1983 12 06 CC A C; iZ N r) A CITY ZUNCIL CITY Ol LA QUZZA A regular Ztin9 of the City Council to be held at City Zall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California Decenber 6, 1983 7:30 p.in. 1. CAIL TO ORDER A. Thvocation B. Flag Salute 2. ROIl CAII 3. PUBLIC Z This is the tThZ set aside for citizens to address the City Council on matters relating to City business. when addressing the Council, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Council neetings are recorded on tape, and cZruZZts of each person shall be limited to three 3) minutes. 4. ZRIITTN COMMUNICATIONS 5. Z BY ZUNCIL Z 6. ZSARmZGS A. Public hearing regarding Chenge of Zone Case No. 83-004, A Reguest for a change of Zone fran R-2-8000 and R-1-12,000 to R-3-2,800, R-3-20,000 and R-5. The property is located at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive. Indian Wells Villas, A Joint Venture, Applicant. 1. Report fran Principal Planner. 2. OrdirZce for introduction. 7. ZSENT CAIZZ A. Approval of the Minutes of the regular meeting held NovZZ 15, 1983. B. PROPOSED ZSOLZJr ION. A RESOLZZTION OF Tim CTTY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFZZIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. 8. BUSINESS SESSION A. Report frZ the Principal Planner regarding Final Tract Map No. 14496-4, Zing a portion of Santa Rosa Cove, an approved 589 Unit planned residential develoZrZnt located on the west side of Eisenhower Drive at Avenue 50; La Quinta Joint Venture, Applicant. 1. Ztion for adoption. B. Report frZn the Principal Planner regarding Final Tract Map No. 48765Z1, being a portion of La Quinta Tennis Club, an approved 106 unit condZninium project located at thZ southeast corner of Avenida Fernando and Avenida Mazatlan; Z DevelopZrZnt Corporation of California, Applicant. 1. Ztion for adoption. BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 AQEZZDA City Council NoZZber 15, 1983 Page Two. C. PZPOSED RESOUJrION. A RESOLUTION OF ThE CTIY COUNCIL OF iIZ CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION No.83-23, DZSIGZATING SZCuRITY PACIFIC NZIONAL BANK As AN AUflZORIZED DEPOSITORY FOR CITY FUNDS AND DESIZTING AtZZORIzED SIZTURES. 1. Resolution for adoption. D. PZoPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALThZRNLA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION No.82-71, AND AUThORIZING DEPOSIT AND WIThDRAZZZL IN ThE STAZ TflrZT AGENCY INVIZSTZZ FUND. 1. ResolutIofl for adoption. E. PROPOSED RESOLUTION. A RESOLUT ION OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QIJINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING ACCOUNZING POLICY RELATING TO THE MINIMuM Z OF A CAPITAL OLYILZYZ 1. Resolution for adoption. F. Report frcxn the City Attorney regarding arnendrrient to the Uniform Sales and Use Tax Ordinance administered lZT the State Board of Equalization. 1. CZrtZirZoation frZn the Board of Equalization. 2. Ordinance for introduction. G. Report frZn the City Manager regarding claim of Mr. Joseph CarrZbell. 1. Motion for adoption. H. Report fran the Assistant to the City Manager regarding street tree maintenance contract. 1. Ztion for adoption. I. Report frZn the City Managcr regarding advance of funds to the La Quinta RedeveloZnt Agency. 1. Resolution for adoption. J. Other. 9. ADJOURNMT BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Sandra L. Bonner, Principal Planner Date: December 6, 1983 Subject: CHANCE OF ZONE CASE NO. 83-004, A Request for a Zone Change From R-2-8,000 and R-l-12,000 to RZ3-2,800, R-3-20,000 and R-5 on Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive; Indian Wells Villas, A Joint Venture, Applicant. The Planning Commission considered this change of zone request at its November 30, 1983 meeting. In addition to the information contained in the attached report, staff explained why R-3 General Residential) zoning was necessary rather than R-2 Multiple Residential) zoning. The Municipal Land Use Ordinance standards for planned residential developments require R-3 zoning for those developments where more than eight 8) dwellings are contained within a single building. The approved development Zlan for Indian Wells Villas has thirty-five 35) buildings containing ten 10) units each and one 1) building containing four 4) units. Therefore, the R-3 zoning is required for this project. Another item of discussion was the proposed R-3-20,000 zoning for the 