1994 10 18 CCing -> 14 C?t? COURCil CHY COUNCIL CHAMBER 73-,i95 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting October 18, 1994 3:00 P.M. CML TO ORDER Beginning Res. No.94-65 a. Pledge of Allegiance Ord. No.257 b. Roll Call CONFIRMAIION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MIN? a. Approval of Minutes of September 20 & October 4, October 6, and October 12, 1994. ANNOUNCEMENTS PR1?ENT??ONS UC COMMENT This is the time set asid efor public comment on any fluutr not scheduled for a public h?ad?g. Please co?4?ete a request to speak fonu and limit your conu'wIzs to three nunutes. Please atdi the timing device on the uni. BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 WRrnEN CORRESPONDENCE 1 LETTER FROM CHILDREN'S MUSEUM REQUESTING PARTICIPATION IN CITY-SPONSORED DAYS" OF A TRAVELING EXHIBIT. 2. LETTER FROM LAURIE REYNOLDS REQUESTING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IN TRAINING FOR THE OLYMPICS FIGURE SKATING. 3. LETTER FROM LA QUINTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY REQUESTING ASSISTANCE IN OBTAINING A MUSEUM SITE. BUSIN? SESSION 1 CONSIDERATION OF INFORMATION REGARDING SITE LOCATIONS FOR THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 2. CONSIDERATION OF REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION FOR PLOT PLAN 94-533 TO DEVELOP A 8635 SQ. FT. IMMEDIATE CARE FACILITY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 111, BETWEEN SIMON DRIVE AND ADAMS STREET WITHIN THE ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA CENTER. APPLICANT: MCG ARCIIITECTS FOR EISENHOWER HOSPITAL. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 3. CONSIDERATION OF SUBDIVISION FLAG POLICY THROUGHOUT THE CITY. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN APPEAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION REGARDING GARAGE DOORS FOR SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES IN TRACT 23995 ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MILES AVENUE WEST OF ADAMS STREET. APPLICANT: INCO HOMES fl?D FARR). A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 5. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-052 FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY SUBDIVISION FLAGS FOR THE PAINTED COVE AND BAJADA TRACTS. APPLICANT: MINISTRELLI CONSTRUCTION. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 6. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-043 FOR APPROVAL OF A SIX- MONTH TIME EXTENSION FOR 19 TRACT FLAGS FOR PARC LA QUINJA. APPLICANT: LINDA YOUNGER. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 000002 Page 2 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 7. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-053 FOR TEMPORARY SUBDIVISION FLAGS FOR THE JM PETERS PROJECT AT THE CITRUS GOLF CLUB ON THE WEST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET, NORTH OF 52ND AVENUE. APPLICANT: OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 8 CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-054 FOR A BANNER ANNOUNCING OPENING FOR LUNCH" FOR THE CLIIII'IIOUSE RESTAURANT. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 9. CONSIDERATION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH NBS LOWRY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PREPARATION OF THE CITY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 10. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO SECTION 12.28.100(A) OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO STANDING OF FOOD VEHICLES NEAR SCHOOLS. A) MOTION TO TAKE UP ORDINANCE NO. BY TITLE AND NUMBER ONLY AND WAIVE FURTHER READING. B) MOTION TO INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. ON FIRST READING. 11. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND REVISION OF COMMITTEE DESCRIPTION. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 12. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO PALM SPRINGS REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. 13. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES: Ordinance No.256: re: False ActivatLon of Alarms CONSENT CAU??AR Note: Consent Calendar Items are considered to be routine in nature and will be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED OCTOBER 18, 1994. 2. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY ATTORNEY GEOFFREY T. MOORE ON BEHALF OF CLAIMANTS KELLY RADFORl) AND DEBBIE MARKS, DATE OF LOSS APRIL 4, 1994. Page 3 000003 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 3. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY ATTORNEY MARK SHOEMAKER ON BEHALF OF CLAIMANT RUSSELL NEIL, DATE OF LOSS MARCH 23, 1994. 4. APPROVAL OF JOB DESCRIPTION FOR SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITY COORDINATOR. 5. ACCEPTANCE OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 92-1 PHASE V COVE IMPROVEMENTS. 6. APPROVAL OF RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. 7. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ALLOWING TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF CALLE ESTADO BETWEEN AVENIDA BERMUDAS AND DESERT CLUB DRIVE FOR THE ANNUAL MAINTSTREET MARKETPLACE OUTDOOR EVENT 1994-95 SEASON). APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ChAMBER OF COMMERCE. RES) 8. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ALLOWING TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF AVENIDA MONTEZUMA BETWEEN EISENHOWER DRIVE AND AVENIDA MENDOZA FOR THE ANNUAL LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION'S FINE CRAFTS, WINE AND ALL THAT JAZZ EVENT ON NOVEMBER 11-13, 1994. APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNI)?ON. RES) 9. APPROVAL OF TRAVEL REQUEST FOR PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR TO ATTEND NRPA PARK MAINTENANCE SCHOOL NOVEMBER 13-17, 1994. 10. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING OPERATION DESERT CLEAN SWEEP AS AN EVENT OF IMPORTANCE. RES) 11. APPROVAL OF JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR TEMPORARY RECREATION POSITIONS. STUDY SESSION I INTERVIEW OF APPLICANTS FOR CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION AND SELECTION OF ONE MEMBER. 2. PRESENTATION BY COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ON THE STATUS OF THE AQUIFER IN THE VALLEY AND THE RELATED OVERDRAFTING. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT FORMATION REPORT HIGHWAY 111 COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. Page 4 000004 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14REPORTS AND INFORMAIIONAL ImMS A. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1994 B. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS C. SUNLINE REPORTS D. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY E. COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT F RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE G ALL OTHER BOARDSICOMMISSIONS/JPA'S DEPARTMENT REPORTS A. CITY MANAGER B. CITY ATTORNEY NONE C. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR NONE D. BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR 1. REPORT ON NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION & ACTION PROGRAM N.I.A.P.) E. FINANCE DIRECTOR NONE F. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR NONE G. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR NONE H. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR NONE I. SHERIFF'S STATION COMMANDER NONE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ImMS 1. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY G.E.T.M., INC. PENA). RECESS TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RECESS UNTIL 7:00 P.M. PUBUC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for a public hearing. Please complete a request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. Please watch the twwi*g device on the poduz? Page 5 000005 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 PRESENTA1ONS PUBUC GS 1. PLOT PLAN 93495 REVISED) A REQUEST BY SIMON PLAZA, INC. TO APPEAL THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S APPROVAL OF A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR A PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED PROJECT ON 5.6 + ACRES ON HIGHWAY 111, EAST OF WASHINGTON STREET. A) MINUTE ORDER ACTION. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS FOR SALE & ACQUISITION OF UNIMPROVED PROPERTY BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND the DESERT SANDS UN[HED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. A) RESOLUTION ACTION. CLOSED SESSION 1 CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS FOR PROPOSED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT INCLUDING PRICE, TERM OF PAYMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND JEFFERSON STREET TIM EALEY, NEGOTIATOR FOR MIDLAND PROPERTIES. 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR TOM HARTUNG REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6- MEET AND CONFER PROCESS. 3. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR TOM GENOVESE PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6 REGARDING SALARY ISSUES FOR UNREPRESENTED DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR POSITIONS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR, BUILDING & SAFETY DIRECTOR, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR, PLANNING DIRECTOR AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL CONCERNING POTENTIAL INITIATION OF LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SUBSECTION C OF SECTION 54956.9. ADJOURNMENT Page 6 000006 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 DEC?ON OF POSING I, Saundra L. Juhola, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the City Council meeting of October 18, 1994 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Charnber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin board at the La Quinta Chamber of Cornrnerce on Friday, October 14, 1994. City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTI The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7025, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. Page 7 000007 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: I Where chIIdr??n dJ?cover a whole new world th?u?h hande-on fun! 9\\ SEP 20 PV\ 1 19 4?The ci;y OF LA ti?F?ICE September?er 15,1994 CiTY A;?ACE rns Mr. o?Robert L. Hur't Gity M?r'??er Gity of L? &uir't? 7?