1998 01 27 CC Minutes^"1 LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL
JANUARY 27, 1998
Special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was *called to order at the hour of 1:30
p.m. by Mayor Pena, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Pena
Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, introduced the City's
consultant, Denise Ashton, and advised that staff is looking for direction on
what issues Council wishes to be addressed in the General Plan update such as
the number of single-family vs. multi-family land-use designations and/or
increasing rural residential areas for equestrian uses. Pursuant to Council's
previous discussions, general policies in the General Plan that are related to
cultural resources, will be added as a new element in the General Plan. He
advised that no update of the Housing Element is required at this time, as the
City currently has a certified Housing Element.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Herman advised that staff hopes to
complete the update by the end of this fiscal year.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman confirmed that it's an
18-month process and includes community meetings.
Denise Ashton, 23382 Millcreek Drive, Laguna Hills, consultant with David
Evans & Associates, advised that preparation of a Master Environmental
Assessment is the first step in updating the General Plan and they expect to
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City Council Minutes 2 January 27, 1 998
have that completed within 3-4 weeks. The second step is to establish
preliminary goals and objectives. Economic considerations are going to be
included in the land-use element in order to prepare a General Plan that uses
that to benefit the City's future. They're seeking Council's input as a whole in
regard to where they see the City going as it relates to economic development,
annexations, residential and hotel development, etc., and will follow it up by
meeting with Council Members individually.
Based on the information received, a goals and policies workbook will be
prepared and become the basis for discussions on where the City's land use is
going, followed up by a community workshop from w*ich final goals and
policies will be established. The next step will be to apply the goals and policies
toward land-use and circulation alternatives that will be presented at a second
community workshop and once Council has selected one of the alternatives, the
consultant will prepare the General Plan.
In response to Mayor Pena, Hank Cunningham, 23382 Millcreek Drive, Laguna
Hills, of David Evans & Associates, advised that the City's Economic
Development Plan is basically from a redevelopment perspective, whereas the
General Plan gives an opportunity to take a broader and more long-range view.
The anticipated result in terms of economic development, is a vision of what
types of land uses will generate revenue for the City.
Mayor Pena asked if they would be analyzing Council's goals and objectives
from the last update and what has or has not been accomplished to which Ms.
Ashton responded no. They'll be analyzing where the General Plan is now and
how it differs from Council's current vision.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Ashton advised that a joint
meeting will be held with the Planning Commission and Council at the
community workshop.
Council Member Sniff suggested that they meet with Council first, the Planning
Commission second, and then return to Council for final input since it's the
Council that makes the final decision.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Herman confirmed that the
Planning Commission would review the General Plan before it comes to Council
for final adoption and he noted that holding the public forum before both
agencies at the same time would save money.
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City Council Minutes 3 January 27, 1 998
Council Member Henderson agreed with having a joint meeting and then
possibly a follow-up meeting to sort through, and make a decision on those
issues there is agreement on.
Council Member Adolph felt that zoning and land uses should be looked at, but
wasn't prepared to talk specifics at this time.
Ms. Ashton advised that they would like to have Council's input, in broad
terms, on what they like or dislike ab6ut the City.
Council Member Adolph believed some residents would like to slow down the
City's growth to avoid losing the country atmosphere.
Council Member Henderson believed growth would continue as long as the City
has a critical need to increase its tax base with retail and recreation and as long
as people are needed to justify businesses coming here. She felt it's critical for
sorhe type of zoning to be created for light manufacturing, but with a buffer
between the commercial and residential properties.
Mayor Pena felt that residents want to maintain the City's high standard with
high-quality developments and that most of them are satisfied with the way the
City is going. He believed that they're also pleased with the reputation as a
destination resort, golf community and that they wish to preserve the
Council Member Sniff believed the City has done a good job and that minor
modifications is all that is necessary. The focus should be on what Council sees
the City becoming during the next 5-25 years and then we should build
incrementally toward it. He sees La Quinta as a diverse City that is not too
large and he felt it's important for Council to determine what they want it to
look like when it reaches build-out. The City should be geared toward success
and something that people will like.
