1988 01 19 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MI?WTES JANUARY 19, 1988 Regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 7:30 P.M., Mayor Hoyle presiding. Pledge of Allegiance followed. PRESENT: Council Members Bohnenberger, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle ABSENT: Council Member Cox MOTION It was moved by Councilman Bohnenberger, seconded by Councilman Pena that Councilwoman Cox be excused. Motion carried unanimously. CONFIRMATION OF A AGENDA City Manager, Mr. Kiedrowski advised that with regard to Item No. 3, there has been a request that it be carried over due to the property owner having had an accident. Council concurred on carrying GPA No. 86-016 over to the first meeting in March. Mayor Hoyle asked that Item No. 11 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Councilman Sniff asked if the new demand register had only one change and Mr. Kiedrowski stated yes. PUBLIC CO?ENT JACQUES ABELS, P.O. Box 1416, La Quinta, addressed the Council on the matter of the La Quinta Jazz Festival advising that they have not yet reserved the park and will be required to adhere to all guidelines. JOHN DELLA, 265 No. Saturmino Dr., Palm Springs, advised that he has been trying to get a structure built on Calle Estado and has run into a problem over a fire hydrant, which the Fire Marshall told him has to be H?ved by him. There are two fire hydrants about 50? apart. He was first told that he had to move it in three feet at a cost of $3,000. Then he was told it must be moved ten feet at a cost of $10,000. He felt that this in unfair, as the hydrant serves more than just his proposed building. Mr. Kiedrowski advised that he would check into it. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 city Council Minutes Page 2 January 19, 1986 ANN YOUNG, President of La Quinta Cove Association, P.O. Box 1384, La Quinta, read a letter in which the Association challenged the decision of the City Council on January 5, 1986 concerning installation of a traffic signal at Eisenhower and Coachella. They believe this action to be in violation of the Brown Act. Mr. Brandt, City Attorney, advised that he will report back to the City Council on the legality. If necessary, it can be placed on a future agenda for action. DAVID GRIFFITH, 53-120 Avenida Juarez, addressed the Council regarding code enforcement procedures and an individual employed by the City. He believed he is being hassled because of doing auto mechanic work on his property. He stated that he is not conducting a business. He doesn't use the money to ftLake payments, but may use the money received for entertainment type purposes. He works full time as a mechanic at nights and does mechanic work during the day as a hobby. He advised that he has a list of contacts made with the Code Enforcement Officer. Councilman Bohnenberger suggested that the Council have a Closed Session prior to adjournment to discuss personnel issues and asked staff to report back on the issue of conducting a business from his home. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 52-960 Carranza, stated that Mr. Griffith has been a good neighbor and has diagnosed his vehicle for a co'?ple six packs of cokes. COMMENT BY CO?CIL MMBERS PUBLIC MERE??GS 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON VILLAGE SPECIFIC PLAN. Mr. Crump, Planning Director, presented an overview of the histofl of the village Plan advising that when the General Plan was adopted in November 1965, it contained a unique coi??nercial designation for La Quinta's historic area. The village Commercial classification was intend? to stimulate development of specialty corrEnercial, eating and drinkin; establishments and a wide variety of retail convenience facilities. The Village at La Quinta was invisioned to be *`. an urban village where pedestrians can BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 city Council Ninutes Page 3 January 19, 1968 enjoy a 5pecial place." From that, came the direction to 9? prepare a village Specific Plan Mr. Crump then reviewed the meetings and hearings that have been conducted on the Specific Plan thus far. The Planning Coninission concluded their review on November 24, 1987 with a public hearing. That hearing resulted in items being identified which they wished to highlight and underscore as important concepts, areas that might be appropriate for further evaluation; and particular changes or additions to the draft to recommend to the Council. These are all delineated in staff's report on file in the City Clerk's office. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. LAUR?N LEWIS, P.O. Box 1464, La Quinta, Chairman of the Board of Bank of the Desert favored the Specific Pla? stating that it's a must if La Quinta is going to grow and prosper. He believed that the City is going to have to be prepared to use their powers of eminent domain if the goal of the plan is effected due to lot sizes. BOB MONROE, 4S-750 Avenida Elnido, shared Mr. Lewis' comments. He also suggested the possibility of an assessment district in which developers could be assessed for the cost of providing off-site parking as a mitigation factor so that they will be permitted a higher density on their development. He agreed with using eminent domain so that a developer can acquire enough parcels to make developrment that's worthwhile. JOHN DE?LA, 265 No. Saturmino Dr., Palm Springs, stated that he agrees with the two previous speakers conveying his own situation in trying to develop a parcel. JOHN CRISTE, 275 No. El Cielo, Palm Springs, representing Ed Nicholson, have reviewed the proposed plan carefully and totally support it and hoped that the City Council will expedite implementation of it. The Mayor declared the public hearing CLOSED. Councilman Pena supported and endorsed the village Specific Plan. He felt that it is well layed Out. The problerr is going tc be implementation and suggested an ad hoc O?1ttee to discuss some of the concerns like eminent do?nain and parking problems. Counciil????n Bohnenberger endorsed the plan and felt that Susan Fox did an outstanding job. He would like to see us extend the street treatment planned for Estado and La Fonda?a to the other streets as it would help to tie the village together. He agreed that there is going to be a BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 City Council Minutes Page 4 January 19, 1988 implementation problem and that it's going to take a co?itment from the City as to funds, a illingness to condemn land and require the City to take a lead role to see that it happens. He believed that it's going to set this City apart from any place else. Councilman Sniff stated that he is interested in seeing the Village area move forward. However, he felt that some things should be discussed, such as is thisplan going to work; is it going to promote diversified activity in the Village; is it practical; will it force prices of leases and rents to increase to a point of being prohibitive; it is really unique and sufficiently different; will it serve the local residents; who's going to pay for the infrastructure; who and how to pay for the marketing program? Councilman Pena felt that all of these questions have been addressed at one time or another. He felt that the real question is who's going to pay for the infrastructure? Staff is going to have be creative in finding ways to work with people. SUSAN FOX, representing Smith, Peroni & Fox in Palm Springs, consultant on the Plan, felt that all the questions posed are valid, but she did not believe the Plan to be terribly bold and ambitiouS in comparison with other plans she's worked on. There is no recommendation for wholesale removal of buildings; construction of new streets or relocation of people. Rather it works with existing fabric. She is in the process of preparing detailed estimate of costs. Regarding eminent do?r?ain, the plan does not propose it, but the City needs to be prepared to use it. The plan does propose the investigation of a central parking core which would require a district to be formed. Councilman Pena asked 1?rs. Fox' opinion on forming an ad hoc committee. She felt the idea has merit. Councilman Bohnenberger saw this plan as being very viable and having every potential to succeed with the City's assistance. He stat? that the city committed themselves to the infrastructure when the Council instructed staff to proceed with formation of a new Redevelopment Project Area to reconstruct the infrastructure in the entire cove area. Regarding the cou?ment about uniqueness he felt that it goes beyond the spanis? architecture La Quinta has a uniquely beautiful setting that doesn't exist any place else in the valley. The Village itself is unique in size and layout it's very conducive to a pedestrian type layout. He believed that this p?a.-. is absolutely the right thing which will stimulate a boon in this valley. the building of convention centers are going to bring people to the valley that are going to be interested in site seeing. He fully endorsed the plan. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 City Council Ninutes Page 5 January 19, 1988 Mayor Hoyle stated that the Council has looked at many of the questions posed over and over and now it's time to rnove on with it. Councilman Sniff stated that he supports the Plan, but felt that the questions posed needed to be addressed. NOTION It was moved by Councilman Sniff, seconded by Councilman Bohnenberger that this matter be continued to the first meeting in February for adoption by a full Council. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-9. 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON AMENDMENT To WASHINGTON STREET SPECIFIC PLAN. Mr. Crump advised that on March 4, 1986, the Council adopted Specific Plar? 86-007, a programmed improvement plan for the Washington Street corridor. The plan provided for the realignment of Washington immediately south of Eisenhower. Due to problems related to acquisition and development responsibilities for the property between the existing and straightened alignments, as well as arguments that the existing alignment may be safer than that proposed, an amendment to the Specific Plan to retain the existing curved alignment was initiated. That amendment is presented at this time for adoption. Councilman Bohnenberger as if it is left in its' current alignment, when we do expand it down through its curved section isn't it logical to assume that most of the expansion will occur to the east rather than to the west, given the existing constraints there. Mr. Crump stated that is correct we wouldn't go beyond the western curve line, so we would adjust the curve and the area we would be acquiring the parcels would be on the east side. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. CHRIS HAENEL??'EL, 49-475 Montero, addressed the Council objecting to the proposed amendment. It will result in the situation as exists at Plaza La Quinta, which is not desirable. He felt that the more open space we have the better. He understood that the primary reason for this amendment is cost. There being nc one else wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. Mr. Kiedrowski responded to concerns expressed detailing the reasons for the amendment and advising that the safety issues will be designed into the plan. He hoped to have an BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 City Council Minutes Page 6 January 19, 1988 item on the next agenda for authorization to go to bid for the widening of Washington Street from Avenue 50 northerly. RESOLUTION NO. 88-3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS CONFIRMING THE RNVIRoNME?AL ASSESSMENT AND APPROVING THE WASHINGTON SThEET CORRIDOR SPECIFIC PLAN, AEENDMENT *2, To RETAIN A PORTION OF WASHINGTON STREET'S EXISTING ALIGNMENT SOUTH OF EISENHOWER DRIVE. It was moved by Councilman ohnenberger, seconded by Councilman Sniff that Resolution No. 88-3 be adopted. Mayor Hoyle stated that he was not sure about the proposed amendment and favored more study. Therefore, his vote would reflect his feelings. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Bohnenberger, Pena, Sniff NOES: Mayor Hoyle ABSENT: Councilwoman Cox 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON WEED ABATEME?ILOT CLEANING ASSESSMENTS FOR PLACEMENT ON l?88/89 PROPERTY TAX ROLL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 773-324-002. Mr. Hirdler, C?unity Safety Director recommended that the Council adopt a resolution placing the cost of cleaning Assessor's Parcel No. 773-324-002 in the amount of $230.83 on the tax rolls. The Mayor declared the public hearing OPEN. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was CLOSED. Councilman Bohnenberger commented that staff has done a good job in cleaning lots in the cove. RESOLUTION NO. 88-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF LA QUINTA ASSESSING LIEN AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON TAX ROLLS ON CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR COSTS OF ABA?? OF PUBLIC NUISANCE. It was moved by Councilman Bohnenberger, seconded by Councilman Sniff that Resolution No. 68-3 be adopted. Passed on the following vote: AYES: Council Members, Bohnenberger, Pena, Sniff, Mayor Hoyle NOES: None ABSENT: Council? Cox BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 City Council Minutes Page 7 January 19, 1988 WRITTEN COMMuNICATIONS a. Letter from Carol Graham regarding code enforcement. Council noted that they have received a copy of this letter and have read it. In answer to questions by Council, Mr. Kiedrowski advised that Mrs. Graham received a notice of nuisance, but has not been cited. He noted that when her letter was received in response to the notice, he referred it to Code Enforcement for response. Council also has that response in their packets. Mrs. Graham questioned how this matter is going to be resolved. Mayor Hoyle advised that there is going to be a Closed Session following this meeting to discuss personnel matters, in which some of her concerns will be addressed. He will correspond with her following Council discussion. Mr. Kiedrowski questioned Council directive with regard to the code violations. He suggested a Council committee to review the points involved. In answer to questions by Council, Mr. Hirdler advised that there has been some progress on the part of the property owner in cleaning the lot. Councilman Bohnenberger stated that there appears to be two issues here one a personnel matter and a possible code violation. He suggested that Mr. Hirdler take another look at the property and talk to Mrs. Graham and report back at the next meeting. If it ends up being a matter of interpretation, then he favored the idea of a couple members of the City Council taking a look at it and report back. Council concurred in instructing Mr. Hirdler to take another look at the property and take photos and report back in two weeks and determine if it is a matter of interpretation. b. Letter from Violet Dodge regarding various issues. Noted and filed. Councilman Sniff suggested that Ms. Denise Vasguez be asked to report or. her trip during the holidays to the far east. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 City Council Minutes Page 8 January 19, 1988 BUSINESS SESSION 4. CONTINUED CONSID?RATION OF GENERAL PLAN AME? NO. 86-016 MEISTERLIN. Continued to first meeting in March. 5. CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL PLAN RE-STUDY AMENDMENT RELATED To USE AND INTENSITY ISSUES IN THE CITY. Kr. Crump noted that on January 5, 1988, the Council continued the matter of Change of Zone 87-026 to April 5, l9S8. Action on this issue gave rise to a number of land use issues which the Council desired to explore further before taking final action. There were references to the amount of high density residential property designated in the General Plan and the appropriateness of its location. Remarks from both staff and Council indicated that certain aspects of the land use planning picture had changed since the General Plan was adopted in November 19S5. Therefore, the Council believed that a General Plan re-study-amendment process should be initiated in order to answer these concerns. Councilman Pena suggested that an amendment be initiated to address all all multi-family density residential allocations Mediwn and High Density) in the area north of Avenue 50 to the northerly City boundary which will take in the Highway 111 corridor. He also suggested some analysis regarding existing land uses surrounding these areas in other jurisdictions. Councilman Bohnenberger noted that there is some medium density residential behind the Hotel the tennis villas and asked if this was placed back on the General Plan, what affect will it have on development of the tennis villas. Mr. Brandt, City Attorney, advised that it will have no affect. Councilman Bohnenberger questioned whether or not medium density needs to be included in this restudy, as the concerns seem to be with high density and mixed use cormrercial. He suggested a joint meeting with the City of India to discuss possible options we might have in that area ta retain the existing character of the area. P?r. Kiedrowski corrvnented that the concern appears to be apartment rentals, which could come under the mediwr density designation which is why it was put in. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 City Council Minutes Page 9 January 19, 1988 Councilman Bohnenberger asked if there are any other projects pending in this area that could be influenced by this General Plan Amendment besides and Anna hassell. Mr. Crump advised that those are the only ones. Councilman Sniff stated that he would like to look at both medium density and high density city-wide. He didn't like isolating an area it should be comprehensive. He agreed that we should find out what other cities around us are planning. NOTION It was moved by Councilman Sniff, seconded by Mayor Hoyle that a General Plan Amendment be initiated cycle One of 1986) to address all multi-family density residential allocations medium and high density), city-wide which takes in the mixed use co?ercial Option 3 c) in staff report). Councilman Bohnenberger asked for clarification that this action will not block any approved plans on the books. Mr. Brandt advised that it will not. Mr. Crump advised that this re-study amendment will take between four and six months. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-10. 6. CONSIDERATION OF CIVIC CENTER DESIGN CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS AND BUDGET. Mr. Crump reviewed the procedure outlined in staff's report for the selection of a consultant for the civic center design. The process calls for a consultant to begin work in May, 1988. Staff recommended that the Council authorize staff to proceed with the Civic Center Master Plan consultant selection process. Funds for this activity were not contemplated in the 1987/88 budget; therefore, staff further recommended that the City Council authorize the transfer of $20,000 from account number 1-4400-100-000 Unappropriated Contingencies) to account number l-4804-lll-000 Civic Center), to cover costs which may occur in the balance of this fiscal year. MOTION It was moved by Councilman Pena, seconded by Councilman Bohnenberger, that staff recommendations be approved. Motion carri? ur?nimously. MI?JTE ORDER N?. 88-li. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 City Council Minutes Page 10 January 19, 1988 CONSENT CALENDAR 7. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER To EXECUTE TITLE Ill-B AGREEMENT FOR 1987-88 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZATION FOR FINANCE DIRECTOR TO DRAW-DOWN FUNDS. 8. APPROVAL OF BUDGET INCREASE FOR DRAINAGE RELIEF LINE AT HIGHWAY 111 AND WASHINGTON STREET. 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 5, 1988. 10. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER. 12. APPROVAL OF WAIVER OF FEES FOR LA QUINTA ARTS FESTIVAL. MOTION It was moved by Councilman Bohnenberger, seconded by Councilman Pena that Consent Items 7 through 12 be approved as recommended with Item No. 7 and 10 being approved by Resolution No. 88-5 & 88-6 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-12. 11. ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION OF STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ALONG AVENUE 58. MOTION It was moved by Councilman Sniff, seconded by Councilman Bohnenberger that Item 11 be approved as recommended. Motion carried with Mayor Hoyle abstaining. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-13. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE REPORTS OTHER BUSINESS ITEMS a. DISCUSSION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW PROCESS. Mr. Crump advised that the new zoning ordinance will be in a policy refinement and language-drafting phase between now and the end of May. A number of issues and subjects will be presented to the Planning Commission in study session for exploration. One issue to be resolved early because it relates to, and sets the tone for, many other components of the new zoning ordinance) is whether to institute a formal advisory) design review process. Design review is the pre-approval technical review of proposed development plans and a report and recommendations with regard to many design issues ou1d be reviewed and judged as they relate to general design standards in the zoning ordinance and Specific plans. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 City Council Ninutes Page 11 January 19, 1988 Kr. Crump advised that the Planning Commission has recommended that a Design Review Board be included in the draft of the new zoning ordinance. In answer to questions by Council, Mr. Crump advised that this would not add processing time to an application. One of the reasons for such a board is that we would be augmenting staff with professionals in various fields on a volunteer basis. It would consists of 4 or SCouncil appointees. NOTION It was moved by Councilman Bohnenberger, seconded by Councilman Pena that a Design Review Board be included in the draft of the zoning ordinance. Motion carried with Mayor Hoyle voting NO. MINUTE ORDER NO. 88-14. b. DEPARTM?TAL REPORTS. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER. Mr. Bradshaw referred to the village Specific Plan and the suggestion that there be an ad hoc committee established. He suggested that if this is done, that it be made up of people who are experts in their field and not just from La Quinta, but from the entire Coachella valley. We have some tremendous expertise in this Valley. We could get tens of thousands of dollars worth of expertise on a committee. He also addressed the matter of the Jazz Festival advising that they are in the process of working with the Recreation District. Regarding the Video Tape, there were three responses which were in the $10,000 range. He's in the process of interviewing these firms. Councilman Bohnenberger felt that the suggestion for the implementation committee for the village Specific Plan is excellent and suggested that he prepare a memo to the Council for the next meeting as to his suggestions for the makeup of it. Councilman Pena stated that his idea of a committee was more localized in helping the first project get started and make sure that interaction between the City and developer are on track, but perhaps they can be dove-tailed. FINANCE DIRECTOR Councilman Bohnenberger questiofleA whe-.. mid-year budget review is going to be held. Council concurred on 2:00 P.M. February 1st. BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02 City Council Minutes Page 12 January l9,?1988 PUBLIC WORKS In answer to Council, Mr. Kiedrowski advised that staf f?s plans for upgrading the street markers in the Cove proceed unless. Council directs differently. Councilman Sniff stated that he would like to see a list and ranking of intersections that have a traffic accident history so that patrol can be concentrated on these areas. Mr. Kiedrowski stated that staff plans to commence a project like this and keep it up-dated as soon as the Department is fully staffed. Councilman Pena felt that the motion made at the last meeting regarding the traffic signal at Eisenhower and Coachella needs to be clarified. He understood that the signal was not approved, but rather indicated an intent to commit funds from next years budget. Mr. Kiedrowski stated that prior to the Engineer expending any funds on this project, Council approval would be necessary, according to his interpretation of the motion. Councilman Bohnenberger stated that it was conditional upon the property owners association approving one half of the funds. Councilman Pena asked for an up-date on the effect the lane delineators and beacons have had at that intersection. Mayor Hoyle stated that his interpretation was that a signal had been approved with funds from next year's budget. Councilman ohnenberger stated that his interpretation was that we would proceed and budget the funds for inclusion in next years budget for the installation of a signal if the property owners agree to pay one half. Council adjourned to Closed Session at 10:25 P.M. to discuss personnel matters; possible litigation and possible land acquisition. Council reconvened to regular session without taking actio-... There being no further business, the meeting was adjourn?. Respectfully submitted, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California BIB] 02-23-96-U01 10:35:50AM-U01 CCMIN-U02 01-U02 19-U02 1988-U02