-495 C?ll? T?mpico L? Quir't?. CA 92253 D8?r Mr. Hurit: JOIr' u? w8 c?l8?r?t? wor'??r rtI?tic t?l?rit? of c?il?r?r'. Th? Gr'Il?r?r"? Pi?Children's Discovery Museum?y Mu??m of th? i? to announce? the?t??e Mu??Museum's'? r'?t traveling v?exhibit'? hI?it, PI?Discover r My Worl?- Artwork y GhII?r?r'," will come? to the? ChIl?r?r'? Mu?Museum Ir' c?December?er for 10 ThI? i? r' international?rr'?tior'?! collection?ctior' of 30 color l?and black and whit? p?ir'tIr'?? r?wIr'?? combinations r'?tior'? t?er? of. Tk? work I? th? creation?tior of c?il?children' 3 to 15, r??8CtIr'? wI?8 r?r'?6 of vI?wpoIr't? or' lif? w?l cultural?l influence?r'c?. Tr'? collection' t t?e N?New York M6tropolit?r Mu?6um of Art, Olympic G?me? t L?ke f??tur?? Ir' mu??um tour? cro?? Ur'It?? ThI? i? once Ir' life tim? event for t?e Co?c?ell? V?Valley, introducing?children'? chil?r8r' to the? v?variety of culture experiences? through??out the world?. We would? like to e?extend'? to you per?or'?l ir'Vit?invitation for your city'? p?participation?tior'. We re scheduling?ulir'? special?I city sponsored"'?ore?" for re?i?residents? to tour the e?hi?t compliments? of their city. Our re?regular?r mi??admission' to the e?exhibit will e $2 for children?rer' $1 for adults? Mu?eum memher? children?rer' under'?er 5 re free. A city sponsored"'?ore?' i? only $200 er'?He? r' unlimited? number of re??residents? to tour the exhihit t no charge?r?e with proof of re?i?residency river'? licer'?e, lihr?ry etc.). le??e joIr' With your i?ter citie? p?rticip?te Ir' thi? wor?erful multi-cultur?l le?rr'ir'? ver'turel We truly eiieve th?t your city I? w?y to ir'?roa'uce your re?i?er'?? to the Chil?rer"? Mu?eum courte?y of their loc?l offlci?I? We er'cour??e look forw?r? to your p?rticip?tior'. Er'clo?e? i? the City 5por'?or che?ule Wior'?l ir'form?ticr or' Pi?cover My Worl?." ir'cerely rer' iley Executive i recto? 000008 O. x 2275, R?r'cho Mlr??? Lari?. richa Mlr??e. CA 92270 T?l? 619) 346-2900 F? 619) 776-4383 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 LAURIE REYNOLDS MCRAE 52-810 Avenida Rublo La Quinta, CA 92253 J?hn: 619) 56?2028 September 21, 1994 Mr. John Pena Mayor City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tanipico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Grant: New Community Service Grant Grant Usage Request: Amateur Figure Skating Training Grant Recipient: Colleen Reynolds Boys & Girls Club Ieniber: Colleen Reynolds Current Memberships: I.S.I.A and U.S.F.S.A. Member I.S.I.A. & U.S.F.S.A. Home Club: Palm Deseii Figure Skating Club Professional Training Club: The Training Center Arrowhead Coaches: Frank Carroll Arrowhead Cathy Crosson Ice Chalet P.D. Elena Tcherkasskaia Arrowhead Dear John: I had the opportunity this morning to become aware that the City Council has just approved approximately $10,000. in funds for the above mentioned Grant. After speaking also with Jim Ducatte at your suggestion, he mentioned I might speak with you to make a similar request regarding my daughter Colleen Reynolds and her aspirations of becoming an Olympic Figure Skater with any monies from this Community Service Grant that might possibly be allocated on Colleen s behalf to cover some of the expenses involved in this training. Currently these financial burdens are more than our financial position can bare. Thus, please allow the following information to serve you in your consideration, with attention to the seriousness and dedication to which Colleen is aspiring. I believe she is the only current figure skater from our area with this kind of potential. Currently Colleen trains both at the Ice Chalet in Palin Deseit and The Training Center in Arrowhead, California. Her Coach at the Training Center is Frank Carroll, Ice Castle's Senior Vice President and Skating Director. Enclosed are his credentials. He is known as one of, if not the best, freestyle figure skating coaches in the country. As I explained to you over the telephone, Frank only takes on skaters that lie feels have Olympic potential. Numerous skaters from Southern California ranked at higher levels than Colleexi have attempted to attain tutelage under Fr??nk Carroll and were turn down by him. Currently, Colleen is the only skater in the Coachella Valley whom is under his coaching and training care. This in itself Should give you a feel for the potential Mr. Carroll feels Colleen has now and in the future as an Olympic Athlete. D00012 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14# NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14$ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14% 1?? WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: La Quinta Historical Society P.O. Box 1283 * La Quinta, California * 92253 City Council City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Qttinta, CA 92253 Dear Council Members: The La Quinta Historical Society was first organized in 1984 and granted official nonprofit status by the State of California on February 20, 1985. The purposes of the Society are several: * To recover and reconstruct the historical past of the geographical area which is now incorporated as the City of La Quinta. * To collect, preserve, organize and present for public benefit, all manner of materials deemed to be of historical significance to the area. * To educate the community, particularly school children, regarding the historical and cultural past of this area. * To accurately record and preserve current events as a firm basis for the history of future years. * To cooperate and interact with other communities, historical societies and responsible agencies to achieve the purposes noted herein. The City has supported the Historical Society in the past with Community Service Grant Funds. Each Grant was earmarked for a specific project which the Society produced. These projects accompany this package. Since it's inception the Society has functioned under the good offices and per- sonal efforts of a few dedicated citizens willing to prepare, organize and present meaningful programs for the community at large. These same public spirited citizens have accepted the responsibility of storing and preserving a growing inventory of historical and cultural items, and an expanding file of clippings and other documents. 009937 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14&This year the Historical Society made a serious commitment to the City of La Quinta by leasing one of the oldest commercial buildings in the City to house a museum for the enlightenment and enjoyment of all. First year reception of the museum was so encouraging the Historical Society has now taken the first step in securing this building and adjacent property as a permanent site for the museum. We have entered a $250,000 purchase escrow requiring $50,000 down with a second taken back by the owner. The Board of Directors has made this good faith commitment in the sure knowledge that the museum is in the very best interests of all La Quinta residents and visitors. The purchase of the building which will benefit all of the City of La Quinta is being made possible, at this time, by the sincere and dedicated interest of the present owners. The Board also feels that this responsibility should be spread more equita- bly throughout the community and therefore reaches to the City Council for help and guidance in seeking ways to finance the purchase of the building and to maintain it thereafter. Several options present themselves at this time: * Direct purchase of the building with Redevelopment funds. Assistance in reaching the down payment goal of $50,000. * Assistance with mortgage and regular operating costs. The Historical Society requests that the City Council enter a study of the needs we have outlined in order to suggest funding solutions and alterna- tives for the purchase and operation of the proposed museum properties. Respectfully submitted, I 7' E.A. Ned" Millis TerryHenderson President Treasurer 993? BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14' +4?a'(iai AGENDA CATEGORY: OF BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of information regarding an ultimate site location for PUBLIC HEARING: the La Quinta Arts Foundation RECOMMENDATION: Review the information, direct staff as to which site is the most desirable, and if appropriate work out the issues regarding the site. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None at this time. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In June, the La Quinta Arts Foundation presented a concept proposal to the City Council for the expansion of their facility to have it become a center for the arts Attachment 1). In that proposal the Foundation requested utilizing the City's property on Montezuma to construct this building in two phases. After consideration and discussion, Council requested that the Poundation supply the City with information on the square footage for the proposal. In addition, staff was instructed to provide a comparison of other available sites where the facility could be located Attachment 2). Since that meeting, staff has met with representatives of the Foundation. Seventeen City-owned sites were discussed during this meeting, of these, only four sites were determined to be large enough to accommodate the approximately 20,000 square foot building. The following information is presented for your consideration relating to the following four sites: the Civic Center site, 48th Avenue site, the existing Chamber of Commerce site, and the requested Avenida Montezuma site. Civic Center Site As the 6,000 square foot facility was originally proposed, the Civic Center site was appropriate. The proposed uses at that time included the administrative offices, display area, art work area, sales area, and an area to conduct art classes. Since then the functions of the facility have expanded to be more comprehensive in nature and include: administrative offices, board room/library, exhibition space, retail area, coffee shop with catering, workshop/classrooms, music rehearsal room, 150 seat theater, historical/art displays, media center, studio space, and storage area. Issues that relate to this site are: 1. Limited space for the proposed 20,000 square foot building. 2. Commercial uses. OOOO3? 3. Outside functions on the site would be cumbersome. CC5TFJH.OO1 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14) NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14* NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14+ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 140 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 141 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 142 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 143 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 144 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 145 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: Consideration of a report of Planning Connnsssion STUDY SESSION: action on Plot Plan 94-533 to develop an 8,635 square foot Immediate Care Facility on the north side of Highway 111 between PUBLIC HEARING: Simon Drive and Adams Street within the 111 La Quinta Center. Applicant: MCG Architects for Eisenhower Ilospital RECOMMENDATION: Accept the action of the Planning Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: General The project site is one of the pad locations approved by Specific Plan 89-014 for Transpacific Development Company. The applicant wishes to construct and operate an Immediate Care Facility on the property which is two pads west of the signalized driveway adjacent to Taco Bell. It is staffs understanding that this facility will replace the existing Immediate Care Facility within Plaza La Quinta at the corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street. The project will consist of a one story building containing 8,635 square feet of floor space. The facilities within the building will include office space, treatment areas, examining rooms, x-ray room, nurse stations, medical laboratories, etc. The building has been designed in a manner which is similar to the Albertsons supermarket shopping center area. The building utilizes a tile roof, stucco walls, a wood trellis over the main entry, stucco cornice trim to match the shopping center, matching wall lights and column treatment. The colors utilized in the building will match those used in the shopping center. The Planhing Commission report provides additional information regarding the project Attachment 1). Plannin? Commission Review The Planning Commission considered this request at their meeting of October 11, 1994. The Planning Commission felt that while the building was well designed, there was a need for additional architectural treatment along the flat portion of the walls facing north into the parking lot and south onto Highway 111. The architect, who was representing the owner, indicated that additional architectural treatment could be provided on the wall of the building. The Planning Commission felt that in addition to architectural treatment, some additional landscaping along the perimeter should be added. The Planning Commission CCSTFSS.OOI BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 146 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 147 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 148 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 149 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14: NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14; NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14> NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14A NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14B NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14C NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14E NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14F NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14G NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14H NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14I NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14J NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14K NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14M NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14N NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14O NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14P NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14Q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14R NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14S NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14T 5 AGENDA CATEGORY: 40F BUSINESS SESSION: 3 COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Subdivision Flag Policy throughout the City PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the recommendation of the Planning Commission FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Council at its meeting of September 20, 1994, requested that a new policy be established for subdivision and model home flags. Presently the City is operating under a policy adopted on September 10, 1990, which allows a total of 21 flags per development. The rationale is that 21 flags is sufficient to provide an advertising statement and that any number greater than 21 would be excessive. The policy does not include any provisions regarding flag size, color, wording, or height. On February 1, 1994, the City Council established a policy of six months for the displaying of flags with a six month extension if, after review by the Planning Director, the flags are determined to be in good condition and any worn flags replaced. The City Council on September 20,1994, during consideration of a request for subdivision flags indicated that the policies regarding subdivision flags should be re-examined and revised due to the number of flags which presently exist in the City. The matter was referred to the Plarning Commission for recommendation. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: On October 11, 1994, the Planning Commission reviewed the existing policies and are recommending the following: 1. Twelve flags shall be considered the maximum number of flags permitted. 2. The pole heights shall be a maximum of 20-feet in height for the perimeter of the project and 16-feet for the interior. 000084 1 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14V I AGENDA CATEGORY: G?OF??O BUSINESS SESSION: IL COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: Consideration of an appeal of a Planning STUDY SESSION: Commission decision regarding garage doors for single family residences in Tract 23995 on the south side of Miles Avenue, west PUBLIC HEARING: of Adams Street Applicant: Inco Homes Fred Parr) RECOMMENDATION Deny the appeal of Inco Homes, upholding the decision of the Planning Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: P1annin? Commission Appeal The applicants are appealing a September 13, 1994, decision of the Planning Commission denying an amendment to allow the use of one-piece metal overhead garage doors in place of metal sectional roll-up garage doors for their single family tract presently under construction Attachment 1). Tract Information The subject property is the northern one half of Tract 23995 which allows a total of 300 single family lots. The applicants have purchased 150 lots of the tract and have an option on the balance. This project was originally approved in September, 1989, with the applicants recently recording the first phase of their 150 lots. On July 25, 1994, the applicants received approval of their architectural units to be built in this tract. Condition #15 of this approval requires that sectional metal roll-up garage doors shall be installed on all garages". Plannin? Commission Request for Modification The applicant submitted a request to amend Condition #15 to allow use of a one-piece metal overhead door in place of the sectional roll-up doors. The applicant's justification for the request is that the one piece metal overhead door is identical in appearance and material to a sectional door when closed. The applicant submitted sample photographs of both sectional roll-up doors and one piece metal doors to substantiate their point Attachment 2). Commissioner Abels, on September 13, 1994, stated that the Commission believes that one-piece pivot doors take up too much space when opening and have other associated problems. The Planning Commission then unanimously denied the request of the applicant Attachment 3). OOOs? n?cc BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14Z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14[ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14^ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14a AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18,1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Special