Council Member Perkins agreed that the City has done a good job and felt it's
unnecessary to do a complete overhaul on something that is working. He
believed many of the issues have already been addressed in the elements and
felt they would have been accomplished if they didn't involve money. He didn't
wish to lose sight of what Council has already decided to do and was looking
for a way to accomplish it.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Ashton confirmed that the
update is mandated by the State and she asked for Council's input regarding
possible annexation areas, such as Bermuda Dunes.
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City Council Minutes 4 January 27,1998
Council Member Sniff noted that there are other directions to look regarding
annexation and Council Member Henderson mentioned extending the City's
sphere of influence toward the Thermal Airport.
The Council presented their goals individually as follows:
1. Fast Tracking Development Proposals He felt the development process
should be fast-tracked and a checklist prepared to help developers get
through the bureaucracy more rapidly. He suggested using an agenda
item, or sub-committee that would report back to Council, for developers
to seek direction on upcoming projects. He noted that the sub-committee
could consist of Council Members on a rotating basis.
Council Member Perkins felt a one-stop desk in City Hall for developers
would help also.
Council Member Henderson preferred the agenda-item idea, believing a sub-
committee to be unnecessary.
Council Member Sniff believed projects are fast-tracked as much as
possible already, but felt if Council was aware of projects ahead of time,
that it might prevent some developers from spending a lot of time going
through the process only to be denied.
Council Member Henderson wished to see the City declared a year-round
community and to see it publicized. Mayor Pena agreed and suggested
Council consider year-round Council meetings as well, instead of going
dark in August.
In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Herman advised that staff provides
direction to developers based on the policies or directions received from
Council andlor the Planning Commission, but sometimes the developers
choose to disregard their recommendations when submitting their
Council Member Sniff felt that some delays are due to the Planning
Commission getting bogged down in excessive redesign of projects.
^"1 City Council Minutes 5 January 27, 1 998
Mayor Pena suggested getting input from developers to find out how they
feel the City could lessen its regulations and Council Member Sniff
suggested a comment form.
Council Member Perkins asked if there was some way for staff to discuss
upcoming projects with Council before they go through the entire
development process to avoid having developers go through the process
expecting approval and then be denied.
Mayor Pena suggested criteria be developed for defining fast-track projects
such as revenue or job generating projects.
Council Member Adolph believed 95% of the developers have good things
to say about staff and he felt that common sense should dictate when
commercial projects should or should not be allowed next to residential
areas. He felt it would help staff if Council worked with them in regard to
making sure that proposed developments are compatible with surrounding
Council Member Sniff suggested extending the radius for public hearing
notices. He also felt developers should do their due diligence with the
surrounding neighborhood before going too far with their project.
Mr. Genovese, City Manager, advised that the issues discussed today would be
brought back at a later meeting for further discussion.
Council concurred on briefly going through each Council Member*s list of ideas
and discussing them further at a later meeting.
2. Public/Private Partnerships Mayor Pena felt that public/private
partnerships should be encouraged to avoid duplication of efforts and that
the County and neighboring cities should know that La Quinta supports
regional approaches whenever appropriate.
3. Charter City lmDacts He suggested listing Charter City Impacts" in staff
reports, when applicable, to find out how being a Charter City affects
potential projects as well as cost savings.
4. Public Relations Take advantage of press releases and newsletter; media
contacts; consider using a consultant for public relations; and, develop a
policy on what major events the City wishes to support.
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City Council Minutes 6 January27, 1998
5. Local Contractors Seek qualifications from local attorneys in various
applications of the law to assist the City Attorney when needed, as well
as qualifications from other contractors.
6. Contracts/Consultants Review the City's contracts and consultants on a
periodic basis to make sure the City is getting the most for its money.
7. Fire Department Add a Fire Department Report to the staff reports.
Council Member Sniff advised that he wished to see resumes for the new
Police Chief and Fire Chief.
8. Suggestion Box Review the suggestion box process and find out if, and
how, the suggestions are being implemented.
Council Member Perkins suggested mailing a survey to residents and asking
them to respond to a list of questions regarding the City's service,
providing a space for comments and/or recommendations.
Mayor Pena felt a phone survey might be effective on a yearly basis.
9. Community Issues Look at community issues such as code enforcement,
traffic flow, and the library. Consider larger signage for the Senior Center
and suggested asking CVWD to paint the water tanks up in the Cove to
blend in with the environment.