5 acre lot located at the corner of Fred Waring Drive and Washington Street. I.. This parcel is not a part of the residential development and is tentatively proposed for a small professional office building. Although the Applicant has not obtained any approvals from the County or the City for this office building, the Applicant did state throughout the hearing processes with Riverside County for the general plan amendment, change of zone and tentative tract map that thisZwas the intended use for the property. Therefore, the Planning Commission concluded that the ApDlicant had established a vested right to the proposed use and that a redesign of the residential development to include this parcel at this date would not be appropriate or fair. It was noted by staff that any development of this 5 acre parcel would require separate plot plan approval by the City, and that the proposed building would comply with all City zoning and design standards. The Planning Commission voted 3-0 for approval of Change of Zone 83-004, with two Commissioners absent. RECOMMENDED MOTION Based upon the findings contained in the staff report, the City Council approves Change of Zone Case No. 83-004 in accordance with Exhibit A". SLB:dmv BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 MFMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Z and Ziribers of the Planning CZiZuiissiOn From: Sandra L. Bonner, principal Planner Date: Zveeeer 30, 1983 Subject: CnANGE OF ZZIE CASE NO.83-004, A Request for a Zone Clange FrZZ R-2-8,OO0 arid R-l-l2,000 to R-3-2,800, R-3-20,000 and R-5 on Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive; Indian Wells Villas, A Joint Venture, Applicant. EAZCPOUND The site is located within the area recently annexed by the City. The Applicant had obtained approval fran Riverside County for a 354-unit condominiZirn development on the 60+ acre site, with a condition of approval being that a change of zone be required in accordance with the develoZxrZnt plan. Although the Coonty Board of Supervisors approved the change of zone request on March 29, 1983, the ordinance officially adopting the change of zone was not approved prior to the date that La Quinta p rezoned the property in the then-proposed annexation area. Therefore, any change of zone which was approved by Riverside County in the annexation area after April 15, l9Z3, is superseded by La QuintaZs zoning. ANALYSIS The Applicant is requesting a change of zone fran R-l-l2,000 One Family Dwellings, 12,000 square Feet Lot Area Per Dwelling) and R-2-8,000 MLiltiple Family Dwellings, 8,000 square Feet Lot Area Per I)ZZZlling) to R-3-20,000 General Zsidential, 20,000 square Feet Per LXZZelling), R-3-2,800 General pesidential, 2,800 square Feet Per DwZlling), and R-5 Open Space Coobining Zone Pesidential Developeents). As shown on the exhibit, the zone boundaries follow the development plan of the residential development. The area proposed for R-5 zoning encompasses those areas containing cZmunity recreation facilities and the golf course; the R-2-2 800 zoning covers those areas proposed for residential units; and the R-3-20,000 covers only that area which the Applicant proposed for a small office building. The overall density of the development is six 6) units per acre. The proposed zoning is consistent with TZntative Tract Map No.18915, Amended No.1, the approved development plan. The request is also consistent with the City's General Plan designation for the site of Madium Density Residential 5-10 dwellings per acre). As determined during the approval of the p rezoning of this area, the proposed density is ca[patible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. piverside County planning DepaZZt prepared an environmental assessment on the project and determined that approval of the project would not significantly adversely affect the environment. The County Board of Supervisors adopted this Negative Declaration on Zarch 29, 1983. Staff reZends that the City adopt the Negative Dec lariat ion for the envirorZntal asses smZt. BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 STAZ RE?OZZ pLZING OcZZSSION NovZnber 30, 1983 Paqe Z FINDINGS 1. The proposed change of z(Ze is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The proposed change of zone is consistent with the approved develoZrZnt plan. 3. The zoning will be cZrpatible with the surrounding zoning and land useZ. 4. Zproval of the reguesZ will not adversely affect the environrrZnt. ZZME:NDED ZrIoN Based upon the above findings, the Planning CaZTfllss ion recZinZnds to the City Council approval of Change of Zone Case No.83-004 in accordance with Zhibit A' and adoption of the negative declaration prepared for the envirorZnZntal assessrrZnt. SLB:dmv BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 RESOLUTION NO.83-75 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUIZTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated December 6, 1983. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 6th day of December, 1983. 7Z Z MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: C AZ CITY MANAGER BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 MEMORANDUM 2 4 CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Sandra L. Bonner, Principal Planner Date: December 6, 1983 Subject: FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 14496-4, Being a Portion of Santa Rosa Cove, An Approved 589-Unit planned Residential Development Located on the West Side of Eisenhower Drive at Avenue 50; La Quinta Joint Venture, Applicant. Staff recommends that the City Council approve Final Tract Map No. 14496-4 and accept the bonds guaranteeing the construction of street, water, sewer and drainage improvements. This final map for Phase Four of Santa Rosa Cove consists of four 4) lots with fiftyZtwo 52) statutory airspace) condominium units on 10.66 acres. The City Engineer has determined that the final record map and improvement plans are consistent with Tentative Tract Map No. 14496, Revised No. 1, as approved by the City Council on October 18, 1983) and are also in compliance with the state and municipal requirements. The City Engineer has also approved the amounts of the required bonds. The City Attorney has approved the bond agreements and the C.C. & R.'s as to their form and content. SLB dmv BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Sandra L. Bonner, Principal Planner Date: December 6, 1983 Subject: FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 18765-1, Being a Portion of La Quinta Hotel Tennis Club, An Approved yOZ-13nit Condominium Development Located at the Southeast Corner of Avenida Fernando and Avenida Mazatlan; LML Development Corporation of California, Applicant. Staff recommends that the City Council approve Final Tract Map No. 18765-1 and accept the bonds the construction of street,drainage, water and sewer improvements. This final map for Phase One of the La Quinta Hotel Tennis Club consists of one 1) lot with twenty-three 23) statutory airspace) condominium units on 2.49 acres. The City Engineer has determined that the final record map and improvement plans are consistent with Tentative Tract Map No. 18765 and are in com- pliance with the state and municipal requirements. The City Engineer has approved the amounts of the required bonds. The City Attorney has approved the bond agreements and the C.C. Z k.!5 as to their form and content. SLB:dmv BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 C RESOLUTION NO. 83-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 83-23, DESIGNATING SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK AS AN AUTHORIZED DEPOSITORY FOR CITY FUNDS AND DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, that Resolution No. 83-23 hereby is amended as follows: SECTION 1. Security Pacific National Bank is designated as an authorized depository for City funds. SECTION 2. Authorized signatures on all accounts, warrants and checks shall be as follows: Robert L. Bajer Mayor Frank M. Usher City Manager Becky K. Kochell City Treasurer On Warrants and checks, two signatures must be original, one signature may be facsimile. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 6th day of December 1983. 