Advertising Device 94-052 for approval of Temporary subdivision flags for the Painted Cove and Bajada PUBLIC HEARING: Tracts. Applicant: Ministrelli Construction RECOMMENDATION: Approve Special Advertising Device 94-052 permitting 12 temporary flags for the Eajada tract and 12 temporary flags for the Painted Cove Tract for the Ministrelli Construction projects, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The applicant has submitted a letter Attachment 1) requesting approval of a new permit for subdivision flags for the Bajada Tract and the Painted Cove Tract at the southwest and southeast comers of Park Avenue and 50th Avenue respectively. The applicant is seeking approval of a total of 68 flags. Originally, on November 6, 1990, the Planning Department approved a temporary 30-day approval for 20 flags and a Grand Opening11 banner. On December 18,1990, Council approved an additional 10 flags under Special Advertising Device 90-011, for a total of 30 flags. Tracts 25429 and 26016 were known as Chateau Estates at that time. Both tracts were and still are being developed by the same developer, Ministrelli Construction. The requested flags for the Bajada tract are located along 50th Avenue west of Park Avenue and on the west side of Park Avenue Attachment 1). They are solid royal blue in color and measure 5 feet tall by 3 feet wide Attachment 2). A total of 17 flags are existing for which the applicant seeks a new permit. The poles are 17 feet high. The Painted Cove flags are located along 50th Avenue east of Park Avenue, the east side of Park Avenue, and along Mountain Shadow and Coyote Creek inside the tract, as well as at the Big Horn Trail entrance Attachment 3). A total of 51 flags are existing at this tract. The Painted Cove flags are 7-feet high by 3-feet wide in size and feature teal, white, and bright pink coloring attachment 4). The poles are also 17-feet high. CCLC.1()O 000097 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14c NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14d NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14e NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14f NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14g NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14h NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14i NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14k L? 0% 1 AGENDA CATEGORY: GP?OF??? BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18,1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Special Advertising Device 94-043 for approval PUBLIC HEARING: of a Six Month Time Extension for 19 tract flags for Parc La Quinta. RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve a six-month time extension for Special Advertising Device 94-043, subject to the new Council p01icy regulating subdivision flags. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On April 5, 1994, the City Council approved a six-month permit for 19 subdivision flags for the Parc La Quinta tract, subject to conditions of approval Attachment 1). On September 5, 1994, staff received a letter of request for a time extension for an additional six months Attachment 2). The original approval was for 19 flags consisting of six 10-foot high flagpoles and thirteen 20-foot high flagpoles to display solid orange rectangular flags. In August, the applicant replaced the flags with white colored flags in compliance with the original conditions of approval requiring replacement if they become faded or torn. The flags are placed along the Washington Street side of the tract with six flags clustered at the tract entrance. Municipal Code Chapter 5.64 Special Advertising Devices) provides for a permit to be issued by the City Council for advertising devices other than the usual and customary permanent business identification signs. This includes flags as requested in this application. Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits are to be issued for special purposes, 11...and not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes", and further, each permit shall be issued for a specific period of time subject to renewal for good cause shown". The Council's consideration for granting of this permit must find that the Special Advertising Device applied for would not: CCLC.1O1 000107 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14l NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14m NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14n NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14o NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14p NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14r NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14s SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18,1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Special Advertising Device 94-053 for approval of twenty 20) temporary subdivision flagpoles for the J. M. PUBLIC REARING: Peters Co. project west of Jefferson Street and north of 52nd Avenue. Applicant: Outdoor Dimensions RECOMMENDATION: Approve Special Advertising Device 94-053, permitting twelve 12) temporary flagpoles for the J.M. Peters project, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Citrus Golf Course was developed in the late 1980's and various tentative maps have been approved within the existing country club. Approximately +20 homes exist within this private gated facility with +30 homes in various stages of construction. The existing homes were developed by the J.M. Peters Company and Rancho Capistrano Development. The existing J.M. Peters model homes are located on Sandia See Attachment 1). On July 19, 1994, the City Council accepted the Report of Action from the Planning Commission on Plot Plan 94-527 by KSL to develop a 127,000 square foot clubhouse on 8 acres north of the J.M. Peters model complex. The applicant and J.M. Peters Company are requesting permission to erect twenty temporary flagpoles inside the gated community and along the two-way entry drive into the project from Jefferson Street to draw attention to their model homes located on Sandia See Attachment 2). The canvas flags will be 8' high by 3' wide multiple colors). The company name will be printed on each flag along with both a picture and the name of the project. The poles will be 30' high See Attachment 3). The color board will be available at the meeting. No flagpoles are proposed along Jefferson Street or 52nd Avenue. Municipal Code Chapter 5.64 Special Advertising Devices) provides for a permit to be issued by the City Council for advertising devices other than the usual and customary permanent business identification signs. This includes flags as requested in this application. Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits are to be issued for special purposes, and not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes", and further, each permit shall be issued for a specific period of time subject to renewal for good cause shown". CCGT.102 000115 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14t NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14u NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14v NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14w NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14z AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Special Advertising Device 94-054 for a banner PUBLIC HEARING: announcing Opening for Lunch" for the Clififiouse Restaurant RECOMMENDATION: Approve Special Advertising Device 94-054, subject to conditions. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On October 4, 1994, the Cliffhouse Restaurant submitted a letter of request Attachment 1) to hang a 4' X 10' temporary vinyl banner for 30-days. The banner will have teal green lettering that will read Opening for Lunch". The sign will hang under the south facing windows above the drive-up entrance. The applicant requests that the banner be displayed from October 19,1994 through November 19, 1994. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Staff has reviewed this request and supports a recommendation for approval The options available to the Council are as follows: 1. Approve the request; 2. Deny the request. ing & elopment Director Attachments: 1. Letter of request 000122 CCLC.004 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 * AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18,1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of a Professional Services Agreement PUBLIC HEARING: with NBS Lowry for a Comprehensive Preparation of the City Subdivision Ordinance RECOM??NDATION: Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with NBS Lowry for a Comprehensive Preparation of the City Subdivision Ordinance. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: ESTIMATED ACTUAL COST * BUDGETED: FUND/ACCOUNT O1-4311-111-O(X) AMOUNT $? FUND/ACCOUNT 014240-11l-O()() AMOUNT $? BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: General On August 2, 1994, the City Council approved a Request For Proposals for a Comprehensive Preparation of the City Subdivision Ordinance and authorized staff to seek proposals from qualified consultants. On August 31, 1994, proposals were received and evaluated by the Consultant Selection Committee. It was determined that the firm of NBS Lowry was the most qualified consultant for this project. Staff negotiated terms of a Professional Services Agreement with NBS Lowry for the preparation of the City Subdivision Ordinance. Scope of Services The Scope of Services for this project consists of five 5) major tasks, as outlined below: 1. Obtain available data and evaluate potential changes to ordinance. The consultant will review the existing Subdivision Ordinance, the 1992 General Plan and supporting environmental documents Master Environmental Assessment and The Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan), the City Zoning Ordinance and any subdivision design standards and updates. As part of the review, a tour of the City will be conducted with City staff and interested Council/Commission members to attain a better understanding of the development and design issues associated with the development of La Quinta. 