to indicate our interest in annexation to the ity of La Quinta of our 32.26 acres located at the S.W. corner of Dune Palms Road and Avenue 46 Westward Ho Drive). We would welcome the opportunity to sit down with you and any co?ncil members relative to the proposed zoning, services ect. Assessors parcels numbers 617080007 and 009. Thank you for your time and attention in this matter, I remain. Very truly yours, DON and Y?G 44-309 Nice Court Palm Desert, California 92260 DRY/jy 346-4552 or 346-3520 Horre rncnes BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 IU CI?Y ATTORNEY THE POSITION. Under general policy direction, provides legal advice to the City Council, City i?anager and other City commissions and staff. EXAI?PII?S OF WORK PERFORMED Prepares and reviews ordinances and resolutions. Prepares contracts. Provides legal counsel to the City Council, City Ivianager, City comnissions and staff. Advises City personnel regarding. court decisions and legislation affecting municipal affairs. E?JPLOYMHZN? STANDARDS: Knowledge of: California and Federal law, particularly relating to cities. California and Federal court decisions, particularly relating to cities. Ability to: Provide competent professional advice regarding the law with respect to municipal affairs. Work cooperatively with the City Council and City staff. EDUCATION: Graduation from an accredited School of Law. EXPERIENCE: Any combination of training and experience which would provide the required knowledge and abilities. Date: iO/2?/82 BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 JU CITY MANAGER THE POSITION: Under policy direction, to direct and coordinate the activities of City departments as prescribed by the City Council; to direct the provision of specified central administrative services to City departments, and to do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF WORK PERFORMED: Directs preparation of agenda for and attends meetin9s of the City Council. Enforces and administers the provisions of the laws and ordinances of the City. Plans, coordinates and directs the work of the City departments. Receives assignments from the Council. Advises the City Council on matters of administrative practices, recommends legislation and policies required in the public interest?? and reports on City operation, policing and problems. Reviews the operations of City departments to establish wor standards and imDrove methods and to prepare for the devel- opment of an annual budget. Confers with department heads regarding budget r?quests and recommends a budget to the City Council. Exercises continuous budgetary controls to insure proper expenditures of authorized funds, and may disapprove expenditures. Conducts research in administrative practices and recommends improved policies to the City Council. Represents the City Council as assigned in relationships wi-h other governmental agencies. Prepares a long-term plan of capital improvements with plans for their financing. Directs the personnel recruitment, examining, classification and pay program of the City. Directs the implementation, maintenance and enforcement of City personnel policies and practices. Directs the City purchasing program and performs final approval on all City purchases. Supervises the operation of administrative services. EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS: Knowledge of: The principles and practices of public administration; budgeting principles and practices. The principles, philosophy and common practices of public Dersonnel administration. Methods of analyzing, evaluating and modifying adminis- trative Procedures. Principles of organization and management. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 KUCiTY 4ANAGER Ability to: Serve efficiently as the administrative ageny of a City Council. Work with and coordinate the activities of administrative officials while encouraging their development as adinin- istrators. Analyze organizational and administrative problems, adopt an effective course of action, and provide leadership to others in such action. Prepare clear and comprehensive written reports. Speak effectively in public Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with City officials and employees, the 9general public and representa- tives of other agencies in the capacity of agent for the City Council. IDIJCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Education: Equivalent to graduation from a recognized college or university with major work in public administration, political science, planning, business administration, public finance, law or other closely related f?elds. Experience: Any combination of training and experience which would provide the required knowledge and abilities. October 29, 1982 BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 LU ASSOCIATE PLANNER THE POSITION: Under direction, to supervise and perform difficult technical work in City planning; and to do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF WORK PERFORMED: Performs major research and zoning studies for the planning department. Makes responsible investigations on planning problems involving consideration of legal and public relations aspects as well as planning, and makes detailed presentation of findings. Supervises and assists in the preparation of maps, graphs, models and re?orts. Directs and assists in investigations and recommends action on petitions for zoning or zone changes. Drafts dnd submits proposed legislation on zoning and relatL-? planning matters. Assists in general administration of the department. Assists in training subordinate personnel. Meets with and answers questions of the general public on planning and zoning matters. Preuares materials for Planning Commission agenda. EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS: Knowledge of: The theory, principles and practices of City planning. City zoning ordinances and regulations. Principles of public administration. Ability to: Coordinate and supervise the work of sub-professional planning works. Study, analyze, and compile technical, statistical, economic and engineering information. Prepare clear and concise reports. Establish and maintain effective and cooperative public relations. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: E?uivalent to graduation from college with major work in planning, engineering, or related field. Any combination of training and experience which would provide the required knowledge and abilities. Date: October 29, 1982 BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 MU CO??UNlTY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR r?E POSITIO?: Under general direction of the City Manager, to administer building and planninq activities and to coordinate contract engineering activities as related to the overall physical, social and economic development of the community. EXAMPLES OF WORK PERFORMED: Administer a combined DepartTnent of Planning and Building, and serve as an advisor to the City Manager and City Council in the establishment of goals and policies related to immediate and long-range planning and development of the community. Administer the preparation of a General Plan. Prepare and coordinate capital improvement and other irnnlnmentation type programs related to the social, physical and economic development of the community. Attend City Council and Planning Commission meetings, and appear before public and private agencies in the presen- tation and discussion of p] ann mg and development policies. Coordinate work with other dcDartments. EMPLO??:HNT STA?DARDS: Rnowledqe of: The theory, principles and practices of aovern?cntal plafin] ng. State laws relating to planning and development. Bui?ding and related codes and ordinances enforceable by the City. Current trends in FLderal, State and ocal planning. Principles and technioucs of public administration. Statistical and research methods. Abilitv o: Prepare, revise and interpret a sound planning program for the City. p?an and direct the work of others. Speak effectively in pub]ic. Pre?are clear and comprehensive reports. Establish and maintain effective relationships with nublic guoups and organizations, enqineers, architects, contractors and the ceneral nublic. ED?iCAq?ION AND hXPE?IFNCE. Education: Fouiva ent to graduation from co? pee with major work in plan fling, engineering, public administration, economics or social sciences. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 NUCO.2UNTTY t)bVELOI!i.'T DIkECTOR Ex?eri6nce Any combination of training nd experience which would provide he required knowled9e and abilities. Date: OcLober 29, 1982 BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 OU ADMINISTRATIVE?? ASSISTANT/SECRETARY T?E POSITION. Under the general supervision of the City Wanager, performs a wide variety of responsible secretarial duties, provides administrative support, and performs related work as required EXAi?P?? OF ORK PE?FORMED: Prepares all correspondence for the City Yanager and City Council embers. Prepares correspondence for the City Attorney Prepares the agenda for City Council and Planning Commission rneetings Prepares action documents for City Council and Planning Commission meetings. Prepares IVimutes for City Council and Planning? Commission meetings. Attends all City Council and Planning Commission meetings. Coordinate? meetings for the City anager and City Council rembers. reers fi]es for the CitV. Provides basic bookkee?in? service to the City. Prepares arrants for payment of the City's nancial obligations. Pu?cThases supp].ies for the City. Provides administrative Subrort. Performs related ork as recu?red. EWPLOY?ut?T STA?DARDS: Kno?ledge of: Wodern office methods and procedures including filing systems, letter and report riting, and standard office equipment operation. ork n?ocessing and computer applications is highly desirable Ability to: Work independently, ith general supervision. Be cordial and represent the City ith the rublic, the City Council and other staff members. Be entirely confidential in the rerforn?nce of responcibilities. Accurately operate standard office machines. Communicate effectively both verbally and in riting. stablish and v?'aintain cooperative orking relationshi?s ith those contacted in the course of vork. ED?CATICN A?D EXFERIE?CE: Any combination of education, training and exper?once v?hich vould orovide the required no?ledge and abilites. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 PU BUILDING? INSPECTOR THE POSITION: Under general supervision, to inspect buildings and structures in all stages of construction, alteration and repair; to enforce safety regulations; to determine compliance with zoning and building ordinances, codes and regulations and adherence to original plans and specifications; and to do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF WORK PERFORMED: Inspects building during rough to finished stages of construction. Inspects foundation, cement, framing, lathing, plastering, plumbing and electrical installations. Tests suitability of soil for foundations. Checks trenches, pier footings and forms for dimensions in relation of height to ground evel. Checks stud, Doist, rafter spacing and other structural member factors. Examines grade, quality and treatment of lumber, cement, lath, wire and composition. Assures proper clean?up and installation of steps, landings, rails and other safety factors. Makes field review of plans and specifications. Ascertains