9 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 82-71, AND AUTHORIZING DEPOSIT AND WITHDRAWAL IN THE STATE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND. WHEREAS, the State of California has enacted Assembly Bill 3107, creating the Local Agency Investment Fund; and WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interest of the City of La Quinta to deposit monies which may from time to time be surplus to the immediate needs of the City in said fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of La Quinta, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California, 92253, agrees to deposit and withdraw money in the Local Agency Investment Fund in the State Treasury in aZcordance with the provisions of Section 16429.1 of the Government Code for the purpose of investment therein; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each of its following officials be, and hereby are, authorized to order the deposit or withdrawal of money in said Local Agency Investment Fund; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 82-71 is hereby rescinded. FRANK M. USHER, City Manager/City Clerk BECKY K. KOCHELL, City Treasurer APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO C ENT: ATZRNZ 3Th BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 ZSoWTIZ No.83-78 A RESOWZIZ OF THE CZ Z OF CITY OF LA QUINTA, Z ADOZZ Z POLICY REZATING To ThE MINIZ IVEL OF A CAPITAL YrrAx' BE IT PESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of La Q\:iinta, California, that the policy hereby is established, for accounting purposes, that expenditures for nonZconsurnable itens of $300.00 or less will not be carried as *`capital outlayZ', but will generally be designated as operating expense. APPIZVED and ALOPTED this 6th day of DecZtber 1983. MAYOR ATIZST: APPPOVED As Z FOPM: APPZVED As To BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 flip STAZ Z CALIZORNIA STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 020 N 5TRZfl. SACRAMENTO CAUZORNIA EINEZ i. DZOZNBLpZG Z Z lox Z799. SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA 9Z8OB) WILLIAM M UNNEn ThZZd D...Z. KZZf*Zd Telephone 916) 445-3007 RICZZD Fo',rth D-ctZ*. Pm--c ZNNEJZ CZ November 18, 1983 DOUGLAS DWELL cTZrY OF ZA QUI'ZTA Z360 7P-105 CALLZ ZZTADO 1.00 P.0.BOX 1504 7-82 LA QUIrZTA,CA 92253 CI) To City Addressed: Chapter 5 of the Statutes of 1979 provided for the repeal of Sections 7202 and 7203 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and the addition of new SectionS 7202 and 7203 operative January 1, 1984. The effect of this is to delete from the required provisions of the county and city Bradley-Burns ordinances the exemptions for operators of waterborne vessels. AB 900 was introduced in the current legislative session to postpone the effective date of this change in the prior provisions of the Bradley-Burns ordinances to January 1, 1994. This bill was passed by the Assembly and Senate but was vetoed by the Governor. The Governor's veto message stated, in effect, that he would not object to a two-year extension of these exemptions if a bill to that effect were introduced into the Legislature in January of 1984. Because the 1979 changes to the Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Law remain operative it is imperative that all city and county ordinances be amended prior to January 1, 1984. There is a possibility that the waterborne vessel exemptions will be restored early in 1984. Therefore, there must be a contingent amendment to those ordinances to provide for the watercraft exemption to be reinstated if the law is again changed. Your city has enacted a short form ordinance on Form BT-527A Rev. 2 11-74) Enclosed are copies of proposed ordinances to amend the sections of your ordinance relating to exemptions and exclusions that may be used. Many cities have codified their Bradley-Burns sales and use tax ordinances. If your city has done so, the section numbers in the ordinance forms will have to be changed to correspond to the sections in the city code. BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 b) 2- Please have the ainendments made to your Bradley-Burns Ordinance and forward four certified copies on or before December 15, 1983, to: State Board of Equalization P. 0. Box 1799 Sacramento, CA 95808 Attn: Keith Christensen Local Tax Unit Sincerely, \H) U Douglas D. Bell Executive Secretary BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Zrs of the City Council From: Frank M. Usher, City Manager Date: DecZrber 2, 1983 Subject: Claim of Joseph Carpbell On November 15, 1983, a claim was filed On behalf of Mr. Joseph Campbell relative to the accident. Our insurance adjuster, Carl Warren & Co., was informed of the accident at the time of its occurrence, and has been by their claims office. They have recommended that the claim be denied pursuant to California law. If the Council has questions regarding this matter, they should be asked in executive session, as the case may