000124 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 0 7 AGENDA CATEGORY: C?4OF BUSINESS SESSION: to COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration Of Amendment To The PUBLIC REARING: Municipal Code Amending Section 12.28.100(A) Standing Of Food Vehicles Near Schools RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt Ordinance No. by title and number only and waive flirther reading. 2. Introduce Ordinance No. on first reading. FISCAL IMPLICATION: No fiscal implications. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Since the La Quinta High School opened, the City of La Quinta Police are experiencing problems caused by various food vendors parking near the school. There are several concerns in the attached memorandum Attachment #1) that are addressed by the police. The current Ordinance reads as follows: Section 12.28.100(A), Stopping To Sell Time Limit. Such vehicle shall stand or park only at the request of a bonified customer or purchaser and for a period of time not exceeding ten minutes at any one place. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: I Adopt Ordinance No. 2 Do not adopt Ordinance No. Tom Ilartung Building & Safety Director Attachments: I. Memorandum Oi45 cncped.1 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 c1? 0 y AGENDA CATEGORY: OF BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: October 18,1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of Appointments to Youth Advisory Committee PUBLIC HEARING: and Revision of Committee Description RECOMMENDATION: Approve the following appointments and changes as outlined: 1. The reappointment of Jennifer Barnes, Rina Bliss, Michael Garcia, Brietta Krome, and D.J. Maston to serve as Regular members of the Youth Advisory Committee; 2. The appointment of Jeflrey Pina and Cheri Hulet as Regular members of the Youth Advisory Committee; 3. The appointment of Heather Howell, sophomore, La Quinta High School as an Alternate member of the Youth Advisory Committee; and 4. The changes recommended by the Youth Advisory Committee to the Committee Description as approved by Council on May 3,1994. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None at this time. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Youth Advisory Committee was created and its' members appointed by the City Council by Minute Orders 94-99 and 94-100 on May 3, 1994. A total of seven Regular members were appointed, and five individuals were appointed as Alternates. Due to scheduling conflicts, two of the Regular members have resigned: Jeremiah Anderson and Chad Holland. The remaining Regular members are Jennifer Barnes, Rina Bliss, Michael Garcia, Brietta Krome, and D.J. Maston. 000149 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL?DA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of an appointment to the Palm Springs PUBLIC HEARING: Regional Airport Commission RECOMMENDATION: Appoint a representative to the Palm Springs Regional Airport Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On April 19, 1994, the Council considered an appointment to the Palm Springs Regional Airport Commission Attachment 1). Letters of interest were submitted from a Mr. Douglas J. Hoffmann and Mr. Thomas L. Freeman Attachment 2). The Council appointed Mayor Pro Tern Glenda Bangerter as its representative for an interim period of time) to the Palm Springs Regional Airport Commission Attachment 3). The Council continued this item to this date to allow Mr. Hoffmann and Mr. Freeman an opportunity to be interviewed. Both applicants have indicated they will be in attendance. At this time, the Council needs to make a permanent assignment. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives to the City Council are: 1. Appoint an elected official as the City Representative; 2. Appoint a citizen as a Representative to the Commission; 3. Appoint a City staff member as a Representative to the Commission; 4. Determine a separate process for the appointment of a representative to the Commission; 5. Make no appointment to the Commission. 000153 CCJR.004 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 BUSINESS SESSION NO. ORDINANCE 256 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ADDING SECTION l1?9O OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING FALSE ACTIVATIONS OF BURGLARY AND ROBBERY ALARMS The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. SECTION 11.90 of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby added to read as shown on Exhibit A" as attached. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty 30) days after its adoption. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council, shall certify? to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City of La Quinta. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of October, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT ABSTAIN JOIIIN PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quint a, California APPROVED AS TO FORM DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 000170 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 2?ffl 0% 5 CATEGORY: AGENDA C?0f BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC REARING: Demand Register Dated October 18, 1994 BACKGROUND Prepaid Warrants: 19570 19603 $ 59,796.08 19569,19604-19607 14,594.00 PIR 10729 10790 63,980.69 CITY DEMANDS $486,604.88 Payable Warrants: 19609 19692 359,226.64 RDA DEMANDS 10,992.76 $ 497,597.64 $497,597.64 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash City $ 10,992.76 2 Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 * 0 AGENDA CATEGORY: t-4OF BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Denial of Claim for Damages Filed PUBLIC HEARING: by Attorney Geoffrey T. Moore on Behalf of Claimants Kelly Radford and Debbie Marks, Date of Loss April 4, 1994 RECOMMENDATION: Deny the Claim for Damages filed by Attorney Geoffrey T. Moore on behalf of claimants Kelly Radford and Debbie Marks, date of loss April 4, 1994. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Attachment No. 1 is the Claim for Damages filed by Attorney Geoffrey T. Moore on behalf of claimants Kelly Radford and Debbie Marks, date of loss April 4, 1994. The Coachella valley Joint Powers Insurance Authority CVJPIA) has reviewed the claim and recommends it be denied Attachment No. 2). FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council are; 1. Deny the claim as recommended by the CVJPIA; 2. Pay the claim as submitted in an amount in excess of $10,000. Thomas p. Genovese City Manager ooo1?? BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 CP4OFT???? AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC REARING: Denial of Claim for Damages Filed by Attorney Mark Shoemaker on Behalf of Claimant Russell Neil, Date of Loss March 23, 1994 RECONNENDATION: Deny the Claim for Damages filed by Attorney Mark Shoemaker on behalf of claimant Russell Neil, date of loss March 23, 1994. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Attachment No. 1 is the Claim for Damages filed by Attorney Mark Shoemaker on behalf of claimant Russell Neil, date of loss March 23, 1994. The Coachella Valley Joint Powers Insurance Authority CVJPIA) has reviewed the claim and recommends it be denied Attachment No. 2). FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council are; 1. Approve the staff recommendation; 2. Deny the staff recommendation and pay the claim in an amount yet to be determined. Thomas P. Genovese City Manager 000191 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 0 I AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: Lb ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Approval of Job Description PUBLIC HEARING: for Senior Center Activity Coordinator RECOMMENDATION Approve the job description for the position of Senior Center Activity Coordinator. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: This position is included in the Fiscal Year 94/95 budget. BACKGROUND & OVERVIEW: When the new Senior Center opens, there will be increased attendance and programs. This additional position will assist in the operation of the new facility. The job description Attachment 1) outlines the duties and requirements of the position. The Senior Center Activity Coordinator is classified at Range 38, with a monthly salary range of $1950 2372. FINDINGS & ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Council are: 1. Approve the staff recommendation; 2. Deny the recommendation. Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager O?O195 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 4 G AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL?DA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of acceptance of Assessment District 92-1, PUBLIC HEARING: Phase V Cove Improvements RECOMNIENDATION: Acceptance of Assessment District 92-1, Phase V of the Cove Improvements and direct the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no fiscal implications associated to acceptance of Assessment District 92-1 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In June 1993 a low bid of $4,994,673 was submitted by Kenko Inc., for improvements within Assessment District 92-1. On July 6, 1993 a notice of award was issued to Kenko, Inc. On July 27, 1993 a contract was executed between Kenko, Inc. and the City for improvements within Assessment District 92-1. A Notice to Proceed was issued to the Contractor on September 27, 1993, with an original contract duration of 300 calendar days to complete the specified work. The original scope of work included improvements such as: storm water collection system, new sewer main line, including laterals, new water main and services, undergrounding of overhead electrical, catv, and telephone facilities within the Yucatan" area, median islands including sidewalks on Eisenhower Drive, installation of median islands and widening of Calle Sinaba from Bermudas to Eisenhower and full street improvements to a portion of the district. With the approval of Council, contract change orders were executed to increase the scope of work to include: additional storm water collection system, which completes the cove system and to add full street improvements in all areas within this assessment district. Original contract duration was 300 consecutive calendar days, through contract change orders an additional 90 calendar days were added. The contract completion date is October 22, 1994, the Contractor has worked diligently throughout the project, completing all work by September 26, 1994. There is one unresolved item that is being addressed. During the contract, the Contractor relocated some 200+ palm trees on Calle Obregon and on Eisenhower Drive since the relocation, 51 of the relocated trees have died. Staff has notified the Contractor that he must remove and replace these trees or the City will utilize monies owed to Kenko, Inc., to pay an outside" Contractor to do this work. This item will be resolved before all retention wifl be released. 000198 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Approval of Historic Preservation Application forms for Historic Districts, Historic Landmarks, and Permit to Work on Historic PUBLIC HEARING: Resources RECOMMENDATION: Approve for use the proposed Historic District Application; Historic Landmark Designation Application; and the Application for Permit to Work on a Historic Resource, Historic Landmark or Historic District. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Application fees for each application type to be determined during fee study. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In order to implement Ordinance 238, Historic Preservation, it is necessary to develop application forms for specific types of historic preservation activities and designations. Three forms have been developed by staff. These forms consist of the following: 1. Historic District Application Attachment 1); 2. Historic Landmark Designation Application Attachment 2); and, 3. Application for Permit to Work on Historic Resource, Historic Landmark, or Historic District Attachment 3). On July 21, 1994, the three proposed forms were reviewed and approved by the Historic Preservation Commission HPC) for use, by a vote of 5-0. The HPC noted that any necessary modifications that are deemed necessary after the forms had been in use for a while, should be made. An applicant desiring to request the designation of either a historic district or historic landmark will be able to obtain the appropriate form from the Community Development Department. The forms are organized into three main sections: I. General Information II. Description of Proposed Landmark or Historic District; and, III. Additional Information Required to be Submitted with the Application Once the completed application has been submitted to the City, staff will review the information, transmit to pertinent outside agencies and City Departments for review and comment, and schedule the request for a public hearing before the Historic Preservation Commission. A recommendation from the HPC will then be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. 0002()O BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ifim ITEM TIThE: Adoption of a resolution to allow temporary closure STUDY SESSION: of Calle Estado between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive for the Annual La Quinta Mainstreet Marketplace event for the PUBLIC HEARING: 1994-95 season. Applicant: La Quinta Chamber of Commerce RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 94- approving the temporary street closure. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: This is a request to facilitate a temporary closure of Calle Estado between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive for the Annual La Quinta Chamber Mainstreet Marketplace event. The event is held approximately once a month on Fridays from September, 1994 through May 1995. The event schedule has been incorporated into the draft resolution. Staff issued an encroachment permit for the applicant's September 30th event because the request was not received in time to be heard by the City Council on September 20, 1994. This proposed temporary closure has been reviewed by the Engineering Department, Riverside County Sheriff, and the Fire Department. None have voiced any objections to the closure. A Minor Temporary Outdoor Event MTOE) permit has been issued for the event and on August 2nd and September 20th of this year the City Council approved the applicant's special event advertising. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Findings are as follows: 1. Street closures are permitted by State and local requirements. 2. A MTOE permit has been issued for the event. 3. The event was held last year and created no problems. 4. A special advertising permit was approved by the Council on August 2, and September 20, 1994. Alternatives are as follows: 1. Approve the request; 2. Deny the request. J rry rman la g & Development Director O2?7 CC5s.002 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18,1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: Adoption of a resolution to allow temporary closure STUDY SESSION: of a portion of Avenida Montezuma south of the Community Park) between Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Mendoza for the PUBLIC HEARING: annual La Quinta Arts Foundation Fine Crafts, Wine, and All That Jazz event November 11 13, 1994 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 94- approving the temporary street closure. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: This is a request to facilitate a temporary closure of a portion of Avenida Montezuma between Eisenhower Drive and Avenida Mendoza for the annual La Quinta Arts Foundation Fine Crafts, Wine, and All That Jazz event November 11 13, 1994 Attachment 1). This proposed temporary closure has been reviewed by the Engineering Department, Riverside County Sheriff, and the Fire Deparnnent. None have voiced any objections to the closure. A Minor Temporary Outdoor Event MTOE) permit was approved for the event on September 23, 1994, and on October 4, 1994, the City Council approved the applicants special event advertising. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Findings are as follows: 1. Street closures are permitted by State and local requirements. 2. A MTOE permit has been issued for the event. 3. The event was held last year and created no problems. 4. A special advertising permit was approved by the City Council on October 4, 1994. Alternatives are as follows: 1. Approve the request; Deny th request. Je H an P nning & Development Director Attachment. Lefler from La Quinta Arts Foundation 00021t BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18,1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: Approval of Overnight Travel for the Parks and Recreation Director to Attend STUDY SESSION: the National Recreation and Parks Association PUBLIC HEARING: NRPA) Park Maintenance School in Lake Arrowhead November 13-17, 1994 RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request for overnight travel. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The cost for attendance was budgeted in Account 01-4195-117-000. The cost for attendance is $610. The cost includes meals, lodging, and workshop fees. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The NRPA Maintenance Management School focuses on issues related to park, facilities, and tree maintenance from a supervisor and management perspective. The Parks and Recreation Director, in his role of providing support in the area of facility and park maintenance, seeks to attend this week-long school. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the request for overnight travel. 2. Deny the request for overnight travel. Clint?Bohlen, Parks and ecreation Director Attachments: NRPA Maintenance Management School Description OOO21,? BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 1 4 AGENDA CATEGORY: 4oF?? BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18,1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: /0 ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Adopt A Resolution Proclaiming Operation PUBLIC HEARING: Desert Clean Sweep As An Event Of Importance. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. proclaiming Operation Desert Clean Sweep as an event of significance and importance. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal Implication BACKGROUND: The Coachella Valley Association of Governments Executive Committee created an Illegal Dumping Task Force for the purpose of addressing iUegal dumping valley wide. City Staff is a member of the Illegal Dumping Task Force. Attached is a letter from CVAG Attachment #1) requesting a Resolution from the City of La Quinta. Also attached is a schedule of Clean Sweep Events Attachment #2). City Staff and a few volunteers will be clearing an area by 48?? Avenue and Jefferson Street in conjunction with the City's fall clean up which will be held October 22, 1994. FINDINGS & ALTERNATIVES: 1 Adopt attached Resolution for Proclamation. 