10. Economic Development Pursue the issue with GTE on eliminating long
distance within Coachella Valley; attract moderate-priced hotels; look at
possible tourist attractions in The Village; consider a Golf Walk of Fame"
around the Civic Center Campus; and, make sure the City is proceeding
forward with a comprehensive plan on Highway 111.
1. Frontage Cleanup Clean up the frontage area near the trailer park on
Highway 111.
2. CoveMini-Park Designate, and possibly purchase1 a second mini-park site
in the Cove to be constructed at a later date.
3. The Village Reduce the size of The Village; develop Calle Estado as a
prototype street with street lights, curbs/gutters, and possibly a small
plaza; locate the library in The Village; purchase a reasonably-priced
^"1 City Council Minutes 7 January 27, 1 998
building for the Historical Museum; and, begin the process for having a
Golf Hall or Walk) of Fame."
In response to Mayor Pena, Mr. Genovese advised that the street lights on
Calle Estado would be included in the review of the Capital Improvement
4. Miles/Washington Consider developing a master plan, possibly with a
mid-priced hotel, school, and affordable housing, for the p*p*Srty at Miles
Avenue and Washington Street.
5. Movie Theater Seek a developer to construct a movie theater in the City.
6. Civic Center Improvements Move forward with first-phase improvements
to the Civic Center Campus, possibly with an amphitheater.
7. Phase 6 Cove Improvements Complete the Phase 6 Cove Improvements
as soon as possible.
8. Election Change the election date back to coincide with the Congressional
election cycle to receive greater voter turnout.
9. Council Compensation* Consider a modest increase in Council and/or
Redevelopment Agency compensation.
In response to Mayor Pena, Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney, advised that
Council compensation is a local issue and that compensation for either
agency can be revised.
10. Transfer Station Work with the County and neighboring cities to develop
a trash transfer station.
11. Westward Ho Consider sewer and road improvements for the Westward
Ho area.
1 2. Bond Issues Consider refinancing bonds wherever appropriate and use the
savings for Phase 6 Cove improvements and the Westward Ho area.
Council Member Perkins was opposed to building another park in the Cove
before finishing the parks in North La Quinta and advised that he has mixed
emotions about increasing Council compensation.
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City Council Minutes 8 January 27, 1 998
In response to Council Member Perkins, Ms. Honeywell advised that
compensation for the Redevelopment Agency has never been limited and,
now that we're a Charter City, Council compensation is a local concern.
Council Member Perkins felt the Council should be very cautious in
considering an increase in compensation and if the election date is
changed, he supported extending Council Member terms one year instead
of reducing them.
Council Member Sniff advised that he wasn't suggesting that we build
another mini-park at this time, but rather seek' property for later
construction and he noted that he's suggesting only a modest increase in
Council compensation.
Council Member Henderson noted that some of the developers wish to use
Quimby Funds to utilize their retention basins as parks.
1. Registration Index She felt the City should aggressively and actively
support the County in purging the registration index, which will give a
more accurate picture of voter turnout.
Mayor Pena suggested a telephone poll to encourage residents to return
the cards.
Council Member Perkins questioned the value of using postcards to verify
registration, noting that the Registrar's Office won't know that people have
moved if the house is vacant or if the new tenants fail to return the cards.
2. Street/Sewer Improvements Consider solutions such as bonds, to move
forward with the Phase 6 Cove improvements and Westward Ho area.
3. Economic Development Continue with the adopted Economic
Development Plan, seeking a mid-priced hotel and theater.
4. General Plan Update Consider modifications to the General Plan and
appoint members of the community to serve on a General Plan Update
5. Sphere of Influence Expand the City's sphere of influence to the
southeast to encompass the Thermal Airport.
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City Council Minutes 9 January 27, 1 998
6. Local Concerns Focus on local concerns such as: traffic right and left-
turns), sound walls, storm drains, and gentle" code enforcement of trash
7. Transfer Station Enter discussions with the Cabazon Band of Mission
Indians regarding their proposed, trash-transfer station.
8. Development of Cove Oasis/Lake Cahuilla Trail Develop the oasis area at
the top of the Cove, possibly into a mini-park, i* conjunction with a usable
trail system to Lake Cahuilla.
9. Multi-Use Library Focus during the next year and a half on developing a
multi-use library at the La Quinta High School, prior to constructing a City
library, possibly on the Civic Center Campus.