involve litigation. Denial of the claim is respectfully recommended. PZ BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Frank M. Usher, City Manager From: Ann Jennings, Assistant to the City Manager Date: Noveeber 15, 1983 Subject: Bids Received Regarding Street Tree Maintenance The following represent bids received regarding Specifications No. or furnishing a contract to maintain specified City street trees and perform on-call landscape maintenance services as required. The bids were opened at 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, NovZrber 15, 1983, at City Hall, by myself. The bids were as follows: 1. Mr. Sam Zntoya $ 8,500.00 per year Palm Desert Landscape & Maintenance P.O. Box 132 $ 12.50 per hour on-call Palm Desert, California 92260 maintenance 2. Mr. Abel Diaz $ 8,500.00 per year Econocy Tree Service 100.00 per hour on-call 30-336 San Luis Rey Drive maintenance Palm Springs, California 92262 3. Mr. Pedro Yrra WIThDRZ) $ 7,500.00 per year Pedro' 5 Landscape & Maintenance 7.00 per hour on-call P.O. Box 327 maintenance Tndio, California 92201 4. Coachella valley Landscape, Tnc. $Z6,500.00 per year 74-741 Joni Drive 25.00 per hour on-call Palm Desert, CA. 92260 maintenance Bid No. 3, received frZn Pedro' Z Landscape & Maintenance, was withdrawn because Mr. Yrra was unable to provide the necessary public liability and workman 5 oorZZnsation insurance. The City has requested that the successful bidder provide a public liability/property damage insurance policy which names the City as additional insured, in the airZunt of $1,000,000, and furnish proof of workman's compensation ion insurance. Both Bid Nos. 1 and 2 are able to corZly with this provision. BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 Both Bidders No. 1 and 2 have quoted a price of $8,500.00 for first year tree maintenance. Palm Desert Landscape & Maintenance has quoted a cost of $6,500.00 for tree maintenance service for the follZing year, and EconZ Tree Service has indicated that the price the second year may be lZer, but has not indicated an airZunt. Palm Desert Landscape & Maintenance has quoted a price of $12.50 per hour per man) for on-call maintenance services, and EconZny Tree Service a price of $100.00 per hour for his entire crew. Staff recorrirZnds award of this bid to Bidder No.11, Palm Desert Landscape & Maintenance, due to the stated cost of second year trixrrrZg and the flexibility provided in the $12 50 per hour on-call maintenance service charge. It is anticipated that future on-call services will vary in degree and difficulty, Bid No. 2 will provide the Zst flexibility. Clean up of all tree debris around the trees and the public rightZf-way is included in these bids, and consists of the palm trees around the park on Avenida Zntezuma, along Avenida oregon and EiSenhower Drive, as well as assorted locations in the City. It is respectfully recommended that Council award Bid No. 83-3, a contract for maintaining specified street trees and on-call landscape maintenance services, to Palm Desert Landscape & Maintenance, in the anZunt of $8,500.00. Upon award of the bid, work will aZTrnence within five days. APPROVED ZSTO CONTZT Z<Z CITY/COzu1C16M>IN?G CF CITY MAZAGER BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Frank N. Usher, City Manager Date: December 2, 1983 Subject: Advance of Funds to the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Agreements have previously been approved between the La Quinta Redevelop- ment Agency and LML Development Company and Ridgway, Ltd., Inc., relative to the advance of funds from the two companies to the Agency to assist in the establishment of the La Quinta Redevelopment project. Each company has advanced $25,000 for a total of $50,000. Because of unanticipated costs, particularly related to mailing large numbers of public notices, it will be necessary to advance additional funds to cover the final costs relative to the establishment of the redevelopment project. These funds will be repaid to the City with interest upon receipt of tax increments. It is respectfully recommended that the amount of $15,000 be advanced to the Redevelopment Agency to cover final costs relative to plan adoption and other costs which may arise prior to tax increment flow. Z BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02 NOTEXTPAGE BIB] 02-25-1997-U01 04:21:38PM-U01 CC-U02 12-U02 06-U02 1983-U02