2 Do not adopt attached Resolution for Proclamation. Tom Hartun?g'??? Building & Safety Director Attachments. Attachment #1 A letter from CVAG requesting a Council Resolution. Attachment #2 Schedule of October Clean Sweep Events. cncctup. I BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 0 0 it?p44?%id?i CATEGORY: AGENDA BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: 4' ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC REARING: Consideration of Job Descriptions for Temporary Recreation positions RECOMMENDATION Approve the job descriptions for the temporary recreation positions. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: These positions are included in the Fiscal Year 94/95 budget as part of the Recreation program. BACKGROUND & OVERVIEW: These positions are designed to assist with a variety of duties for the recreation programs. The positions are temporary and will only be filled if minimum participation requirements in the programs are met. FINDINGS & ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Council are: 1. Approve the staff recommendation; 2. Deny the recommendation. Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 C1? 0? 0 oF? AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Interview of Applicants for Cultural PUBLIC HEARING: Affairs Commission and Appointment of One Member RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the eight applicants be interviewed and one member be appointed to the Cultural Affairs Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW The City Council received a letter of resignation from Henry Adams from the Cultural Affairs Commission in August. This position had a one year term expiring June 30, 1995. Recruitment for this position resulted in the following eight applications being filed: Diane Adolph Margaret L. W. Cleveland John St. Detlie Michael C. Palm Carolyn Lair Martin Langer Thomas J. Mulcahey Judy Vossler All applicants have been invited to participate in the interviews scheduled for approximately 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18, 1994. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES 1. Interview applicants and make one appointment. 2. Interview applicants and continue appointment to another meeting. Administrative Services Director BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14! NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14" NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14# NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14$ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14% NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14& NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14' NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14( NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14) NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14* NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14+ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14, NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14- NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14. NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14/ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 140 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 141 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 142 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 143 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 144 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 145 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 146 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 147 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 148 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 149 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL?DA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Presentation by Mr. Dale Bolmenberger of the Coachella Valley PUBLIC REARING: Water District on the status of the Aquifer in the Valley and the related overdrafting RECOMMENDATION: Council information. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In June, the Director of Public Works and the Planning & Development Director attended a meeting conducted by the Coachella Valley Water District on current overdrafting problems in the Coachella Valley. Overdrafting is a problem related to water stored in the groundwater basin. As water is pumped out of the groundwater basin for domestic and agricultural uses, the water in the groundwater basin is replenished by water filtering from the surface back into the basin. However, if water is pumped out of the groundwater basin quicker than it can be replenished, an overdrafting situation is created. As a result of that meeting, Mr. Bohnenberger, Director of Engineers for the Coachella Valley Water District will provide an update to the Council as to the status of the problem caused by overdrafting. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: None. P ming Development Director CCJH.003 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Consideration of a Preliminary Assessment PUBUC HEARING: Formation Report Highway 111 Commercial Corridor Assessment District RECOMMENDATION: Accept the findings contained within the Report and provide staff with further direction. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: History On July 19, 1994, the City Council authorized the execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Albert A. Webb and Associates to prepare the Preliminary Assessment Formation Report for the Highway 111 Commercial Corridor Assessment District. On July 26, 1994, the consultant was issued a Notice to Proceed on the project. A series of meetings with property owners from within the proposed boundaries of the Assessment District were conducted to provide directions to the consultant. The meetings were conducted on July 26, 1994, August 25, 1994, September 14, 1994 and October 5, 1995. Attachments 1, 2, and 3 are the Meeting Rosters of those attending the first three meetings. A Meeting Roster was not prepared for the last meeting. The consultant made final revisions to the Report based upon comments received at the September 14, 1994 meeting. The Final Report was made available to property owners at the October 5, 1994 meeting. Report Summary The Report was prepared to provide property owners within the proposed Highway 111 Commercial Corridor Assessment District more information regarding fiscal impacts to their properties if public financing were to be used to pay for infrastructure improvements on Highway 111, Adams Street, Dune Palms Road and Avenue 48. From the Report, property owners could evaluate whether to move forward with the creation of an assessment district. In trying to accomplish this task, the Report specifically addressed six 6) issues related to the creation of the Highway 111 Commercial Corridor Assessment District, as outlined below: 1. Public Financing Alternatives Four 4) alternatives special assessments, tax allocation bonds, lease revenue, Mello Roos) were reviewed as possible funding mechanism for the proposed improvements costs. Because of its simplicity, acceptability and lack of disclosure problems, special assessment financing was recommended by the consultant as the best of the four alternatives for funding the proposed imPr?improvements(?nts. cz?icoWLdfl94ror& BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14; NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14< NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14= NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14> NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14? NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14@ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14A NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14B NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14C NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14D NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14E NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14F NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14G NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14H NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14I DEPARTMENT REPORTS: b-I ox I MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of The City Council FROM: Tom Harking, Building & Safety Director i??'