10. Council Representation & Reports Establish a policy for Council Members
and other appointees, to report back to Council on activities of JPA's,
commissions, and committees.
11. Joint Meetings Set an annual date for joint meetings with the Planning
1 2 The Village Explore the possibility of The Village becoming a
transportation-exchange hub for existing attractions in the valley. She felt
that drawing people into the area for such a service could result in other
needed services such as restaurants and shops.
1 3. Imperial Irrigation JPA Stay informed of lID's plan to develop a JPA and
provide input.
Mayor Pena noted that the City Attorney is looking at how the City can
participate in the deregulation of electrical service.
He advised that many of his goals have already been mentioned and noted that
the goals would have to be prioritized because of insufficient funds to
accomplish them all.
1. The Village Use the Infrastructure Fund to get something done in The
Village and install lighting on Calle Estado with sufficient wattage to
provide outlets for the street fair.
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City Council Minutes 10 January 27, 1 998
2. Hi9hwav 111 Image Monitor development along Highway 111 to make
sure that the standards set for landscaping, lighting, etc., are being met.
3. Emergency Fund and Bonds Increase the emergency fund and work on
refinancing bonds.
4. Commercial Marketing Continue marketing viable commercial facilities,
especially a moderate-income-type hotel.
5. Schools Secure a site in North La Quinta for a grade and middle school
and work on implementation with the school district.
6. Cove Improvements Strive to complete the street improvements in the
7. Library Seriously plan for a library on the Civic Center Campus.
8. Annexation Consider annexing the west side of Washington Street north
of Highway 111.
He advised that he agreed with most everything that's been mentioned, but
questioned using an ad hoc committee to review the General Plan because he
felt the staff, Planning Commission, and City Council have that responsibility,
and he wasn t sure about using the high school library in development of the
library system. The only other goal he suggested Council consider was locating
a fire station on the north side of Highway 111, possibly including it on land in
one of the future developments.
Mayor Pena stated that he wished to see staff's goals as well.
Council Member Sniff suggested staff combine Council's goals where
appropriate and bring them back on February 1 7th for Council to prioritize.
Mrs. Juhola, City Clerk, presented a brief summary of some election issues,
advising that changing the term of the Mayor or making it an appointed position,
would require placing it on the ballot for voter approval and could be done in
November at an approximate cost of $13,000. In regard to purging the
registration rolls, she advised that a second purge will be done in April during
^"1 City Council Minutes 11 January 27, 1998
the Congressional election. If Council wishes, volunteers can be used to
conduct a telephone poll, as suggested, to encourage residents to return the
postcards. She noted that the latest certified registration figure is 9,376. A
decision to change the election date must be made by February 1 999 and, if the
date is changed, the City will lose its discount for realigning the election which
will result in an increased election cost of at least 10%.
Council Member Henderson wished to postpone making a decision on the other
issues until a report on the purging of the registration rolls is received.
Council Member Sniff felt it's imperative to change the City's election date to
coincide with the national election, noting that there's been a significant loss in
voter turnout since it was offset. He advised that he supports extending
Council Member terms one year to coincide with the national election.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Honeywell, City Attorney,
advised that she believed changing the Mayor position to an appointed position
would require voter approval, even as a Charter City, but will research it further.
Council Member Sniff preferred leaving it as an elected position, noting that it
was overwhelmingly approved by the voters.
Council Member Perkins felt Council Members should resign their seats on the
Council if they decide to run for Mayor.
Council Member Henderson felt the City's population has changed a lot and was
willing to put the issue before the people again for a vote.
Mayor Pena suggested a survey to find out how people feel before spending
money to place the issue on the ballot.
Council Member Perkins believed some of the residents want the position
rotated amongst the Council.
* Council Member Henderson noted that the Council is left with a vacancy when
a Council Member moves up to the Mayor position and she felt that Council
owes it to the community to address how that vacancy will be filled in such
Council Member Sniff noted that the Council can't bind a future Council.
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City Council Minutes 12 January 2?, 1 998
Council recessed to and until the hour of 5:30 p.m. to a Joint Session with the Desert
Sands Unified School District in the District's Administration Offices for the purpose
of reviewing the District*s Facilities Master Plan, a copy of which is on file in the City
Clerk's Office. All Council Members were present.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respec*ully submitted,
City of La auinta, California