conformance with the Uniform Building Code and pertinent provisions of State and County health ordinances. Inspects signs and billboards for compliance with City code. Inspects swimming pools, sewer lines, ce5SpOol5 and septic tanks. Tnspects trailer parks for conformity to City ordinance. EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS: Knowledge of: Building tools and materials, accepted safety standards and modern Tnethods of building construction. Building and related codes and ordinances enforceable by the City, specifically the Uniform Building Code, zoning ordinances and State and County health codes. Ability to: Apply know]edge and follow proper inspection techniques to examine workmanship and materials and detect deviations from plans, regulations and standards construction practices. Read and interpret building plans and specifications. Advise on standard construction methods and reQuirements. Maintain a cooperative working relationship with building officials, contractors, the general public and other employees. Enforce necessary regulations with firmness and tact. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 QU 1LDING INPECTOR ED?CATION AND EXPERIENCE: Education: Eguivalent to graduation from high school. Ex?erience: Three years of journeyi?an experience in construction work and the building trades? involving work done in conformance to standard building codes. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 RU CLERK-TYPIST II THE POSITION: Under general supervision, to perform specialized typing and clerical work of above average difficulty; and to do related work as required. EXAMPLES OF WORK PERFORMED: Composes correspondence? and memoranda from brief verbal Instructions or notes. Answers mall requiring composition of letters on established policy matters. Conducts continuing correspondence independently on procedural or informational matters without review by supervisor. Obtains confidential or personal information from the public. Works with the public by receiving complaints and attempting to solve them and answering questions involving an understanding of policies, procedur?s, regulations and technical Drocesses. Issues permits and licenses, interviewing applicants and ascertaining fees. Maintains a coruplex system of inter-related files and records, including personnel and time records. Modifies or devises forms for reporting data, and establishes controls for insuring accuracy of data. Compiles reports from a wide variety of sources, some of which are not clearly apparent and transmits to other offices or agencies. May check and tabulate statistical or fiscal data. May prepare requisitions and order supplies. May supervise or assign work to other personnel. EMPLOYMENT TANDARDS: Knowledge of: Modern office practices and procedures including business correspondence, filing, and standard office equipment operation. Ability to: Type at a speed of 50 words per minute from clear copy. Perform difficult clerical work involving indep?ndent judgment and requiring accuracy and speed. Make lear and coTnprehenSive reports and keep difficult. and complex records. Understand and carry out complex oral and written directionE. Establish and maintain coouerative working relations with others. Learn and interpret laws and rules. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 SUCIERK-TYPTT II EDDCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Any combination of ed?cation, training and experience which would provide the required knowledge and abilities. Date: October 29, 19?2 BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 TU MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: el1o? & City Attorney From: Fred \?Wolff Date: 1 o/2b/?2 Subject: Valet Parking This issue? is not s problem yet in Ls Quints, therefore this seems to be s ooc tirne to tske preventive me?sures. M?ny restsu.rsnts, hotels, nd so?e other estgblisbrnents provide vslet p?rking ith no opportunity for custorners to psrk their o?n c?rs. It seern? t;o me tb?t is soci??ly njustifi8ble. ir persons ant to v?il thernselves of v?let parkin?, th?tI5 fine. If others seek to p?rk their OVJn car, they should be shie to do so.. and do so conveniently. It does not seeni fair th?t customers be made captives" of the vslet parking system, and thus be deprived of choices hich are part of the free enterprise systern. To protect the people of La Quinta and guests in our comrnunity from this undesirable practise, I propose e request the City Attorney to draft n ordi??ance hich ould provide: All establishments in the City of La Quinta hich serve the eneral public and provide valet parking must provide as rnan? parking spaces to self-pf?rking custorners as are provided for valet parking service. he self-parking spaces shall be as conveniently close to the establishment as the valet parking spaces I appreciate your consideration of this issue. BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02 UU fig Nove?ber 1, 1982 Mr. Fr?nk Usher, City n?gGr City of LaQuinta Box 1504 LaQuinta, Ca. 92253 Dear Frank: Confirming our tclephone conversation, Simon.Motors requests a peYTnit to have a se..arch?ight and a helium bli?p displayed on our property in conlunction with our Open J?ousc pro-??ot?on on Novc-4?er 5 and 6, 1982. The searchl?.ght will he used frorn 5 to 8 F.M. Friday, November 5, oflly. The bli?? will he 12 feet long attached to a 150 foot tether line. It will have OPEN 1IO?SE" printed on the side. It will be up Friday, Novo?her 5, fr?.n 4 to 8 P.?4. nd S?turday, NQV(?:nher 6, from 10 A.?. to 2 F.M. Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly, SIN ON OTORS I?C. J. J. T?u'ne1 Gci?eral an er JJB dj C BIB] 08-14-1996-U01 09:19:59AM-U01 CC-U02 11-U02 02-U02 1982-U02