#? DATE: October 11, 1994 SUBJECT: Report On Neighborhood Information and Action Program In July of 1994, Staff reported to Council on the status of the N.I.A.P. Program attached). At that time, it was suggested that Staff would not initiate any further meetings, but would make itself available to assist the citizens in whatever endeavors they may choose to undertake. As of this date, there have been no requests for Staff assistance by either of the neighborhood groups. It is also recommended that the Human Services Commission review the concept of the N.I.A.P. Program and possibly incorporate elements of it into new programs or services proposed by the Commission. progniap BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14J NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14K NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14L NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14M MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS MS: I cJffjf G.E.T.M., Inc. is a major provider of credit information and collection services in Southern California. Our superior service is Betle L. Myers requested by both local and out-of-area businesses. President/CEO The collection services division maintains agencies in Palm Desert, Blythe, Moreno Valley and Vista: Valley Creditors Service, Blythe Credit Service, Moreno Valley Creditors Service, and CMR Valley Creditors Service Collections. The flagship agency, Valley Creditors Service, has been Palm Desert, CA providing successful collection services for 35 years. Moreno Valley Creditors Service Moreno Valley, CA Accounts are maintained, documented, and recorded via mainframe computer at all offices, thus preventing misplacement, loss or Blythe CredIt Service neglect of any account to be collected. Our resource data and Blythe, CA affiliation with numerous trade organizations enables us to pursue collection activity on a nationwide level. CMR Collections Vista, CA We have the ability to gather and report data via 112 inch magnetic tape, 1/4 inch streamer tape, floppy disk, or electronic transfer HRS utilizing data modems. Collection account information is submitted Palm Desert, CA to the three major consumer credit reporting companies, i.e. Trans Desert Credit Bureau Union, TRW, and CBI. Our system allows us to remit fluids to our Palm Desert, CA client on any reasonable time basis and our software enables us to customize reports for clients as requested. Truly, we possess one of Affiliated Mortgage Reporting the best collection management systems available. Palm Desert, CA AMR is a preparer of Residential Mortgage Credit Reports. The The Public Record HMS system for mortgage report preparation, which was designed Palm Desert, CA and developed by Trans Union, is utilized. The numerous features and benefits derived from operating this system, coupled with our customer service, provide a service of unique quality and efficiency. The Public Record, an adjudicated weekly newspaper, publishes fictitious business names, legal notices, court calendars, court actions, and public record information. It also provides business owners and civic leaders with local business, real estate and development news. P.O. Box 1518 Palm Desert, CA 92261 1 8O?248-6395 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14N NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14O NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14P NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14Q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14R NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14S NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14T NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14U NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14V NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14W NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14X NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14Y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14Z NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14[ AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: STUDY SESSION: Continued Public Hearing on Plot Plan 93-495 Revised), a request by Simon Plaza, Inc. to appeal the Planning Commission's PUBLIC HFARING: I approval of a one year extension of time for a previously approved project on +5.6 acres on Highway 111, east of Washington Street RECOMMENDATION: Deny the applicant's appeal and request for a one year time extension for Plot Plan 93-495 1st Extension of Time) based on the attached Findings. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AM) OVERVIEW: Case History This plot plan request was originally approved by the Planning Commission on May 11, 1993, and accepted by the City Council on May 18, 1993. The approved plans allow a three story medical office building, additional retail/office buildings, and a multi-level parking structure. Planning Commission Approval On May 24,1994, the Planning Commission conducted a public bearing on the request for a one year extension of time Attachment 1). Modifications to the original Conditions of Approval were made. The changes were necessary because the Washington Street dedication had not been made by the applicant(s). The Planning Commission determined that the one year extension should be allowed based on the State's current economic environment. The Planning Commission voted 3-1 Commissioner Adolph voted no) to approve the applicant's submittal pursuant to amended Conditions of Approval Attachment 2). The Planning Commission minutes from the meeting are attached Attachment 3). Appeal Request The applicant is not appealing the one year time extension approval, but is requesting that the City Council reconsider seven of the Planning Commission's amended Conditions Conditions 2, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, & 48). Six of the conditions address off-site improvements with the last requesting a two year extension period instead of the standard one year extension Attachment 4). Hi CCSTFGT.003 BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14\ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14] NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14^ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14_ NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14` NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14a NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14b NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14c NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14d NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14e NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14f NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14g NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14h NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14i NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14j NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14k NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14l NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14m NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14n NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14o NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14p NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14q NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14r NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14s NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14t NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14u NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14v NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14w NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14x NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14y NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14z Cl. CPwoFTW? AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCILIRDA MEETING DATE: October 18, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TIThE: Conside:aton of a Resolution of the City Coucil STUDY SESSION: approving and authorizing the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency to execute an Agreement and Escrow Instructions for the Sale and PUBLIC HEARING: Acquisition of Unimproved Real Property by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Desert Sands Unified School District and making certain findings in connection therewith RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 94- approving and authorizing execution of the Agreement and Escrow Instructions for the sale and acquisition of unimproved real property by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and Desert Sands Unified School District. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The Agreement will provide for $994,887 in property purchase and off-site improvement construction funding. These funds will be used to reimburse the Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund which has expended $484,131 to acquire property, and is projected to expend $510,756 to fund the off-site improvements that are the subject of the Agreement. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: In 1993, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency initiated discussions with Desert Sands Unified School District regarding their participation in a larger project proposed for a site in the Village of La Quinta. At that time, the Agency was in discussions with Williams Development Corporation regarding the design and construction of an affordable housing project. The Agency had identified a 36-acre site, generally located east of the future alignment of Desert Club Drive and north of Calle Tampico, that was offered for sale by the Resolution Trust Corporation. Subsequent discussions with the District and Williams Development representatives indicated that the site could accommodate both single and multi-family residential development, a flood control detention basin, and an elementary school. The Agency initiated negotiations with Landmark LandiResolution Trust Corporation regarding the acquisition of the 36-acre parcel. Negotiations were concluded and the Agency subsequently purchased the property in June of 1994. During this time, Agency representatives were in discussions with the District regarding their purchase of a 10-acre parcel of this property which would be used by the District for an elementary school. The District had been pursuing for the past two years, the location of an elementary school site that would service both the Village and Cove communities. The property that is proposed to be sold to the District pursuant to the attached Agreement, was the District's number two priority location. c?rttr flnQ BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02 ing -> 14 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 05-11-1999-U01 03:48:53PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 CC-U02 10-U02 18-U02 1994-U02